View the current Calendar of Events at 

Sunday Morning Adult Educa on 9:50‐10‐35 in the Fellowship Hall TODAY: Acts Bible Study continues
Nov 16 and 23: Demystifying Alzheimer’s: Director of Education and Outreach of The Alzheimer’s Association will be with
us for a two-week series to present the basics of the disease and
offer resources for caregivers. You are invited to come with
questions for our expert as she helps us to better understand this
complicated disease and how to care for our loved ones experiencing it.
Discovering God’s Blessings: A Year of Deep Listening Name one thing you are specifically thankful for about the community you live in. In this season of Thanksgiving we
invite you to write a short note about
one specific thing you are thankful
for about your community and post it on our Facebook page,
email it to the office, or write it on the blue slip in the Sunday
bulletin. We want to hear what you cherish most about the place
you live, work, or play.
Photo Contest
We invite you to post a photo of what you are thankful for in
our community to our Facebook page or email us a copy. You
can use your camera, cell phone, or even draw us a picture.
How you capture the object or tell a story of what impacts your
life is what were are looking for. We will collect submissions
all month and print one winning picture in next month’s news-
A Thanksgiving “Splash Together” We are blessed to have so many young children in our congregation and we would like to invite children 3 and under along
with their parents to a special Thanksgiving Splash Together on
Sunday, November 16, from 9:45 to 10:40 in the Nursery. Parents and children will enjoy a Thanksgiving story, songs,
craft and play time. If you have any questions please contact
Tiphanie at 952-935-1753 or
View the current Calendar of Events at Sunday, 09 November
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM Combined Choirs rehearsal
Adult Education
Kindergarten Stepping
Stones event
Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
11:00 AM Hymnus rehearsal at
Hennepin Methodist
12:00 PM Executive Team
4:00 PM People Serving People
4:30 PM GLC Talent Show
Monday, 10 November
9:00 AM Fitness Group
Lefse making
11:00 AM Dinner at Your Door
12:00 PM Dorcas Circle
6:00 PM Cub Scouts
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
Cub Scouts
7:00 PM Rebekah Circle
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Tuesday, 11 November
10:00 AM Music Together
11:00 AM CIP Cooking Class
11:00 AM Dinner at Your Door
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
3:00 PM Layette Group
6:00 PM Council Dinner & Meeting
7:00 PM ACME Jazz rehearsal
6:30 PM Men's Bible Study
Wednesday, 12 November
9:00 AM Quilting
9:30 AM Master Builder's Bible
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
5:30 PM Youth Bells
YOUth Choir
6:00 PM Children's Choir
6:30 PM Confirmation
WoW: Worship on
7:00 PM Contemporary Band
Combined Sr. Choir, VOP
and Youth Choirs
Thursday, 13 November
8:00 AM Men's Bible Study
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
2:00 PM Program staff
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Telecare
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
Friday, 14 November
4:30-8 PM Scandinavian Fair
7:00 PM Theology on Tap
Saturday, 15 November
10 AM-2 PM Scandinavian Fair
2:00 PM Hymnus rehearsal
Sunday, 16 November
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:30 AM "House" worship field trip
9:45 AM Adult Education
Sunday School
Splash Together
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
4:00 PM People Serving People
7:00 PM Hymnus Angelicus Concert
Scrip orders submi ed today You can support our youth ministries simply by doing your
normal shopping! Buy gift cards through Scrip and a portion
comes back to Gethsemane at no extra cost to you. Look for
Betty Rasmussen outside today or contact her at or 952.949.8907.
Hopkins, MN
Week of November 9, 2014
GLC Talent Show Youth Fundraiser TODAY Our Talent Show is TODAY at 4:30 pm at Eisenhower Community Center. We usually end up with close to a hundred GLC
members lending their talents to the cause. We hope YOU will
be there to enjoy it and to help us raise money for next summer’s youth trips. The show runs about 90 minutes. Suggested
donation is at least $6 per person or $25 per household.
Scandinavian Fair this Friday and Saturday Our annual Scandinavian Fair is this Friday, November 14 from
4:30-8 PM and Saturday, November 15 from 10 AM – 2 PM. A
Swedish meatball supper is served Friday from 5:00-7:00 PM.
On Saturday, sandwiches and soup will be served at lunch time,
and Drawings and a Silent Auction will end the day. Both days
feature shopping at the Import Shop, Bakery, Sweet Shop,
Nearly New Shop and Handcraft Boutique. All proceeds from
the fair support local and global ministries.
Hymnus Angelicus Concert Nov 16 The Fauré Requim, and choral works for double choir will be
presented by Hymnus Angelicus, Paul McKenzie, director, and
the Chamber Choir of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist
Church, William Mathis, director, on Sunday, Nov 16 at 7 PM
at Gethsemane.
We are excited to combine the efforts of two fine chamber
choirs for this very special evening of double choir music. Featured will be a Moravian anthem for soloist, duet, double choir
and orchestra, a capella movements of The Peaceable Kingdom
by Randall Thompson, and finishing with much-loved Fauré
Requiem with a new “quartet” instrumentation. Free-will offer-
Welcome to Gethsemane  If you are visiting today and looking for a new church
home we invite you to pick up a Visitor Packet in the
gathering space.
 Elevators are located by the north and south
 Large Print Bulletins & Hearing Enhancement
Units for use during worship are available from the
 The Nursery is available during worship. Changing
stations are in the nursery and downstairs restrooms.
 We invite you to sign in and include your Prayer
Concerns on the blue sheet in your bulletin and
place them in the offering plate. Concerns are kept
confidential if requested.
Special Music Next Sunday Next Sunday, Nov 16 the combined choirs and orchestra will
present Jesu, Joyous Treasure by Telemann at the 10:45 service. Bring a friend.
Support Our Community Thanksgiving Dinner We’ll once again be opening our doors on Thanksgiving Day at
1 pm to serve a free, turkey-and-all-the-trimmings buffet. Everyone is invited - community, GLC members, friends, individuals, families of all ages and sizes.
This is the 18th year for this delicious, festive holiday meal and
the Social Ministry team again needs the support of many in
order to make it a success. We expect to again serve a capacity
crowd of 225. There are still LOTS of open spots for food donations. Among the needs are stuffing, vegetables, potatoes, pies,
plus 9 turkeys are available to roast!
Sign up today please. For volunteering to provide food items,
roast a turkey or help in some way at the dinner, please stop by
the sign-up areas after worship. To make a reservation to attend
the dinner, you can use the back of the blue slip in your bulletin
or phone the church office during business hours.
La Na vidad ‐ The Christmas Story La Natividad is a unique event that honors the Mexican tradition
of La Posada, in a collaboration between St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church and In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater.
Audience members move with the actors as we process with
Mary & Joseph as they seek Posada, or shelter. The familyfriendly production is a combination of street theater, giant puppets and masked figures, musicians and choir.
On November 18 at 7 pm everyone is invited to “A Visit with
William Kent Krueger.” The best-selling local author will focus
on his novel Ordinary Grace. This special event is open to men,
women, neighbors and friends. Invite others to join you. Book
signing and sale will follow.
We will be purchasing discounted group tickets for the performance on Saturday, December 20, at 6:30 PM beginning at In
the Heart of the Beast Theater. A carpool will leave from GLC
at 5:45 PM. Dress for the weather and plan to do some walking.
Tickets are $16 each. Sign up on the blue sheet in your bulletin
or contact Amy in the church office by November 27 if you
plan to attend and we will reserve a ticket for you. For more
information or to purchase tickets for a different date, visit
Theology on Tap ‐ or Meatballs ‐ Nov 14 Dona ons accepted for Ebola crisis The second-Friday night Theology on Tap group will be meeting over meatballs at the Scandinavian Fair this month. We’ll
meet from 7-8 PM. Come early to get your meal or later to
simply debate.
Lutheran World Relief is working with local partners in West
Africa to address the Ebola crisis. If you would like to contribute toward this effort, you can make a donation using the pew
envelopes. Write your check to Gethsemane, and indicate
“Lutheran World Relief” on the memo line.
Author comes to Gethsemane Community Movie Night The Lego Movie (PG) on the big screen! November 21 at 6:30 PM
FREE - All are welcome.
Gethsemane Orchestra Instrumentalists in grades 7-adult are invited to participate. On
Sunday, November 23 we will rehearse at 10:00 am and then
play for the 10:45 service that same day. Let Paul McKenzie
know by noon on Monday, Nov 17 if you are interested in playing. Music can be picked up at noon on Wednesday, Nov 19
outside of Paul’s office. Questions contact Paul at 952-9351753 x113 or
Advent Candle Ligh ng We are again asking for people to participate in this timehonored tradition of marking the weeks of Advent in our worship services. If you and a loved one would like to serve as one
of our weekly Advent candle lighters sign up on the blue sheet
in your bulletin or contact Pr. John at or
952-935-1753. The first Sunday of Advent is November 30.
New Pictorial Directory coming soon! As we come into our 125th year it is once again time for a new
church directory. We can use your help in making this project a
success. Throughout the process we will need volunteers to promote, host photography sessions, and contribute to the design of
the book. If you are interested please contact Mark in the church
Each individual or family photographed will receive a FREE
8x10 print with the option to purchase additional prints, so this
is a great opportunity to pose for your updated family portrait
alongside your church family. Photo sessions will be in January,
so stay tuned for more details!
Remember Gethsemane Memorial Foundation in your will or estate planning.