Circuit Writer APRIL 2015 Vol. 35 Issue 4 Website- Email - Thomas Frase, Pastor FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 50l Ninth St. Mena, AR 71953 479-394-3051 HE IS RISEN ! HOW WE THANK GOD FOR YOU! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence. (1 Thessalonians 3:9) I spend a lot of time at the church. I attend most of the administrative meetings. I’m at all the worship services, funerals and weddings. This puts me in a good observation position. And here’s what I see; Many people doing many things for the benefit of the church. There are big things, and little things, and things that everyone sees, and things that no one notices. Regardless, someone steps up and gives of their time, talents and energy for the good of the church. Funeral meals, tidying up fellowship hall, teaching Sunday School, folding newsletters, changing bulletin boards, picking up trash outside, meeting the plumber, organizing mission projects, cooking breakfast, subbing in the office, running sound and video, newsletter, singing, playing the piano and organ, signing checks, children’s sermons, puppet practice, youth meals, chaperones, advertising, flower deliveries, nursing home visits, phone calls, prayers, counting money, attending various meetings, organizing music, making coffee, updating the web site, keeping up with Facebook, ushering, greeting, landscaping, fixing broken stuff, working with venders...well, you get the idea. And here’s the deal, I’m pretty sure I’ve left some things out. We’re an active church. But here’s my bigger point. THANK YOU! I’m in awe when I see how much people give of themselves. I know you don’t do it for the accolades, and you probably don’t always get a gold star or even a slap on the back for what you do; but be assured, your efforts on behalf of your church are appreciated. We all benefit from the things we all contribute. Ultimately, I know it makes a difference for the Kingdom. Tom ************************************************************ Let us pray for…our Armed Forces, Charlotte Almand, Shirley Baker, Thelma/Ira Berg, Jeremy Bevel, Robbie Blair, Rex Burns, Vera Cary, Sue/Jim Derris, Clayton Eddleman, Lanette Emry, Walt Gray, the family of Steve Green in his passing, William Harrison, Audrey Hollington, Karlene Hooker, Bill Hughes, Brenda Johnson, Sharon Johnson, Ginger Jones, Joe Mannon, Pam/Derol Mayo, J. McClanahan, Raegan McCourtney, Cheryl Myers, Don Osburn, Marissa Pate, Randy Peters, Gabriel Rhodes, Fran Riddle, Bill Scheidt, Darlene Shockey, the family of Jo Simpson in her passing, Jim/Dale Shook, Jerry Speer, Medina Tapley, Ty Thacker, Charles/ Patsy Venable, Gene Wenzel, Bill L. Wood RICH MOUNTAIN MANOR: Shirley Baker Joyce Beam PEACHTREE: Dee Black Helen Jones Shirley Ogden OUT OF TOWN: Charles Bedell, Ethel Elliott, Mike Fenwick, Anne Gibson, Sharma Hightower, Madge Johnson ANNIVERSARIES 04 Brenda and Bill Lynch 11 Jeanne and Larry Barsic 23 Lynn and Cotton Ashley Ava Nell Mannon THE OAKS: Leslie Lancaster Our Love and Sympathy to the Families of Jo Simpson Steve Green ***************************************************************************************** Thursday Sunday, April 5, 2015 April 2, 2015 Sunrise Service - 6:30 a.m. At Bearcat Stadium 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - Worship *********************************************************************************************************** Thank you to the ladies of the First United Methodist Church, who provided food, to Pastor Tom Frase, who conducted the service, to Louise Buchanan, who sang so beautifully, to Ladonna Mohr, who compiled the memorial video; and to all those who sent flowers, cards of prayer and sympathy and the phone calls. All these are helping us through this difficult time after the death of our daughter, Lisa ReNae Sunderman Kelly. Thank you! Betty, Henry and Wes Sunderman ************************* Thank you so much to everyone for their prayers, gifts and concerns for me these past few week as I have been recovering from dermatological surgery. Good friends, a good surgeon, and a Healing God have blessed me. Bill McChristian *********************************************************************************************************** IMAGINE NO MORE Malaria - If you missed the Special Offering for this worthwhile project, there is still time to make a contribution. Please contact Judy Kauffman, 243-9353. Thank you so much! Polk County Family Mission March Report 2015 PAULINE’S PUPPETEERS FOR CHRIST Greetings from the staff of PCFM. Sunday, April 19 - Number Families Assisted this month = 25 (62 persons- 40 adults- 22 children) Number families un-churched = 10 Number of military families: = 4 “Sacred Teachings” Sunday, April 26 - Needs: water, electric, propane, Rx, natural gas Assistance paid to providers of service = $ 2,633.51 Average assistance per family =$ Native American Sunday - 105.34 All utilities were on the list of needs this month, in addition to 1 need for Rx. When donated food was available, it was distributed. Five families had military vets. Without the pledges from area Churches, donations from Sunday School classes, businesses, and individuals, we could not have met the needs. Our clients were all very thankful for the help, realizing that people really do care. Thank you all who have enabled PCFM to help our neighbors in need. God has blessed PCFM. May God richly bless you all for your gifts, service, and prayers! “A Penny Sermon “ Pastor Tom ~ For leading the participants of the Covenant Bible Study groups - Sunday evening and Wednesday morning - through this experience of learning, growing, sharing, discovering and changing. We will not be the same! May we live more faithfully as committed disciples of Jesus Christ. Blessings to you! ___________________________________________________________________________ Walkway Awning Update--Installation of the awning to cover our new concrete walk, leading into the Church from the back parking lot, will begin soon. A bid of $5,412.50 was let, and this was the lowest bid of several we received. As of 23 March, donations totaling $3,215.81 have been received. If you have not yet donated to this worthy cause, we encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience. THANK YOU to all who have generously donated already. It is going to be wonderful to have this covered walkway. Contact persons are Billy Wood and Rick Kauffman ( picture is an example only of a metal awning) *************************************************************************** Creator God, forgive our moments of ingratitude, the spiritual blindness that prevents us from appreciating the wonder that is this world, the endless cycle of nature, of life and death and rebirth. Forgive us for taking without giving, reaping without sowing. Open our eyes to see, our lips to praise, our hands to share and may our feet tread lightly on the road. Amen Author unknown CURRENT RESIDENT OR Mena, AR 71953 Permit No. 42 MENA, AR 71953 U.S. Postage Paid 501 NINTH STREET Non-Profit Organization FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
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