THIS WEEK AT BETHEL TODAY 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 2:00 3:00 7:00 Choir Worship—Rev. Jim Bjorge, Guest Pastor Brunch-Fellowship Hall Contemporary Worship-Rev Jim Bjorge, Guest Pastor Leach Home Worship St Catherine’s Worship Boy Scouts MONDAY: 6-8:00 6:00 Knitting & Crochet Group Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Interest/Preview Meeting-Faith Center TUESDAY: 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 4-8:00 4:45 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 Ministerial BLCW Board meeting Staff Meeting Book Club Alzheimer’s Support Group-Faith Center Evening Quilters Brd of Stewardship Brd of Education Brd of Lay Ministry Brd of Outreach Brd of Property WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: NEXT SUNDAY: 5:00 5:00 5:30 5:30 6:45 6:45 7:30 10:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 2-7:00 7:00 Guest Pastor Rev. Jim Bjorge TODAY 9:00 & 11:00 am 125th Anniversary memorabilia will be available for purchase Today “God’s Work, Our Hands” Bethel Lutheran 125th Anniversary! ~ Quasqui-Centennial ~ 1890-2015 Hand Bells Supper Wednesday School & Confirmation 5th Graders deliver soup to Food Pantry Senior High Team Worship/Communion Mission Trip Meeting to brunch TODAY 10:00 am—Fellowship Hall Bible Study for All Choir Worship/Communion Fellowship Hour Contemporary Worship Leadership Retreat Boy Scouts *************** In case of an emergency on weekends or after church hours you may contact Pastor Julé Ballinger @ 701-866-1714 or Pastor Erika Buller @ 952-454-6012 Radio Broadcast: 10:00 am on KBMW AM1450 February 8, 2015 BE.THE.Love MENU: French Toast, sausage, fruit, muffins, coffee & juice Everyone welcome! —Free will offering Provided by Board of Outreach Attention parents! We are offering parents of our Wednesday school kids a place to relax, unwind and enjoy fellowship time with other parents. Join us in Bethel’s Gisvold Lounge Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30pm for coffee, snacks and conversation. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University Interest & Preview Meeting in the Faith Center Monday, February 9 at 6:00 pm Join us for a special sneak peak at the course, get a chance to ask questions and maybe sign up! Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Facing an unsure retirement future? Unsure how to set up a family budget? Want to save for something special? Join the thousands of people who have graduated from Financial Peace University. This 9-week faith-based class will give you the tools to take control of your finances. Many of our own congregation members are successful graduates. Hope to see you there! Thought for the Week . . . Faith in Jesus knows no bounds. News from the Global Mission Committee At this year’s Synod Assembly there will an exciting new event -“An Evening in Africa”. This Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 and will feature a Silent/Live Auction with proceeds benefitting mission work in our companion synod, the Central African Republic. We are seeking donations of silent auction items. Is there anything you would be willing to donate? The silent auction items could be an antique which you have been meaning to get rid of, a theme basket, anything you think would be good. If you have an item, please drop it off at the church office BEFORE April 1 with the items name, value and who donated it. This way we will get your item on the master list of items. This event is open to all Community Events…. CARE GIVERS SUPPORT GROUP —ALL ARE WELCOME The 2nd Tuesday of the month 1:30-3:30 pm New meeting place will be Antoinette’s on the River, Wahpeton Questions: call Pastor Mark Gronseth at 643-5158 or 605-359-9480 Sunday, February 8 12:00 pm BLANKETS OF HOPE-PROJECT IGNITE LIGHT Blanket Tying Event Harvest Outreach Church, Wahpeton Tuesdays & Thursdays, February 10-April 9 8:30 am-3:00 pm AARP FOUNDATION TAX-AIDE Wahpeton Senior Citizens Center Call 642-5746 for appointment Friday & Saturday, February 13 —6-9:30 pm & 14 —9:00 am-4:00 pm THE ART OF MARRIAGE A six-session video event—getting to the heart of God’s design Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wahpeton Spaghetti Supper –Friday night. Free will offering To register: call 640-8756 or email Shawn at Sponsored by Richland County Thrivent Saturday, February 14 6:00 pm NIGHT OUT AT PRANTE’S Simply Gathering-Fellowship for adults ages 30-60 RSVP TO Kimberly 701-403-3052 Harvest Outreach Church COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) Next class begins March 23 Contact Penny Seifert, 642-2392, for more information Please check the bulletin boards in the foyer for more information Knitters, Crocheters, Sewers Beautiful blankets, sweaters, caps and diapers have been made by members and friends of Bethel. Please notice the display located in the foyer. These will be used to furnish the layettes sent to Lutheran World Relief. If you like to create items for babies and small children, please see the church office for more information.
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