Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church 12312 S. 88th Avenue, Palos Park Illinois 60464-1825 708-448-5220 Know God’s Word, Show Christ’s Love in Care for One Another, Go in the Spirit of Service, Grow New Life in Christ November 16, 2014 Today’s News WELCOME TO WORSHIP TODAY Your presence makes a true addition to the service of God. If you happen to be a visitor, today let this be your church. We hope this is only the first of many worship experiences among this family of God. Core Values of PPPCC God-Focused, Christ-Centered, Spirit-Led. Bible-Based. Shared Ownership. Nurturing Family of Faith Nursery Care newborn through 24 months (as of September 1, 2014), 8:15 a.m. through 12:15 p.m. every Sunday. Children’s Ministry during Worship - 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Wee Church throughout Worship for children 2 & 3 years of age as of September 1, 2014 in the Sonrise Room. Children’s Worship Time dismissed during Worship Pre-K through 5th Grade children, in Primary Hall. The Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church seeks to become a community of vibrant believers who are inspired by an awesome God and transformed through His word and Spirit to share Christ’s love with the world. Announcements Thanks again to our Stewards and Chief Steward Joe Murray. The response was encouraging: With 118 MISSION CARDS returned, came commitments of $545,988 toward the 2015 Budget which calls for $845,841 in contributions. While the Stewards are encouraged, many still need to respond. Our Stewards are still hard at work contacting many for follow-up. See your Steward as soon as possible, or pick up your MISSION CARD in the Pew today and return it to the Church Office. Thanks for your response. Thank you to Laurie Zuro (8:30) and Penny MacDonald (11:00) for teaching Wee Church today. Your gift of service is greatly appreciated. Education Hour classes continue today at 9:45 a.m. and include: Preschool aged children (2 yrs.–PreK) meet in the Sonrise Room and are taught by Mona Tapia, K – 2nd grade meet on the stage in Primary Hall and are taught by Lori Goral and Michelle Miller, 3rd–5th graders meet in Primary Hall and are taught by Maggie Downs. Middle School students meet in the library and are taught by Wesley Zuro. Confirmation students meet in the Friendship Room and are taught by David Carlton and Bob Van Baren. WF Bible Study meets in the WF Room and is taught by Paul Grivakis. Adult Electives include: Acts of the Apostles meets in the Map Room and is taught by Tim Gibbons and From the Solas to the Core Values and Mission of PPPCC which is taught by Steve Brumbaugh and meets in the Original Sanctuary. Christmas Poinsettia ordering begins today! Order forms are in the church office. You may indicate if your poinsettia is in memory or honor of a loved one. Cost is $20.00 per plant. Deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 7. Lunch Bunch goes to lunch in different places each Sunday after worship. If you would like to have lunch with a bunch, instead of being alone, please consider yourself invited. The group usually gathers in the Narthex to go. A schedule of future places is posted on the bulletin board. Today, according to that schedule, the “bunch” is lunching at Eggheadz Café, 16952 Oak Park Avenue in Tinley Park. Today at 4:00 p.m. Clyde Rode will offer the entire PPPCC congregation and friends to take a trip to Nairobi, Kenya to share his experiences at the “Bright Star Morning Children Ministries” orphanage. Last March Clyde was fortunate to participate in this mission project, and will share his reflections, experiences and pictures while serving orphaned, needy and vulnerable children from this part of Africa. Our church Mission Fund helped to support this project. Pastor Carlton will be on vacation beginning Monday, November 17. He will be back in the office on Monday, December 1. The Hazelnuts, a group of mostly retired men, gathers for Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The place is Royalberry, 6417 W. 127th Street in Palos Heights. The group is named after founder Bob Hazel. No agenda. Everyone pays for his own breakfast and good conversation is had by all. Bible Focus Group meets this Wednesday, November 19. Everyone is invited to join us in the Library at 10:00 each Wednesday morning! Church Night activities continue this Wednesday, November 19. Classes and Choirs include: Children’s Hand Chime Choir (5:45–6:15 p.m.), Children’s Choirs (6:15–7:00 p.m.), Chancel Choir (6:30–8:00 p.m.), Junior Youth Club and Youth Club (7:00–8:00 p.m.), Bible Focus Group (6:30–8:00 p.m.), Small Groups in October and November. Please see Palos Plans for more information. Advent Choir: All those who are interested in singing with the Chancel Choir during the season of Advent are welcome to make this short term commitment. Rehearsals are every Wednesday night in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. on November 19 and December 3, 10 and 17. Please contact Megan Marshall in the church office if you have any questions or plan on attending rehearsals. Women, INC will be making gift baskets/bags for our homebound members, SON Christmas families and PADS on Thursday, November 20, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Come for all or part of the evening. Materials will be provided, as well as a light snack. If you would like to contribute something to the baskets/bags or have some ideas, please contact Barb Smith at (708) 460-8057. Hanging of the Green Rehearsal this Saturday, November 22, 9:00 a.m. –Noon in the Sanctuary. All participants need to attend this rehearsal. If you would like to be a part of Hanging of the Green, please see Maggie Dons or Megan Marshall. There are still opportunities for involvement. Hanging of the Green will be December 7 at 6:00 p.m. SON Christmas is coming! The Board of Deacons is working with our township to identify families in need for us to care for this Christmas. In the coming weeks your Deacon will be in touch with you to share about your group’s family. We will begin collecting presents for these families on November 23. Thank you for Showing Christ’s Love to our neighbors in need this Christmas! Calling All Bakers! Lots of cookies are needed for the Hanging of the Green reception on December 7. If you would be willing to bake and/or donate Christmas cookies, please leave them in the church kitchen on December 6. Mitten Tree - Once again we are having a Mitten Tree to benefit Jones Memorial Center in Chicago Heights. We are collecting, mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and socks through December 8, in the Narthex. There will also be a selection of items available after worship services on Sunday mornings for you to “purchase” and place on the tree. The items will be distributed to low income families in December. Jones Memorial Center is a mission that PPPCC has supported for over 20 years. It ministers to low income families in the Chicago Heights area providing after school activities, tutoring, mentoring, computer training, food assistance, and programs for Senior Citizens. Help needed! We need to add to the rotation of Ushers, Scripture Readers and those who lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. If you would be interested in participating in the worship leadership of the church in one of these ways, please let Pastor Carlton know! WORLD SERVICE is collecting items to be given to the homeless and children's homes. WANTED: sample size shampoos and conditioners, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap, Campbell’s soup labels, box tops for education. Place your donations in the Campbell’s Soup container in the church office. Caring Adult Ministry seeks to care for the senior members of our congregation by visiting those who are homebound. We are looking for additional volunteers to help with this important ministry. If you would like to be a visitor to our homebound, please speak with Pastor Carlton, Melissa Klockow or Amber Chapman. Help is needed for church lock-up. We need a few more volunteers to complete the 2015 schedule. Please call Rodger Eppley or the church office if you can participate in this service for the church. Lockup Team typically goes through the church at the close of each day to check doors and lights. Each participant takes a week at a time. Thank you to those who so faithfully served in this capacity in 2014. Finance Team would like to alert the congregation that we are facing a 96,000 dollar deficit as of the end of October. We are very grateful for the ways our congregation has supported us this year and ask that you please continue your giving through this season. Your support enables us to honor God's plans for our church's future. DATE SCRIPTURE TOPIC November 23 Romans 1:20-23 and Acts 19:23-41 Amy Ritter Preaching * * * Pa l o s Yo u t h M i n i s t r y * * * LOL AND WF TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m.!! Topic: Healthy Friendships Thanksgiving Eve Dinner Prep-Sunday, Nov 23rd @ 6:30pm During WF! LOL will do their own meeting Be at church at 3:30pm on the day of the dinner! LOL Retreat is January 23-25 WF Retreat is February 13-16 Sign-ups are open! Bob will be on Study Leave November 17th through 23rd Need more info about the Youth Ministry? Online Parent Ministry Contact Bob Van Baren at 708-448-5220 (office) or 708-601-1060 (cell) Church E-mail: Personal Email: SMALL GROUP MINISTRY Moving Forward WHAT IS MOVING FORWARD? Moving Forward is a 6-week small group series focused on discipleship and strengthening of our community at PPPCC. . . . Serving Us Today . . . Service Hosts: Anthony DeAngelis, Abbie & Jerry Niewiadomski, Janet Schmaltz, Randy Ytterberg Ushers: Jim Mladic, Carol Davies, Grant Davies, Lou Zuanella, Sue Zuanella Sexton - Reilly Scanlon / Logan Lochow / Derek McCurdy Prayers of Petition - Jerry Niewiadomski Badge Table - Matt & Martha Zatkalik Outside Greeter - John Dolan Coffee Hour - Jerry & Abbie Niewiadomski Reader - Matt Zatkalik Lock Up - Bill Chapman Blood Pressure - Glenda Busch Sanctuary Flowers have been given by James Hay & Family in loving memory of Margaret Hay. T his Week a t Palos Park P resb yterian Commun ity Churc h Sunday, November 16 7:30 am Devotional Service 8:30 am Contemporary Service 9:45 am Education Hour 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Handbells 4:00 pm Clyde Rode’s Nairobi, Kenya Mission Trip Meeting - Fellowship Hall 5:00 pm Creative Arts Worship Meeting 6:30 pm LOL & WF 6:30 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Amy M. & Michelle P.) Monday, November 17 6:30 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Pat Marusarz) 7:00 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Davies Home (Grant & Carol Davies) Tuesday, November 18 7:00 pm Worship Team Meeting 7:00 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Niewiadomski Home (Jerry & Abbie N.) Wednesday, November 19 10:00 am Bible Focus Group 5:45 pm Children’s Hand Chime Choir 6:15 pm Children’s Choirs 6:30 pm Chancel Choir 6:30 pm Bible Focus Group 7:00 pm Junior Youth Club and Youth Club 7:00 pm Mission Team Meeting 7:00 pm Moving Forward Small Group - DeAngelis Home (Anthony & Tami D.) Thursday, November 20 2:30 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (David Carlton) 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm Women, INC Making Gift Baskets Saturday, November 22 9:00 am Hanging of the Green Rehearsal Sunday, November 23 7:30 am Devotional Service 8:30 am Contemporary Service 9:45 am Education Hour 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Handbells 6:30 pm LOL & WF 6:30 pm Moving Forward Small Group - Original Sanctuary (Amy M. & Michelle P.) Blood Pressure Screenings will be taken in the Library at 12:15 p.m. following the worship service. We Are A STEPHEN MINISTRY Congregation Associate Pastor Director of Children’s Ministry Director of Youth Ministry Director of Music & Worship Executive Assistant Organist David Carlton Margaret Downs Bob Van Baren Megan Marshall Susan Schmidt Ralph Pugh Ext. (12) (13) (15) (16) (10) Introducing…. Our New Interim Pastor: Reverend John R. Curphey! The Session, in acting upon the recommendation from the Interim Pastor Nominating Committee (IPNC) at Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church unanimously voted to call Pastor John R. Curphey to be our Interim Senior Pastor. Pastor Curphey is a Teaching Elder and member of the Chicago Presbytery. He has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Wisconsin, a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling from The Adler School of Professional Psychology. He is currently serving a church in the City of Chicago as their Interim Pastor. John has served as a solo pastor, head of staff, associate pastor and pastor interim. He has a particular interest in helping churches in the midst of transition. He believes there is much spiritual opportunity in these times as congregations gather the wisdom of the past, and launch into the future with new energy and a sense of God's unique calling. John is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary ( Massachusetts ) and the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. John has served several churches in the Midwest and one church in New England. He served as the associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn for seventeen years. He is presently serving as the interim pastor of Church of Christ, Presbyterian in the northwest part of the city of Chicago. John's wife, Barbara, teaches first grade in Wheaton, Illinois. His oldest daughter, Ruth ( married to Adam Anderson). lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a new mother. Baby Maggie Anderson is just six and a half months old! Adelyn (daughter #2) is teaching English literature in a private school in Bachrain, a tiny country near Saudi Arabia. She will complete her work in June of 2015. John and Barbara are looking forward to getting to know the members of PPPCC and they come with a sense of expectancy about what God is"up to" during this interim season. We look forward to Pastor Curphey’s ministry beginning with us on January 12, 2015. Please keep them both in your prayers as they transition into ministry with us in the new year. The WF (Senior High) Youth Ministry would like to invite you to the Thanksgiving Eve Fundraiser Dinner and Service on Wednesday, November 26. The money raised at the dinner will go to their summer mission trip. Dinner @ 5:45 p.m. MENU Homemade Baked Pasta Salad Bread Dessert Beverages Service @ 7:00 p.m. We will worship in a time of song, word and testimony. Please start reflecting on God’s goodness. All are invited to celebrate together. * Child care provided * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please RSVP by Sunday, November 23 if you are going to attend. You can sign-up by turning in the bottom of this form, by calling the church office at 708-448-5220 or by signing the sign up sheet in the Narthex or the Fellowship Hall. NAME___________________________________ HOW MANY ATTENDING ____________________
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