November 2014 24/7 Prayer Worship Service— Tuesday, November 4 The Binding Thread New sle tter of the R if le Un ited Methodist Pre sb yter ia n Church We have joined with several churches in order to pray for our community and our world for a whole week! Each congregation will host their own worship service in the evening the week of November 2nd. We will host ours on Tuesday, November 4th at 7 p.m. We hope you’ll attend this service of prayer and bring a friend. Veteran’s Breakfast—November 8, 7-10 a.m. Free breakfast honoring all veteran’s and their families will be held in the Lovell Building on November 8. Come and enjoy the brother/sister hood of being a veteran and sharing with families. This event is sponsored by New Creation Church of New Castle. Harvest Brunch—November 15, 9-11 a.m. The United Methodist Women are hosting a potluck brunch for women of all ages. Bring a pumpkin dish (unusual ones encouraged) for the potluck along with your recipe. A sign-up sheet will be available starting November 1 in the Lovell Building, so that we have a variety (not all pumpkin pies). After brunch we will put together a small pumpkin cookbook. Along with the fellowship shared, you will have the opportunity to make a small pumpkin or squash centerpiece to take home! A business meeting will follow for those who wish to stay. Thanksgiving Service—November 23, 7 p.m. This year we will hold a Thanksgiving Prayer service on Sunday night, November 23rd. We hope you’ll join us as we remember those who will not be with us during Thanksgiving, and think with great joy on the great tradition of thanking God for our many blessings. The choir will sing at this service and you won’t want to miss it. We hope you’ll make time to join in prayer and worship. Pastor Lisa’s Lines We need to find ways to be so thrilled and thankful with each breath that we are giving back to God in a way that builds God’s Kingdom for all those around us. So, you all have homework. What are you doing to build God’s Kingdom? Daily, Weekly, Monthy? How are you doing this through Christ’s church at Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church? What would you like to be doing through the church in order to build God’s Kingdom? Put notes in my box. I’d love to hear from you. This space intentionally left blank Blessings, Page 2 T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Is There Something New with You? For a full list of people we are caring for, pick up a Care Concerns list at church. Roberta Paige—loss of her father Richard Paige, 10/27 Anna & Danny Bagley—loss of Anna’s Aunt Annabelle, hospitalization of Danny’s uncle Joe, and a bad fall of Anna’s grandmother. Joan Bartholemew & Bev Ostrum—suffering dizziness Ongoing cancer treatment for Randy Hesselberg; Ula Kirkman; Kenny Doss; 17-year old Amelia Zemlock, Mary Huffine, and Pete Jeffries Those recovering from surgeries: Pam Hesselberg, Janine Rose, Rich Stoakes, Andrew Papenfus Heather (Hal Kim’s daughter) pregnancy difficulties Sharon Gilcrest (Stacey Lamb’s mother) on dialysis awaiting a kidney J.D. Brach Jr.—in medically induced coma from motorcycle accident Those in war torn countries around the world. And all who are in the military Those suffering from depression and/or grief Those mourning a miscarriage If you’d like to see a complete list of those in need of prayer, please pick up a Care List from either of the church buildings. We are in the process of buying new church software and want to make sure we have information that is up to date for all persons in the congregation. If you’ve recently moved, have a new phone number, a new child, a new passion in life you want to share, or more, please email or contact Vicky Martinez in the church office. 625-1603 –or- Church Conference— Thank you ALL for making the 2014 Angel Auction such December 2, 6:30 p.m. a success! (And it was FUN) Our District Superintendent, Rev. Sione Tukutao, will be with us for the evening The amount raised was apto do the business of the church. We will proximately $5,440! Thank you to the look at the 2015 budget, accept the Nominating Committees’ new members for donors, buyers, and helpers (cooks, various committees in the church and servers, and clean-up crew!). We have a time of worship together. This is could not have done it without every- an All Church Event and we hope to see you there! one’s help. T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Page 3 Birthdays 11/6 Kathie & Tony Barrie 11/23 Mike & Gin Sheridan for 11/24 Chuck & Lora Caron November 11/24 Neal & Russell George 11/25 Jeanie & Warren Humble 11/1 Dominique Pino 11/2 Janet Kime Stone & River Goodwin 11/5 Trina Swallow 11/7 Daryl Cox 11/8 Gary Swallow 11/11 Rachel Musson 11/12 Amy Van Devender 11/13 Betty Hedges 11/14 Sandra Lay 11/15 Kenny Latham 11/19 Betty Clifford 11/20 Mike Sheridan 11/26 Kenny & Marilyn Latham Rewards Program The church is now enjoying the fruits of your grocery shopping dollars at City Market. They have a program which we are a part of that enables you to sign up to designate donated funds back from City Market to RUMPC when you buy groceries. Here is how you go about doing this: If you already have an account with City Market online: Go to: -rewards “SIGN IN” using the ID and password you already have in your account. After you have signed in CLICK on “Account” and “edit” to update all your information and save. At the bottom it should ask if you would like to sign up for the Community Rewards program. Click on ENROLL. Follow the instructions. If you need assistance in signing up, please contact Bev Chambers who is ready to help at 970-2748394. 11/24 David Goodwin 11/24 Micayla Rhoades 11/26 Kathie Barrie 11/28 Jacob Cox If you notice that your birthday or anniversary is missing from the list, please write your name and significant date down and place in Vicky’s box. Sunday, December 21, 10:30 Service Children of all ages are invited to participate! Come rehearse on Sunday mornings at 11:30 in the choir room. We NEED grown-up helpers too! Contact Leslie Hitt at 625-0355 for information. Page 4 T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Church Calendar Access Need to check out all that is going on in our buildings—go to “What’s New” on our web page ( and find the link to the online calendar. This calendar has up to date information on everything going on! MARK YOUR CALENDAR 11/23—Thanksgiving Prayer Service 11/29—Hanging the Greens! 11/30—First Sunday in Advent 12/14—Choir Christmas Program 12/21—Children’s Christmas Program WORSHIP NUMBERS FOR OCTOBER Date Attendance Giving 10/5 78 10/12 83 10/19 101 10/26 99 Total for month $3,453.00 $1,533.00 $7,535.00** $2,597.00 $15,118.00** *Note: Monthly obligation: $12,858.00 (weekly giving this month of $9.678) **This number includes $5,440 in Angel Auction Monies The Stewardship program is finishing up in November. We have two weeks left and then the consecration of gifts will occur on November 9th. Thank you all for participating in this important church program! Your donations, offerings and tithes help the church reach out to people in need in our community and throughout the world, as well as keep the lights on, the bills paid. We would not have the great programing that we have without your help. Thank you! This year the Missions Committee will be hosting an Alternative Gift Market for you to shop at during fellowship time on November 30th & December 7th. You’ll be able to buy “gifts” for loved ones this Christmas by helping people in our community and around the world through Heifer International, Habitat for Humanity, UMCOR & Raising A Reader! T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Page 5 Page 6 T he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church 200 E. 4th Street Rifle, CO 81650 970-625-1603 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 All Saints Day 3 8—Bible Study 9:00 & 10:30 Worship— Communion 10—Choir Practice 11:30—Children’s Choir 9 8—Bible Study 9:00 & 10:30 Worship 10—Choir Practice1 11:30—Children’s Choir 16 10 17 8—Bible Study 9:00 & 10:30 Worship 10—Choir Practice 11:30 —Children’s Choir Noon—Third Sunday Dutch Lunch 23 8—Bible Study 9:00 & 10:30 Worship 10—Choir Practice 11:30—Children’s Choir 24 4 5 6 7 12—Women’s — Bible Study—LB 12—Disciple II—LB 5—Ext. Table -LB 12—AA—LB 8 7-10 a.m. Veteran’s Breakfast —LB 7—A.A. —LB 5—Ext. Table—LB 5:30—AA 7-Choir—S 7—Prayer Service 7:45—Codex Class @ Starbucks 6:30—Women’s Book Group—PO 11 Veteran’s Day 12—Women’s — Bible Study—LB 5—Ext. Table— RUMPC hosts) LB 5:30—AA 7—Coxex Class @ Miners Claim 12 13 14 12—Disciple II—LB 5—Ext. Table -LB 12—AA—LB 7—AA—LB 8—NA—LB 9-11 a.m.— Women’s Binding Harvest Thread Dead- Brunch line 5 pm—A.A. — 18 19 20 21 12—Women’s — Bible Study—LB 12—Disciple II—LB 5—Ext. Table -LB 12—AA—LB 6—Stephen Minister’s—LB 7—Choir—S 8—NA—LB 6:30—Women Book Group 15 22 7—A.A. —LB 5—Ext. Table—LB 5:30—AA—LB 7-Choir—S 6:30—Finance 7—Codex Class @ Miners Claim 25 26 6:30—Women’s Book Group 27 28 29 12—Women’s — Bible Study—LB 12—Disciple II—LB THANKSGIVING 12—AA—LB 7—AA Meeting 5—Ext. Table -LB 7—Choir 8—NA Meeting 10 a.m. Hanging of the Greens—S 5—Ext. Table—LB 5:30—AA 7—Codex Class 30 1st Sunday of Advent 8—Bible Study 9:00 & 10:30 Worship 10—Choir Practice 11:30—Children’s Choir Noon—Fifth Sunday PotT he Bind ing Thread Newsletter of the Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church Calendar Key: S—Sanctuary LB—Lovell Build. PO– Pastor’s Office YR—Youth Room 8—NA—LB Office: Vicky Martinez, Pastor: Lisa Petty, Phone: 970-625-1603 Pastor Cell: 970-614-5472 Office Hours: T,W ,F 9:30 am—3pm. (Sanctuary Basement) Page 7 The Binding Thread Rifle United Methodist Presbyterian Church 200 E. 4th Street Rifle, CO 81650 t: us a k d n i b! F Faceboo e W e n th .com or /rumpc o e r We’ leumpc .rif ebo www ww.fac at: w NOVEMBER SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE Adult Sunday School 8:00, Worship & Children’s Sunday School 10:30 WORSHIP TIMES: 9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. November 2 — “The Memorial Message: How will I be remembered” - Matthew 25:31-46 November 9 — “My Faith Statement: My God and my debit card - Deuteronomy 8:1-10 November 16— “Let’s Say Grace” - Guest Preacher November 23— “For every cup and plate full” November 30- “Mary of Nazareth” - Luke 1:26-38—First Sunday in Advent Fifth Sunday Potluck and Alternative Gift Fair! Set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night to be on time to church, Sunday, November 2 Binding Thread Deadline is 12 noon Friday, November 14 Fill out a Publicity Form and/or email Vicky in the office: if you have an upcoming event you’d like published in the Binding Thread, Church Website or Weekly Email Blast! Thanks for being on top of your events!
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