We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping with us today. Our prayer is that you experience Christ’s love in our worship and fellowship. Join us for tea and coffee in the Fellowship Café following both services. January 18, 2015 Worship Leader - Trevor Rowell 9 am Platform Leader - Jason Schmidt 11 am Platform Leader - Ian Smith SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS - Sherri Harris A LOOK BACK, A LOOK AHEAD Pastor Rob Daley Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-11 (Pew Bible - Page 860) NAME TAGS We encourage all regular attendees to pick up your name tag each week on the Name Tag Bulletin Board. All GUESTS are invited to pick up your name tag at the Welcome Center. Your participation helps us care for one another. PRAYER CHAIN If you have a prayer request please email prayerchain@fbcnanaimo.ca or contact the Church Office (250-753-0241) and our Elders and Deaconesses will remember you in prayer. The Prayer Room is open following both morning services for those needing a quiet place to pray. PRAYER AND PRAISE CARDS In the pews are Prayer and Praise cards which we encourage you to use. Our church family’s needs are vital to us and our staff, Elders and Sunday Prayer Teams would be honoured to pray with you. Please place your completed cards in the offering bags or drop it into the Prayer Box on the Ushers’ table. GREETERS 9 am Patrick & Candy Kuhn 11 am Rita Braun FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1650 Waddington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9S 4W3 Phone: 250.753.0241 | Fax: 250.753.0415 E-mail: admin@fbcnanaimo.ca | Website: www.fbcnanaimo.ca Next Week 9 am Derek & Kathleen Gaye 11 am Norm Jacobson PRAYER TEAMS 9 am Patty Daley Colleen Entner Judy Anderson Noreen Chase NURSERY TEAMS 9 am Kimberly Jackson Vicky MacPherson 11 am Bill Cunningham Harold Smoker Ernie McClare Mel Bellefontaine 11 am Brenda Krastel Jennifer Bailey Before the service begins, please switch your cell phone to SILENT. Thanks! JANUARY 18 - 24 PRAYER CONCERNS THIS WEEK Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:17 CHURCH MINISTRIES Awana Kids’ Club SPECIAL NEEDS Youth Retreat THOSE WHO ARE SHUT IN Lillian Bochek GLOBAL MISSIONARIES Laurel Borisenko PRAISE His very present help LOCAL OUTREACH Alex Boland (VIU) THOSE WHO ARE SICK & RECOVERING Heather Schneidereit, Anna Mueller, Debbie Hastings Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Grades 1 to 6 SUNDAY 9 am & 11 am 9:15-10:15 am 9-10:15 am 9:15-10:30 am 10:15-10:45 a.m. 11:15 am-12:15 pm 12:15-12:45 pm Family Worship Service Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Adult Sunday School W5 Study Series Fellowship Café Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café MONDAY 6 pm 6:30 pm Ladies’ Quilting Group JuBELLation Handbell Practice TUESDAY 1:30 pm 6:15-8 pm Ladies’ Bible Study Awana Kids’ Club WEDNESDAY 9-11 am 10 am-12 pm 10 am 12:30-2:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Precepts Bible Study (W. Jessen/N. Hupalo) Toddlers’ Playgroup PRIMETIMERS Precepts Bible Study (Leslie Szeler) Ladies’ Boot Camp THURSDAY 3:45 pm 7-8:30 pm SHE MATTERS Thank you for supporting CBM’s She Matters campaign last Sunday with your prayers and offering of $2,300. CBM’s goal is to raise $100,000 for the education of girls in India, Rwanda and Bolivia. The response has been incredible with over 80 Canadian Baptist churches raising $70,000 to date. We are still collecting donations today. Please use a She Matters envelope to donate by cash, cheque, or credit card. Please make cheques payable to Canadian Baptist Ministries and put your She Matters envelope in the offering bag. Kids’ Choir Practice Girls Only / Boys Only Youth Night FRIDAY 3 pm 5 pm Children’s Chime Choir Rehearsal SATURDAY 7:30 am 2 pm Men’s Prayer Fellowship WEDDING 9 am & 11 am FAMILY WORSHIP NURSERY (Ages 0 to 2) Required for January 37,106.44 Required for January 8,200.00 Received on January 4 11,359.95 Received on January 4 2,390.00 Received on January 11 4,839.00 Received on January 11 215.00 Received this month 16,198.95 Received this month 2,605.00 Required by January 31 37,106.44 Required by January 31 8,200.00 Received YTD 16,198.95 Received YTD 2,605.00 PLEASE CLEARLY MARK BUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS RUN WELL/FINISH STRONG ENVELOPES AVAILABLE IN THE PEWS 9-10:15 am ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15-10:15 am PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) 9:15-10:30 am W5 STUDY SERIES (Youth & Adults) 9:15-10:45 am 11:15 am - 12:15 pm FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) KIDZ TIME (Grades 1-6) 12:15-12:45 pm 12:30 pm FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ SPECIAL PARENTS’ LUNCHEON Check out www.fbcnanaimo.ca FBC YOUTH WINTER RETREAT February 6-8 SPECIAL PARENTS LUNCHEON Are you a special parent helping your child live with differences that can make life a bit more challenging? Join us for lunch on Sunday, Jan. 25 at 12:30 pm. Be encouraged as we share stories, ideas and resources. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Lounge. Parents only, please. Contact Sheryl Ellis (250-591-6343) or Denise Conway (250-591-4212) for more information. Novels by Joel Rosenberg: THE LAST JIHAD THE LAST DAYS THE EZEKIEL OPTION THE COPPER SCROLL DEAD HEAT THE TWELFTH IMAM THE TEHRAN INITIATIVE Non-fiction books: EPICENTER, INSIDE THE REVOLUTION IMPLOSION ISRAEL AT WAR THE INVESTED LIFE His newest book THE THIRD TARGET is now available in our Church Library. All those 55+ are invited to a time of encouragement and fellowship Wednesday, Jan. 21 @ 10 am Tofino Botanical Gardens Retreat Centre Cost - $75 per person Pick up a Questions? registration Contact brochure from the Pastor Randy Youth Bulletin Board 250-753-0241 in the Rear Foyer or or from the passtorrandy@fbcnanaimo.ca Welcome Centre Our Author of the Month for January is New York Time bestselling author JOEL C. ROSENBERG. PRIMETIMERS’ FELLOWSHIP Joel is the producer of two documentary films based on his nonfiction books - Epicenter and Inside the Revolution. He is also the founder of The Joshua Fund, a nonprofit educational and charitable organization to mobilize Christians to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus with food, clothing, medical supplies, and other humanitarian relief. In 2008, Joel designed and hosted the first Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem. The event drew two thousand Christians who wanted to learn, pray, give, and go to the Lord’s work in Israel and the Middle East. Subsequent live webcast conferences have drawn thousands to listen to the Christian speakers, Come in and browse our collection of Joel's books and check out his newest political thriller! Special Speaker - Peter Attrell Peter will share highlights of his trip to China Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served. MISSIONS TRIP Hi, my name is Sherri Harris. I will be part of a group from my dad's church in Surrey travelling to the Philippines from March 5-23. We will partner with local churches to share the gospel, pray for the sick, and disciple new believers. I am looking for brothers and sisters in Christ to with me in prayer for this trip. If you would be willing to be a prayer partner, please email sherriharris77@hotmail.com. Thank you. What is W5 Study Series? W5 answers from the Bible the Who, What, When, Where and Why of Life and How to apply it. W5 is a five-year systematic Bible study course that is written and geared for small groups MEASURE OF A MAN BIBLE STUDY Join Pastor Rob Daley for Part II of THE MEASURE OF A MAN beginning Wed. Jan. 28 at the Daleys’ home. If you are interested in attending the study, please sign up on the bulletin board by the Nametags. W5 is a way to study God's Word and gives you tools to defend your faith. LOST AND FOUND Please claim your lost items by the end of this month. After Jan. 31 they will be donated to the Salvation Army. The Lost & Found bin is located above the coat racks in the Foyer. Thank you. Option 1 - Year 1 Wednesday evening - 7-9 pm A high school youth small group at Pastor Randy & Sherrie Baker's house 1901 Latimer Road, Nanaimo W5 is grounded on a historical timeline because context matters. DONATE YOUR Q-POINTS TO OUR YOUTH If you would like to donate your Q-points to help purchase the food for the Winter Youth Retreat, please contact Cheryl Landry (250-756-2495 or schoolisfun@shaw.ca). Thank you. Option 2 - Years 2 & 5 Sunday morning - 9:15-10:30am High school through to adults in the Youth Room CAPERNWRAY LADIES CONFERENCE 2015 May 22-24 or May 29-31 Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre, Thetis Island Conference Speaker - Sue Gilmore Theme - He Shall Be Called Wonderful Registration Begins January 21, 2015 Cost - $150 ($50 deposit confirms your registration) Contact Lori Currell (250-758-8277 or loricurrell@gmail.com) Morning Sermon Notes - January 18, 2015 A LOOK BACK, A LOOK AHEAD 2 Peter 1:1-11 Remembering God's blessings (vv. 3–4) Anticipating God's opportunities (vv. 5-7) And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” He replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” Minnie Louise Haskins
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