Latest Newsletter - Columbus Baptist Association

Columbus Baptist News
“Resourcing a Network of Churches Fulfilling Acts 1:8.”
February 2015
February 2
MercyMed of Columbus enjoys a great partnership with the
Columbus Baptist Association. Our mission is to “proclaim
Jesus Christ as Lord and to demonstrate His love by
providing affordable quality primary healthcare for the
physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the underserved
of Columbus, Georgia.” We operate two primary clinics,
the most recent being MercyMed Mission Columbus on
Steam Mill Road. Since partnering with the CBA to
provide care to the patients of MercyMed Mission
Columbus, we have seen a tremendous response from
patients who utilize our services.
The desire of MercyMed is to present this ministry to
churches in the CBA, and invite them to:
 Learn of our services and how their congregation can
engage with us to receive healthcare.
 Join us by contributing financially to our shared vision.
 Raise awareness of the local mission field-ministering
to the less fortunate in the area.
 Volunteer at our clinics or community events.
Please let me know if you need any additional information
or would like to have someone come and speak to your
Billy Holbrook Email:
706-326-6125 ( c ) or 706-507-9209 ( o )
JOY Ministry Meeting @ Miles Center
February 2
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ CBA
February 3
Job Club @ CBA 10AM
February 9
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ Crystal
Valley Baptist Church 11AM
February 10
Job Club @ CBA 10AM
February 12
Leadership Ministry Team Meeting @
CBA 10:30AM
February 16—19 Pastor’s Retreat @ Toccoa
February 17
Job Club @ CBA 10AM
February 19
CoBASO @ Gentian Baptist Church
February 20
Jubalheirs @ Bethesda Baptist Church
February 23
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @
Schomburg Road Baptist Church 11AM
February 24
Job Club @ CBA 10AM
Columbus Baptist Association
Secretaries Organization
Please join this group for lunch on Thursday, February
19, 2015 at 12:30PM at Gentian Baptist Church, 3853
Gentian Blvd. Columbus. Becky Mirabella, Ministry
Assistant, will be our hostess.
The Mission Project for February is the homeless
ministry at Second Baptist Church. They distribute 50
bag lunches per day to those in their community.
Their needs are: bottled water, individually packaged
snack crackers, vienna sausages, sandwich bags and
brown sandwich bags.
Registration Deadline:
February 20
Singing Valentine
A Fundraiser for Missions
The Baptist Collegiate Ministries
Columbus State University
Send your loved one a Singing Valentine: $25.00
Friday and Saturday, February 13th & 14th
This Includes: Song serenade, a soft cuddly bear, candy
and balloon.
Place your Singing Valentine by calling the BCM at 706563-2089 8AM—5PM or email:
This is a great time for annual training, motivation,
spiritual encouragement, fellowship, and skill
sharpening. For more information please call Lisa
Dawson at 706-322-7757.
Columbus Baptist News
“Resourcing a Network of Churches Fulfilling Acts 1:8”
February 2015
In Concert
Bethesda Baptist Church
3830 GA Hwy 85, Ellerslie, GA
Friday, February 20, 2015
7:00 PM
ESL Workshop
Beallwood Baptist Church
4650 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
February 5-7, 2015
Share the Gospel with Internationals in this area as you teach
them English!
 Thursday & Friday, February 5 & 6...6:00–9:30 PM
 Saturday, February 7...8:30 AM—4:30 PM
Cost is $35.00 for the manual, materials, and lunch on
Saturday. Make checks payable to International Friendship
Ministries. Register no later than February 1 by calling
International Friendship Ministries 706-653-0097 or
Joy Boan 334-298-8439 or 706-366-2641.
ARW Workshop
Beallwood Baptist Church
4650 Veterans Parkway, Columbus
Church Safety Workshop
Northway Church
5915 Zebulon Road, Macon, GA
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
10:00 AM—3:00 PM
Leader: Gregory S. Love, partner in the law firm of
Love and Norris and founder/director of Ministry
Safe and Abuse Prevention Systems.
This training event will cover the Why, What, and
How of sexual abuse risk and will provide
information about the on-line training, forms, and
systems to implement an effective safety system.
To register online go to: or by
email to Jill Johnson,
March 5-7, 2015
There are adults all around you that cannot read well enough
to read their Bible. Would you be willing to tutor one of
these to help them read better?
 Thursday & Friday, March 5 & 6...6:00—9:30 PM
 Saturday, March 7...8:30 AM—4:30 PM
Cost is $45.00 for the manual, 2 Laubach books, and lunch
on Saturday. Make checks payable to Beallwood Baptist
Church. Register no later than February 25 by calling Joy
Boan 334-298-8439 or 706-366-2641.
The Hillcrest Ministry Resource Center is in need of
the following items:
Children’s Clothing—boys and girls ages 4-12
Canned pasta
Please bring your donations to the HMRC, 3679 Steam
Mill Road. Thank you for your support of this
Christ Community Church
4078 Milgen Road
Columbus, GA 31907
Led to Lead is designed to encourage and equip church
leaders and build unity among churches in Columbus and the
Chattahoochee Valley.
To register and for complete details on schedule and sessions,
go to: