270 Main Street Savannah, Tennessee 38372 First United Methodist Church FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER May 21, 2015 Monday, May 25, 2015 RON BROWN, Pastor Parsonage: 731-925-3224 WENDY GANNON, Nursery Worker Cell: 731-412-9881 MARTHA SMITH, Pianist – Organist Email: fumcron@birch.net JOHN HEROD, Pianist BOB BROWN, Worship, Music & Youth Director DEBBIE NEYMAN, Assistant Pianist Email: umcmusician@gmail.com NATHAN VAUGHN, Custodian GEORGIE ANN VAUGHN, Secretary Email: fumcgann@birch.net CHURCH WEBSITE savannahumc.org SUSAN HORTON, Bookkeeper CHURCH ADDRESS Email: fumcsusanh99@gmail.com 270 Main St. Savannah TN 38372 If you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe to the email newsletter, please let us know your preference by email to fumcgann@birch.net. This Week at our Church THURSDAY, MAY 21 1:00PM--Wesleyan Circle meeting at home of Helen Alexander 4:00PM--CAM meeting in the Youth Center 7:00PM--Scouts 7:30PM--Baccalaureate at the Hardin County High School HOLY COMMUNION OFFERED EACH SUNDAY IN THE CHURCH 9:30 – 9:55 AM FRIDAY, MAY 22, OFFICE CLOSED 7:30PM--Graduation at the Hardin County High School SUNDAY, MAY 24, DAY OF PENTECOST 9:30AM--Holy Communion in the Sanctuary 10:00AM--Sunday School for all ages 11:00AM--Worship 5:00PM--Youth MONDAY, MAY 25, MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED! TUESDAY, MAY 26 10:00AM--Staff meeting 12:00PM--Rotary meeting in the Youth Center (EXCEPT 1ST SUNDAY COMMUNION SERVED DURING WORSHIP) Faith Bible Study Group will meet on the first Mondays of the month for the months of June, July, and August at 11:00am at the Pizza Hut for a time of fellowship. They will resume their regular schedule in September. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 5:00PM--Chancel Ringers 6:30PM—Choir THURSDAY, MAY 28 7:00PM--Scouts Continue checking the weekly newsletter for the June Lunch bunch destination! FRIDAY, MAY 29, OFFICE CLOSED SUNDAY, MAY 31, PEACE WITH JUSTICE SUNDAY (OFFERING) 9:30AM--Communion in the sanctuary 10:00AM--Sunday School for all ages 11:00AM--Worship 5:00PM--Youth 6:30PM--Movie & Popcorn Night in the Youth Center Sunday, May 24, 2015 John 15:26-27 LAY LEADERSHIP MINISTRY TEAM MEETING! There will be a Lay Leadership Ministry Team meeting on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00PM in the Salt & Light SSC. “When the Spirit Comes” ATTENDANCE SUNDAY, MAY 17 Sunday School: 61 Worship: 120 STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY, MAY 17 GIVING for the week of 05/17/15 $ 4,612.00 YTD projected budget needs $145,605.00 YTD budget offerings received $127,131.98 First United Methodist is responsible for volunteers for CAM JESUS ACTS OF KINDNESS WITNESSED THIS WEEK 101+ on June 1st, 3rd, & 5th. Please call the church office (925-3436) A total of 8 people reported Jesus Acts of Kindness. or Marcia Welch (925-6455) if you can help! JESUS ACTS OF KINDNESS SEPTEMBER 2013 TO DATE 17,726+ MAY LITURGIST Brian Neyman MAY USHERS Neal Smith, Johnny Harrison, Andrew Walz MAY ACOLYTE Latonia Gilbert COUNTING TEAM 05/24 B. Goodyear, N. Smith, N. Lewis 05/31 D. Hutchinson, D. Vaughn, Y. McGinley 06/07 J. Adams 06/14 K. Kemp, T. Smith, A. Forsbach *Please remember to arrange for a substitute if you are unable to attend. IMMEDIATE NEEDS Edith Able Patricia Aird Joe & Patty Anderson Lindy Baker Betty Bellis Daisy Blount LaDon Bradford Lucy Burgess Tom Clement Betty Lynn Collier Jimmy Davis Larry Davis Anita Ewoldt Bill Fischer Fisher Family Anita Fletcher Dwana Pusser Garrison Jack Hartman Teresa Harville Gene Hissong Jonell Marinaro Chuck Medlin Robert McDonald Jimmy Qualls Patricia Qualls Dianne Roberts Lamont Robinson Melissa Rodola Vickie Rose Annette Sanderson Bonnie Shelby Michelle Singleton David Wall Everything is a Gift from God! Our time, talents, property, health, environment, relationships, and the gospel are all gifts from God. We as Christian stewards serve God out of love and gratitude for these gifts. We need to remember it is not how much we have but what ONGOING NEEDS Gwin Anderson Earnest Bacon Ron Brown Charlie Lou Broyles Cynthia Clement Brodie Davis Anne Edwards Jimmie Freeman Amy Garner Latonia Gilbert Jesus Acts of Kindness Ministry Missionaries Our Leaders Our Country we do with what we have that is important! Larry Harrell Steve Harrison John Herod Dr. Charles Lull Dr. Pat Newhouse Charles Pannell Mary Morgan Stanley Tommy Wolfe Lonny Young Our Church Our Church Staff Our Military Our World The First United Methodist Youth will be having a Car-Wash-AThon on Saturday, June 6, 2015 in the front church parking. Please come out and support our youth and their fundraising efforts! Everyone has had their lives touched by someone who has ba led cancer. The Hardin County Relay for Life Event will be held on Friday, June 5th at the Tennessee Street Park beginning at 11am. Once again, First United Methodist Church will have a The next Ladies’ Brunch Group meeting will be on Sunday, June 7th at 9:00am in the Youth Center. Come bring a dish to share and join us for fellowship! Relay for Life team. FUMC’s team will have a table set up to sell the church cookbook, Our Goodly Heritage Continues. All proceeds from the cookbooks sold will be going to Relay for Life. We need volunteers to be on the team and help sell the cookbooks during the Relay for Life event. Please call Ruth Parris at 632-4312 or the church office at 925-3436 if you can help. Also, The next Wesleyan Circle meeting will be on Thursday, May 21st at the home of Helen Alexander. there is a sheet downstairs on the Welcome Desk for you to sign up. Thank you! First United Methodist is responsible for donating canned meat for CAM. Please bring your donations and place them in the basket located downstairs as you enter the back door. You may also bring your donations on the first Sunday of each month and place them in the narthex. Thank you for helping in this important ministry! Thank you very much for the Bible. I will keep it forever and use it all the time! The Laity Club will meet on Love Always, Tuesday, June 2nd at 6:00pm Judith Holland at Roberson Chapel UMC. What’s in the Bag? May 24 Tammy Brown May 31 Richard Roger FUMC FAMILY NIGHTS June 7 Tia Gannon This summer, instead of a vacation Bible school, we will be having June 14 Karen Boothe FUMC Family Nights. The first family night will be on Sunday, May 31st at 6:30pm in the Youth Center. This will be a movie and popcorn June 21 Pam Wolfe night (bring your own blanket). We are asking everyone to sign up if June 28 Ben Brown they plan on a>ending. You may do this by signing up on Sunday’s July 5 Judy Goodyear a>endance pads, calling the church office, or by signing up on the July 12 Jean Anne Vaughn sign up sheet that will be located downstairs Sunday on the Welcome Desk. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the “What’s in the Bag?” ministry, please call Betty Lynn Collier at 607-5757. 1) Make time to volunteer with a summer group that involves helping children who are less fortunate. 2) If you have extra time during the summer, volunteer to read to the elderly in the nursing home or to those who are shut-ins. 3) Volunteer to work at CAM (Christian Assistance Ministry) to help distribute food to those in need. They need volunteers for June 1st, 3rd, & 5th to work only 3 hours per day from 12:00pm until 3:00pm. 4) Make sure you show the love of Jesus to each and everyone you meet! You don’t need a reason to help or show kindness to people! ALTAR FLOWERS 05/24 Brady Jobe 05/31 Bo Higginbottom 06/07 Andrew & Cinda Walz 06/14 Don & Karen Boothe The altar flower sign up sheet for 2015 has been passed around the Sunday School classrooms. We still have many dates available, including: July 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th. If you would like to sign up for one of these dates or for one later on in the year, please call the church office at 925-3436.
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