April 2015 Easter Celebration: April 5th Easter Sunrise, 6:15 a.m. at Centennial Park Easter Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Lovell building Celebration Worship, 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00 a.m., Church Lawn Choir & Brass Worship, 10:30 a.m., Sanctuary The Binding Thread New sle tter of the R if le Un ited Methodist Pre sb yter ia n Church Youth Sunday: April 12th Youth have worked hard to put together worship for the congregation this Sunday and you won’t want to miss it! When the youth talk, it’s time to listen up! Last year’s message was phenomenal and it is sure to be again. We hope you’ll mark your calendars and join us for Youth Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a.m. UMW Brunch, Sat. April 18th All Women of the church and their friends are welcome to join in this potluck brunch and fellowship from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. We’ll be learning about the Grand Mesa Christian Camp Association and how we can continue to help our United Methodist Church camps grow and thrive! Each year we are helping send more and more kids to camp: In 2013 we sent 1 child to camp, In 2014 we sent 5 kids to camp, how many kids will we send this year? Join us on Sunday, April 19th at 9:45 in the Lovell Building for a presentation by Kristi Kinnison, the Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain United Methodist Foundation who will give a presentation on faithful investments, leaving a legacy and vital information about ways to help our church give and invest in ways to grow our own funds to continue in ministry for years to come. Pastor Lisa’s Lines “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song” said Pope John Paul II. What does it mean to be “Easter people”? Jesus’ resurrection means the same today as it did two thousand years ago: sin, shame, darkness and death have no power over us, because we believe in a Risen Lord! I am always surprised at the number of people who choose to live in shadows, in shame, in darkness, in hard and horrible places—physically and emotionally and spiritually. These are the people who are afraid of death, afraid to leave this physical world, afraid that their sin is too great, their shame has to overshadow their lives, and that darkness is to be feared. If we believe in a Risen Christ, then we believe that darkness has no power over light, that goodness is stronger than evil and that Jesus really was who he said he was, the son of God. So when we look at our lives in light of that Christ, then we begin to see that light really does have the last word, that there really is nothing so great that it can overpower our Lord. If we believe in a Risen Christ, then we believe that the divinely inspired words of scripture are true, that God sent his son in order to die for each of us and each of our sins, that we will not die, but that we would live fully and eternally with God. If we believe in a Risen Christ, then we are constantly looking for ways to say, “I’m sorry”, and “I love you”, and “I forgive you”. Being Easter People means that “Hallelujah” is our song, because we cannot contain how amazing the love of God is—to love and forgive each of us—no matter how grave or great our sin, no matter how worthless we may feel and no matter how busy and thoughtless we may be on any given day, Christ has taken it all upon himself, upon the cross and has conquered it all and was raised to life! We are called to live in response to that love, forgiveness, mercy and grace in order to show the rest of the world how amazing the love of our God is. As Easter People may you rejoice in a Risen Christ and make “Hallelujah” your song! Sharing the Love of the Risen Christ, Page 2 T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Youth Day! April 11th, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Youth Room! Come ready to plan worship for April 12th, talk about life and eat some pizza! May 9—Mother/Daughter Brunch Bring a friend & get a prize! May 17—Graduation Celebration May 31—We will move to One worship service at 9:30 am until August 16th June 12-14—Rocky Mountain Annual Conference in Estes Park, CO BIRTHDAYS 4/3 Emmett Cox 4/4 Jeanie Humble 4/5 Randy MacGregor 4/7 Kacey Caron 4/8 Karen Earl 4/10 Sam Humphrey 4/12 Kelly Thompson 4/13 Sara Musson 4/13 Jennifer Rhoades 4/17 Megan Archambo 4/17 Piper Arnette 4/21 Wyatt Carter 4/23 Ruger Goodwin 4/25 Loree Kelly 4/25 Ryan Kelly 4/25 Michael Thompson 4/28 Dick Fletcher 4/29 Colten Zippay ANNIVERSARIES 4/4 Dan and Deb Harrison 4/10 David and Pat Rahn 4/16 Danny and Anna Bagley June 21—Father’s Day August 9—Church Up the Creek August 16—Back to two worship services & Blessing of the Backpacks September 13—Back to Church Sunday WORSHIP NUMBERS FOR MARCH Date Attendance Giving 3/1 112 $4279 3/8 94 $1784 3/15 93 $2572 3/22 95 $1853 3/29 135 $2556 Total for the month $13044 *Note: Monthly obligations $13,860—this includes salaries, tithe to conference to help new church starts, missionaries oversees, people in need here, our building costs. T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Page 3 Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church 200 E. 4th Street Rifle, CO 81650 www.rifleumpc.org Sun Mon Tue Office: Jeanette Thompson, rifleumpc@gmail.com Pastor: Lisa Petty, revlisap@gmail.com Phone: 970-625-1603 Pastor Cell: 970-614-5472 Office Hours: M, W, Th 9 –3 p.m. 5 EASTER! 6:15—Sunrise Worship @ Centennial Park 7:30—Breakfast starts—LB 9—Celebration Worship 10.—Easter Egg Hunt—lawn 10:30— Choir & Brass Worship 12 YOUTH SUNDAY Thu 3 12 p..—AA Sat 1 2 4 12—Disciple II Class 7 p.m. AA—FR 6:30 pm.—Choir—S 7 p.m.—Good 5 p.m.—Extended Friday—S Table—LB 7 p.m.—Holy Thursday Worship—LB 8—11 am. Decorate for Easter 7 8 9 10 11 5 p.m.—Ex Table— LB 5:30—SPR—PO 6:30—Trustees—LB 5:30—AA—FR 7—AlAnon—FR 12—Disciple II Class 7 p.m. AA—FR 6:30 pm.—Choir—S 5 p.m.—Extended Table—LB 6:30 Oils of the Bible—LB 12 p..—AA 9—1 Youth Planning Retreat— SB 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 p.m.—Ex Table, RUMPC host—LB 5:30—AA—FR 7—AlAnon—FR 12—Disciple II Class 7 p.m. AA—FR 6:30 pm.—Choir—S 5 p.m.—Extended Table—LB 12 p..—AA 9-11 UMW Brunch 21 22 Earth Day 23 24 25 5 p.m.—Ex Table— LB 5:30—AA—FR 6:30—Finance—LB 7—AlAnon—FR 12—Disciple II Class 7 p.m. AA—FR 6:30 pm.—Choir—S 5 p.m.—Extended Table—LB 12 p..—AA 20 9—Celebration Worship 9:45—10:30 UM Foundation-L 10 a.m.—Choir Practice 10:30— Choir led Worship 11:30—Children’s Choir 11:30—New Member Class-PO 12noon—3rd Sunday Lunch Calendar Key: S—Sanctuary 26 27 28 29 30 8—Adult Bible 9—Celebration Worship 10 a.m.—Choir Practice 10:30— Choir led Worship 11:30—Children’s Choir 5 p.m. Headstart - LB 5 p.m.—Ex Table— LB 5:30—AA—FR 7—AlAnon—FR 12—Disciple II Class 7 p.m. AA—FR 6:30 pm.—Choir—S 5 p.m.—Extended Table—LB Page 4 Fri 6 Church Office Closed all week 8—Adult Bible 9—Celebration Worship 10:30— Worship 11:30—Children’s Choir 19 8—Adult Bible Wed PO– Pastor’s Office LB—Lovell Building, FR—Front Room of Lovell Building YR/SB—Youth Room (Sanctuary Basement) T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Easter Lilies in Memory and/or Honor of: Marjorie Widmer for Donald Sloan & Francie Moore. Anna Bagley for Bob Hathaway. Tom and Kim Heyer for Milly and Sis. Pam Sweeney for Melva Marney. Nondis Lowther for Jim Lowther. Kurt & Loree Kelly for Bonnie Kelly. CherieAnn Olson for Lloyd & Patricia Olson and Katherine Smith. Kathie Barrie for Christy Likely. Jeanie Humble for Edna Hopper and Lorraine Humble. Lucy MacGregor for Richard Macgregor. Jerry and Darlene Norvell for Mom & Dad Norvell and Dad & Mom Robbins Scott and Angela Marsh for Grandpa & Grandma Estes, Grandpa & Grandma Trahern, Carl and Duke, Grandpa & Grandma Marsh Tom and Leslie Hitt for Tom & Florence Hitt and Bob & Pat Richards Mary Jo Metzger for Marge Plum (Loving wife and mother) Rich and Laura Kolecki – Thomas & Marj Enyart, Richard L. & Phyllis Kolecki and Don Phelps. Connie Hollenbeck – Gene and sons: Kevin and Scot Patricia Soles for her parents Jim and Sheila Estes in honor of our family and in memory of our parents: Dale & Betty Trahern and Jesse & Alma Estes; in Memory of our son-in-laws: Carl Spaulding and Arlon (Duke) Earl. Thank you to each person who donated flowers for our Easter Celebration! They made the Sanctuary cheerful and festive for Easter! Please feel free to take your lilies after the 10:30 Worship service! Hospice Volunteer Training Rifle April 16, 17 & 18 April 16 & 17, 6:30-8:30 pm, Saturday, April 18 9 am – 5 pm Colorado State Veterans’ Home, Rifle, CO Become a part of the hospice philosophy of care. For more info, or to register for the training contact: Marti Barbour, Volunteer Coordinator: (970) 930-6020 or www.hchotv.org, “Contact Us/Volunteers”. T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Page 5 The Oils of the Bible What does the Bible say about essential oils? Join us in the Lovell Building on April 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. (Child Care Provided) Have you ever noticed how many references there are to essential oils in the bible? Both the New and Old Testament contain over 200 references to essential oils. Join us to explore what the healers of the bible can teach us today about our health. Contact Lisa Fletcher or Pastor Lisa for more details: What was in the 970-420-4384 or lisa.fletcher55@yahoo.com anointing oil? -or– 970-625-1603 or revlisap@gmail.com Page 6 T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Praise for new jobs that are fulfilling! Praise for new births in extended church family! Sunny Dunn-Linn—pneumonia & health issues Charlaina Labrum’s brother-in-law, Tobias— amputated hand and healing Tom & Kim Heyer—Tom out of work. Ongoing cancer treatment for Randy Hesselberg; Ula Kirkman; Mary Huffine, Pete Jeffries, as well as those who have recently begun: Brent Cole and Mike Andruzak. Those who live in terror and those who commit terrorizing acts, and those serving to bring about peace. Those who are homeless, hungry and in need Those suffering from depression and/or grief If you’d like to see a complete list of those in need of prayer, please pick up a Care List from either of the church buildings. Saving Time & Money for the Church you love! Digital editions of the Binding Thread have been available for several years, but it’s time we take a step further as our care for the time and money of the church deepens. One of the ways each of you can help the church is by making a point to go to the website (www.rifleumpc.org) and download your own copy of the Binding Thread each month. You can print it, or you can simply go to the website anytime for updates or to see a copy. Starting in May we will only mail out copies to home-bound members and special out of town requests. If you do not have access to the internet or would prefer to have a hard copy placed in your mailbox at church, please call and let us know. By going to the website for your copy, you can help save the church several hundred dollars a year! Join the Missions Team each month for a mission after worship! Check out the weekly emails for more information! May—Collect items for and assemble: Health Kits for UMCOR June—Pregnancy Resource Center Baby Bottle and Bundles Collection July—Golden Cereal Box Challenge August— to be announced T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Page 7 The Binding Thread Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church 200 E. 4th Street Rifle, CO 81650 APRIL SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SCHEDULE Adult Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship & Children’s Sunday School 10:30 WORSHIP TIMES: 9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Children’s Choir Practice 11:30 a.m. April Sermons will continue in the book of Matthew after Easter April 5th “Giving it Up for God” - Mark 12:28-31, EASTER SUNDAY!!! April 12th YOUTH SUNDAY—Come support our youth! April 19th “Forgiveness Forever” - Matthew 6:14-15— Presentation between services: 9:45-10:30 Presentation by Kristi Kinnison, Executive Director of the RMUM Foundation April 26th “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” - Matthew 6:25-34 Binding Thread Deadline is 12 noon Friday, April 17, 2015 We’re on the Web! Find us at: www.rifleumpc.com or Facebook at: www.facebook.com/rumpc
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