The Communicator Volume XLIV, Number 7 March 22 - 28, 2015 228 W. Edenton St., Raleigh NC 27603-1790 (919) 832-7535 Available online at eStreet Couple Checkup APRIL 11, 9 A.M.-12 P.M., KERR HALL Dating, Engaged, or Married? Our Saturday morning workshop will be hosted by Rev. Will Hasley and Mrs. Amy Harriman in order to enhance the life of couples at Edenton Street. We encourage and anticipate a huge turnout! There are two requirements: 1. Log on to www.couplecheckup. com where you and your partner will each take a test. When you finish the test, enter 16740-415 as the “Group Code/Number” so that your anonymous results will help Will and Amy to “aim” their teaching to the group. The test costs $35, about the price of a trip to the movies, but it will do far more for your relationship than a movie pit-stop ever could. When completed, you’ll get an immediate printout highlighting strengths and weaknesses in your relationship. Scholarships available; email Will. 2. Register for the event online so that we will have space for you, and so that you can register for childcare (if needed). Direct any and all questions to Rev. Will Hasley, 919-832-7535 ext 256. Bulla Foundation The A.C. and Lillian D. Bulla Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation administered through Edenton Street Church. It provides funds for, among other things, student loans for deserving students. The funds are available for any level of schooling after high school. A fulltime student who is a member of the church or a child of an ESUMC staff member may borrow a maximum of $28,000 (up to $7,000 for any one school year) over a 4 year period. Contact me at the church (832-7535, x236) or dchance@esumc. org for an application. The deadline for applications for the first semester is May 31. Those who are already loan recipients and want to request additional funds should direct a letter to the Board of Directors at the church address stating the amount Please join with us as we lift up prayers and petitions to needed and sending our loving God. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God a transcript of the in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thes 5:16-18). courses completed. eStreet Prayers: March • Congregational: for each of us to open up to the introspection, conviction, and repentance into which God, through the season of Lent, calls us. • Local: for caregivers throughout our community, whether paid or unpaid, who are heartbroken and/ or without hope. May God move in mighty ways to encourage our brothers and sisters. • Global: for families in Afghanistan who are facing grief and loss after a slew of recent avalanches; and for all who face extreme winter weather. Dorathy Chance, Executive Assistant for the Bulla Foundation ESUMC is a community of faith: Inviting all to encounter Jesus, Preparing believers to deepen their dependence on God, Easter Sunrise at the Capitol April 5, 6:25 a.m. Edenton Street’s own Exsultate youth choir will be singing and the Rev. Will Hasley will be preaching at Raleigh’s annual Easter Sunrise Service on the east lawn of the Capitol Building, hosted in tandem with many other downtown churches. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and warm clothes as we celebrate the risen Christ with community, hot drinks, donuts, and the worship of our glorious Lord Jesus. Annual ECP Yard Sale Fundraiser Saturday, April 18 7-11 a.m. Sale will be held in Academy Classrooms. Donations can be dropped off starting this Sunday, March 15 in room 124. March Nutrition & Wellness Tip: Celebrate National Nutrition Month – Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle! March is National Nutrition Month! This annual campaign is sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics “to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.” Sometimes “developing sound eating habits” is viewed as a need to restrict or take things away from our lives. Instead of limiting, think about what you can add to get more nutrients onto your plate. Love pizza? Try broccoli or bell peppers on top! Are you a fan of smoothies? Add some spinach! Crazy for Mexican? Swap that white flour tortilla for a whole-wheat or spinach wrap or add some beans to your burrito. There are many healthy ways to ADD exciting flavors and textures to your plate while getting vital nutrients at the same time. Stop by the bulletin board near the Curtis Center kitchen for more ideas. Help us celebrate National Nutrition Month and “Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle” by getting creative and adding some new, healthy foods to your life. Share images of your healthy plates at #eStreetEATS. For more ideas, visit Have a nutrition topic or question you’d like to see covered here? Contact Wendy Pedraza, Construction Update The renovations and construction in the Brown Chapel and Poindexter hallway are moving along well at this time. Even during many of our snow days, construction crews were at the church continuing their work and we are grateful for the wonderful team working on this project. By late April or early May we hope to begin using the Poindexter lobby and expanded hallway, the new women’s restroom and the Brown Chapel. When this phase of the project is opened, there will be new ways to get around the church as construction begins on Phase 2. During Phase 2 construction when the current ramp is no longer available and construction is underway for a new permanent ramp, a temporary ramp will be constructed outside the Poindexter Building and up the Sanctuary steps to assist those with special needs. We hope to complete Phase 2 by the end of 2015. The Navigation team will continue to be on hand to help direct members and visitors into the new space and around the new construction zone. All programs of the church will continue and we are excited that we will soon be able to begin using much of the new space that is a part of Phase 1 of the project. We will continue to keep you updated. Thank you for your continued prayers and patience. Easter Egg Hunt Join us on Saturday, March 28 at 10 a.m. for our Easter Egg Hunt! Special thanks to the Smith family for opening their home and hearts for this annual tradition. The hunt takes place at 1625 Oberlin Road; there is parking along Oberlin Road and surrounding side roads. Each family should bring a half-dozen cookies to share. And don’t forget your Easter baskets! We will have the egg hunt, refreshments, palm branch waving and storytelling by Jesus. Una Voce presents James Whitbourn’s Annelies The story of Anne Frank, the young girl who hid from the Nazis with her family for two years in an Amsterdam attic, has inspired millions since her diary was first published 66 years ago. The Triangle area’s newest chamber choir, Una Voce (One Voice) will present the North Carolina premier of Annelies on April 19 at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary of the historic Edenton Street United Methodist Church under the direction of Kevin B. Holland. Joining the choir are Mary Elizabeth Southworth – soprano, Rebekah Binford – violin, Elizabeth Beilman – cello, John Noel – piano and Marianne Breneman – clarinet. Media Helpers: One way the Media Team “Shares Christ from the Heart of Raleigh” is by playing our traditional service on the local Raleigh TV station. We are Need to reserve childcare for an event? Contact Robin Ellison at or (919) 832-7535 ext. 212. By Our Gifts - March 8 General Budget Received this Week: $62,901.87 Received Year-to-Date: $901,662.38 Opening Doors Pledge total: Opening Doors received: $5,114,439 $2,951,954.86 By Our Presence - March 15 Worship 8:40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 9:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 10:55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 11:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Worship Total . . . . 1,107 Caring for those who are hurting, sending ordinary people into the world equipped to do extraordinary things. seeking volunteers to load the TV DVD copy into the system at the TV station on a monthly basis. It takes one hour of your day to load the DVD. You will be fully trained. No prior experience or knowledge is required. If you are interested please contact Alison Clinkscales at Mother’s Day Offerings April 26 United Methodist Retirement Homes provides financial aid to residents who no longer have the resources to fully pay for the services and care provided to them. In order to gain a better understanding of this ministry, consider one resident recipient of benevolence support whom we will call Mary Jane. She has a medical condition that has made her disabled and unable to care for herself. She has lived in a room at one of the UMRH healthcare centers for more than twenty-three years. Although Mary Jane has no biological family, she does have a very close family who love her dearly. That family is the staff of the healthcare center. Her small income and UMRH benevolence support cover the cost of her care. Downtown Churches Habitat Build Working with other downtown churches, we will be building a Habitat for Humanity house this spring. Building skills are not required to participate. Our build dates are on the following Saturdays: March 28, April 18 and May 16. Signup on the website. Sacred Worth Sacred Worth is a support group for LGBT persons, their families, and allies where stories are shared in a confidential setting. The group meets the last Wednesday of each month, at 7 p.m. in the church parlor. Future meeting dates are 3/25, 4/29, 5/27, 6/24, 7/29, and 8/26. For more information, please contact Will Hasley at ext 256 / or Sam Isley at 919/834-6042 / Save the Date! ww Vacation Bible School: July 20-24, 2015 ww Ninth Annual Children and Youth Music and Arts Camp. Monday, August 3 - Friday, August 7. For rising 1st through 8th Graders. Easter Decorations Each year, our sanctuary and Kerr Hall are decorated with lilies and palms to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. If you would like to contribute to these beautiful decorations, please complete the form below and return to the church office Attn: Gwen or place in the offering plate by April 1. Each gift of $12 may be given in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one. Please print. In honor of:__________________________________ Given by: ___________________________________ In memory of:________________________________ Given by: ___________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Make checks payable to ESUMC. Please send to attn: Gwen at the church office: 228 W Edenton St. Raleigh, NC 27603. Help us decorate the church! Join us on March 28 and April 4 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. All are welcome! Sympathy ww To V.G. Murray whose mother, Ruth Murray, died on February 22, 2015. ww To Pat Cowan whose father, Ralph H. Long, died on March 10, 2015. Congratulations ww To Webster and Elizabeth Harrison on the birth of their son, Webster Glenn Harrison, Jr. (Webb) on March 10. ww To Brian and Lori Register on the birth of their daughter, Sydney Elise Register, on March 10. ww To David Walker and Lisa Czagas who were married on March 14. Sunday Servants-March 29 Greeters: 8:40 Youth Ministry 10:55 Youth Ministry Gathering:Blackmon Ushers: 8:40 Frank Bridger, Barbara Latta, Charlie Leslie, Rob Thompson, John Boughan 10:55 Burton Stewart, Glen Allen, Mike Moore, David Rockefeller, Scott Harmer, Ron Perry, Jimmy Griffin, Ronnie Chamberlain, Jeff Linder, Frank Barragan, Randy Hartley, Brad Young, Mandy Young Nursery: Alison West, Jonathan and Ailis Monsees, Franklin and Helen Morisey, McKenzie and Laura Olmsted, Kristin and Ross Pleban Wiggler Worship: Megan and Matt Gardner, Clarky and Timothy Davis, Amy and Jeff Cook Parking Group: Monsees 12 p.m. Lent Noonday Service and Lunch 12:15 p.m. CM Small Group Training (251) 1 p.m. Intercessory Prayer 4 p.m. Women’s Bible Study (163) 3:30 p.m. Caregiver Support Group 5:30 p.m. Sunday Dinner (Kerr) 6:30 p.m. Worship Committee (Library) Monday, March 23 7 p.m. Boy Scouts (Bulla); Sacred Worth 9 a.m. ASP Adult Mission Trip Care Group (Parlor) 9:45 a.m. Fitness Class (357) Thursday, March 26 11 a.m. UMW Daytime Book Study (163) 8 a.m. StepUp Ministry (Bulla 217) 1:30 p.m. National Day of Prayer Meeting 9:45 a.m. Exegeting the Spirit (163) (166) 10 a.m. Construction Meeting (251) 6 p.m. Alpha (Kerr) 6:00 p.m. The Gathering Team Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. New Testament History (163) 7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. Cub Scout Meeting (Bulla Gym) Friday, March 27 Una Voce Tuesday, March 24 9:45 a.m. Zumba (Bulla Gym) 7:30 a.m. Lakins Study Group (166) Saturday, March 28 8 a.m. Habitat Workday 12:15 p.m. Moms in Prayer (Bulla 215) 10 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt 5 p.m. Men’s Leaders (357) 10 a.m. Student String Quartet Rehearsal 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study (Kerr); Men’s Study (161); Young Adult Basketball (Bulla) Wednesday, March 25 9:15 a.m. DWELL Bible Study (163) 9:45 a.m. Fitness Class (357) 10:30 a.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Study (321) Sermon Information: March 22 TRADITIONAL 7 Deadly Sins: Sloth Rev. Will Hasley GATHERING 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony Rev. Ned Hill March 29 TRADITIONAL 7 Deadly Sins: Anger Rev. Ned Hill GATHERING 7 Deadly Sins: Anger Rev. LIsa Yebuah Need prayer? You can submit prayer requests to pray@, or you can fill out the prayer card in the pews. We are honored to lift you up before our loving God, and we keep all requests confidential. Contacting ESUMC Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday Office: (919) 832-7535; Fax (919) 829-5780 Inclement Weather: Main number, option 2 Emergency on-call: (919) 345-8435 Doorstep Ministry: (919) 832-9530 (Mon. 10-12) Submit newsletter content to: by Wed 12 p.m. Internet: Sunday, March 22 Sermon recordings at estreet 9:30 am Contemporary Service Television (One week delay): 12:00 pm on Raleigh CTV Channel 22 or 97.6 Radio (Live): 3/22/15 WPTF 3/29/15 off air Internet: Live video streaming and sermon recordings 10:55 am Traditional Service More Ways to Worship 8:40am Traditional Worship 9:30am The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr) 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Traditional Worship 11 a.m. Church on Morgan Worship 11:11am The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr) Sunday Mornings Periodicals Postage PAID THE COMMUNICATOR: (USPS: 167-620) is published weekly except the weeks of July 4 and Dec. 25. Periodicals Postage Paid by Edenton Street United Methodist Church, 228 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603-1790, (919) 832-7535. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Communicator, Edenton St. United Methodist Church at 228 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603-1714.
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