Pioneer Vision - Pioneer Drive Baptist Church

The Baylor Religious Hour Choir will be
leading us in both morning services in the
Worship Center on February 8, 2015.
Make plans to attend and hear this group
as they lead us in worship.
The BRH choir is one of the oldest student-led
organizations at Baylor University. Founded by
Dick Baker in 1948, BRH has continued to minister
to Baylor and Texas through regular on-campus
and weekend travel concerts and also around the
world in its annual mission trip. The choir is made
up of fifty auditioned individuals from all areas of
study that come together to sing, to encourage one
another and to worship the Lord corporately as a
choir and as a family.
12 Huge Mistakes
Parents Can Avoid
Join Jeff and Tarah Scott as they teach
from this study by Dr. Tim Elmore. This
will be a fast paced class lasting 6 weeks
offering practical advice for parents of
babies through high school age students.
You are welcome to read the book but it
will not be required for participation.
January 28-March 4
6 p.m. - Room 242
Sunday evening services
will be held at 4 p.m.
in the Conference Center
this coming Sunday,
February 1, 2015
due to Super Bowl parties.
New Members
Avery Armstrong - Profession
NAME THAT TUNE ... is what you will be challenged
to do Thursday, February 5, at Primetime Live. Our own
masterful pianist, Mr. Marc Sanders, will play many of
your favorite songs. Yes, if you can name that tune you will
be awarded a special (purple?) prize. You know Marc as
our pianist every Sunday morning in the Worship Center.
Please bring your favorite veggies or dessert for our covered
dish lunch. All the fun begins at 10 a.m. - table games and
coffee, 11 a.m. - Primetime Program, Noon - covered dish
lunch. How many tunes can you name?
SAY “CHEESE” ... Check out all the smiling faces from
our trip to Abuelo’s and the Million Dollar Quartet Show on
the Primetimer Vision. What a photogenic bunch!
Volunteers, including piano players and song leaders,
are needed to help lead in worship at various nursing
homes in our community. Contact
or call the Church Office if you are interested.
Join us May 10-16 as we work alongside our friends
at Graffiti Ministries connecting with the people of
NYC. Our primary focus of ministry will be assisting
with their after-school program. Cost of the trip is
$800. Fundraising options are available. Sign-up online at See how God is moving,
learn about the city and offer encouragement to
ongoing ministry! Contact for
more information.
Kings & Angels
Sign up for King’s Scene and Angel’s Scene will be
Sunday, February 8 outside the Music Suite. Children
must be in 1-6 grade to participate in King’s Scene; 7-12
to participate in Angel Scene. Spots are limited!
Pageant Move In
Volunteers are needed for Pageant move in and set
construction! We will begin move in at 5:30 p.m. on
Friday, March 20 at the Civic Center. Dinner will be
provided. Sign up in Sunday school or call the music
secretary at 698-9563.
Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra
Pageant rehearsals have begun for Sanctuary Choir &
Orchestra. Come and join us every Wednesday evening
at 6 p.m. for orchestra and 7 p.m. for choir. Everyone is
The 2015 Altar Flower Calendar is now
available on-line. Go to
altarflowers to sign-up. If you need
assistance, contact the Church Office
at 325-692-6776.
Join us July 24-31 as we travel to Guatemala and
work alongside our missionary friends Bob and
Georgette Kornegay! You can
find more information at the
Connection Table upstairs or
by the Church Office. You
can also visit www.pdbc.
org/guatemala to sign -up
for the trip.
This is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends
who have known a feeling of desperation concerning
the destructive behavior of someone very near to
them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related
behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms
you are no longer alone, but among friends who have
experienced similar problems. Any concerned person
is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is
only a suspicion of a problem. Class starts January
28th at 7 p.m. in Room 133.
We want to make sure you
know who your ministers are
here at Pioneer Drive. Each
week we will introduce a
minister and give you a small
glimpse into their ministry.
Pioneer Drive
Kid’s Ministry
a n dy sta nton b usin ess a d mi ni s t r at or
How did you and Cristi meet? Cristi and I met at the
club. At least that is what we tell people. We actually met at
Hendricks Health Club. Our first conversation was during
a body pump class. I asked her if I could help her put up
her bench. She felt sorry for me and said: Yes, you can! The
rest is history.
How does your family affect your ministry? Cristi
and the boys are so supportive. It’s a blessing to work at
a place my family calls home away from home. Cristi’s
service and involvement in our church allows us to share our
ministry experiences. Sharing and showing God’s love in
real, practical ways has truly strengthened our relationship.
Most challenging part of ministry? At one point the
most challenging part of my ministry was being able to
separate my Sunday worship experience with my family
from my duties and responsibilities for the church. I have
learned to balance my time and energy and know that some
things can wait till Monday.
What is your favorite hobby? My favorite hobby is my
family. The good Lord did not bless me with a family until
I was 38 years old. Having to wait that long instilled in
me a tremendous amount of appreciation and gratitude.
There are not too many things I would rather be doing
than coaching the boy’s team or watching them play. O.K.,
maybe going to the movies and eating popcorn with my
*Our next profile will be Jeff Reid. If you have questions you would like to ask,
send an e-mail to
Explore the idea of HELPING OTHERS
with your class or small group.
Our missions staff will guide
you through a 6 week video
series and discussion based
on our experiences and the
book “When Helping
Hurts”. Contact nathan@ or call the Church
Office to schedule a time for
us to visit.
Breathe by Priscilla Shirer will be a 5 week study meeting
Thursdays beginning February 5 - March 5 led by Melanie
Brown (325-665-9621) from 6:30-8 p.m. in Room 113.
Precept: Luke Part 2 by Kay Arthur will be a 7 week
study meeting Mondays beginning February 16 - April 6 led
by Gayla Gill (325-518-7145) from 6:15-8:30 p.m. at 5281
Meadowick Ln. For more information on either of these
studies go to
*The cost of the book for both studies is $12. Please call the
leader of the study or the Church Office at 325-692-6776 by
January 31 so your book may be ordered.
Save the date of May 1-3 for this special event at Big Country
Baptist Encampment at Lueders, Texas. We look forward to
a weekend of beautiful worship, powerful Bible study, games
and activities bringing women closer together, quiet time
for reflection, and much more. Please stop by the Women’s
Ministry Booth located across from the Music Suite Sunday
morning! You may also contact Laurie Balch (325-665-6623)
or e-mail for more information.
We will meet February 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship
Hall. We will learn about the ministries of the Abilene Baptist
Association Social Ministries. We are a group of women who
want to grow in our faith and actively share the love of Christ
in our community and around the world.
the gathering
How does God want to transform the ethics of our world?
Join us Sunday as we unpack Amos’ startling condemnation
for Israel and what we can learn from it! If you’d like to read
ahead, check out Amos 2:4-8.
Pioneer Drive Baptist Church
701 S. Pioneer Dr.
Abilene, TX 79605
(325) 692-6776
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Permit No. 181
Middle School
& High School
February 20-22
This is a weekend of Bible
Study, a community activity and
fun fellowship for youth 7-12
grades. SIGN-UP ASAP. Online registration is preferable
but forms are available in the
Church Office or the Youth Office located upstairs next to
the Cafe. For more information, contact Travis or Kelly
at 437-4073 or email
Available spots to attend are dependent on
student to sponsor ratio. So sign-up ASAP!
On Campus:
Total S.S. Enrollment:
Sunday School Attendance:
9:00 a.m. - 723
10:30 a.m. - 460
Small Groups
- 74
Total Attendance:
Off Campus:
Shining Star
Care Inn
House of Faith
Alameda CC
Total Off Campus Total:
Total Church Bible Study:
Tithes & Offerings
This Week:
Required this Week:
Required to Date:
Received to Date: $1,559,382,88
Arise & Build Phase 2
This Week's Receipts: $1,427.00
Received to Date:
Note Balance:
World Missions
2015 Goal:
This Week's Receipts:
Received to Date:
February 4, 2015
Mexican Pileup
Refried Beans
Mexican Corn,Salad Bar
Dessert: Sopapilla Cheesecake
Adults $5 - Children $3(Children 9 and under)
Family Max $20