First Baptist Church of Royal Palm Beach Weekly E-Newsletter February 25, 2015 this week’s issue Next Week’s SOAP 01 University of Christian Life 02 Church Life 03 Mission Trips & Worship Arts 04 Children’s Ministry 05 Youth Ministry 06 Men’s Ministry 07 Connect Church West 08 Next Week’s SOAP Everyone Accountable This Week’s SOAP from Pastor Will M– Zephaniah 1:1 Scripture: Nahum 1:1-8 T– Zephaniah 1:2-3 Observation: There were a couple of reminders while reading this text. The first reminder was about our God being a jealous God! Being His son, I’m not only protected by His love and presence, but also I have the security to face my tomorrows because I know that He will fight for me. The other reminder came after reading the first six verses, which reveals God’s power and what God can do with His enemies. However, in verse seven, hope comes in the form of repentance. Those who repent and look for refuge in him will find a good God, a hiding place in tough times. W– Zephaniah 1:4-6 Th– Zephaniah 1:7 F– Zephaniah 1:8-9 S– Zephaniah 1:10-11 Main Passage for March 8th Zephaniah 1:1-11 HCSB Memory Verse: Zephaniah 2:3 Seek the LORD, all you humble of the earth, who carry out what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be concealed on the day of the LORD’s anger. HCSB Application: It doesn’t really how far we are in our spiritual journey and relationship with him, the moment we repent and believe, whether we feel discouraged, alone or struggling to move on, we know that God has got our back and it is very freeing. So the only option we really have is to move forward, by faith! Prayer: Dear God, help me to trust you more, worry less, always look forward and to be reminded that nothing passes you unnoticed. May I find rest, comfort and protection in you and you alone! University of Christian Life Discipleship Core Studies MasterLife MasterLife (Spanish Version) Richard Cooper Isaias Acala Read the Bible for Life Ken Nisewanger Experiencing God Karl & Andrea Burt Lord Change My Attitude Ned Prusila Baptist Faith & Message Pastor Chuck **Discipleship Core Study classes currently meet Wednesday nights in the Worship Center at 7 PM.** Additional Studies Story Thru the Bible Basics of Biblical Greek Battling Christian Cults Basics of Biblical Hebrew 33 The Series (Men Only) Chrystal Fernandez Jesse Grenz Pastor Josh Tayler Zaskey Duval Madrigal Visit our Resource Center Hours 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Sunday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Wednesday Bibles can now be imprinted! Wed. Wed. Sun. Sun. Tues. 7 PM 7 PM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 6:30 AM Worship Center Worship Center Room 201 Activity Center Activity Center Explore the Bible– SOAP Study Groups Hutcheson Group Rowell Group Ladies Group Men’s Group Middle School High School Young Families Young Adult Middle School High School Young Families Peterson Group Sistas Group Gurney Group Ladies Group Men’s Group Adult Bible Study Ladies Group Prusila Group Nordine Group Sun. 8:15 AM Sun. 8:15 AM Sun. 9:00 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:30 PM Tues. 9:30 AM Tues. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Fri. 1:00 PM Fri. 6:00 PM Flex Times Activity Center Coffee Shop Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Room 201 Coffee Shop Room 201 Activity Center Off Campus Off Campus Off Campus Off Campus Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Coffee Shop Off Campus Off Campus Visit for additional course information. Workbooks are available for purchase in the Resource Center. Church Life Church Orientation If you are interested in joining First Baptist Church of Royal Palm Beach, being baptized, or just want to find out more about the church, please attend the upcoming Church Orientation session this Sunday, March 1st at 11:00 AM or Wednesday evening, March 4th at 7:00 PM in the Coffee Shop. This one hour session will answer your questions about joining FBCRPB and provide opportunity for you to find out about the many ministry options available. Meet the Pastors Luncheon If you are currently visiting FBCRPB and would like to learn more about the church, and get better acquainted with the Pastors, you and your family are invited to lunch! We look forward to meeting you this Sunday, March 1st at 12:30 PM in the Activity Center. Commissioning Sunday Please join us as we commission the families who will engage the frontier challenge of starting a new church. Connect Church West Commissioning Service will be held on March 8th during both services. We will acknowledge and dedicate this Great Commission endeavor to the Lord Jesus and pray for the first Sunday services on March 15th. The public launch will be Easter Sunday, April 5th. Please consider inviting an Acreage/Loxahatchee friend to attend Connect Church West with you at 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM on Easter. Meals on the Patio How Do I SOAP? S - Scripture Read the passage of scripture indicated on your Bible Bookmark and allow God to speak to you. Write down a verse that particularly stood out as you read. O - Observation What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. A - Application Consider how this applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise or corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you today. P - Prayer This could be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He is revealing to you. As you pray, be sure to listen to what God has to say to you! Write it out. Make plans now to enjoy dinner on the patio with your family and friends before Kids Praise, Awana, Area 51, and Bible Study class each Wednesday evening. Meals begin at 6:00 PM. Tonight’s dinner will be subs. Next week’s meal will be hot dogs with mac and cheese. All meals are $5.00 per person. Mission Trip Opportunities Guatemala August 8-14, 2015 - $1,600 We will love and care for children from infants to ten years of age at the Malnutrition Center. Follow the Mission Trips quick link on our website to sign up for any of these amazing opportunities. or Dominican Republic June 6-12, 2015 - $1,600 Join us in the construction of a home for a family! Worship Arts Worship Team There are still some open spots for male vocalists either in the worship choir or on the worship team. NO AUDITION is required for the worship choir, however, for the worship team there is an interview and an audition process. For more information contact Pastor Will or stop by one of our rehearsals on Wednesday night after UCL. Stage Décor and Handyman Opportunity The Worship Arts is currently looking for volunteers to help with staging. If you are have experience with staging, power tools, woodwork or just have artistic eyes, this might be a great opportunity for you. For more information contact Pastor Will. Brass Ensemble Easter is coming to town and we would love to have a small ensemble during our services. If you play a brass instrument (ie: trumpet, trombone, F. horn) or know someone who might be interested in joining us for this celebratory experience, please contact Pastor Will. Will Lopes Worship Pastor Children’s Ministry Children’s Sunday Morning News February is Missions Month! Join us as we welcome Awana missionary, Jim Lambeth, to our Awana club this week! He has a special message to share with us during our Mission Month. Beginning on March 1st, the Children's Department will offer two identical services. This means that no matter which class your child attends, they will get the same great Explore the Bible lesson that you are studying. This allows your child to attend class with their peers and provides an opportunity for you to worship together as a family in the sanctuary. Awana Cubbies: Float Your Boat! Parents, if you haven’t paid your registration fee, pay in the Resource Center so your Cubbie will have a boat to float. The children will race their boats tonight, February 25th. Make plans now to attend the race and cheer for your Cubbie. When: Wednesdays at 6:15 PM Where: Upstairs in the Children’s Department Who: First through Fifth Graders Join us as we prepare to sing on March 15 for the residents of our local nursing home. Stay tuned for more details. Josh Sharpe Pastor of Ministries The “Bible Challenge” is Going On Now! All clubbers who bring their Bibles 6 out of 8 meetings during January and February will receive a special treat! Cindy Tidd Preschool Coordinator Jamie Wright Kids Coordinator Teressa Lee AWANA Preschool Coordinator Wendi Bean AWANA Kids Coordinator Youth Ministry Sunday Mornings Middle School meets in the Activity Center at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. We are working our way through "Bible Studies for Life". Join us for a small group lesson/discussion that will help you discover what it means to live out your faith in this crazy world. High School meets at 9:30 AM and 11 AM in the Activity Center. We are involved in Spring Thing This is our four day Spring Break event. We will participate in several community service projects, play some fun games, and have some sweet time with new/old friends. The cost is $85 which includes 7 meals and one day at The Rapids Water Park. You can sign up at Wednesday Night Youth Group, or directly with Pastor Tate. Check the church website for more details. topical studies that will hit many relevant issues that a High School student will face in our culture. Summer Camp at Teen Valley Ranch Sunday Nights Join us from 6-8 PM for some serious fun and games. Middle School will meet upstairs in the Worship Center and High School will meet in the Activity Center. High School will have a monthly outing, so be sure to check for updates. It’s not too late to sign up for Summer Camp. We are going back to Teen Valley Ranch in the Blue Ridge Mountains from July 12-18, 2015. It is going to be another AMAZING week and space is limited, so don’t miss it. The cost is $450, but there is still a lot of time for your child to earn that money. Let them get creative and encourage them to work (it’s good for them)! Students, you can sign up at the Wednesday Night Youth Service or directly with Pastor Tate. Tate Soles Youth Pastor Tayler Zaskey Middle School Intern Stephen Kimpel High School Intern Men’s Ministry Men’s Conference Retreat The Mighty Men of God Retreat, which will be held at Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center in Leesburg, FL, has something for all age groups from the Youngest Mighty Man up to the Senior Mighty Man. Tickets are ‘Now on Sale’ in the Resource Center and the cost is $135. The cost for Senior Adults 70 and over, and teens 12 to 17 years of age is $125.00 The price includes lodging, all meals, Sidewalk Prophets concert, all speakers, all activities and a T-Shirt. Retreat times: April 24-25, 2015 begins at 3:00 PM on Friday, and concludes 8:30 PM on April 25th. Car pool transportation will be arranged as the date draws closer. Lodging is two to a room hotel type rooms. Deadline to register is March 8, 2015. Men’s Ministry News Join us every Tuesday morning from 6:30 to 7:30 AM in the Activity Center as we sit, drink coffee, train, and enjoy fellowship. This time prepares us to better handle our day and work week. Positioning other men around us helps to attain a better perspective on life. Studying God’s Word and with other men will help us discover our blind spots and avoid costly mistakes. Beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2015, we will study “A Man and His Story” from 6:30 - 7:30 AM. Both experts and regular guys offer guidance in how to learn from our past, come alive in our present and enjoy God's best in the future. If you need financial assistance in purchasing a ticket, or are willing to sponsor the cost for another man to attend, please contact Jerry Radder at Connect Church West I am 100! In Luke 15, Jesus leaves the 99 sheep in search of the one lost sheep. Each one of us was once that hundredth sheep. Since Jesus came to find each of us, we are calling out 100 people to commit to finding lost sheep in the Acreage as we launch Connect Church West. Acreage Easter Egg Hunt & Family Activity Day The Hunt will be held at the Acreage Community Park located on 140th in Loxahatchee on March 29th. Schedule of Events: 8:00 AM Set Up 10:00 AM Worship at the Park 11:45 AM Prepare for Guests to Arrive 12:30 AM Registration & Family Fun Day Begins 2:30 AM Drawing for Prizes 2:50 AM Egg Hunt Instructions 3:00 AM Age Group Areas 3:10 AM Egg Hunt Begins Where can you get involved? You can email Pastor Jim at Please include your phone number along with how you would like to help. People are needed for set up/tear down, helping with food service, assisting with face painting or games and working at our craft tables. Pray. We hope to draw many of the families who visit the Easter Egg Hunt to Connect Church West launch on Easter Sunday, April 5th. The Holy Spirit is heaven’s matchmaker. He brings us to Christ. Mark Your Calendar! Upcoming Opportunities March 14 March 15 March 22 March 29 Easter, April 5 CCW Trial Run Soft Launch Soft Launch Acreage Easter Egg Hunt Connect Church West Launch 8:00 and 11:00 AM 9:30 and 11:00 AM 9:30 and 11:00 AM 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 9:30 and 11:00 AM Be Blessed! Pastor Jim Sims Photographs contributed by FBC Royal Palm Beach photographers Dennis Jordan & Gaby Altman To view additional photos visit Media-photo gallery. 10701 Okeechobee Boulevard Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 561.793.2475 phone 561.793.0930 fax
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