1 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Jan. 11 -Sat., 17 PRAY Everyday 12:00noon* Mon-Thu -9am Walk/Fitness, FH Sun.-8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Worship, Sanctuary 5:30p Youth Choir followed by UMYF 5:00pm Adult Fellowship, Parlor 6:30pm Evening Worship, Sanctuary Mon. 1:30pm Staff Meeting 5:45-8pm Women’s Bible Study, Parlor/Fellowship Hall Tue. 7am Morning Glory for Students!-FH 8:45-11am Women’s Bible Study, Parlor, Fellowship Hall 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline 3:45-5pm Women’s Bible Study, Parlor, Fellowship Hall Wed . ****WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE A Peak in Your Week! 5:00pm WNL Meal, Fellowship Hall 5:45pm Bible Study-Children Activities, Youth & Adult Small Groups Thu Fri. Sat. Sunday, Jan. 18-Sat., Jan 24 PRAY Everyday 12:00noon* Mon-Thu 9am Walk Fitness, FH Sun. 8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Worship, Sanctuary 5:30p Youth Choir followed by UMYF 5:00pm Adult Fellowship, Parlor 6:30pm Evening Worship, Sanctuary Mon. OFFICE CLOSEDRev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance 5:45-8pm Women’s Bible Study, Parlor/Fellowship Hall 6:00pm Men’s Club Dinner Tue. 7am Morning Glory for Students!-FH 8:45-11am Women’s Bible Study, Parlor, Fellowship Hall 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline 3:45-5pm Women’s Bible Study, Parlor, Fellowship Hall 4:00pm Evangelism Committee, Parlor 4:00pm – Newsletter Deadline Wed. . ****WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE A Peak in Your Week! 5:00pm WNL Meal, Fellowship Hall 5:45pm Bible Study-Children Activities, Youth & Adult Small Groups Thu. Glad Tidings Potter’s Wheel January 8, 2015 by Rev. Tom "Unfortunate Past, or Blessed Future?" I have a past. So do you. And for most of us, our past is not something we're entirely proud of. But compare your past mistakes to the blunders made by these smart people. In 218 b.c., Hannibal, the great military leader, was trying to convince his troops that a particular passage in the Alps was safe to take. He struck a snowdrift with his cane for effect. The result was an avalanche which killed nearly 1/3 of his men. Oops. In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia with 600,000 men. Winter set in, and by the time he and his army retreated to Poland, he had lost 400,000 men:100,000 killed in battle, and 300,000 who froze to death. In 1941, Adolph Hitler, who considered himself a military historian and who idolized Napoleon, made the same mistake. He invaded Russia (The Soviet Union, technically) with 3.5 million troops. He lost 800,000 troops just trying to capture Stalingrad and spent four years retreating all the way back to Berlin. In 1962, Decca records rejected The Beatles, telling their manager that they "Have no future in show business." In 1970, "someone" at NASA accidentally taped over the original footage of the first landing on the moon in 1969. NASA didn't admit this until 2006. Point is, we've all done stupid things. We've all made grave errors in judgment. Everyone is guilty of making costly mistakes. Fortunately, God is not interested in our past. Rather, God promises us a future with Him. "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not your harm, to give you a future with hope." Jeremiah 29:11, NRSV Let's start 2015 by looking toward our future with hope-as Christians and as a congregation.. See you in worship Sunday. In Joy, Tom 2 Sunday School * 2015 Breakfast Hosts 2015 scheduled offering counters Don’t forget to stop in the Fellowship Hall for a quick breakfast and fellowship before class…. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, (Pun intended!) we offer Sunday School for all ages from birth to 125! January—Henry Brister & Travis Carpenter 2015—January-Parlor Classes: Word 4th & 11th; Wesley-18th; John Rundle-25th *Each class, please remember to clean up after breakfast. If you feel led to serve as a counter or want to be removed from the list, please contact our office at 226-3148. 2015 scheduled Communion Stewards January-Boyd & Jill Massey February-Frank & Jean Collins Women’s Spring Bible Study 5pm-Meal 5:45-6:45pm Bible Study for all ages: Adult Bible Study-”Heaven” begins in January. We meet in the Fellowship Hall. Youth– Small Group Bible Study And Children activities January 14 Menu: Homemade chili Homemade pimento cheese sandwiches Crackers Oreo fluff January 21 Menu: Chicken & dumplings Mixed veggies Rolls Chocolate cake The meals are designed by our talented Chefs Terry & Jennifer. We are so blessed! Our Women’s Spring Bible Study will be Beth Moore’s new study “Children of the Day” 1 & 2 Thessalonians. It is a very exciting study that is very pertinent to our Christian walk today. Beth says, “Grocery shopping, strolling through a park, or grabbing a cup of coffee—— you are never without His light”. The New Testament believers carried the Spirit of God as they walked along the shores of Thessalonica, just as you carry that light today. Shine brightly as you are in this 9 week study. Class times: Monday night-5:45-8:00pm, Jan.12, 2105, FH Tuesday morning 8:45-11:00am, Jan. 13, 2015, Parlor Tuesday afternoon 3:45-5:00pm, Jan. 13, 2015 Parlor Email Jill Massey-Jgmass01@aol.com or Lynn Brister at lynnbrister@hotmail.com (Jill needs email for contact list) Contact if you are coming and need a book ($25) with checks made to FUMC. Hope to see you. 3 Dear Grenada 1st UMC friends, I appreciate the warm welcome you gave when I visited on the Sunday before Christmas. I enjoyed worshiping with you and sharing about the ministry of Wesley Foundation at MSU. Thank you for the contributions given in support of Wesley Foundation at State! Your gifts will help us help State students to grow in discipleship. Financial support can be mailed to us at the address below. In addition, we offer the convenience of online giving and automatic drafting. We’d like to keep you informed about our campus ministry. If you would like to receive our occasional newsletter by mail or email, please share with your mailing address or email address by contacting us at 662.323.1778; PO Box MY, MSU, MS 39762; or hughgriffith2@gmail.com. For more information about our ministry, visit 222.StateWesley.org. If there’s ever any way I can serve your church, please let me know. Hugh Griffith Brent Harbin, son of Sally Harbin Krag Rodewald, husband of Ginny DeHart Rodewald Betty, cousin of Bonnie Brunt of Camden, TN UMW News The Executive Committee met December 29th. We planned exciting mission projects and programs for 2015. All projects require financial support from our members. Our pledges were much less in 2014. We'd like to encourage every UMW member to make a monthly or yearly pledge to support our mission projects. There is so much need in Grenada and at times within our church. We want to continue to help God's people and be the church that has "left the building". Make your checks to UMW and give to Jill Massey, our local treasurer. Please feel free to contact me or any Executive Committee member with any questions or comments. Many thanks! In J e s us ’ Na me , Renee Geiger, UMW President 4 Sundays: Youth Choir 5:00pm UMYF 5:30-7:30pm Meal…..Games…..Worship! Youth Choir Practice- Project 96 back January 4-5PM in the Choir Room Sunday evenings! We practice for 30 minutes each Sunday before UMYF. Next Date to sing: Sunday, January 25—Worship at 6:30pm here at First United Methodist Church. Morning Glory on Tuesdays ! At 7:00am Start your day with a delicious breakfast, a message and plenty of time left over to get to school. Place: Fellowship Hall Who: You and (by the way) bring a friend! Why not? We have a lot to share. Wednesdays: Small Group Bible Studies! Church wide dinner begins at 5PM and Small Groups begin Thanks to Chris Miller, Jeri Moore, and Shannon Potter for all of your help! Coming Up This Sunday…. Members of our United Methodist Youth Group will share during BOTH morning worship services about their recent Breakthru retreat in Alabama. In addition, Dr. John Neihof, President of Wesley Theological Seminary in Jackson, will be our guest preacher at 10:55. Please be prepared for a love offering in support of their ministry of educating ministers for the future of the Church. 5 “Small Talk” Children’s Ministry SUNDAY SCHOOLS: Our teachers are (Early Elementary) Cathy Haltom, Becky Taylor, Elin Juchheim, (Middle Elementary) Michelle Crawford, (Older Elementary) Renee Geiger, (Tween) Lynsie Carpenter & Glenn DeHart Acolytes: – Jan 11 - Evey & Gracie Jan 18 - Bratton & Ethan K Jan 25 - Carson & Drew K Feb 1 - Russ & David Cr Feb 8 - Phillip Cr & Josh M WEDNESDAYS: Children will start working on VBS music. crafts - Lindsey Carpenter / lesson - Sarah Miller / music with Derry - Pam Chandler/5&6 gradersJeri M A gracious thank you to all who gave on behalf of my generous Christmas bonus. Jeri Moore DEBT REDUCTION FUND DECEMBER 31, 2014 The following is a report of our outstanding debt at Regions Bank with regard to our property purchases and parking lots. Reduction of this debt and the amount paid in interest is made through your offerings in pledges and Debt Dollar donations. BEGINNING LOAN BALANCE—AUGUST 2010 $366,500.00 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2013 161,500.00 INTEREST PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2013 $36,483.57 LOAN BALANCEJANUARY 1, 2014 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2014 __________ $205,000.00 48,000.00 INTEREST PAYMENTS2014 $ 7,298.20 TOTAL INTEREST PAYMENTS (12/31/14) $43,781.77 _________ LOAN BALANCE— DECEMBER 31, 2014 $157,000.00 Our current monthly interest cost at a rate of 3.85% is $503.71. U N I T E D GLAD TIDINGS F I R S T M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H Samaritan Fund The Samaritan Fund will receive donations every “first” Sunday (February 1). Please prayerfully consider giving to this fund. The money collected is well spent helping people in need in our local community. Soup Kitchen Donations continue to be needed for the Soup Kitchen. Every “second” Sunday we will collect non-perishable items (specific need of whole kernel corn and mixed vegetables) (January 11). December 21 Sunday School —112 8:30 service- 65 10:55 service—197 6:30 Service– 19 WNL (12—17) - n/a How can you….reach out? December 28 Sunday School-91 8:30 service—49 10:55 service-122 6:30 service– n/a WNL (12—31)-n/a RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED grenadaumc@gmail.com E-MAILS & NEWSLETTER 662-226-3162 FAX 662-226-3148 OFFICE GRENADA, MS 38901 161 SOUTH LINE STREET FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PERMIT NO. 307 GRENADA, MS US POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. 6
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