PENNIES FOR HUNGER OFFERING is received TODAY during the conversation with children and every second Sunday of the month. It benefits the hunger relief initiatives (local, national and international) of Salem Presbytery. Starmount’s Egg Farm in the Congo is one of the recipients of this offering. NO SHAVE NOVEMBER for Prostate and Testicular cancer awareness. Starmount’s pastoral staff will be letting their beards grow this month to call attention to men’s health issues. There will be special men’s health inserts in the bulletin each week. This complements Starmount’s successful October “pink out” when clergy wore pink stoles in honor of breast cancer awareness. SUNDAY SCHOOL: The “Video Café,” “Friendship” and “Wired Word” classes are available for adults from 9-9:45. “Very Important Presbyterians” (K-4th grade), Middle School (5th-8th grade), and High School (9th-12th grade) also meet from 9-9:45. Preschool Sunday School (3-4 year olds) and Children’s Sunday School (K-4th grade) meet following the Children’s Conversation during worship. STARMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH (SPY!) Today at 5:30 p.m. Middle School students will head to the long awaited Corn Maze. Bring $12 for dinner and the Corn Maze. The Senior High students will buy and put together the care packages for our students in college. Bring $5 for dinner. See everyone at 5:30 p.m. ONE CHURCH, ONE BOOK: Starmount’s bi-monthly book discussion meets this Wednesday, November 12, noon, in the parlor. Copies of The Sandcastle Girls are available in the Gathering Space and Church Library. 2014 ALL CHURCH RETREAT: Join Starmount members and friends of all ages for a weekend retreat November 14-16. Get away from the daily grind, enjoy God’s beauty and grow in faith together as we explore “Oh, the Places You’ll Go with God.” Pastor Kathryn, the Fellowship, and Faith Formation committee will be facilitating the weekend. See more details in the November Star Press. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD BOXES DUE NOVEMBER 16TH: It's time to pack some shoe boxes and make a commitment to preparing “Christmas in a Box” for a hopeful child. Stop by the Operation Christmas Child table for details. EBOLA FUND DONATIONS SOUGHT Help the PC(USA) bring relief and hope to the African nations suffering from the Ebola outbreak. Give to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Mark your check “Ebola Response.” Starmount’s mission committee has issued a challenge to the congregation. They will match dollar for dollar up to $1,000 for all donations received by November 16. JUST LUNCH is a monthly Starmount fellowship opportunity after worship on the third Sunday. It’s folks gathering together to eat lunch and share conversation. Please join us at November 16, 11:15 a.m. at Ham’s Restaurant on New Garden Road. Frank and Peggy Smith will be hosting. STARMOUNT MEN’S “How are they hanging?” BREAKFAST is set for Saturday, November 22, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Men are invited to meet in the Fellowship Hall for breakfast. After breakfast the men will help hang Starmount’s lighted Christmas tree balls. ATTENTION ONLINE GIVERS! Starmount’s online giving payment service has changed. PLEASE NOTE that the online giving login screen looks a little different, so you’ll need to re-enter account information the first time you use the new service. Watch for added options with this new merchant service, including access from your mobile device. (If you already have the Church Life app, just sign out and sign in again to access this new option. If you don't have the app, download it today and give it a try!) THIS WEEK AT STARMOUNT SUNDAY, November 9 9:00 a.m. Sunday School VIPs & Childcare 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:15-11:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Catered Stewardship Lunch (reservation required) - Fellowship Hall 7:15 p.m. Faith Formation Committee, room 319 MONDAY, November 10 10:30 a.m. Sarah Circle, parlor TUESDAY, November 11 9:00 a.m. Administrative Committee, room 414 10:00 –11:50 a.m. Staff Meetings 12:00 p.m. Mary Circle, parlor 1:30 p.m. Caring Ministries, room 319 3:00 p.m. Ruth Circle, parlor 7:00 p.m. Martha Circle, Cynthia Hunt’s 7:00-8:30 p.m. UKirk Fellowship, Holderness Presbyterian House WEDNESDAY, November 12 11:30 a.m. UKirk Lunch for All, Holderness Presbyterian House 12:00-1:00 p.m. One Church, One Book, parlor 6:00 p.m. Worship & Music Committee, room 414 THURSDAY, November 13 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible study, Gathering Space 9:15-10:45 a.m. Preschool Committee, room 319 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Preschool Directors, room 321 6:00 p.m. Thursday Ringers Rehearsal, room 326 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Finance Committee, room 414 FRIDAY, November 14 All Church Retreat, Montreat 5:00 p.m. Star Press Newsletter Deadline SATURDAY, November 15 All Church Retreat, Montreat N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 4 · 1 0 :0 0 a .m . LOOKING AHEAD Sunday, November 16 9:00 a.m. Sunday School VIPs & Childcare 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11:10 a.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal, room 420 Sunday Ringers Rehearsal, room 326 11:15 a.m. Just Lunch at Ham’s Restaurant (on New Garden) 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting, Fellowship Hall OPEN FLOWER DATE: November 30. If interested in giving flowers for worship on this date, contact Brenda Valle at or call 299-8234. “VIEW FROM THE PEW” REMINDER! As you look around the sanctuary during worship, ask yourself, “Where do I see God?” If you have a smartphone with a camera, you are encouraged to document your reflection and post it to any social media site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with the hashtag #pewview—it’s a great way to interact with each other in a new and different form! Rev. John L. Odom, pastor Rev. Kathryn G.N. Campbell, associate pastor Cynthia Pugh, parish visitor Robert Overman, director of music ministries Michael Parker, organist Welcome! We are Christ’s people, and this is Christ’s house with its doors wide open. If you are passing through, Godspeed. If you are looking for a worship home, stay with us. We invite you to join us, but most of all, to return often. 3501 West Market Street Greensboro, North Carolina • 27403-1398 phone: 336-299-8131 • fax: 336-299-5304 email: website: C a l l e d t o W o rs h i p . E m p o we re d t o Se r v e . Consecration Sunday / Pennies for Hunger November 9, 2014 PRELUDE The rose bud announces the birth of Adut Ring Ayuel. She was born on October 29 to William Ayuel and Mariama Massaquoi. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION TRINITY CHIMES GREETING AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. John L. Odom Please take a moment to sign the friendship pad located at the end of the pew, and pass it to the person next to you. OPENING SENTENCES FIRST SCRIPTURE READING 1st Corinthians 13:1-8a, page 164 pew Bible Leader: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SECOND SCRIPTURE READING SERMON *HYMN 619 “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven” words projected *PRAYER OF CONFESSION God of our lives, you provide all that we need, asking us to give thanks at all times and in all places and to give back as we have been prospered for your work. You bid us greet each day as a gift teeming with bountiful blessing. Much of the time we do these things. But there are other times when we get caught up in fears and anxieties. We dread a time when we may not have enough, or a day when you may not seem to hear us when we pray. Calm us and forgive such fears, strengthen our faith and always give us what we need to meet the challenges life places in our path; through Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE, HYMN 582 “Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me” words projected *PASSING THE PEACE Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Please share the Peace of the Lord with those around you. CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN Rev. Kathryn G. N. Campbell After the Children’s Conversation, teachers lead children to Sunday School: age 3 - 4 in room 216; K - 4th graders in Room 204. Childcare for Infants -2 years is in room 212. “Jesus, Our Friend” Mark 12:41-44, page 47 pew Bible “Peoplewatching” Rev. Randy Boone *HYMN 625 “O Lord My God” words projected CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS ACOLYTE: Sophie Vachon CHURCH OPENER: Steve Blackwood CHURCH CLOSER: Ray Shelton VIDEO BOOTH: Rachel Young USHERS: Brad Smith, Elmer Baugess, Ray Shelton, Madie Vachon, Ben Parks, Steve Busha, Marceline Kilassa HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available. Please ask an usher. PROFESSIONAL CHILD CARE offered Sunday mornings, 9-11:30 a.m. in Room 212, for infants through age two. COMMON GROUNDS COFFEE CAFE serves free, fair-trade coffee and tea in the Gathering Space adjacent to the Sanctuary from 8:45-11:00 a.m. Please remember to wear your name tags at church events. If you would like a name tag and do not have one, please contact Brenda Triplett in the church office. OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND TITHES OFFERTORY ANTHEM “Poor Wayfaring Stranger” arr. Keith Christopher Chancel Choir with Soloist Jeremy Brady *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE, HYMN 544 READER: Betsy Bullard NURSERY ASSISTANT: Julia Hunt PARKING LOT GREETER: Ren Reynolds SOUND BOOTH: Carter Walton PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. PRAYER CONCERNS Lucia Ulmer (bereavement) Becky Garrett (recent surgery) Gai Riak (recent surgery) “Bless the Lord” sing twice, words projected *PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN 693 “Though I May Speak” words projected STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT TIME & BENEDICTION CLOSING MUSIC Today we welcome our guest preacher, Reverend Randy Boone. A native of Texas, Randy Boone was ordained by the PCUSA in 1980. After graduate studies at Vanderbilt, he served as a pastor in the South and Midwest before entering a specialized ministry of stewardship and development in 2001. Randy began singing in the Starmount Choir in September after moving to Greensboro. *Those who are able may stand. FLOWERS TODAY ARE GIVEN TO THE GLORY OF GOD by Cynthia Pugh with love in honor of Bruce Pugh’s birthday, and of his quiet support of so many. Session Members - Committee Assignments Class of 2014 Fred Andresen Evangelism & Membership Bruce Pugh Finance Greg Rechtin Fellowship Cole Smith Worship & Music Betty Wade Preschool Steve Walton Faith Formation Helen Wood Building &Grounds Class of 2015 Lindsay Craven Fellowship Mark Hammer Endowment Nancy Jones Personnel Kurt Kronenfeld Endowment, Stewardship Vera McLendon Evangelism & Membership Susan Preston Worship & Music Gary Webb Cong. Nominating & Worship & Music Class of 2016 Pat Hall Mission Ben Parks Finance Frank Smith Fellowship David Stubbs Building & Grounds Bryan Toney Administrative Parks Williams Caring
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