Johnstown, Pennsylvania 266-4859 2015 Wednesday Lenten Luncheons March 18 Beulah UM April 1 No Luncheon during March 25 Belmont UM Holy Week The cost of the lunch is $6.00. Forget Thee Not Notes: March 14 & 15, 2015 Pastors Carol and Scott Custead Director of Music/Organist – Dan Gresh Lenten Challenge Growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, learning, fellowship, giving, and witness.” The Lenten challenge this year is good preparation for the Lenten Devotional Evenings. The challenge is to read the Gospel of Lay. Assist: 5:30 Claudia Plows 9:15 Harold Ashcraft Mark, preferably in one sitting. If you want to make it really Comm. Assist: 5:30 Rick Gallus 9:15 Randy Whetzel interesting, try reading it out loud as it was originally intended. Lois Gallus Ray Leverknight Maundy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 p.m. Acolyte: 5:30 Blake Brehm 9:15 Good Friday, April 3, 7:00 p.m. Ushers: 5:30 Jack & Janis Daily 9:15 John & Kim Colosimo Greeters: 5:30 Howard & Wilma Hiltz 9:15 The Whetzel Family Lenten Devotional Evenings Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of St. Mark A chance for a short Lenten Devotional Service and a look at how Jesus impacted the lives of various people in Mark’s Gospel. Remember these individuals for whom prayer was requested: Ken, Nathan, Dave, Ryan, Josh, Nikki Brehm, Pastor Ron Reed, Paul Swartz, Patti, Gwen, Mark, Cindy Beppler, Julie Rickley, Lois Gallus, Betty Alwine, Joann Long, Fiffick Family, Mike, Barry Tompkins, Pat Conklin, Harold, Diana Alt, Janette Clark, Nancy Curry and Bear. Wednesdays, 7:00 pm Led by the pastors in Sander Hall March 18 – The sons of Zebedee (10:35-45) March 25 – Peter (14:66-72) Weekly Schedule Sat: 5:30 pm Worship Sat: 10:00 am 1st Comm. Class Sun: 9:15 pm Worship 5:30 pm Worship 10:30 am Sunday School Sun: 9:15 am Worship 11:30 am Bell Choir Practice 10:30 am Sunday School 7:00 pm Volleyball 10:30 am Visitation Mtg. Mon: 6:30 pm Council Mtg. 11:30 am Bell Practice Wed: 12:00 pm Lenten Lunch Beulah UM 2:00 pm Apostle’s Creed 7:00 pm Lenten Devotional 7:00 pm Volleyball 8:00 pm Choir Practice Attendance: March 7, 5:30 pm - 64 March 8, 9:15 am - 64 Total – 128 Sunday School Attendance: 42 All Welcome! Richland Learning Center Open House Thursday, March 19th, 6‐7 pm Now accepting summer and fall reservations – ages 2‐12. Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 5 at 10:30 am During the Easter Brunch. Children up through 5th grade. Please sign your child/children up on the list on bulletin board in the Narthex Middle School students are needed to help. (Please see Pastor Carol.) Mount Calvary’s Website has been redone! Check it out at‐ Lilies – Tulips – World Hunger You are invited to contribute toward a Lily, Tulip (or World Hunger as a “Memorial” or in “Honor” of someone. All contributors will be listed in the Easter Bulletins. The Lilies and Tulips will decorate the Sanctuary. Please make checks payable to Mt. Calvary and mark either “world hunger”, “Lily”, “Tulip”, or “either” on the memo line. If you mark either we will decide between the tulips and lilies. The Tulips and Lilies are $8.50 each. The deadline for orders is Sunday, March 23. In Memory Of: _________________________________________________________ In Honor Of: ____________________________________________________________ Given By: _____________________________________________________________ Offering Envelope Number: ________ World Hunger Offering Amount: $ __________ Number ___of Lilies Number ___ of Tulips Either___ Ordered X $8.50/Each = $___ (Please place in offering plate or return to church office.) Synod Delegate Nominees Church Council has nominated Ray Leverknight, Kathy Ling, Stan McQuaide and Claudia Plows to represent Mount Calvary at the Synod Assembly in Altoona, June 46. Any member can make additional nominations by March 29th. If no additional nominations are made, these four will be appointed. Holy Week and Easter Schedule Maundy Thursday Worship: April 2nd at 7:00 pm Procession of the Cross: Beulah United Methodist Church, Friday, April 3rd at noon. A service will be held at approximately 3:00 pm at Mt. Calvary. Good Friday Worship: April 3rd at 7:00 pm Easter Worship Saturday: April 4th at 5:30 pm Easter Worship Sunday: April 5th at 9:15 am Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt: Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 am Core Confirmation Course APRIL 5, EASTER BRUNCH We will be offering an Easter Brunch in the Narthex after the Sunday Service. We are asking for and need your help to prepare and serve this breakfast. If you can donate “goodies” or help serve or clean up, please sign up below or call the church office at 266‐4859. _____ Set up breakfast _____ Donate muffins, cookies, sweet breads, breakfast casseroles, etc. _____ Help clean up at 11:30 Apostle’s Creed – Core Course. Sunday, March 22, 2:007:30 pm or Make-Up, Monday, March 23, 3:00 to 8:30 pm (light supper included). * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please register my son/daughter for the Ten Commandments Core Course: ____ The Apostle’s Creed – Core Course. Sun., March 22, 27:30 pm ____ The Apostle’s Creed - Make up. Mon., March 23, 3:008:30 pm Name of confirmation student: ___________________________ Name ______________________________________________ Phone No. __________________________________________ (Please place in offering plate or return to church office.) Grade: __________________Phone:_______________________ Parent e-mail address: _________________________________ (place in offering plate or return to church office) Book Discussion Sunday, April 19, 7:00 pm Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand Please get yourself a copy, pour yourself a cup of tea, enjoy some time reading, and then join in the discussion. Everyone is welcome. BASKET PARTY Sunday, April 26th 11:30am 6 weeks until our basket party event and we are looking for you to help. Baskets, items for baskets, monetary donations, gift certificates, handcrafted items, etc. can be dropped off on Sunday mornings or during office hours. Tickets will be sold beginning Sat, March 21st. Admission tickets are $10.00 (includes 25 chance tickets, lunch and a door prize ticket). Additional chance tickets can be purchased for $5.00. Last year’s event was a sell out and seating is limited. For more information, check the display located in The Narthex. A sincere thank you to everyone who is supporting this event. Working together as a team, Together Everyone Achieves More!! Proceeds from this event will go towards building projects and repairs
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