to read our Latest Bulletin..

Elim Pentecostal
Church, Burton
Church Week
Sundays at 10.30 am
Worship & Communion Services at both venues
RACE Kidz Church at the Corner, Sunday School at Princess Street
Sundays at 6.30 pm
Joint Celebration at Moor Street
APRIL 2015
Tuesdays at 2.30 - 3.45 pm.
Fellowship meeting at Princess Street
Tuesdays at 7.30 pm - at the Corner
Prayer and teaching - open to all
Thursdays at 7.00 pm.
The Watch, Princess Street
It’s important to get your facts right. I recently got very frustrated when
the Burton Mail printed a story about our planning application for a new
entrance to Moor Street. They only consulted me after the story had been
printed and didn’t seem to want to know that the entrance was mainly to
improve general pedestrian safety and parking access.
Saturdays at 8.30 am
Prayer meeting at Moor Street each week
Town-wide prayer meeting monthly
Sundays at 8.15 pm (as announced)
21C—Young people’s alternative Church (age 14 to 21)
First Monday of each month at 7.30 pm
CONNECT 3 - Ladies Meeting - For Worship, Encouragement and Evangelism
First and third Fridays of each month from 6.30 pm. onward
THE HUB - Games, activities, food and the challenge of the KUBE
Families and children of all ages welcome
But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those
who have fallen asleep. 1 Cor. 15:20 ESV
Imagine then my frustration when Direction Magazine took up the Mail
story. Despite my offer to write the story for them which they refused (I
wanted to get it right), my answers to a few questions were skewed to say
things that were, as far as I was concerned, not wholly accurate.
In both these cases the motives of the writers were good, they wanted to
be positive about our Church. However, it is always crucial to get your
facts right.
Last Friday of each month at 7.30 pm.
Men’s Fellowship meeting
As we celebrate the Easter story, isn’t it wonderful to know that our salvation is not based on a ‘positive spin’ of the events surrounding the empty
tomb. The evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming. Death
has been defeated. By trusting in Christ’s death and resurrection we can
be sure of eternal life.
Small groups meet at different dates and frequencies.
Details can be found on the Target Team Notice Board
Can I remind you that we have a baptismal service on April 12th, invite
your friends.
All General Enquiries, Tel: 01283 544311
Information for Monthly Bulletin to:
Web Site: Twitter @BurtonElim
Email Pastor:
God Bless you all
Pastor Rob
“God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by
angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world,
received up in glory.” 1 Timothy 3:16
THE WATCH at Pr incess Str eet
Thursdays, 7 .00pm. to 8.00pm
Tuesdays 7.30 pm. at The Corner
Ian Morrison will be sharing on the theme
“What does the Lord require of us”
PRAYER MEETING at Moor Str eet
Saturday, 8.30am—9.30 am
The studies will be followed by a time of fellowship
Good Friday, 3r d, 10-11 am. Worship & Communion (Moor Street)
Followed by March of Witness from Library and
service at War Memorial at 12 noon
Easter Sunday, 5th, 10.30 am Worship & Communion (both venues)
6.30 pm Easter Celebration (Moor Street)
In preparation for the Election, Burton Transformation Trust are
organising a ‘meet the candidates’ event at Riverside Church on
Weds. 22nd April from 7.30 to 9.15 pm.
You are invited to attend and hear what the three candidates Andrew
Griffiths (Conservative), Jon Wheale (Labour) and Mike Green (UKIP)
have to say before we vote on May 7th . Please encourage people to
send in any questions in advance on any topic to by Monday 20th April.
Sunday, 12th, 6.30 pm—BAPTISMAL SERVICE
Monday, 13th, 7.30 pm—CONNECT TO WORSHIP
- Speaker, Sue Prosser
Friday 17th, 6.30 pm onwards—THE HUB
Saturday, 18th 8.30 am—Town wide Prayer meeting at The Corner
Friday, 24th, 7.30 pm—Men’s Fellowship at Princess Street
- Guest Speaker Roy Monks, (a licensed Elim Minister)
* Chaplain of East Midlands Airport
* Pastor of Ibstock Baptist Church
* A long-time friend of Pastor Rob & a great speaker
(Bookings taken by Martyn Taylor)
Thoughts for the month:
Give God what’s right … not what’s left!
Man’s way leads to a hopeless end … God’s way leads to an endless
Please note that on August 1st & 2nd we have a special weekend of
celebration to mark the 65th Anniversary of Elim in Burton—as
part of this we are looking to collect as many photographs of Burton
Elim across the years. If you have any photos that we could borrow,
please write your name on the back of them and let Liz Holmes have
them. We will look after them.
Volunteers urgently required for the following:
The HUB—See Rex
Sunday Evening Refreshments—See Vanessa Tagg
New Start Charity Shop—See Sue Prosser
New Start Café—See Vanessa Tagg
Notice for all Team Leaders
A Reminder that all items for this bulletin should be sent to Betty Cope