Submit requests to | 659.8884 FOR SECURITY PURPOSES, WE NO LONGER PUBLISH MAILING ADDRESSES. THE PRAYER LIST IS NOW AVAILABLE online by clicking here. 03.08.2015 YOUR FINANCIAL GIFTS ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE While many of us took a "snow day Sabbath" last Sunday morning when ice forced the cancellation of Sunday Morning services, the life-changing ministry of the church continued without interruption. 03.08.2015 ❏ Attends frequently ❏ Member Fill out the form below or text #new to 479.633.7357 ❏ Attends occasionally guest info ❏ First-time visitor LAST NAME: ADDRESS: HER NAME: HER CELL: HER EMAIL: HER DOB: CITY/STATE/ZIP: School HOME PHONE: HIS NAME: HIS CELL: HIS EMAIL: HIS DOB: I’M A STUDENT: Grade Please note ❏ I have a prayer request ❏ I have a question prayer concerns Gathering for corporate worship each and every weekend is just a part of the church. In conjunction with our weekend celebration are the ongoing ministries of cell groups, community groups, one-toone discipleship and dozens of other personal investments in life change. I missed you last week and I hope your heart (like mine) missed the sweet opportunity to gather in collective worship. But, if you are active in a small group, a part of an off-site BiLD class or personal Bible study, you know that 'church' went right on even without the worship service. Generous giving of our time, talent and resources are all included in being a part of this church family as well. Many missed out on the chance to serve, to lead and the chance to give, specifically if your family is not using for scheduled giving. Regular online giving is not only a viable tool for worship, it is a vital tool for uninterrupted funding for the continuing ministries at Fellowship, especially when affected by unforeseen circumstances. Please consider utilizing this process to ensure that your giving intentions are being met; it's an easy way to give back a portion of what God has given you. To give online: and select the Giving tab on the top of the page. Blessings, Lamar Steiger (Director of Finance and Resource Development) I WOULD LIKE INFORMATION ABOUT: ❏ Text Message Becoming a Christian ❏ Early Childhood • 0-4 yrs. ❏ Elementary • K-6th ❏ 7th-12th Grades ❏ College ❏ Missions/Outreach ❏ Women’s Ministry ❏ Singles Ministry ❏ Prime Time (60+) Ministry ❏ Membership Classes ❏ Care/Counseling Ministry ❏ Community Groups ❏ Celebrate Recovery ❏ BiLD - Biblical Insititute of Leadership Development ❏ I WOULD prefer: ❏ Phone Call ❏ Email the grace of giving Tracking our Progress at Fellowship NWA 2014-2015 YTD Giving through 35 weeks 2013-2014 YTD Giving through 35 weeks (previous year) Difference 01/31/2015 TGI Debt (Current) 01/31/2014 TGI Debt (Previous YR) YTD Progress $8,066,840.00 7,934,484.00 132,356.00 7,165,041.52 7,807,047.81 (642,006.29) Sunday Morning Exodus 15:22 - 17:7 | Provision, Protection, and Presence Springdale COMMUNITY WORSHIP Exodus 15:22 - 17:7 | The Journey booth information A Community B E & B C Open D Open E The Table (Singles) F Celebrate Recovery 1051 WEST PLEASANT GROVE ROAD • ROGERS • ARKANSAS 72758 479.659.8884 • FELLOWSHIPNWA.ORG takenote from Mickey Rapier | Fellowship Directional Leader Petition for Rogers City Council and Planning Commission For several years we have known that the City of Rogers has included an extension of 13th St. in their Master Street Plan, which, when built is located through the western portion of our property. We believe the extension of 13th St. through Fellowship’s property neither enhances safety nor impedes access for emergency personnel. Several city officials in Rogers agree with us that there is no compelling reason for this street, so we are proposing that it be removed from the Master Street Plan. Please join us in prayer concerning this matter. We have also placed petitions in the foyer at the information desk and ask that you please sign one of them at your earliest convenience. There will be one petition for Rogers residents and another for those living outside Rogers that attend Fellowship. We want to show the Planning Commission and City Council that we are unified in our desire to have this street extension removed from the Master Street Plan. Please Contact our National Leaders The crisis in Iraq and Syria continues to grow and the threat to humanity deepens as the terroristic activities of ISIS continue to spread. The Elders and leaders of Fellowship are calling on our church family to do the following: contact your nation’s leaders to encourage action in protecting the innocent men, women and children being murdered by ISIS. You will find contact information for the appropriate officials below. Above all else, be in PRAYER for every aspect of this crisis. Scan to see a list of Government Leaders and Contact info or go to: bild training center CONTACT: Register: CLASS Listing > quicklinks > current opportunities Raising Sons & Loving It (Rescheduled) Rescheduled for Sunday, April 19th at 9:30am and 11:00am Action Steps: If you are already registered for this class and plan to attend on April 19th at 9:30am or 11:00am, no action is needed. You are registered. If you cannot attend on April 19th, drop your registration through your myFellowship account by going to MyStuff on the Menu bar and selecting myRegistrations. Then select Drop under Raising Sons and Loving It! Please contact us at should you have questions or need assistance. Lunch & Learn for Women in the Workplace Presentation on Relationships & Accountability followed by discussion led by Catherine Gates of WorkMatters. -Tuesday, March 10th; The Lodge, Fellowship Campus -Thursday, March 12th; AAO Classroom, Fayetteville -Tuesday, March 17th; Fellowship at the Deli, Bentonville Lunch is provided ($5). Register through Estate Design (Financial Class) Contact: Lisa Pineira at Jordan Smith Reception Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups. We meet every Friday night starting at 6:00pm for a meal or 7:00pm for worship. Visit with us at Booth F today, or visit our website Childcare is provided. Infant Childcare Volunteers care ministry Blessing The Nations Taught by Doug Raines & Dick Nelson. Saturdays, April 11th - May 2nd ay 5:00pm in Training Center room 166. International Student Christian Association We are looking for groups or individuals who would like to provide a meal to ISCA for the start of each meeting (Tuesdays at 6:30pm). For details, contact: March 29th at 9:30 and 11:00am in the Family Center Auditorium. This service will equip parents to lead their families through the meaning and purpose of Communion, then provide an opportunity for them to serve communion to their children. college ministry Contact: For more info Brian Pope at Spring Break Mission Trip Fundraising Fellowship College is traveling to Mexico during spring break to work in Huehuetla. College students are raising money and would like to work for you to receive support for their trip. If you have any jobs around the house you have been putting off, lawn work, kids or animals watched, whatever it may be, please consider “hiring” one of our students. If interested please contact Brian Pope at 479-841-5473 or singles ministry | the table contact on Friday, March 13th at 6:30pm in The Lodge. CONTACT: rodney at or 659-3679 Global Outreach 101 Sunday, March 15th, 9:30am, The Lodge West Wing. Join us as we discuss Short Term Mission trips - to go or not to go. Everyone is invited! Family Communion Service celebrate recovery E&B will be at Booth B today in the Foyer. Contact: For more info Jodie at WEB or Twitter @TheTableNWA We are looking for volunteers to work with our infants on Friday nights for Celebrate Recovery. If you would be willing to volunteer once or twice a month, please contact Sylvia Chesser at Join us Monday, March 9th at 7:00pm in The Lodge to hear an update on Jordan’s ministry. family ministry Sunday, March 15th, 9:30am - noon, The Lodge Are you tired of trying to control your own life? global outreach more info contact Barbara Herring at or 659-3633. Contact: brittany at or 659-3657 Disaster Relief Team Update Over 25 individuals have signed up to be a part of this important team. We are now in need of some important supplies to outfit our team. We are seeking donations for a 8 x 12 enclosed trailer, gas powered chain saws, a small gas generator, “giant” style ladders. If you can help, please contact Gil Pineira at or 659-3678. communications Volunteers Needed The Fellowship Communication Team is looking for volunteers to help assemble the weekly Communicator. Time commitment is 1 hour per week on Friday morning at 8:30am. For Family Gathering Picnic at Gulley Park Saturday, March 28th. Mission Trip | Casa Aleluya in Guatemala June 27th - July 3rd. This year we will be partnering with Converge Church, Colorado Springs on this trip. Cost $1,400. For more information, attend the informational meeting Sunday, March 15th at 12:30pm. Singles 40+ Email for opportunities to engage in community! women in community CONTACT: sarah ernst AT Get Connected Are you interested in connecting with other women or joining a Bible study? We would love to help you engage! Come see us at booth B in the foyer or contact Sarah Ernst at 878.2988 or Springdale Women's Gathering Monday, March 9th from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the 412 Annex (7058-C West Sunset). This is a monthly gathering to encourage and connect with Springdale women. For more information, contact Windy Hall at
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