elcome to Mountain Park FBC! We are seeking to be a Radiant Church, joyfully treasuring God and His gospel above everything else. We are a diverse body proclaiming the supremacy of God and the sufficiency of the person and work of Jesus. We believe the Bible is God’s inerrant Word and is the sole source for our authority. We are glad you are here today. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me or any of the pastors. Blessings, Paul Ballard—Senior Pastor If You are Interested in Joining MPFBC Please email our Senior Pastor at pballard@mpfbc.net for information. He will be glad to share the requirements to join. Nursery- We have a safe and loving environment for your children where they can learn about God. Children 4 and under. Children’s Church is available for children grades K-4. Please watch the screen in the Worship Center for dismissal time. Hearing Assistance Available Units may be checked out from the ushers and returned to the Usher’s Room following the service. Sympathy To the families of Beverly Hamby and Patricia Pratt Spouse Memorial Banquet Every spring, the deacons sponsor a banquet to honor those church members who have lost their spouse. Invitations have gone out for the banquet which is April 18. You should have received an invitation, or if you know of someone we might have missed, please contact Phyllis at pcrider@mpfbc.net or 770.921.1452. Welcome new member: Rebecca Varner Church Invitation Cards- Truelife.org Do you want to invite others to our church? Pick up these special invitation cards from the lobby. These cards are an effective way to start a conversation with people you meet everyday and gives them a link to a website that offers free videos to answer many of life’s hard questions. Memory Verse: Psalm 103:1-2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits... Our Mission Statement Engaging every man woman and child by living out Jesus’ love and sharing the gospel both locally and globally. Want to Help with a Local Mission Project? Annually on the National Day of Prayer (May 7, 2015) our Prayer Team has the tradition of delivering fresh baked cookies to our Mountain Park merchant neighbors. We pray for their business and take prayer requests. Baked cookies need to be brought to the church office May 3-6. We will meet to package cookies on May 6, and deliver them on May 7. Available to bake, deliver, or package? Contact Linda Everett at 678.615.3056 today. Minh Ly 35th Anniversary Today we are celebrating Minh Ly and his 35 years of committed, Jesus-honoring service at Mtn. Park. Matthew 20:28 says, “…Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” Minh shows us what Jesus meant when he said to be a servant of others. Minh and Phuong, we love both of you and express our deepest thanks for your gracious service to the people of Mtn. Park and the community. God bless you! Discover Mountain Park May 3 at 12 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Join Pastor Paul and Libbie for lunch and learn more about MPFBC. Discover Mountain Park is for new members and those considering becoming members of MPFBC. Register at mpfbc.org/discover/ or contact Phyllis at pcrider@mpfbc.net.. Calhoun County VBS June 7-12 Interest meeting for high school students and adults on Sunday, April 19 following morning worship. Lunch provided. Help is needed in many areas. There IS a place for YOU! To RSVP for lunch contact receptionist@mpfbc.net. Women on Mission We will meet Tuesday April 14th at 7pm at the home of Creta Thompson. Lynn Larsen will be sharing about her recent trip to the Holy Land. Contact Kim Barnett for more information: womkim@att.net Sonshine Fellowship Thursday, April 16. Tickets will be available in the Foyer today. An evening of dinner, entertainment and fellowship is planned. For more information, call Gloria at 770.381.1270. Please bring a friend. 2nd Quarter Conference Date Our second quarter conference will be held Sunday, April 26, following the morning worship service. This week at MPFBC SUNDAY, APRIL12: 9:15 AM Bible Study 10:30 AM Worship Service ...................................................... WC 2:30 PM Sign Language Class .....................................S-14/16 3:00 PM Management Team ............................................Choir April 12, 2015 Dr. Paul Ballard “Hearing and Doing the Word of God ” James 1:19-27 MONDAY, APRIL 13: 8-12 AM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC 9:20 AM MOPS ............................................................... Forum 5-7 PM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC 6:30 PM Pickleball ............................................................ FMC TUESDAY, 8-12 AM 5-7 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM APRIL 14: Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC Zumba ................................................................ FMC Orchestra Rehearsal ............................................ WC WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15: 8-12 AM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes .................FMC 5:30 PM Supper .................................................................... FH 6:00 PM Adult Sunday School Teacher Meeting ................ S-11 6:15 PM Midweek Worship ............................................. Chapel 6:30 PM Middle School ....................................... FMC Upstairs KidZone........................... Preschool & Children’s Hall ESL ........................................................................A-4 Ladies’ Discipleship Study ”Kingdom Woman” . Forum 7:00 PM Worship Choir Rehearsal ....................................Choir 7:10 PM High School ............................................Student Bldg THURSDAY, APRIL 16: 8-12 AM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC 11:00 AM Radiant Joy Choir .................................... Choir Room 5-7 PM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ................. FMC 5:30 PM Sonshine Fellowship ............................................. FH 5-:45 PM Zumba ................................................................. FMC FRIDAY, APRIL 17: 8-10 AM Walking Track/Fitness Room/Classes ............... FMC Saturday, April 18: 5:30 PM Spouse Memorial Banquet .................................... FH Annie Armstrong Total: $14,652 Wednesday Night Supper Salad, fried chicken, mac & cheese, green beans and cobbler “Hearing and Doing the Word of God ” James 1:19-27 Pastor Paul is blogging. Access his blog on our website, www.MPFBC.org. Find us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/ For more about MPFBC find us at mpfbc.org Follow Pastor Paul on twitter @pastorpaul42 Please take a moment to silence your phone. View sermons by going to www.mpfbc.org and clicking on resources, sermons Listen to sermons by going to www.mpfbc.org and clicking on resources, sermons Pastor Paul’s Blog is on our website Sermon notes available at mpfbc.org 5485 Five Forks Trickum Road, Stone Mountain, GA 30087 770.921.1452 Mountain Park First Baptist Church April 12, 2015
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