FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1407 E. Main Fredericksburg, TX 78624 Church Office Phone 830-997-9511 Website: Email: Ministers. . . . . . . . . . ALL FIRST BAPTIST MEMBERS CHURCH STAFF Interim Pastor……………………………………………. Dr. Steve Spivey ( Music/Education Ministry ...( Covin Minister to Children and Young Families…..Catherine Zenner ( Youth & Recreation Minister……………………….Graham Michel ( SUPPORT STAFF Financial…………………....(……Audra Larson Secretary to Pastors.( Wilferth Records Secretary……...(……Karen Novian Buildings & Grounds…………….…………….........Charlie Wikstrom Housekeeper………….….……....Veronica Robles & Ashley Baker First Family Newsletter November 2014 Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Fredericksburg, TX Permit No. 148 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED First Baptist Church Touching Fredericksburg with God's Love in Christ “The Worship—Sending Connection” Not too long ago in a supermarket, a pastor ran into a woman whose family had visited his church the previous Sunday. After exchanging greetings, the pastor told her how much the church appreciated their visit and hoped the family would return. She answered, “We enjoyed the service, but right now we’re just shopping around for the church that meets our needs.” If we take the story of Isaiah seeing God in the Temple (Isaiah 6), we find that meeting God reveals the difference between man-centered and God-centered worship (and church involvement). Isaiah found that worship was not primarily about meeting “felt needs”, nor about satisfying the demands of a consumer-driven market. What if, in worship we found that God does not revolve around us, or that what God wants is infinitely more important than what I might want. What if God-centered worship shows me that many of my so-called wants and needs are actually trivial, or even illegitimate? When I meet God I worship, I discover not only that He is enthroned (and not me), but that He is holy. When we are confronted by the awe-full perfection and moral purity of God, His holiness serves as an antidote for our casual approaches to God, our sin, and His commandments. When Isaiah met God, even the angels of heaven were unable to look at God. Consider the differences between the biblical scenes of fall-on-your-face trembling responses to God’s presence with ours as we gather for worship. Isaiah (and even the Temple itself) is shaken to the core. Are we? Is there any fear of God in our hearts? Any awe or reverence? In meeting God, Isaiah was also confronted by his own sinfulness. He found no place for self-satisfaction, complacency, or making comparisons with other worshippers. He realized how much he actually deserved the judgment of God and should just shut his mouth. In God’s presence we recognize we have no excuses for the way we have lived, as if any excuse would be sufficient. Yet the story doesn’t end there. In the presence of God, awareness of our sin can lead to confession and repentance (or tragically to hardened hearts), which in turn leads to cleansing. But cleansing isn’t the end of the story. With being cleansed and forgiven comes the call to God’s service. Using Isaiah 6 again, people of unclean lips love to gripe or spew venom, and are rarely willing to serve and be part of God’s solution. People who have been cleansed are usually looking for ways to express their gratitude to God. They’re available and ready for God’s assignments, whatever they may be. That’s in sharp contrast to all those times (Isaiah 63:3-5 and Ezekiel 22:30-31) where God worked alone because none of His people were available. Sunday by Sunday we gather for worship. Are you encountering a holy God on His throne? Are you and I saying to God, “Here I am, send me”? Both God and this church need people to serve Him in a wide variety of ways. The Missions Fair later this month shows some of what FBC is doing or supporting, and will suggests areas of serving. More and more children are coming to AWANAS on Wednesday night, and we’re short-handed there. Talking with any member of the staff will tell you of other ministry needs, or God may give you a new vision of the service which would allow you to express gratitude for your cleansing. The question is: if God is King, and has cleansed you, how are you saying “Thank you!”? How will you serve Him and His cause this month? Bro. Steven Spivey The Baptist General Convention of Texas Annual Meeting November 16-18, 2014 Community Blood Drive at the Waco Convention Center Just a reminder, we will not be having our Sponsored by Gillespie Churches regular Thursday gatherings for the months of November and December due to the Holidays. If you are planning to attend and would like to be a messenger for our church, please contact Bro. Gary for details at 997-9511 Have you checked out our website lately? Please take a moment and have a look a http:// All presenting donors receive: Monday, November 17th 11:00am-7:00pm A T-shirt A mini-physical The satisfied feeling of saving lives FREDERICKSBURG COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVES Mark your calendar for the next Blood drive: January 26, 2015 There, you will find upcoming events, past sermons, Wednesday night bible studies, prior month’s newsletter and much more. And, did you know we are on facebook??? Look us up. “Like” us and get the lastest up to date information or leave a post. American Legion Hall 726 Washington Street For more information, please contact Betty Sue Rogers at 830.997.2218 or logon to www.donating for Themes for November 11/5 God and Country 11/12 BIG Game Night Occasionally needs substitute 11/19 Flashlight Night teachers. If interested please 11/26 NO CLUB TONIGHT –Happy Thanksgiving contact Heidi Spence. Blood Donor Requirements: Anyone who is 16 years old weighting 120 pounds, (with a parental consent form), or at least 17 years old weighing 110 pounds and in good general health can donate blood. Donors must present photo ID, last four digits of their social security number and their birth date. Upward Sports is just around the corner!! Upward Sports is the world’s largest Christian youth sports provider. It offers a very unique way to share the gospel, within our community, with young children that reaches their families as well. Evaluations are scheduled for November 17-18 and games begin in January. Without volunteers, this ministry would not survive. Won’t you please be in prayer about how God would have you serve? Contact Graham at 997.9511 for information on volunteering. Children’s Ministry... AWANA needs you! The Awana Ministry embraces five principles: 1. Awana is centered on the Gospel. 2. Scripture memory is a key element. 3. Awana is exciting and fun. 4. Children are trained to serve. 5. Awana is built on volunteer leadership. Through this outreach program, we have the opportunity to serve the children in our home church and community! We currently have 71 enrolled clubbers with a waiting list in our Cubbie 4yr old department. New visitors are attending each week and enrollment will continue throughout the year. Volunteers are needed for 30 minute time frames and the entire hour and a half program. Can you pitch in a small amount of time to encourage and teach the Lord's children? They are counting on it! Youth Ministry The Church Leadership Enlistment Team (CLET) is presently looking for the men and women God has chosen to serve on the various committees and ministry teams at First Baptist Church. Many may not remember that committee members rotate on and off our committees, usually in a three year pattern. If you are approached by a member of CLET, please prayerfully consider their request. As the Body of Christ, First Baptist Church needs all of us if we are to carry out the ministries Christ has given us here. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field. Luke 10:2 Howdy Everyone! Fall is moving right along, and in the Youth Ministry, that means we are trucking right along as well. Our big news is that on October the 8th we were a part of Fields of Faith here in Fredericksburg! Foris those who do not along, know what of Faith it is a nightthat in which the FCA (Fellowship Fall moving right andFields in the Youthis,Ministry, means we are truckingof right Christian Athletes) hosts a national night of worship for their local communities. This year we had along as well. Our big news is that on October the 8th we were a part of Fields of Faith here in Fredericksburg! For those who do not know what Fields of Faith is, it is a night in which the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) hosts a national night of worship for their local communities. This year we had over 200 students and about thirty adults in attendance. This means the gospel was shared with over two hundred people! Our next big activity is the Early Out Hang Out on October 29th, in which we will be hanging out and relaxing in the Marketplatz from 2-4pm. These EOHO's are a great chance for our students to just enjoy time together in a more relaxed atmosphere. In November we will be having our evaluations for Upwards and later this month, our registration will be open. If you are wanting to help out or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Also, if you want to know what's going on in the Youth Ministry, Our efforts to “Go Green” in the kitchen are proving to be successful. For the past 6 weeks, the kitchen committee conducted a trial using the compartmentalized trays versus styrofoam plates and the trays have been well received. Trays are cleaned and sterilized at 150 degrees by our commercial dishwasher and reusing these trays is anticipated to save in excess of $500 annually versus using the disposable products. While we still welcome requests for the styrofoam plate, we will continue to serve our Wednesday evening meals on the Milestone compartmentalized tray. We appreciate your support during this transition and would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. The Kitchen Committee Birthdays & Anniversaries Pat Thompson, Julie Parker 11/1 Ann Douzat 11/2 Randy Clark, Penny Haren 11/3 Phyllis Denton, Harold Wills 11/5 Stephen Crowley, Jane Coffey 11/5 Eli Quay 11/6 Darlene Slough, Tamara Novian 11/7 Scott Mills, Mardy Campbell 11/9 Millie Robertson 11/10 Katrina Galeano, Phil Pierce, Luis Galeano 11/11 James Franze, Donna Lapidus 11/12 Kathy Venegas, Anabella Munoz 11/13 Susan King, Steve Jacoby 11/14 Myrtle Gold, Johnny Hodges 11/15 Jerry Bilicek 11/16 David Holder 11/17 Diane Holke, Victor Rivera, Dennis Robertson 11/18 Jim Reed, Paul Hamilton, Essie Sluder 11/19 Jimmy Josey, Krista Michel, Sandy Smith 11/19 Donald Love, Alice Axberg 11/19 Payton Ivey, Leroy Poehls 11/20 Carol Hunter, Charlie Zenner 11/22 Philip Campbell, Lauren Hendricks 11/23 Anita Blackwell, Johnny Parker 11/23 Travis Hinton, Joan Curry 11/25 Lynn Blackwell 11/26 Randi Jackson, Pam Cotton, Katie Ross 11/27 David Hedgpeth, Jerry Holt, Jan Follis 11/29 Barbara Robinson 11/30 Joe & Martha Detterman 11/9 J.D. & Jean Heard 11/15 Harry & Darlene Ingram 11/15 Phil & Anne Valentine 11/19 Neil & Deborah Henke 11/22 Tom & Dorothy Whitehead 11/22 Skip & Shirley Rutledge 11/26 Earl & Marsha Robinett 11/30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Deacon Meeting—4:00pm Business Meeting- 5:00pm 9 Men’s Ministry Children’s Choir 4pm 10 BALL Group 10:15 am 17 Missions Fair Fellowship Hall Finance Comm. Mtg 5pm Property & Space 5:30pm 18 Thimble Bees Quilting 10am 7 8 14 15 22 MDO Dress Up Parade Sr Choir Rehearsal 9am 12 13 Children’s Choir 4pm Christian Neighbors 10 am 19 20CLET Mtg—10:15 Hope 21 Sr Choir Rehearsal 9am Happy Scrapper Bee 10am 5:00pm Fellowship Hall 16 11 6 Children’s Choir 4pm Missions Meeting 5:30pm Sr Choir Rehearsal 9am Stumble Bee’s 10am Newsletter Deadline 23 24 25 26 27 Office Closed 28 Office Closed 29 Newsletter Publication 30 Newsletter Deadline-11/19, Newsletter Publication-11/25 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:00 am - 9:15am Second Wind Exercise-Gym (Women Only) Mondays @ 5:30 pm-Weight Watchers H 104-5 Tuesdays & Thursdays - Mother’s Day Out from 9am-2pm Wednesdays - Children’s Choir at 4pm, Meal at 4:45pm, Awana 5:45pm, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study @ 6pm H 101, Praise Band & Celebration Choir @ 6 pm, Youth in the Loft @ 6pm, Sanctuary Choir @ 7 pm
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