ORDER OF WORSHIP “Hosanna (Praise is Rising)” Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown MATTHEW 21:1-11 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PASSING OF THE PEACE PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR: The family of Charlie Brown Pat Buerger Jimmy Dunks Corby Barho Lilah Matthews and family Lucy Cornell Rita Alston Gwyndolyn Jones Margaret Covell Elsie Buxton and family Libby Gibbs and family Those homebound, those homeless, those ill and their caretakers, the unemployed, service men and women, our church family, and all of creation. “Great Are You Lord” Leslie Jordan and David Leonard “Your Love Oh Lord” Tai Anderson, Brad Avery, et al. CHILDREN’S TIME MESSAGE: “Were You There?” OFFERING “Revelation Song” Jennie Lee Riddle INVITATION “Were You There” Frederick J Work and John Wesley Work BLESSING Pathways Music: Greg Graham (Worship Leader), Clayton Salley (Acoustic Guitar), Scott Broberg (Bass Guitar) Claire Morrison (Drums), Jon Nelson (Keyboard) Rita Wilson (Vocals) Barefoot Worship: As a response to places in scripture where God commands the faithful to remove their shoes, (Exodus 3:5; Joshua 5:15) it can be a meaningful practice for some to do likewise when in worship. Worship is meant to incorporate our mind, soul, heart, and body. You are welcome to remove your shoes as well if you feel so led, but please feel no obligation as worship is unique for us all. Please silence or turn off your cell phone during worship. If your child becomes restless during worship, there are rocking chairs in the foyer where you will continue to hear the service. STEPHEN MINISTERS A Stephen Minister will be available at the front pew immediately following each Sunday service for anyone in need of prayer or Christian care. PASTORAL CARE If you or a family member are facing any kind of crisis, your pastors want to minister to you. Please use the contact cards in the pews or contact Pastor Pam via email (pam@oakhillumc.org) or phone (512) 627-4825. The pastors would like to pray with you before surgery and visit during your hospital stay. You can also be on the church-wide prayer chain by requesting this on a pew card or contacting Rebecca Fontenot at rfontenot1994@gmail.com with your need. RE-CHARGE THIS WEDNESDAY Our Re-Charge Worship service will be a Labyrinth walk. Meet at 6:15 at the Labyrinth (located on the far side of the Children’s building) for introduction and instruction. Join us for dinner first in the Fellowship Hall starting at 5:30 p.m. A roasted chicken salad bar is on this week’s menu. CALLING ALL GREETERS OHUMC is always looking for friendly faces to help us welcome people to church. To help either greeting people or working the Info Desk on Sundays, contact Susan McBride at maddygin@austin.rr.com or (512) 301-3385. CHILD CARE If your church event needs child care, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Jennifer Barkis, at Jennifer@barkisbrothers.com or (512) 801-0269 at least 48 hours prior to the event. CHURCH ROOM RESERVATIONS To reserve a room on our church campus, please contact Kathy Williamson at office@oakhillumc.org. NAMETAGS We want everyone to feel a part of our Oak Hill UMC family. If you would like a nametag and/or a hanging folder in the narthex, please write a note requesting one on your attendance card. Please include your phone number or email address in case we have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: With Easter being next Sunday, there will be no communion served at next Sunday’s worship services. Communion will be offered on April 12. ENDOWMENT PIGGY BANK IS HUNGRY Today we will have a special collection for our endowment fund. Please give generously to the children collecting for the OHUMC Endowment Fund. It is so beneficial to our church’s future. EASTER MISSION For the season of Lent, Oak Hill UMC has challenged each of us to participate in a beans and rice fast, replacing one meal a day with beans and rice. With a goal of simplicity and reflection over the course of the fast, it is our prayer that you will consider making a special Easter mission donation for the amount you saved on food by eating simply over the past 40 days. On Easter Sunday, just mark your check or envelope with “Mission offering” and drop it in the offering plate. SEDER MEAL ON MAUNDY THURSDAY Today is the last day to get tickets for our Seder Meal this Thursday, April 2. The meal and program will begin promptly at 6:00. There will be a full program explaining what each component of the meal represents. Tickets are $10 each and available in the narthex. THE CROSS PROJECT This year’s Cross Project is underway. The idea is to create a cross of your own design and donate it to the project. There will be a silent auction beginning on April 12 (through April 19) and all money raised will go toward local or regional mission projects. Contact Vicki Matustik with any questions at Matustik@mail.utexas.edu. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE Do you have a special memory involving Oak Hill UMC? The historical committee is looking for your stories and/or pictures that you would like to share. Please send your recollections to margaretJ@austin.rr.com. They will be sorted, compiled and used to create a memory book. BUCK A BOOK SALE The UMW is collecting books for the annual sale scheduled for May 2. Bring new or gently used books to the old nursery (next to Fellowship Hall) in the main building. Thank you for supporting the UMW missions. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES UMW (United Methodist Women) STUDY GROUP Beginning Wednesday, April 8, at 10:00 a.m. we will discuss the issues facing those who have disabilities, the responsibility of the church to provide access and services, and the opportunities we have to advocate and support those with disabilities. This 4-week study will be in the Adult Ed. Bldg., Rm A201, and led by Rev. Suzanne Steves. Contact Margaret Jones if you’d like to attend at margaretJ@austin.rr.com or (512) 8923048. NEW CLASS @ 11:15 Do you live with a teenager? If so, join others in the same situation for a lively discussion using a video series, “Have a New Kid by Friday.” We meet Sundays at 11:15 in Rm A202. Ask your teen to check out the new RE:FORM group going on in the Youth area at the same time! NOTES: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ YOUTH NEWS (Grades 6 - 12) RE:FORM Come check out our newest group at 11:15 on Sundays in the Youth Lounge. We’re diving into questions many people have about their faith, the Bible, and what it really means to be a Christian. Send your parents or guardians over to the new “Parents or Guardians of Teenagers” class at the same time in Rm A202… It’s good stuff! TONIGHT 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Youth Band Practice (Choir Room) 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship (UMYF) in the Youth area WEDNESDAY 6:00 - 8:00 - Confirmation in C201/202 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study in the Youth Lounge 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Fellowship Time in the Youth area CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS EASTER EGG HUNT Join us Saturday morning (April 4) at the Children’s building for an Easter Party. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt, a Bouncy House, even a petting zoo! 1st-5th graders will hunt eggs at 9:30; Kindergarten and younger hunt at 10:15. All are welcome at this eggstravaganza! KNOW CHOCOLATE FOR LENT Our Lenten study teaches us about the process of making chocolate and how that relates to our faith journey. All ages welcome to join on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for age specific groups or at 11:15 for a combined class. SUMMER CAMPS Sign up for the summer camps at Oak Hill: VBS, MAD Camp, and Cub Camp. Space is limited. Information and signups are available in the Narthex, Children’s building, and main office. CHOIRS Join us every Wednesday for: Kingdom Kids’ rehearsals in the Adult Ed. Bldg., Rm A206. 2nd and 3rd graders 6-6:45 p.m. 4th and 5th graders 6:45-7:30 p.m. Kingdom Cubs rehearsals in the Children’s Bldg., Rm C107. Age 4-1st graders 6:15-7 p.m. OUR CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor (jim@oakhillumc.org) Senior Associate Pastor (pam@oakhillumc.org) Associate Pastor (katy@oakhillumc.org) Pathways Worship Leader (worshipleader@oakhillumc.org) Director of Music Ministries (drpence2009@gmail.com) Assistant Director of Music (dmb543@gmail.com) Director of Handbells (cdingersoll@austin.rr.com) Organist Financial Administrator (angie@oakhillumc.org) Office Manager (office@oakhillumc.org) Director of Communications (cornerstone@oakhillumc.org) Director of Youth Ministries (youth@oakhillumc.org) Director of Children’s Ministries (suzanne@oakhillumc.org) Director of Preschool (preschool@oakhillumc.org) Nursery Coordinator (jennifer@barkisbrothers.com) Coordinator of Deaf Ministry (deafministry@oakhillumc.org) Facilities Administrator (facilities@oakhillumc.org) Custodian (facilities@oakhillumc.org) Jim Roberts Pam Sheffield Katy Fitzhugh Greg Graham Suzanne Pence Diana Hopkins Cathy Ingersoll Hee Jung Min Angie Bragg Kathy Williamson Page Gordon Katie Coleman Suzanne Steves Kristin Wright Jennifer Barkis Caroline Koo Chuck Moore Billie Moore “WERE YOU THERE?” March 29, 2015 7815 Highway 290 West, Austin, Texas 78736 (512) 288-3836 Fax (512) 301–1347 Join the conversation! Find the Pathways group on Facebook. “Like” the Oak Hill UMC page, or follow us on Twitter.
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