WORSHIP for the FIFTH SUNDAY in LENT MARCH 22, 2015 10:30 AM Grounded in the grace of God, we are a vibrant Christian community, disciples of all ages, gathered for worship and nurture, scattered to serve and to love. MPC Mission Statement adopted by the Session March 31, 2008 Welcome to Morrisville Presbyterian Church CONTACT U S M O RR ISV ILLE P R ES B YT ER IA N C H UR CH 771 North Pennsylvania Ave. | Morrisville, PA 19067 215.295.4191 | Office@MPCusa.net WE WELCOME GUESTS AND VISITORS to our worship service today. If you are not a member, we invite you to consider membership with us. If you would like more information about how we can serve you, please speak to a pastor. CHURCH STAFF Bruce Ballantine ............................. BruceBallantine@MPCusa.net Interim Pastor & Head of Staff (extension 234) FRIENDSHIP PAD: During the Words of Welcome, please pass the Friendship Pad to the outside aisle and back again to the center. This allows worshipers to recognize other people in their pew, and helps staff members identify individuals who may need attention. Deborah Heffernan .................... DebbieHeffernan@MPCusa.net Interim Associate Pastor (extension 225) Linda Seaman...................................... LindaSeaman@MPCusa.net Director of Older Adult Ministry (extension 232) Steve McBride .................................... SteveMcBride@MPCusa.net Director of Music & Communications Coordinator The Chancel Flowers are offered to the glory of God and in memory of Violet B. Baldwin; and in memory of Florence “Peggy “ Kohn’s birthday given by her children, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren. Rich Drabb.............................................. RichDrabb@MPCusa.net Property Manager (extension 231) Laurie Jacobson .............................. LaurieJacobson@MPCusa.net Bookkeeper (extension 226) USHERING AT TODAY’S SERVICE: Head Deacon Scully........................................... LizScully@MPCusa.net Andy Beidler, Alastair Brunton, Ann Clements, Dave Elizabeth Administrative Assistant (extension 0) Stoneburner, Alice Garcia, Susan Manning, Amy Schnurr, and Jr. Deacons Ryan McHenry, Gavin Smith, and Christopher Ward. return the Hymnal and/or Bible after the service. TODAY’S ACOLYTE is Anna Flook. PASTORAL CARE REMINDER—Members of the CHILDCARE FOR CHILDREN UP TO AGE 4 is pro- staff truly want to be attentive when members or vided in the Nursery/Pre-School room from friends of MPC are experiencing health 10:15–11:45 a.m.. Infants and toddlers are also wel- difficulties. If you (or a family member) have been come in worship. Visitors, please feel free to worship admitted to a hospital, please let us know by with your children for as long as they are able. If he contacting the church office, and one of the pastors or she gets wiggly and needs a stretch break, audio will be pleased to visit. You may also reach the from the service is available in the chapel, until your pastors on their mobile phones–Bruce Ballantine at child is ready to return to the sanctuary for you to 304-914-2108 and Debbie Heffernan at 267-342-0089. Thank you for your assistance. continue to worship together. HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available for WORSHIP NOTE use anywhere in the sanctuary during worship. * The asterisk indicates that those who are able, may please stand. These pocket-sized receivers are available from Deacons in either Narthex and are to be returned Please forward any announcements you would like included in the Bulletin by Tuesday of each week to Office@MPCusa.net after the service. Articles for “Currents” are due by the 1st day of the HYMNALS, BIBLES, & BULLETINS WITH LARGE preceding month. April 1st is the deadline for the May PRINT are available during worship each Sunday 2015 issue. Send articles to Currents@MPCusa.net. morning from a Deacon in the Narthex. Please 2 Fifth Sunday in Lent G A T H E R I N G PRELUDE WORDS of WELCOME Pastor Heffernan INTROIT—Lord, Have Mercy (Music Supplement # 551) CALL to WORSHIP One: By grace you have been saved through faith, All: and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. *HYMN 485—To God Be the Glory Kathryn Gilbride TO GOD BE THE GLORY *PRAYER of CONFESSION—Unison God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. You write your law in our hearts, yet we pretend we do not know you. You lifted up Christ for all to see, yet we turn away from your glory. Forgive us, God of grace. Teach us to delight in your way, to seek you with all our hearts, and to trust in your saving love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. *SILENT PRAYERS of CONFESSION Here each worshiper may offer silent prayers of confession. *RESPONSE—Amen (Music Supplement # 564) *PROMISE of FORGIVENESS One: Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. All: Amen. *RESPONSE to GOD’S PARDON—Glory Be to the Father (Music Supplement #580) SCOTTISH CHANT *THE PEACE One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us greet one another with the peace of Christ. As a sign of their reconciliation in Christ, the people share the peace of Christ, greeting one another with these or similar words: “The peace of Christ be with you,” “Peace be with you,” or simply, “Peace.” 3 L I T U R GY of the W OR D PSALTER READING—Psalm 51: 1–12 One: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. (Old Testament, page 492) ANTHEM—Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord (STROOPE) The Chancel Choir I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. O house of Israel, bless the Lord, O house of Aaron, bless the Lord, house of Levi, house of Zion, bless the Lord. Goodness and mercy shall follow me, though I walk through valleys, even death I will dwell in the house fo the Lord forever. TIME for YOUNG DISCIPLES Children in grades K-2 may leave for Cherub Choir in Room 104. NEW TESTAMENT READING—John 3: 1–22 One: This is the Gospel of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. SERMON (New Testament, page 88) Nothing to Do *HYMN 356—Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Pastor Ballantine NETTLETON PRAYERS of INTERCESSION and THANKSGIVING THE LORD’S PRAYER (debts and debtors) OFFERING Invitation to Give Presentation of Gifts Offertory Music *Doxology—There Is A Redeemer (Music Supplement #443, verses 1—2) S E N D I N G *HYMN 280—Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound AMAZING GRACE *CHARGE and BLESSING *CHORAL BENEDICTION—The Lord Bless You and Keep You (RUTTER) *POSTLUDE The Chancel Choir Steve McBride 4 Worship Notes & Announcements ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING WILL BE RECEIVED ON EASTER By supporting One Great Hour of Sharing, you’re sustaining programs that provide disaster relief, food, clean water, training, and resources to people all over the world. When you give, you’re changing lives. Your giving goes to the following PC(USA) programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (40 countries and 24 states received help for natural and human-caused disasters); Presbyterian Hunger Program (154,731 people who were living in extreme poverty now have increased food security and livelihoods through international development work); Self-Development of People (4,619 children/ parents received improved educational opportunities). Remember to bring in your fish box on Palm Sunday or Easter. member Barbara Riechers (In Memoriam). Cost: $25.00. Register by March 31 to Betty Wu at 610.519.1615 or RSVP@village1877.org. BOOK GROUP MEETINGS The Gilead Group will begin discussing Marilynne Robinson's Lila this Tuesday, March 24 in the MPC Lounge at 7:00 pm. The Narnia Group will discuss Prince Caspian this Wednesday, March 25 in the MPC Lounge at 7:30 (please note the time change). All Are Welcome! CLOTHING CENTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The clothing center is in need of a few good people who would like to volunteer their time either on Mondays (9:00 a.m.-Noon) or Tuesdays (9:00 a.m.2:00 p.m.) or both days. If you would like to be part of our Outreach mission please call Betsy Jurey @ 215-295-6521 for more information. EASTER FUN AND POTLUCK ON PALM SUNDAY Join us for lots of activities that bring home the message of Jesus. There will be a special Easter egg hunt, a baking activity and a craft. Afterwards, we’ll enjoy lively fellowship over a potluck supper. Sign up in the communication center today. All are welcome! SCHOLARSHIP FORMS DUE MARCH 29 We have four scholarships available for the 2015 year. The McClanen Scholarship is available to any college student (need based); the Campbell Scholarship is available to any college student (need based); the Robert Scholarship is available to both men and women for studies in seminary or medical fields and the Patti-Jane Reeves Memorial Scholarship is available to high school graduates or college students. Applications are available online and in the church office. Please send the completed forms to office@mpcusa.net by March 29, 2015. EASTER BREAKFAST Join us in Fellowship Hall for a light Easter Breakfast starting at 9:30 a.m. between the Easter Sunday services. Please sign up on the friendship pads (write Easter Breakfast next to your name) or in the Communications center or email Liz Scully at office@mpcusa.net so that we know how many people will be coming. All are welcome! THE IVINS OUTREACH CENTER AND FAITH IN ACTION PRESENT The Encore Series “Common Scams and Frauds that target Older Adults” by Michele Herzog of William Penn Bank. This awareness seminar will cover topics including: abuse, identity theft and scams issues. Please join us for this free, open to the public seminar, Thursday, March 26th at 2:00 p.m. at the MPC C in the Lounge. Please RSVP to Jaime at 215-428-0500 ext. 101. THE VILLAGE The Village, formerly Presbyterian Children’s Village, invites you to join us to celebrate our Founders’ Day Brunch on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Radnor Hotel 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. The Village will recognize members of our Church Relations Council, and its dedicated leaders over several decades including Morrisville Presbyterian Church 5 2015 Easter Memorials & Honorariums Have you considered honoring, celebrating, or remembering a family member, friend, or loved one this Eastertide? Contributions to our Memorial Fund can be made, not just for remembering a loved one who has passed, but also for honoring someone in your life now. This year our Easter Flowers will be beautiful, multi-colored tulips. With an abundance of allergic reactions to lilies, the Worship Committee is trying this new floral direction for this year . EASTER TULIPS Members and friends of the church are reminded that the tulips, which beautify the church, may be given as memorials. Forms are available online and in the church office. Please fill out a form and return it with your check in the amount of $10.00 per plant ordered to the church office by Sunday, March 22nd. MUSIC FUND Memorial contributions to this fund help to supplement the music ministry program. This Lent and Easter, the music fund will allow MPC Choirs to be accompanied by a professional orchestra on March 15th and by a Brass Quintet on Easter. Contributions of any amount are welcome. DEACONS’ FOOD BASKET PROGRAM In addition to free-will donations received by the Deacons, you are welcome to contribute to the Food Basket Program as a gift or memorial to loved ones by using the form below. Easter Memorial & Honorarium Contributions Please do not add the memorial contribution amount to your pledge payment! Make checks payable to MPC with the type of memorial noted on the memo line. I (we) wish to make the following contribution(s) to: _____Easter Tulips ($10.00 each) Number of Plants:_____ Amount attached:_____ _____ I will pick up the tulip following the 10:30 am Easter service. _____ I wish to have the Deacons deliver the tulips to a shut-in. _____ Music Fund Please find $__________attached for this fund. _____ Deacons’ Food Basket Program. Please find $__________attached for this fund. Given by: Address _________________________________________________________________ Phone “ In loving memory of ” “ In celebration of ” “ To give thanks for ” (circle one) Please print exactly as you wish it to appear in the bulletin and return to the Church Office by Today! PALM SUNDAY—MARCH 29TH Worship at 10:30 a.m. Hosanna to the Son of David! Join us for the day of Festive Worship, as we raise our voices singing Hosanna, Loud Hosanna! MAUNDY THURSDAY—APRIL 2ND Soup Supper at 6:00 p.m. | Worship at 7:00 p.m. Worship will begin in the Fellowship hall and will include the commemoration of The Last Supper, as well as A Meditation on Foot-washing. Go to dark Gethsemane . . . GOOD FRIDAY—APRIL 3RD Worship from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Stations of Prayer—A Service of Scripture Readings and Prayers Morrisville United Methodist Church 501 West Maple Avenue, Morrisville Please plan to join us for this collaborative worship experience. EASTER SUNDAY—APRIL 5TH Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Alleluia! Christ has risen! Join the Chancel Choir and Brass for celebratory & festive worship! 7 MPC Weekly Calendar SUNDAY, March 22 8:30am Weekly Prayer Meeting Conference Room 9:00 Teen Choir Music Room 9:30 Education Conference Room 10:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 10:30 Worship Sanctuary 11:00 Cherub Choir Room 104 11:30 Fellowship Time Lounge Clothing Center Volunteers and Older Adult Committee Host 11:45 Agape Choir Room 104 Noon Sunday School Teacher Mtg. Conf. Rm. MONDAY, March 23 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 3 7:00 Cub Scouts 7:00 Food Packing 7:30 Session Meeting Fellowship Hall Room 220, 122, 210 Room 4 Conference Room TUESDAY, March 24 10:00am Clothing Center Room 4 10:00 Food Center Set-up Fellowship Hall 3:00pm Staff Meeting Conference Room 6:00 Girl Scouts Room 122 6:30 Boy Scouts 3 Fellowship Hall 7:00 Gilead Book Group Lounge 7:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Room 220 7:30 Nominating Committee Conf. Room WEDNESDAY, March 25 9:00am Food Center Noon Brown Bag and Bible 6:00pm Youth Club 7:30 Narnia Book Group THURSDAY, March 26 11:00am Food Stocking Room 4 Noon Alcoholics Anonymous Room 222 2:00pm Ivins Center Encore Series Lounge 6:00 God’s Thunder Chapel 6:00 Lenten Supper & Fellowship Hall Worship 6:30 Oakville Girl Scouts Room 220 7:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 8:30 Chancel Ringers Chapel FRIDAY, March 27 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Room 122 SATURDAY, March 28 9:00 am Deacon’s Easter Basket 10:00 Cub Scout’s Derby Room 123, 124 Room 220 PALM SUNDAY, March 29 8:30am Weekly Prayer Meeting Conference Room 9:00 Teen Choir Music Room 9:30 Education Conference Room 10:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 10:30 Worship & Communion Sanctuary 11:00 Cherub Choir Room 104 11:30 Fellowship Time Lounge Deacons Host 11:45 Agape Choir Room 104 4:00pm Easter Fun & Potluck Fellowship Hall Supper-Children and Family Fellowship Hall Conference Room Fellowship Hall Lounge CHANGE OF ADDRESS When sending mail to the church, please be advised we no longer have mail delivered to Post Office Box 240. Please mail all correspondence to our street address: 771 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067. Our phone number, fax and email address remain the same. Thanks! M O R R I S V I L L E P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 771 N OR TH P ENNSY LVANI A A VENUE | M OR RIS VILLE , P A 19067 215.295. 4191 | W W W .MPC US A . NE T PASTORS & PROGRAM STAFF Bruce Ballantine, Interim Pastor & Head of Staff | Deborah Heffernan, Interim Associate Pastor Louise Shoemaker, Parish Associate | Linda Seaman, Director of Older Adult Ministry Steve McBride, Director of Music and Principal Organist
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