Announcements Welcome to: JERSEY SHORE BAPTIST The Soulwinning Bus Starts Back Up This Thursday @ 6:30 PM May is Sunday School Emphasis Month CHURCH Throughout the month of May, we will be working on strengthening our church by building strong Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. Each class is having its own campaign with promotions and activities designed to get more people involved in the Sunday School ministry. If you are not yet enrolled in a Sunday School class, please see one of our Sunday School teachers for more information. We are Thrilled that you Came! May 17, 2015 Family Camp-‐Out – May 24th Weekly Opportunities for Worship and Service SUNDAY: SUNDAY SCHOOL/ADULT BIBLE CLASSES MORNING SERVICE AFTERNOON SERVICE 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM MONDAY GALLOWAY SENIOR CARE WEDNESDAY: BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER FRIDAY: REFORMERS UNANIMOUS SATURDAY: SOUL WINNING / VISITATION PRAYER MEETING 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Your Faithful Giving to God Last Week’s Offering General Fund Missions Building Bus Academy Others Allocated Total $2,663.70 $585.00 $56.00 $126.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $3,432.70 Building Fund Please consider giving toward our much needed Sunday School Building Project Bus Route Sponsoring God has blessed our church w ith a bus that picks up kids for church each week. The cost to run one bus is $25.00 a week. If you have a heart for these children, please Building Fund $50,790.19 consider sponsoring a bus. Some women will spend thirty minutes to an hour preparing for church externally (putting on special clothes and makeup, etc.). What would happen if we all spent the same amount of time preparing internally for church - with prayer and meditation? – Leonard Ravenhill Following the evening service we will be having a bonfire and family camp-‐out in the back of the church property. The next morning we will go to breakfast before the Memorial Day festivities begin. Memorial Day Picnic – May 25th Kick-‐off summer with a fun softball game and good food! Softball will start at 10:00am at the softball fields on Wrangleboro road, while the food and other activities will begin at 11:00 here at the church. The church will be supplying the hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. We are asking that each family bring a side dish, salad, or dessert item. Vote for Two New Deacons – May 31st We will be adding two deacons to better serve our church. Gerald Hicks and Issan Acosta have been nominated by members of our congregation and have the full support and recommendation of Pastor Erickson. We will be voting on these two men after the morning service on May 31st. Dr. John Geotsch at Pine Grove Baptist Church June 1st and 2nd Brother Goetsch will be preaching at Pine Grove Baptist Church in Marlton, NJ on June 1st and 2nd beginning at 7:00 PM each evening. We will be driving the church van out on Monday evening and will be leaving the church at 5:45PM. Teen Camp – June 8th – 12th All teens are invited and encouraged to attend the Young Ambassador’s for Christ Summer Teen Camp. The cost for all of the activities, lodging, and food is $180.00. More info is available on See Justin or Sami if you are interested in attending. Upcoming Events Vacation Bible School – June 29th – July 3rd Scripture Assembly Project -‐ July 25th Northeast Vision Summit -‐ July 28 – 30th Knoebel’s Family Fun Day -‐ August 10th Junior Camp – August 17th -‐ 21st Back to School Rally – September 4th Appalachian Trail Hike – September 7th Nursery Schedule Sunday Morning: Sunday Night: Any Questions see: Mrs. Katelyn Erickson Mrs. Sami Erickson Miss Julianne Echevarria Mrs. Camille Stahl Mrs. Tina Frick Gerald and Lisa Hicks Wednesday Night: Sermon Notes Scripture Passage:_______________ Title:__________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “No sermon is ever quite a success, which leaves men satisfied with themselves.” 216 South Wrangleboro Road, Galloway, NJ 08205 609-748-4955 (church building); 609-705-0697 (Pastor’s cell) Email – Phil Erickson, Pastor; Ted Stahl, Assistant Pastor
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