FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1650 Waddington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9S 4W3 Phone: 250.753.0241 | Fax: 250.753.0415 E-mail: We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping with us today. Our prayer is that you experience Christ’s love in our worship and fellowship. Join us for tea and coffee in the Fellowship Café following both services. February 15, 2015 YOUTH SUNDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE CARDS In the pews are Prayer and Praise cards which we encourage you to use. Our church family’s needs are vital to us and our staff, Elders and Sunday Prayer Teams would be honoured to pray with you. Please place your completed cards in the offering bags or drop it into the Prayer Box on the Ushers’ table. GREETERS 9 am & 11 am Youth Next Week 9 am Derek & Kathleen Gaye 11 am Rob & Sheryl Ellis Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Worship Leader - Chris Gillespie 9 am Platform Leader - Meredith Reems 11 am Platform Leader - Youth LETTING GO OF THE NEED TO CONTROL Pastor Randy Baker Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-19 (Pew Bible - Page 263) PRAYER TEAMS 9 am Patty Daley Colleen Entner Judy Anderson Noreen Chase Please sponsor us at Proceeds go to Island Crisis Care Society for their work helping people in crisis in Nanaimo. Pledges of $20 or more will be tax-receipted. Better still, join our FBC YOUNG ADULTS AND YOUTH Team (all ages welcome) and ask your family and friends to sponsor YOU. Pledge forms are available on the bulletin board under the stairs. Many of our younger team members will be in the Fellowship Café hoping you’ll sponsor them. Please help them to reach their minimum pledge total. FBC YOUNG ADULTS & YOUTH TEAM Pastor Randy Noreen Chase Colleen Entner Sharon Kelly Benjamin Laktin Carson Lemmon Connor Lemmon Lenore Lemmon Ruth Lewis Leslie Szeler Carolyn Trepke Evelyn Trepke Jackson Trepke Justin Trepke Miranda Trepke John Townesend NURSERY TEAMS 9 am Kimberly Jackson Vicky MacPherson 11 am Bill Cunningham Harold Smoker Ernie McClare Mel Bellefontaine COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR Saturday, Feb. 21 11 am Brenda Krastel Jennifer Bailey Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Grades 1 to 6 URBAN OUTREACH Be part of a team that reaches out to needy people in Nanaimo. Meet Saturday, Feb. 21 at 3:30 pm at the church to help prepare or hand out bag lunches in the downtown area. For more information please email Kara Daley at PRIMETIMERS’ FELLOWSHIP All those 55+ are invited to a time of encouragement and fellowship Wed, Feb. 18 @ 10 am Special Speaker - Laurel Borisenko Before the service begins, please switch your cell phone to SILENT. Thanks! Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served. BAKE SALE TODAY JuBELLation Handbell Choir will be selling delicious baking from 10:15-10:45 am & 12:15-12:45 pm in the Fellowship Café. Proceeds will help ringers attend the International Handbell Symposium 2016 in Vancouver. Your support is greatly appreciated. DEEPEST SYMPATHY We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Pastor Fred Southwood whom the Lord called home on Dec. 26, 2014 in Alberta. Pastor Southwood ministered with Pastor Gord Patterson at FBC and was loved by all. A Memorial Service will be held at Gateway Baptist Church in Victoria on Sat. Feb 21st at 1 pm. Reception to follow. DEEPEST SYMPATHY We express our deepest sympathy to Miriam Herman after the passing of her beloved husband Blake Herman on February 8, 2015. Please remember the family in prayer during this time of sorrow and loss. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18a YOUTH SERVING NIGHT On Thursday, Feb. 25 our Youth Group will cook a spaghetti dinner at the Wesley Street Supportive Housing Complex. If you would like to donate spaghetti, sauce or other ingredients, please place them in the bin under the stairs. For more information, contact Pastor Randy ( YOUNG ADULT WORSHIP NIGHT Join us for a great time of worship this Sat. Feb. 21 @ 7-9 pm First Baptist Church Speaker - Pastor Ryan Morgan O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. FEBRUARY 15 - 21 PRAYER CONCERNS THIS WEEK Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:17 CHURCH MINISTRIES Youth Ministry SPECIAL NEEDS Unsaved Loved Ones THOSE WHO ARE SHUT IN Dennis Hart GLOBAL MISSIONARIES Sherri Harris (Philippines) PRAISE Youth Retreat LOCAL OUTREACH Urban Outreach THOSE WHO ARE SICK & RECOVERING Heather Schneidereit, Carl Bracken, Anna Mueller "My storytelling career began when I told my 5th grade friends One day I got an idea for a story and that my mother was born in a talked about it for six months until covered wagon on the Oregon finally, I sat down and began to write. Trail. It seemed plausible. Nine months later, I had a book, and My mother was, after all, two years after that, it was published. Author of 47 years old at the time! The rest, as they say, is history. the Month In high school I was a compulsive After nine years of writing in any and Robin Lee Hatcher writer, scribbling stories and every spare moment, on the release of poetry in notebooks and on my 9th novel, I quit my day job to write binders. This wasn’t work. This full time, and have been ever since." was fun! Writing could transport Robin has authored over 70 me to any place, any time. How novels and novellas. Our library’s cool! I also love horses and bought collection of her books includes: my first horse when I was fifteen. Whenever You Come Around Marriage and family filled the Love Without End decade of my twenties. I read The Heart's Pursuit voraciously. I daydreamed. In my Please visit us A Promise Kept mind, I reworked the endings of through the month Belonging both movies and books any time of February and enjoy A Bride for all Seasons these great stories! they didn’t suit me. SUNDAY 9 am & 11 am 9-10:15 am 9:15-10:15 am 10:15-10:45 a.m. 11:15 am-12:15 pm 12:15-12:45 pm 1-5 pm Family Worship Service Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Adult Sunday School Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café Deaconesses’ Prayer Retreat MONDAY 6 pm 6:30 pm Ladies’ Quilting Group JuBELLation Handbell Practice TUESDAY 1:30 pm 6:15-8 pm Ladies’ Bible Study Awana Kids’ Club WEDNESDAY 10 am-12 pm 10 am 12:30-2:30 pm 7-8:15 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Toddlers’ Playgroup PRIMETIMERS FELLOWSHIP Precepts Bible Study (Leslie Szeler) Men’s Bible Study Ladies’ Boot Camp THURSDAY 3:45 pm 7 pm 7 pm Kids’ Choir Practice COUNCIL Big Worship Youth Night FRIDAY 3 pm 7 pm 7 pm Children’s Chime Choir Young Adult Band Practice CLIPPERS’ FAITH AND FAMILY NIGHT SATURDAY 7:30 am 3:30 pm 5 pm 7 pm Men’s Prayer Fellowship URBAN OUTREACH COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR YOUNG ADULT WORSHIP NIGHT 9 am & 11 am FAMILY WORSHIP NURSERY (Ages 0 to 2) Required for February 37,106.44 Required for February Received on February 8 5,697.05 Received on February 8 Received this month 21,889.85 8,200.00 730.00 Received this month Required by February 28 74,212.88 Required by February 28 Received YTD 51,213.93 Received YTD 3,985.00 16,400.00 PLEASE CLEARLY MARK BUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS RUN WELL/FINISH STRONG ENVELOPES AVAILABLE IN THE PEWS 9,533.50 9-10:15 am ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15-10:15 am PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) 9:15-10:30 am W5 STUDY SERIES (Youth & Adults) 9:15-10:45 am FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ 11:15 am - 12:15 pm PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) KIDZ TIME (Grades 1-6) 12:15-12:45 pm FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ Following Christ What’s it all about? Sundays from 3-5 pm Begins March 1, 2015 This is an 8-week small group study geared for those who are new to First Baptist Church and would like to connect with others in the church. This study will help us deepen our understanding of what it is to be a follower of Christ. Anyone, no matter where you are in your walk with Christ, will benefit from this study. For more information or questions please contact Gord Beirnes (250-758-6977 or Section 7 tickets available today following the service in the Foyer Tuesday from Maureen Cunningham at Awana Kids Club. On game night, from 6-7 pm, at the Faith and Family table outside the Arena.
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