Remember….. - Henry County Baptist Association

Henry County Baptist Association
April 2015
The Caller
Sharon Smith, Office Manager -
Office Email:
Karen Reed, Ministry Assistant
The HCBA Office
will be closed on
April 6, 2015
in observance of the
Easter Holiday
May You Have a Blessed Easter
Holiday! Because Jesus Christ rose
from the dead on that wonderful first
Easter Morning, we have the Blessed
Hope of Heaven as our home
National Day of Prayer
News for
is due April 15th!
May 7, 2015
“Lord, Hear Our Cry”
“Listen to Your servant’s prayer and his petition,
LORD my God, so that You may hear the cry and
the prayer that Your servant prays before You
I Kings 8:28 (HCSB)
WMU Annual Meeting
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
First Baptist, Collinsville
Pre-Service Music, 6:15 pm
Ryan & Rebecca Beachy
Program Begins, 6:30 pm
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Beachy
Please plan to join us!
3449 Kings Mountain Road, Martinsville, VA 24112 • Phone:(276) 638-2951 • Fax: (276) 638-2326 •
Church News!
AXTON … Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the
church on Saturday April 4th. Youth Sunday will be April 12th.
We will have a Spaghetti Dinner April 25th.
BLACKBERRY … March 28th: Golden Agers visited Hales
Ford Church for the Easter drama, The Cry of Christ. March
14th: K—6th grade had Devotion and Movie night. Youth,
grades 7—12 meeting for Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:45
p.m. April 25th: Men’s Day with Classic Car Cruise In and
Breakfast. April 26th: Men in charge of Worship Service. Plans
in progress for a new Church Pictorial Directory. March
22nd: Women’s Ministry and Bible Study Time: 5:00 p.m.
COLLINSVILLE, FIRST .. Easter Events: Maundy Thursday
Service with Communion, April 2, 6:00 PM; Children’s Easter
Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4, 11:00 AM; Easter Sunrise Service,
April 5, 7:00 AM. Our church will host the HCBA WMU Annual
Meeting on Tuesday, April 14. We will have spring revival April
19-22, 7:00 PM nightly, with Dr. Dennis Deese.
FORT TRIAL … Children’s Easter Celebration Saturday, April
4th , 10 am – noon. The Secret Church, Friday, April 24th,
beginning at 7 PM and ending at 1 AM (Sat.). 6 hours of
worship, intense Bible study and prayer for the persecuted
church led by David Platt (President, International Mission
Board of the Southern Baptist Convention).
FULLER MEMORIAL … A group from our church honored our
oldest living church member with a birthday party March 9 at
Stanleytown Health Care Center. Nola Fulcher is 98 and we
enjoyed celebrating with her. We missed morning and night
services one Sunday and Bible study one Wednesday night
due to ice and snow, but are so happy to be back on schedule.
We look forward to serving our Lord with the renewed promises
of spring.
GRACE … Check out our new website,
HILL MEMORIAL … We will be having a spring revival
beginning with the 11:00 AM service on the 17th of May,
evening service on Sunday at 6:00 PM and Monday through
Thursday at 7:00 PM. Brother Randy Perry will be the
Evangelist and will be singing each night. Everyone is invited to
HILLCREST … Mar. 27th & 28th youth & leaders participated
in 30-hour famine including a prayer walk, worship, and service
project at Community Storehouse. Sun., Mar. 29th 4-6pm
Easter Egg Hunt with games, food, devotion, and more. Thurs.,
April 9th - Daughters of the King celebration. Melissa Futrell is
featured speaker. Banquet cost $10. Call church 957-2449 to
reserve a ticket. Sun., April 19th, 6pm - Rockingham Male
Chorus will lead our evening worship.
MARTINSVILLE, FIRST … March 23 Baptist Men Meet with
Nancy Stanton McDaniel as speaker; April 2 Maundy Thursday
Service and Holy Communion; April 5 Early Service at 9:00
followed by Breakfast, Worship Service at 11:00 with Easter
Egg Hunt for children after worship; April 7 WMU meet; April 18
Newspaper Recycling; April 19 Reception after Worship.
MCCABE MEMORIAL … Some of McCabe’s members
participated in Raceway Ministries March 27th-29th during
Martinsville’s race weekend. McCabe’s next “Free Community
Meal” will be held on Wednesday, April 8th from 5:30 – 6:30
p.m. Our VBS is being planned for June 22nd-26th. Plans are
underway for McCabe’s 75th Anniversary & Homecoming
Celebration which will be on Sunday, August 30th.
MOUNT VERNON … April 3- Good Friday Service- begins @
7:00 p.m. April 5- Sunrise Service @ Mountain Valley
Chapel (time n/a yet)
ORCHARD DRIVE … Community Meal held March 31, Started
Bible Study “Why Jesus” Sunday Evenings 6:00 pm, Youth
Fund Raiser Lunches held March 8 and March 22, Youth
attended ATF in Greensboro March 20-21, April 5 Easter
Sunrise service 7:30 am, 8:00 am Breakfast, 10:00 am Sunday
School, 11:00 am Morning Worship, Community Meal April 285:30-6:30 pm,
SHILOH … April 11 – Jail & Prison Ministry Workshop, 10:00
AM, at the church. April 12 – Annual Jail & Prison Ministry
Service at 3:00 PM, with guest speaker Rev. Kevin West. April
18 – Annual Ushers Workshop at 10:00 AM. April 19 – Ladies
Day at 3:00 PM, guest speaker TBA. April 26 – May 3, Spring
Revival, guest preachers nightly. Schedule as follows: Sunday,
April 26, 11:00 AM, and 6:30 PM nightly.
STARLING AVENUE ...Feb 1st youth participated in annual
Souper Bowl of Caring by collecting food for Grace Network.
Feb 15th church dedication of the new hymnals “Celebrating
Grace”. Dr. Paul Richardson, Editor, was guest speaker during
both services. Feb 15th, the church enjoyed the annual
Valentines Spaghetti Supper, with music provided by Skyline
Drive. March 8th youth provided a chili lunch and a dessert
auction to help fund their annual mission trip to Washington, DC
to minister to the homeless.
TRINITY … March 24th - Senior trip to Hamrick's. Lunch at
K&W cafeteria. March 29th Combined Easter Services at
Pleasant Grove Methodist Church 6:30 p.m. April 4th –
Children’s Easter egg hunt 2-4 p.m. April 5th Sunrise Service
with breakfast. Sunday School and Worship to follow.
This & That...
April Birthdays
4 – John Fox, former Director of Missions
6 – John Tinsley, Pastor, Shiloh
11 – Loretta Smith, Secretary, McCabe Memorial
17 – Harold Draper, Retired Minister
25 – Mike Hatfield, Pastor, Chatham Heights
April Anniversaries
24 – Daniel Willson, Asst. Pastor/FamilyMin&Educ/
Martinsville, First, 2 yrs.
29 – Sarah Leamy, Music Director, Martinsville, First, 3 yrs.
April Calendar
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Office Closed for Easter Holiday
Cooperative Missions/Cooperative
Program Day
WMU Annual Meeting, 6:15 PM,
Collinsville, First
Virginia Baptist Mission Board, Virginia
Baptist Resource Center, Richmond
News for the Caller due in Association
Executive Committee, 7:00 PM, Association Office
Ministerial Association, 10:30 AM
Senior Adults, 12:00 PM, Collinsville,
Baptist World Alliance Sunday
"Send Your Ambassadors"
to History/Heritage Meeting
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Lunch/Meeting at 11:30 am
HCBA Office
Confirm at 276.638.2951
-----------An Ambassador is ....
1 noun envoy, emissary, representative, high commissioner, consul, diplomat
2 as in great ambassador for the sport: campaigner,
representative, promoter, champion, supporter, backer,
The ambassadors to the History/Heritage team are a
combination of both definitions. As church representatives each is an envoy and a promoter. Each church
must have boosters to encourage the work of today, to
promote the sharing in the tomorrows and to look to the
beginning foundations to build upon. In all, let God’s
love shine.
Your Ambassadors: Please search out church members
who are interested in locating records, in keeping safe
places for the treasures, in backing the church programs,
and willing to be the emissary to the HCBA. There they
will be assisting with the same above assignments within
the total association. Send those ambassadors to the History/Heritage committee meetings. Clip items for the
scrapbooks. Update your chapter in the 2017 book
HisStory... to be Continued.
Suggestion: Your church needs
a history/heritage committee/
team. As a person is called
home by our Lord, another
must continue the recording. Appoint at least two to be
your ambassadors to the HCBA
Thursday, April 16,
7:00 PM
Association Office
HCBA Monthly Financial Report
February 2015
Church Contributions............................. $4,463.41
Interest .............................................................. $.72
Total receipts ........................................... $4,464.13
Total Expenditures .................................. $5,591.05
Operating Balance ............................... $102,547.11
We are pleased to welcome...
Mrs. Mary Helen Cameron, who has been called as
the Minister of Music, at Pocahontas Bassett BC. She
will begin her ministry on April 13, 2015. Mary Helen
has a Bachelor of Music degree from Union University in
Jackson, TN, and a Master of Church Music degree from
the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has previously served churches in Tennessee, Kentucky, and
Virginia as pianist and has experience working with
choirs of all ages. She has taught private piano lessons for
over 30 years, and is a member of the VA Baptist Women’s Chorale. She is married to Rev. David Cameron,
who is the Associate Minister at Chatham Heights BC.
Mary Helen, we say a big “Welcome” and look forward
to many years of serving our Lord together!
Congratulations to Rev.
Dennis Wingate, Pastor at
Grace Baptist Church, who
has received a Doctorate
in Ministry from the Billy
Graham School of Missions, Evangelism & Ministry. Dennis and his wife,
Sharon, recently celebrated their 10th anniversary
at Grace. Congratulations! May God bless you with
many more years of serving our Lord!
Choral Workshop
May 23-24, 2015
Starling Avenue Baptist Church
The HCBA Music Team is planning a Choral Workshop with published composer Conway A. Bolt, Jr. for
Saturday, May 23rd with a concert planned for Sunday afternoon, May 24th, all at Starling Avenue Baptist Church. The schedule is as follows:
Saturday, May 23rd:
9:30 AM – Registration
10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon – Workshop
12:00 Noon – Lunch provided by Starling Avenue BC
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Workshop
Sunday, May 24th:
2:40 PM – Workshop Choir returns for warm-up
3:00 PM – Concert with Mr. Bolt conducting and Rev.
Ed Spencer accompanying
Happy Easter to all the senior
adults. Mark your calendars for
Thursday April 23 at First Baptist Church
of Collinsville, the Presbyterian Home
band will be performing to some good "ole
down home music"; with instruments you just will not
believe. The fun will begin at 12:00 noon. Then in
September head on down to Mount Vernon Baptist
Church in Axton for our fantasy trip to Hawaii. The luau
will begin at 12:00 noon, Thursday September 24. This is
our talent show meeting, so you have plenty of time to
practice your talent. I hope we will at least have a few
hula dancers. There might have been some
confusion about this trip. We are not really going to
Hawaii, but we will make you feel like you are in
Hawaii. The Bunny hopes to see all of you HOP ON
OVER to the April meeting. (Now if anyone is really going
to Hawaii and wants to take me along, I can pack in a
minute’s notice)
At registration, we will accept a $10.00 fee for a single singer and $15.00 for a couple. This fee is to help
defray the costs of the workshop. However, if this is
not possible, we still want the singers to attend. Everyone will receive a folder with unpublished and published music. Mr. Bolt will give permission for choir
directors to copy only the unpublished works; he will
have to buy his published works.
Any questions can be addressed to:
Pat McKinster, 276-806-4170
David Cameron – 276-632-2150
Jencie Gibson – 276-650-8389
Please encourage anyone in your church to attend…they do not have to be choir members.