ORDER OF SERVICE ANTHEM “Prayer Litany” Kemp Youth Choir PRELUDE MESSAGE “Meditation on ‘Be Thou My Vision’” Brass Quartet Rev. Jim Roberts CENTERING HYMN “Fill My Cup, Lord” WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS UMH 641 PRAYERS OF CONCERN AND CELEBRATION OPENING PRAYER *HYMN “Cool, Clear Water ” “Great is the Lord” FWS 2022 OFFERING and OFFERTORY “Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist”` Crüger/Zachariassen PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR: Charlie Brown and wife, Joann Lynn Markert (Rachel Zierzow’s extended family) Jimmy Dunks Gloria Hazelwood Lucy Cornell Rita Alston Tony Reaves Will Pannabecker Gwyndolyn Jones Suzanne Leyden Dawn and Charles Zierzow Margaret Covell Elsie Buxton and family Libby Gibbs and family Those homebound, those homeless, those ill and their caretakers, the unemployed, service men and women, our church family, and all of creation. Youth Choir *CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor: When we hunger; when our souls are empty; People: We cry to the Lord, “Help us, O Lord.” Pastor: When we thirst; when our spirits are dry; People: We cry to the Lord, “Help us, O Lord.” Pastor: God who created the heavens and the earth hears our cries. People: Lord, come and quench our thirst and heal our hunger. AMEN. *PASSING OF THE PEACE *CHORAL CALL TO THE WORD “The First One Ever” *DOXOLOGY UMH 276 vs. 2 *SCRIPTURE READING UMH 95 *INVITATION *HYMN John 4:5-11 STEPHEN MINISTERS A Stephen Minister will be available at the front pew immediately following each Sunday service for anyone in need of prayer or Christian care. First verse translation: Take courage, my weak spirit And endure great desire. Joyfully to embrace A little child who is called Father! This is the night in which he came And took on human form So that he might take the world Faithfully as his bride. “Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands” UMH 273 PRAYER OF CONFESSION God of living waters, we confess that we have often turned from you and wandered in our own wildernesses of fear and doubt. Our thirst mounts daily, seeking to be quenched by your redeeming love. Yet, when that love is offered to us, we again turn away, unable to truly believe that you would actually heal and love us. We have behaved in very unloving ways. We have chosen to ignore those in need or to deal only passively with them. Our hearts are not placed in service to others, but rather in self-serving motives. Heal us, merciful God. Wash us again in the living water. Help us be faithful servants. AMEN. *BENEDICTION PASTORAL WORDS OF ASSURANCE The waters of mercy and healing are poured over you. God is loving and faithful to those who come to God. Come, seek the loving presence and be healed. AMEN. Today’s Brass Quartet is comprised of James Giroux on trombone, Gabriel Hart on euphonium, Mikal Hart on horn, and Kevin Lungwitz on tuba. CHILDREN’S TIME THE LENTEN CROSS *BENEDICTION RESPONSE “O How He Loves you and Me” FWS 2108 vs. 1 POSTLUDE “Dance from Canzona Bergamasca” Scheidt Brass Quartet (* Please stand as you are able.) Jennifer Barkis Cathy, Heath, and Don Lawler Please silence or turn off your cell phone during worship. If your child becomes restless during worship, there are rocking chairs in the foyer where you will continue to hear the service. PASTORAL CARE If you or a family member are facing any kind of crisis, your pastors want to minister to you. Please use the contact cards in the pews or contact Pastor Pam via email (pam@oakhillumc.org) or phone (512) 627-4825. The pastors would like to pray with you before surgery and visit during your hospital stay. You can also be on the churchwide prayer chain by requesting this on a pew card or contacting Rebecca Fontenot at rfontenot1994@gmail.com with your need. RE-CHARGE ON WEDNESDAYS! Join us this Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a BBQ dinner provided by our Youth. A service of worship, prayer, and communion will follow at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Bob DeJong will be our worship service speaker this week. CALLING ALL GREETERS OHUMC is always looking for friendly faces to help us welcome people to church. To help either greeting people or working the Info Desk on Sundays, contact Susan McBride at (512) 301-3385 or maddygin@austin.rr.com . CHILD CARE If your church event needs child care, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Jennifer Barkis, at Jennifer@barkisbrothers.com or (512) 801-0269 at least 48 hours prior to the event. CHURCH ROOM RESERVATIONS To reserve a room on our church campus, please contact Kathy Williamson at office@oakhillumc.org. NAMETAGS We want everyone to feel a part of our Oak Hill UMC family. If you need a nametag and/or a hanging folder in the foyer, please write a note requesting one on your attendance card. Please include a phone number or email address in case we have any questions. HELP WANTED!! We have an open job posting for a full-time Facility Administrator. This person will be responsible for the overall maintenance and compliance of our church buildings and grounds. For a complete list of duties and skills needed, please go to oakhillumc.org. Deadline for applications is March 13! PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OF TEENAGERS Do you live with a teenager (grades 6 - 12)? If so, consider joining a new class with others in the same situation, beginning March 22 at 11:15. We will share lively discussions using a video series titled “Have a New Kid by Friday.” Suggest to your teen they check out the new RE:FORM group going on in the Youth area at the same time! GO DAY Thank you to all those who helped work on projects or came out for the CROP Walk last weekend! If you were a team captain, please send your attendance lists to office@oakhillumc.org. YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES (Grades 6 - 12) Friends are always welcome at our weekly activities! SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10 a.m. in the Youth area RE:FORM Beginning March 22 at 11:15 in the Youth Lounge, a new class is starting. We’ll look into questions that so many people have about faith, the Bible, and being a Christian. If you’re interested in this class, send your parents or guardians to the new “Adult” class starting the same time in A202… They could use it! CHOIR PRACTICE: Today at 12:30 –1:30 p.m. in the Choir Room STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM: Today at 4:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. BAND PRACTICE: Today at 4 p.m. in the Choir Room UMYF: Tonight, 5-7 p.m. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for dinner, followed by our Lenten Study, “Fearless: The Courage to Question.” BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday nights 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. EASTER IS COMING It’s time to order Easter Lilies! Help decorate the church on Easter Sunday by purchasing a lily (or multiple lilies) in honor of or in memory of a loved one. See insert for details and order form. EASTER EGG STUFFERS Our annual Easter Egg hunt will be Saturday, April 4th! We have plenty of eggs, but need wrapped candy and toddler-friendly toys to fill them. If you’d like to contribute, there are collection bins in the Narthex, Children’s Building, and Fellowship Hall. YOUNG AT HEART GROUP This fellowship group for retirees (or near-retirees), is having their next event at Cherry Creek Catfish Café (5712 Manchaca Rd) this Thursday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. RSVP to Jeanine Bentley at jea9b@yahoo.com MARY MARTHA CIRCLE All ladies are welcome at tomorrow’s meeting at 11:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our hostesses, Alana Oehler, Diana Goodloe, Myra Allison and Gail Jones will provide lunch. A requested $5 donation will help cover expenses. Tomorrow’s program will be provided by Donna Broberg, an ambassador at the University Medical Center Brackenridge. UMW BOOK CLUB March’s selection, “Sum It Up: 1098 Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses and a Life in Perspective,” by Pat Summit, will be discussed on March 26. We meet at Panera Bread on William Cannon at 10:00. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES OAK HILL 101 - TODAY Learn more about being a disciple of Christ, a Methodist, and a member of Oak Hill UMC. Class is in Jim’s office today at 10:00 a.m. and in the Adult Ed Bldg. - A201 at 11:15. Your next opportunity is April 12. WORLD RELIGIONS SYNAGOGUE TRIP On March 27, we will attend a worship service at the oldest synagogue in Austin, Congregation Beth Israel. Adults and Youth are invited. We will have a special session afterwards with the Rabbi, Sheila Peltz Weinberg. She will answer any of our questions and share a bit about the Jewish faith. Contact Pastor Pam at pam@oakhillumc.org if you are interested in attending this event. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS KNOW CHOCOLATE FOR LENT Our Lenten study teaches us about the process of making chocolate and how that relates to our faith journey. All ages welcome to join at 10:00 a.m. for age specific groups or at 11:15 for a combined class. CHOIR Join us Wednesdays for: Kingdom Kids’ rehearsals in the Adult Ed. Bldg., Rm A206. 2nd and 3rd graders 6-6:45 p.m. 4th and 5th graders 6:45-7:30 p.m. Kingdom Cubs rehearsals in the Children’s Bldg., Rm C107. Age 4-1st graders 6:15-7 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Blended Worship Service OUR CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor (jim@oakhillumc.org) Senior Associate Pastor (pam@oakhillumc.org) Associate Pastor (katy@oakhillumc.org) Pathways Worship Leader (worshipleader@oakhillumc.org) Director of Music Ministries (drpence2009@gmail.com) Assistant Director of Music (dmb543@gmail.com) Director of Handbells (cdingersoll@austin.rr.com) Organist Director of Youth Ministries (youth@oakhillumc.org) Director of Children’s Ministries (suzanne@oakhillumc.org) Director of Preschool (preschool@oakhillumc.org) Nursery Coordinator (jennifer@barkisbrothers.com) Financial Administrator (angie@oakhillumc.org) Office Manager (office@oakhillumc.org) Director of Communications (cornerstone@oakhillumc.org) Coordinator of Deaf Ministry (deafministry@oakhillumc.org) Facilities Administrator (facilities@oakhillumc.org) Custodian (facilities@oakhillumc.org) “Cool, Clear Water” Jim Roberts Pam Sheffield Katy Fitzhugh Greg Graham Suzanne Pence Diana Hopkins Cathy Ingersoll Hee-Jung Min Katie Coleman Suzanne Steves Kristin Wright Jennifer Barkis Angie Bragg Kathy Williamson Page Gordon Caroline Koo Chuck Moore Billie Moore March 8, 2015 7815 Highway 290 West, Austin, Texas 78736 (512) 288-2836 Fax (512) 301–1347
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