PRESENTING OUR GIFTS Offering Please sign the friendship pads and pass them along the row and back again. Offertory Alleluia from Veni Sancte Spiritus W.A. Mozart (adapted by Larry Shackley) ++Doxology 592[PH] THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LANSING Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. ++HYMN 122[PH] Thine Is The Glory ++BENEDICTION HALLELUJAH CHORUS (Everyone is welcome to come up front and join in the choir. Scores are available.) ++POSTLUDE 510 W. Ottawa Street ▪ Lansing, Michigan 48933 (517) 482-0668 Facebook – Lansing First Presbyterian Church Office Hours (M-TH) 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 & 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 (Fridays) 8:00 a.m. – 12 & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 3 SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY April 5, 2015 10:00 a.m. Easter Sunday WELCOME Rev. Stanley Jenkins In order to maintain our worship environment, please turn your cell phone off. PRELUDE Magdalene’s Mourning Gwen Botting, French Horn Gwen Botting CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: Josephine Powers Hear the good news. Be not afraid. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us worship God. CHORAL INTROIT Easter Introit ++PROCESSIONAL HYMN 123[PH] John Ferguson (w/ACM Brass) Jesus Christ Is Risen Today ++PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST Leader: People: Share the passing of the peace with those near you, including the children, age 4 years to 4th grade, as they come to the front of the sanctuary for a blessing upon their continuing worship upstairs. Be still and know that I am God (sung three times) SERVICE OF RENEWAL Call to Confession Prayer of Confession (unison) God of all hope and joy, we confess that we continue to live in fear. You raised Jesus to new life, yet we hold onto former things. You offer salvation to all, yet we fail to share this good news. Forgive us, God of grace. By your Spirit, make us witnesses to the wonder of the empty tomb and the fullness of life you promise; through Jesus Christ our Lord…(silent prayer) 1 Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION EPISTLE LESSON Leader: People: ANTHEM 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 pg 176, NT The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God! O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! GOSPEL LESSON Larry Shackley (w/ACM Brass) John 20:1-18 pg 114, NT SERMON ++HYMN May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you. ++Indicates to stand in body or spirit The Word of God’s Grace ++ Response to the Good News 579[PH] 104[PH] Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna! ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give thanks and praise. (Intercessory prayer) Sallie Campbell Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. 2 INFORMATION FOR THE DAY THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, April 5 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. EASTER Deacon’s Easter breakfast Morning Worship / Easter Offering received Children and Worship Fellowship Hour – Litten Hall Monday, April 6 EASTER MONDAY Office Closed All Day Tuesday, April 7 9:00 a.m. Computer Skills for Refugees – Computer Lab 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting – Library 12:10 p.m. Yoga – Senior High Room 5:00 p.m. Highland Dance class – Litten Hall 5:30 p.m. Member Development Committee – Meeting Room 5:30 p.m. Adult Education Committee – Library 6:00 p.m. Zumba – Senior High Room 6:30 p.m. Bagpipers – Reception Room / Litten Hall 7:00 p.m. Book Group – Parlor 7:00 p.m. LanSingOut Rehearsal – Chapel Wednesday, April 8 10:30 a.m. Lectionary Bible Study – Library 4- 7:30 p.m. Global Institute of Lansing Tutoring 5:30 p.m. Personnel Committee –Library 6:00 p.m. Yoga – Senior High Room 7:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting 7:00 p.m. Wedding rehearsal – DeMarco/Ross Thursday, April 9 12:10 p.m. Yoga – Senior High Room 1:00 p.m. Tender Loving Care – Cracker Barrel Lansing 5:45 p.m. NorthWest Initiative Board Meeting – Library 6:00 p.m. Zumba – Senior High Room 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Friday, April 10 6:30 p.m. Yoga- Senior High Room Saturday, April 11 Sunday, April 12 8:15 a.m. Youth Education Committee Meeting 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / Communion / Deacons Offering received 10:10 a.m. Children and Worship 11:00 a.m. Education for 4 yrs. thru 12th Grade Fellowship Hour – Litten Hall 11:20 a.m. Adult Education – Reception Room 11:30 a.m. Finance Committee – Library 11:30 a.m. Member Development Committee Class – Chapel Noon Music - 4th thru 6th grades 1:30 p.m. Bagpipers rehearsal Participants in this morning’s service: Worship Leaders Organist Music Director French Horn Trumpet Trumpet Horn Trombone Tuba Pastor Videographer Children and Worship Leader Children and Worship Greeter Josephine Powers, Sallie Campbell Sergei Kvitko Megan Higle Gwen Botting Kyle Tomsich Charlie Fallis Shelby Shaw Nathan Brown Drew Jones Rev. Stanley Jenkins Rich Blankenship Brian Jackson Collin Schafer Welcoming you at the entrances: Chapel Chestnut Howard and Josephine Powers Wanda Chenoweth Coffee Servers: Paul and Pat Eenigenburg Concerns of the congregation: In care facilities: Russ Scovill (Whitehills Health Care Center) Bob Sherwood (Sterling House of Delta) Carolyn Stauffer (LifeHOUSE Prestige Way) Marge Holmgren (New Life Assisted Living) HEARING ASSISTANCE, LARGE PRINT AND BRAILLE BULLETINS AVAILABLE Please see one of the ushers if any of these aids to worship will enhance your participation in the service. If you would like a Braille bulletin, please let those in the church office know ahead of time. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE IF YOU PURCHASED A LILY FOR THE EASTER SERVICE, PLEASE TAKE IT WITH YOU AFTER THE SERVICE. EASTER OFFERING RECEIVED TODAY As is our tradition, today we will receive and dedicate our Easter Offering, which benefits Youth Mission opportunities. If you don't have the Easter Offering envelope from your pledge box, just write "Easter Offering" on the memo line of your check. Thank you for your support! FYI – THE NEXT BOOK SALE WILL TAKE PLACE IN 2016 Please do not donate books until January 2016 because storage space is limited. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Family Fun Nite/Euchre tournament is being planned for the evening of April 17. The evening will include food, fun and fellowship FOR ALL AGES. A movie will be shown for those who don't want to play cards and a tournament will be organized, by table, for all card players to participate. A sign-up sheet will be posted in Litten Hall so we can figure out details. See Sallie with questions or suggestions. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP GROUP will meet at the church on Wednesday, April 22 at 7 p.m. Food and beverage will be provided. A free-will offering will be accepted. Please contact Brian Koon ( or 886-9801) if you will be attending. Men of all ages are welcome! MICHIGAN PRESBYTERIAN PILGRIMAGE will be held April 30 through May 3 at Amigo Center in Sturgis. This pilgrimage is a spiritual retreat weekend that encourages and renews your life of faith. You'll meet nice people, have fun, enjoy good food and experience nature. If you would like more information contact Mary Moses at or 269-659-4668 or John Tucker 517-482-3784. There are brochures and guest applications on the info table in the chapel entrance. MAY IS WORK-WEEKEND MONTH AT CAMP GREENWOOD The month of May offers 4 opportunities to come up to camp and help out. Each Saturday in May - 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 and 5/23 - is a scheduled work day. Presbytery of Lake Michigan churches are encouraged to send work crews. Individual workers who want to support camp are also encouraged to participate. Depending on the weather, there will be work to do inside (painting, cleaning, etc.) or outside (raking, painting, clearing trails, etc.) Come enjoy the camaraderie of others, the beauty of camp, and the satisfaction of helping to prepare camp for a full schedule of campers. Please RSVP to Verla Custer, the Camp Director, at so appropriate preparations can be made. Cabins are also available to rent for the weekend, just contact the camp director for details. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE cont’d LUGNUT OUTING Our annual Lugnut outing with North Westminster will be on June 5 at 7:05 p.m. Please make your reservations with Rich Blankenship, cost is $11 per ticket. This will be a great opportunity to visit with church family and see the new renovations to the stadium. It will be a beautiful day for baseball! INTERGENERATIONAL SUMMER MISSION TRIP Come enjoy your church family and friends in the great outdoors of northern Michigan. We will be working alongside a community of Native American descent and combining learning more about them and developing new relationships with their church, accomplishing some work alongside them and enjoying family camp all at the same time. A block of hotel rooms is also being reserved for those who don't want to camp. The dates are June 27-July 5 but you can participate for however many days you would like to. Trip details will be worked out with those who are interested in participating. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!!! SNAPSHOT OF 1ST PRES FINANCIALS, ANNUALIZED PROJECTIONS WILL BE UPDATED MONTHLY $49,207.97 $38,465.83 actual February 2015 income actual February 2015 disbursements $(44,838.74) actual total deficit carried forward to 2015 $(20,483.94) actual 2013 deficit carried forward $ 4,482.92 pledges received in February 2015 to retire 2013 deficit $ 6,125.00 pledges received in January 2015 to retire 2013 deficit $ (9,876.02) current 2013 deficit carried forward +$(24,354.80) actual 2014 deficit carried forward $(34,230.82) remaining deficit *NOTE: To date, we have received pledges totaling 41.3% of the total deficit carried forward to 2015. ADULT FORUM FOR APRIL 2015 All are welcome to join in discussion of significant and timely topics. We meet in the Reception Room (downstairs) 11:20-12:15 (Childcare is available through this time.) TODAY APRIL 5 – HAPPY EASTER! No Adult Forum April 12 – Elder James Robertson, of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, will share with us his experience in traveling to Haiti twice on Visioning and Advocacy trips and will present slides from those trips which highlight the hunger, sustainable agriculture, and social justice issues that our PC(USA) mission workers address in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He will also speak about the Joining Hands Initiative and what it does in Haiti. April 19 – Valerie Smith, Director, QVK & Associates, has been engaged in conversations about race and diversity for over 30 years. She has worked with K-12 educators, with faith-based congregations, and community groups. Ms. Smith currently works with the Ingham County Health Department, and the Michigan Department of Community Health, facilitating discussions about the root causes of health inequities and disparities, focusing on race, class, and gender discrimination as well as other forms of marginalizing citizens, and what we all can do about it as fellow human beings. Ms. Smith has agreed to guide in conversation as we consider "safe" ways to engage in difficult conversations about race and equity within our faith community as well as with others. STAFF OF FIRST PRES Pastor/ Head of Staff Parish Associate Pastoral Care Assistant Director of Youth and Family Ministry Director of Christian Education Church Administrator Sexton Organist Director of Music Bell Choir Director Sunday Host Child Caregiver Rev. Stanley Jenkins Rev. Charles Herrick Chris DeYonke Sallie Campbell Kathleen Banghart Tracy Weldon Perry Black Sergei Kvitko Megan Higle Shelia Conrad Ben English Abigail Grill Heather Pollok SERMON NOTES: April 26 – Our Conversation on Race continues. We are inviting law enforcement officers to join our dialogue. We are looking forward to hearing a different perspective on events that have brought the issue of race to the forefront once again. Please check the bulletin for details as the date gets closer. EASTER LILIES EASTER LILIES In memory of: From: In memory of: From: V. Charlene Johnston Heath Marinela Balatbat Lee Amundsen Milt Cummings & Mildred Spencer Jeff Ballein George Shutak, Cynthia Wickes & Alice Cannon Kay Humes Our parents Pete & Eva Whipple Tom & Oliver Dan Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Horace W. Hughes Family Susie Skrlec (Lydia’s mom) Everett & Margaret Byington (my parents) Our parents Clyde & Elaine May Our parents Adelaide & Francis Gould Madge & Ray Blankenship Helen & Sylvester Schaub Evelyn & Robert Sherwood Leon & Marge Snyder, Rose Hourani, and Sandy Oade Elona Phillips Petronko Harvey E. Whitman Francis & Sadie Jarawan Sobhia Mackoul Ben & Kat English The Davies Family Barb Amundsen Shirley Cummings Dee Hughes Rev. Stan Jenkins & Mary Jenkins Jean Jones Mitsuko & Bill Marx Their loving family Steve & Sallie Campbell Pat & family Bob Hughes Barbara Kaye Bill & Lydia Erickson Judy Davis JoAnn and Jim Hengstebeck Their family Kathe & Sam Smith Rich Blankenship family Ben & Kat English The Davies Family Barb Amundsen Shirley Cummings Dee Hughes Rev. Stan Jenkins & Mary Jenkins Jean Jones Mitsuko & Bill Marx Their loving family Steve & Sallie Campbell Pat & family Bob Hughes Barbara Kaye Bill & Lydia Erickson Judy Davis JoAnn and Jim Hengstebeck Their family Kathe & Sam Smith Rich Blankenship family The Snyder family Beverly and Charles Phillips The Whitman family John & Elain Mackoul & family George Mackoul & family V. Charlene Johnston Heath Marinela Balatbat Lee Amundsen Milt Cummings & Mildred Spencer Jeff Ballein George Shutak, Cynthia Wickes & Alice Cannon Kay Humes Our parents Pete & Eva Whipple Tom & Oliver Dan Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Horace W. Hughes Family Susie Skrlec (Lydia’s mom) Everett & Margaret Byington (my parents) Our parents Clyde & Elaine May Our parents Adelaide & Francis Gould Madge & Ray Blankenship Helen & Sylvester Schaub Evelyn & Robert Sherwood Leon & Marge Snyder, Rose Hourani, and Sandy Oade Elona Phillips Petronko Harvey E. Whitman Francis & Sadie Jarawan Sobhia Mackoul In honor of: From: In honor of: From: Our parents My family Sue Reames & Herb Jones Ramiz Hourani Our church family Roger & Laura Wilkinson Jean Jones Nan Carter The Snyder family The Gebhardt family Our parents My family Sue Reames & Herb Jones Ramiz Hourani Our church family Roger & Laura Wilkinson Jean Jones Nan Carter The Snyder family The Gebhardt family Gary and Joyce Schaub Gary and Joyce Schaub The Snyder family Beverly and Charles Phillips The Whitman family John & Elain Mackoul & family George Mackoul & family
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