FELLOWSHIP Ministry Schedule CHILDREN TotTown (birth-age 4) | Sundays, 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM Crosstown (preK-gr. 4) | Sundays, 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM AWANA | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Y O UTH Uptown (gr. 5-7) | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Upstairs Downtown (gr. 8-12) | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Rm. 100 a dults Prayer Walk | Sundays, 6:30 AM | Come2Go parking lot, 323 W. Baker Street Common Ground | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Room 106 The Daniel Plan | Sundays, 9:45 AM | The Mix Study of Romans | Mondays, 9 AM | Room 104 Children of the Day | Mondays, 6:45 PM | The Mix Emerge (young adults, 18-29) | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM | WunderKammer Art Gallery, 3402 Fairfield Ave. 46807 Authentic Manhood | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM | Room 100 Refresh (Women) | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM | Conf. Room Card Care | 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 5 PM | Conf. Rm The Choir | Wednesdays, 6PM | Chapel Mending Nets | Thursdays, 7 PM | Room 100 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 1 4 DET A ILS ATTENDANCE Children611 Adult 1681 TOTAL 2292 Giving Operating Need $53,441.12 Operating Offering $48,438.62 Surplus/Deficit -$ 5,002.50 Capital Improvement $1,486.00 Elder Fund $60.00 Please note: Pictures taken at activities hosted or sponsored by Fellowship Missionary Church may be used in publications available for public view. Children under age 16 will not be identified by name in these publications. To be excluded from pictures, register your choice with the church office (447-3578, gdeselm@fmcfw.org). F ELL O W SHI P M ISSI O N A RY CHURCH 2536 E. Tillman Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816 | 260-447-3578 | www.fmcfw.org Sunday Gatherings - 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM | David DeSelm, Senior Pastor THIS W EE K A T F M C A DVENT 2 0 1 4 WELCOME TO FELLOW SHI P ! LET EVERY HEA RT P REPA RE HIM R O O M FMC P ubl ication s As much as we may love this time of year, it’s easy to let festivities and expectations crowd our calendars as well as our hearts. We can keep ourselves so busy there seems to be no room or time for Jesus. What if God is longing to speak to us, to work in our hearts? We chase so many activities, we run the risk of not slowing down long enough to hear Him or to listen. Chris tmas gift s to re This year can be different. To help you with that, we have created an Advent reading guide called, “Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room.” It is a plan of daily scripture readings designed to guide you through the Advent season, inviting Jesus into the deep places of your heart. Each day focuses on a character quality God desires to develop in His children. We’re glad you’ve joined us for a special time of worship, reflection and learning as we look toward Advent and preparing our hearts for the coming Christmas season. We want to help you get connected and grow at Fellowship. For more information about what’s happening at FMC, pick up a copy of OnMission, our bi-monthly newsletter and Thrive, our monthly ministry calendar. The December issue of Thrive is out today. Both are available in the Atrium. Show God’s love to families among us by helping them provide Christmas gifts for their children. Today is the last day to pick up tags. Stop by the Ministry counter located just inside the front doors of the church to see how you can help. Youth s che dul e info r mat i o n Downtown, Fellowship’s youth worship service for 8th-12th graders, will not be meeting next Sunday, November 30. As Thanksgiving is a family holiday, we want to encourage youth to worship with their families. For 25 days, beginning with November 30, commit to taking time each day to sit with God, meditate on the scriptures and listen for what He has for you. You will certainly be blessed and changed in the process. Guides are included in your Weekly and are also available in the Atrium. commo n ground Common Ground meets every Sunday at 9:45 AM in Room 106. It is a multi-generational, multi-cultural class designed to help followers of Jesus dig into issues and challenges through a variety of biblically-based topics. If you would like a place to breathe, get perspective & direction, and encourage & be encouraged by others, you are invited to attend. Common Ground is open to anyone interested in pursuing Jesus with other people. Th anks giv ing office ho urs The church office will be closed Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28. The office will reopen at 8 AM, Monday, December 1. we athe r-re l ate d cl o s i ng s When inclement weather strikes & you are unsure if church services or events are taking place, please use the following resources: WBCL & Star 88.3 radio stations and websites, local TV stations, FMC FaceBook page and website (www.fmcfw.org) & the church office (447-3578). Always use your best judgment in deciding whether to travel on snowy or icy roads. Because you matter • Visitors, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. The offering is for those who call FMC their church home. • CDs of today’s message are available at the Welcome Center in the Atrium following the 11:30 AM gathering. DVDs of today’s message will be available next Sunday. • Elders are available to pray with you at the end of each gathering. • Please turn off phones & pagers before we begin. • If you have a medical emergency, find an usher and he/she will page a First Responder. • Emergency contact number for a Pastor: 260.447.3578 • If your contact information - phone, e-mail, or mailing address - has recently changed, please let us know at infoupdate@fmcfw.org.
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