The Witness March 20, 2015 Volume 62, Issue 3 March 20, 2015 Bothell United Methodist Church Holy Week Calendar Palm Sunday Services, March 29, 8, 9 & 10:30 Palm Processional and Palm Crosses Maundy Thursday Service, April 2, 7 pm Communion, hand washing and special music presented by the Chancel and Chant Choirs Good Friday, April 3, 7 pm Chapel open for meditation 8:15 am to 6:30 pm 7 pm service in the ancient tradition of Tenebrae led by the Chancel and Chant Choirs (Tenebrae is Latin for ‘shadows’ or ‘darkness’) Saturday, April 4, 9 am Easter Egg Hunt for children Pre K through Grade 6 Breakfast featuring bunny pancakes Easter Services, April 5, 6:30, 8, 9, and 10:30 am Sunrise Service beginning at 6:30 am with acoustic guitar in the Ann Blackburn Outdoor Chapel River worship service in the chapel at 8 am with Chant Choir processional Roots worship service in the sanctuary at 9 am with Special music by the Chancel Choir and Bothell UMC Brass Wings worship service in the sanctuary at 10:30 am featuring the Worship Ensemble Communion is celebrated at all services 1 Fellowship, coffee and hot cross buns follow all four services! The Witness March 20, 2015 Spiritual but not Religious? I know many cool people who describe themselves as spiritual, but not religious. Sound familiar? Before I met real church, that’s how I understood myself as well – spiritual, but not religious. It’s trendy to be spiritual these days, but religious? Not so much. When someone says “spiritual” in this context it seems to mean soulful, in touch with deep wisdom, sensitive to the sacred all around us. Lovely! On the other hand for many, "religious" connotes a sense of rigidity and strange commitment to empty rituals and rules. What a misunderstanding! Religion is about connection. Connection to God, connection to true self, connection to Spirit-centered community. The word’s Latin origin (religare) means to bind, moor, fasten, tie, unite. Religion is meant to unite us with and in the One we yearn for, the essence of being, the God who is! Pretty spiritual stuff. Certainly religion runs aground when its forms mask the very Spirit they were born to reveal. There is no taming or containing the Infinite! But helpful religion brings a kind of music to the dance, thrusting us in the arms of our partner, shaking our insistence to lead, opening us for movement, belonging and transcendent joy. The symbols and rituals that religion employs are packed with spiritual meaning. Fire, water, Word, bread, wine, cross, community…We can be asleep to the power behind these things, or wonder-fully overwhelmed. Author Annie Dillard suggests that if we were more aware of what/who we’re dealing with when we gather for worship - we’d come wearing life vests and crash helmets! Helpful religion is spiritual, connecting and reconnecting us to the implanted word (James 1:21) and driving us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. (James 1:27, The Message). Thanks Bothell UMC. Here’s to spiritual religion, and the One who makes it so. Here’s to God, who invites us all to dance. Becoming Christ in the Community, Pastor Lee 2 The Witness March 20, 2015 Four Corners Mission Celebrations Pea Patch Are you ready to garden? The pea patch is a perfect place to grow vegetables and strawberries and a few sunflowers if that pleases you. We use organic methods to garden. We get together as a group to take care of the common areas - path ways through and around the raised beds. That occurs a few times a growing season. There are other gardeners to ask if you have questions - so don't feel you have to be a "pro" to come and garden! All skills levels are welcomed. Contact the office if you are interested and they will put you in touch with Kendra Smith or Elizabeth McTyre. Cost is $30 to cover cost of water and scholarships are available too. No excuses come and grow food for yourself or to share with others. Four Corners Mission Celebrations with Bishop Hope Morgan Ward will challenge you to reflect, learn and engage in mission locally and around the world. Bishop Ward is leading this program in the four corners of the PNW. She will be at Bothell UMC on Sunday, April 12, 2015. There will be dinner, mission fair, worship and keynote speaker. Cost is $8 plus an offering for an Advance project. Find out what is happening locally and globally in mission. Global Ministries has 340 missionaries in 60 countries. Health, disaster response, church planting, food security, clean water, evangelization and missionaries all are under the umbrella of Global Ministries. Tickets are available online at tickets-fcumc or email for more details. Pre-booking is necessary for dinner. Next Witness Deadline Monday, April 13 3 The Witness March 20, 2015 Wrestling with Difficult Questions Please Keep In Your Prayers … Judi and Larry Burcham as they grieve the passing of Judi’s mother, Frances Stream There is a quote with attribution unknown that goes like this, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things charity.” Christian essentials include concepts like the Trinity. Nonessentials include items such as infant baptism, communion, the rapture, and homosexuality. But what is the full list of essentials of the Christian faith on which we must all agree? Are non-essentials not important? If they are important, what is the rationale for different points of view? Debbie Carley and her family as they grieve the passing of Debbie’s dad, Ken Smith All our home-bound friends and people living with chronic conditions Linda Fatuma, Reagan Mutombo and all the children at the Jamaa Letu Orphanages Kairos Prison Ministry We are forming a group to discuss these questions in depth. We will examine how various denominations and religions differ in their views. We will discuss how a diverse group of believers can simultaneously demonstrate unity, liberty and charity when these issues are involved. We will examine how these issues are being managed both locally at Bothell UMC and globally as the United Methodist Church. The Bothell UMC Wrestling Team is now forming and will study, discuss and debate such challenging issues. Please email if you would like to join or if you have any questions. and Peace Stephen Ministers Are Here For You Are you, or someone you know, going through a crisis in life? Crises happen in all of our lives at one time or another. At times like these, it is so important to have someone who cares to journey alongside you. For a referral, please contact BUMC Pastors, Sharon Harnden or Myrna Evers. 4 The Witness March 20, 2015 Bothell United Methodist Women Susanna Wesley The Susanna Wesley Group will meet on Thursday, April 9, at 10 am in the Fireside room. The program will be a service project of making greeting cards. Noreen Forck and Nancy Field will provide materials and guidance. Questions? Contact Carol Russell or Fae McLean. Susanna Wesley - Will next meet on April 9, at 10 am in the Fireside room. Northstar—Will next meet on March 25, at 7:30 pm in Fireside. Northstar UMW Open House! Join Northstar United Methodist Women as we do another hands-on mission project! Our church is an official sponsor of the Can Do 5K. Jemmie has requested that we make capes out of t-shirts for all the church participants (we are planning on 100). The capes are pretty easy to cut out of old tshirts. The plan is to then iron on a transfer of "Bothell UMC" or "Wonderfully Made." We have invited the UMW Girls to come help us so a good time will definitely be had by all! Who? Women with kids from zero through High School What? BBM is a national organization that encourages women to Learn, Serve and Grow in a supportive environment When? Sunday April 12, at 6 pm (childcare provided) Where? BUMC rooms 210/211 Why? Enrollment for the Fall begins in May. Come and see what we are about and why you should join us. Oh, and be prepared to laugh. Our group will meet Wednesday, March 25, in the Fireside Room (moved from the lounge due to the Lenten Study). Our devotion will be the Lenten Service at 7 pm with our gathering beginning at 7:30 pm. All women are invited to attend. Contact Shelly Ainsworth, Noreen Forck, or the church office for more information. Contact Annette Calkins for more information or to arrange childcare. 5 The Witness March 20, 2015 BUMC Children Kids, Invite Your Friends To Hunt Eggs on April 4! Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 4, so invite your friends because we’re making room for all! We will have a room set aside for an Easter Egg Hunt for kids that require special assistance; we want every child to enjoy the experience of Easter. As tradition, we will then start by meeting in the sanctuary at 9 am for a brief program with songs and an audience-participation retelling of the Easter story. Following our program, we’ll dismiss kids in grades 1st6th to hunt eggs throughout the church while kids in Preschool through the Kindergarten will go with their parents to have breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. When the 1st-6th graders have found their eggs, we’ll have these kids plus other volunteers hide eggs for the younger kids who will then go throughout the church to hunt for their eggs. Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of colorful candy-filled eggs for kids to discover as well as our ever-popular bunny pancakes for breakfast. Both youth and adult volunteers are needed! Please sign up on the tear-away sheet in the Sunday bulletin or email This is a fun way to support our fabulous BUMC kids and welcome our neighbors to the church! 6 Parents’ Night Out Are you looking for safe, fun, reliable and affordable childcare? Our upcoming Parents’ Night Out will take place March 27, from 5:30-8:30 pm. Please register early so we can plan accordingly. If you register your children before March 23, you will be entered in a drawing to win a gift certificate to a local restaurant! You can register at the following link: http:// events.constantcontact. com/register/event? llr=riuhf8cab&oeidk=a07 eafoizgffd55fe5d April Movie Madness! Friday, April 17 at 6 pm!! The Witness March 20, 2015 Bothell Youth News Upcoming Youth Calendar Camperships Support the Camperships Fund Youth Sunday School is every Sunday at 9 am and 10:30 am in the Youth Room. Thank you to everyone who supported the campership fund through our recent fundraisers. We are closer to reaching our goal of providing 30 camperships this year. If you did not get a chance to donate to the Campership Fund at our recent Campships Breakfast, but you would like to support it, you can drop off a check at the church with “Camperships” on the note line or donate only at the BUMC website. Sunday Evening Youth Group meets from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Youth Room. Worship Nights conclude with worship in the Chapel from 7:10-7:30 pm. Mar 29 Youth Group (Worship Night) Apr 4 Helping with BUMC Easter Egg Hunt, 9:00 am-12:30 pm Apr 5 No Youth Group (Easter) Apr 12 No Youth Group (Spring Breaks) Receive a Campership Apr 19 Youth Group Apr 26 Youth Group (Worship Night) May 3 Volunteering with Bothell Community Kitchen, 2:30-6:30 pm Save the Date: CONVO The BUMC Youth will be going to the largest youth gathering in the year for the PNW Conference over Memorial Day Weekend (May 23-25) at UPS in Tacoma, WA. Registration will be open later this spring, but for now, mark the calendars! 7 If there is a child or youth in your family that is attending summer camp and needs additional support, you can request a BUMC Campership. All you need to do is email Emily Stecher ( by Sunday, May 1, with the child/ youth’s name and which camp they are attending. PNW Camping & Retreat Ministries For a full summer camp schedule, go to The Witness March 20, 2015 Did you know… Our church purpose is “Becoming Christ in the community,” and in order to live out that purpose, members are asked to volunteer two hours in the community and one hour in the church per month. If you’re looking for volunteer suggestions, check out the Missions Team bulletin board in the narthex or look at the church website at Follow the link marked “Service” under “Latest News”. Our Easter Sunrise Service is held outdoors in the Ann Blackburn Outdoor Chapel. However, if you wake up and it’s raining on Easter the sunrise service will be moved to the steps near the entrance. Bring a blanket, the concrete will be cold but the fellowship warm and the occasion joyful. Rain or shine, there will be coffee and hot cross buns for people attending all four Easter services. The 8 am River Service is held in the Chapel, and donated flower bouquets are reused to brighten the tables for the Bothell Community Kitchen later in the day. If you would like to contribute a bouquet, either in honor or memory of someone or just to brighten the chapel, please call Susan Moore at 425-806-9085. Why New Carpet? Last September the hot water tank in the sacristy leaked and flooded the sacristy, family room and part of the sanctuary, including the chancel area under the platform. Church volunteers worked many hours to clean up from the initial flood and make a temporary repair for worship. The insurance adjustor determined the whole sanctuary needed to be returned to “pre-flood” condition. It was also discovered that the narthex and lounge could be re-carpeted at a reduced rate if done at the same time. The Trustees appointed a team to select the new carpeting. Thank you to team members Kendra Smith, Henry Chiles, Mary Osborne, Jeff Ricco, Lorrie Sjoquist, and Barb Donovan. Many more volunteers worked hours to prepare for the new carpet installation and then reset everything on Saturday to be ready for Sunday worship services. THANK YOU Trustees and everyone who has been involved in this significant project! 8 The Witness March 20, 2015 Library News Faith and Fiction Everyone is invited to join us for our monthly book discussion. We meet at the Greens' home, only a few short blocks from the church, usually on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. We've chosen these books for our upcoming meetings: April 15 — Birds Without Wings, by Louis De Bernières May 20—The Burgess Boys, by Elizabeth Strout New to the Library in March are the following items: The following two books are Pastor Selection Books. (Pastor Lee) City of God (Faith in the Streets) - by Sara Miles Jesus Freak (Feeding Healing and Raising the Dead) - by Sara Miles Unbroken - by Laura Hillenbrand A World War II Story of survival, resilience and redemption. Blue Ray DVD - The Polar Express Blue Ray DVD The Wizard of OZ Nowhere to be Found - by Emily Thomas DVD - Sleeping Beauty (Secrets of the Blue Hill Library - Guidepost Selection) Thank you for returning books and DVD's in a timely manner. A beautiful Queen Ann Victorian home becomes not only a home for Anne Gibson and her children but also becomes the town library. A sealed off room is discovered during renovation and the mystery begins. Next Witness Deadline Monday, April 13 9 The Witness March 20, 2015 Becoming Christ in the Community Wanted! To register, go online to This also will allow you to register by mail if you prefer. You can also pick up registration forms at the information counter. Be sure to put team “Run BUMC” on your registration. Like to run, walk, volunteer? Come join us for the Can Do 5K run/walk. As a competitor, you can run fast and set that new Personal Best or you can run your own pace and finish with dignity. Feeding the Hungry If you're not a runner then you can walk the 5K (3.1 miles) or you may want to walk the 1 mile. Our own 90-year old Betty Swartz will be doing the mile with her walker for the 2nd year in a row! If she Can Do, You Can Do. BUMC has committed to providing food for students at Bothell High School who do not have enough money for lunch. Please donate single-serving, prepackaged food such as nuts, jerky, fruit, juice, or cheese & crackers. Suggested shopping lists are on the box in the narthex to help remind you the next time you are at the grocery store! Thank you, this food is very appreciated. Not a runner or walker? That's great, you can volunteer. We need corner workers, start/finish people, and many more tasks. And if you don't want to volunteer, you can stay in the comfort and safety of your own home and Donate to a great cause at http:// id=9271. Proceeds benefit Northwest Special Families, with an aim to encourage youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility among individuals of all abilities. Next Witness Deadline Monday, April 13 10 The Witness March 20, 2015 Why Fund Imagine No Malaria? Big campaigns like Imagine No Malaria are sometimes hard to support because they seem so distant and not related to our daily lives. But malaria is a very serious illness that debilitates and kills, especially kids. Here are a few facts: There were an estimated 198 million malaria cases worldwide in 2013, mostly pregnant women and children. Malaria accounts for half of preventable absenteeism in African schools, causing up to 10 million missed days each year. Malaria also can cause lasting learning disabilities. We need to close the gap to keep the drive toward zero malaria deaths going. Without sustained and predictable long-term funding, the gains we’ve made could even be reversed. While not all adult cases of malaria are fatal, the disease keeps adults out of work and robs families of precious disposable income. In all, malaria costs Africa an estimated $12 billion a year in lost productivity. The elimination of malaria will not come from mosquito bed nets, it will take a vaccine to immunize children against malaria at a very early age. PATH, an international healthcare organization, is helping invent a vaccine with very generous support from the Gates Foundation ($200 million so far) and in partnership with pharmaceutical companies. It is a hard vaccine to invent not only because malaria is such a complicated disease but also because vaccines for children are especially hard to make safe. The best vaccine candidate has shown 50% efficacy in children in a recent clinical trial. This may not sound like much but this is great progress. Imagine if half of the kids can be protected from malaria! The problem is that it will take 10 more years before this vaccine is readily available across Africa. This is where the United Methodist Church comes in. We need to keep buying the bed nets and other interim solutions while we wait for the vaccine. We need 10 years of steady funding for preventing and treating malaria with the tools we have available today. And the big funders (even the Gates Foundation) don’t have nearly enough money to keep buying nets and supplies while we wait for the vaccine. Lots and lots of small contributions will do it. Article written by Eric Walker, a member of Vashon UMC and an employee of PATH 11 The Witness March 20, 2015 You Need a Will Part of our work in church involves looking out for each other, including end-of-life concerns. And end of life concerns are especially difficult to talk about when you are young. But consider the following situations. As we care for each other, let’s remember that the solution to each problem below is a Will. How can you make sure that the special thing you have will be given to the right person? If you have children and both you and your spouse die at the same time in a car crash, who will raise your kids? When you pass, where will your survivors find your life insurance policy(ies)? Who will file your last tax return? How can you donate some of your estate to your favorite church’s Endowment Fund? Each of these issues can be addressed in a Will. It isn’t fun to think about, but it is probably among the most important things you can do to ensure what you want to have done will in fact be done after your death. Your surviving family will be forever grateful for your thoughtfulness. The Top 5 (of 10) Ways to be Welcoming at Bothell UMC # 5. Rule of 10 – greet everyone within 10 feet of you. # 4. Use the final end-of-the-service discussion question as an ice-breaker for new people around you. # 3. Ask if people would care to join you for coffee and a cookie in Fellowship Hall. # 2. Meet one new person, learn their name and pray for them during the week. # 1. Remember to treat people as if they were guests in your own home. 12 The Witness March 20, 2015 Upcoming Sermons In April we begin a new sermon series starting with Easter Sunday: DNA of a Superhero. Join us as we begin this Super exploration of Scripture as we also study the heroes we adore, the villains we love to boo! April 5, Easter Sunday – Matthew 28:1-10 DNA of a Superhero: Is Jesus more like Superman or Batman? April 12 – Matthew 28:16-20 DNA of a Superhero: It begins with a quest April 19 – Acts 10:1-17, 34-35 DNA of a Superhero: Magneto vs. Nightcrawler April 26 – Acts 13:1-3; 14:8-18 Wolverine vs. Professor X Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary March 22 Jeremiah31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 March 29 Mark 11:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 April 5 Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8 April 12 Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20: 19-31 13 The Witness March 20, 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOTHELL, WA PERMIT NO. 29 18515~92nd Avenue NE Bothell, WA 98011 Phone: 425.486.7132 Fax: 425.486.0303 TIME DATED MATERIAL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED MARCH 20, 2015 Mailing Label Here Worship Services 8:00 a.m. (Communion Service) 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Childcare Available 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Services Next Witness Deadline ~ April 13, 2015 14
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