Current Bulletin - First Baptist Church of West Allis

Director of Music:
Mark Weisser
Mary Schecher
Order Of Service For
Opportunities This Week
Next Sunday
3:00 PM Chin Baptist Service
7:00 PM Boards
8:00 PM Council
6:00 PM Neshamah Ringers
6:30 PM Bible Study
6:30 PM Jubilation Ringers
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
Happy Valentine’s Day
9:00 AM Sunday School & Bible Study
10:15 AM Worship
3:00 PM Chin Baptist Service
Stewardship Report for 0202-0101-2015
Weekly Budget Requirement
General Receipts
Communion - St. Ben’s
Stained Glass Restoration
Sunday School Offering
Missions - America for Christ
Making Christ Known!
1576 South 78th St., West Allis, WI 53214 414414-258258-7400
Web site:
You are invited to join our church family. If
you would like to become a member of
First Baptist Church, let the Pastor know as
you leave today. He will set up a time to meet
with you and answer all of your questions.
We would love to have you join us!
Join us downstairs in the fellowship hall
immediately following the service for
coffee and conversation.
February 8, 2015
10:15 A.M.
Order of Worship
February 8, 2015
We Lift Our Praise and Offerings to God
Children’s Story
Dianne Brophy
There is a Child Care for 5K and younger on the first floor of the Education
Wing, rooms 5 and 6, after the Children’s Story.
“God Is!”
We Lift Up our Prayers
* 90
Chancel Choir
(The Lord’s Prayer: “ debts”)
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”
We Hear God’s Word: Mark 1:14-15 (pg. 1191)
Message: “The Kingdom is at Hand”
* 444
“I Love to Tell the Story”
We Share Christ’s Love With the World
*The Congregation will please stand
Visitors, please feel free to participate in
any of our listed activities!
Nursery attendants today are Dianna Brophy and
Becky Holl (next week, Anne Wyszkowski and Sarah
Byleen) K4-K5 attendants today are Mike Shawgo
and Emmanuel Lingongo (next week, Carol Kosobucki
and Joe Gross)
The “third Sunday” (February 15, 2015) suggested
non-perishable food item is rice and the hygiene item
is body wash. Thank you.
Want to get rid of your old greeting cards? Bring
them to church for recycling through St. Jude’s
Ranch - a facility that works with homeless teenagers. All types of cards accepted.
Don’t Forget - like us on Facebook!
Prayer Concerns: Arlene Canitz, Lynn Schmitt,
Elaine Pagel, Chad Beutin, Ritch Neill (friend of the
Moreno’s), Diane Paprocki, Gloria Davey, Tom Borger,
Martin Gruenwald, Charlie and Nancy Graham, Autum
Rae (daughter of Pearline Johnson)