THE CALENDAR Expressing the Mission and Ministry of First Baptist Church Chippewa Square Savannah, Georgia Wednesday Night Program Wednesday, April 8 6:00 p.m. in Lewis Hall presented by Amy Nedriga, Founder and Executive Director F IRST THOUGHTS Our Lenten journey is now complete, having taken us through forty days of contemplation and repentance to the stark reminders of Jesus’ obedient life seen best in the events of Holy Week to the glories of Easter Sunday. We have considered several of the covenants God made with humankind, proving again that we worship a God who desires to be in relationship with God’s people. We have “cleared a path” for God this year, beginning with a deeply moving Ash Wednesday service, and including our own personal devotional lives, special prayer services led by the Spiritual Formation Committee, as well as a series of Wednesday night bible studies. And we have shared in several outstanding worship services, especially those on Palm Sunday and Easter, which brought us into the very presence of God. As with any major effort in local parish ministry, there are many persons to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. The members of the Spiritual Formation Committee, ably led by Rev. Lauren Colwell and Gaye Rountree, have served heroically throughout this season of reflection. Our talented church musicians, under the direction of Organist and Choir Director Kyle Ballantine, included the Joyful Voices Choir, the Bell Choir, the Adult Choir, and a number of instrumentalists, all of whom added much to our worship. At least twentyfive of our people gave leadership to our annual Maundy Thursday service of communion and remembrance, as did a similar number leading us in worship through stirring music and the reading of the passion narrative on Good Friday. And what more can be said of all those who contributed to our worship experiences on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? They were simply magnificent in every respect. Many thanks to the members of our staff and the many volunteers who made all of these gifts possible. And thanks go to all of you, the members of this good congregation, for your support and participation in this holy season. While it is true that staff would not spare anything and would work just as hard to provide fine opportunities in teaching and worship even if a handful of persons were present, it is always an encouragement to enjoy the faithful attendance and vigorous participation of our membership. Thanks to you and to our God for such wonderful experiences at First Baptist Church during Lent and Easter this year. Wishing you a blessed Eastertide, Hospitalizations We are grateful that as this issue of The Calendar is being prepared, no members are known to be hospitalized. Hospital Dismissals Amelia Dreese to Buckingham South Nellie Jones Children’s Time on April 12 Lauren Colwell Lay Reader on April 12 Tifani Pool Greeters on April 12 James Cubbedge Family Night Menu Wednesday, April 15, 2015 lasagna tossed salad Italian bread peach cobbler Hospitality Hosts John and Sara Thomas Sanctuary Flowers Sunday, April 12 given to the glory of God and in memory of Carol Anne Richardson by Keith, Emily, and Jacqueline Dion Ushers Serving in April Bootsie Swicord, captain Joan Pusser Leslie Stull Barbara Stull Deacons Serving in April John Rabun, captain Thelma Browne Lynn Hadwin Margaret Hardy Curtis Lewis Richard Lewis Shannon Willhite Nursery Volunteer on April 12 Beverly Flanagan CONGREGATIONS IN SERVICE WEEKEND Saturday, April 25 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church | Lunch at First Christian Church Sunday, April 26 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Lunch at Congregation Mickve Israel This will be the twenty-first installment of Congregations in Service since its inception in 2004. A list of projects can be found on the First Baptist Church website and sign-up sheets will be available in Lewis Hall and the church office. CHILDREN INSPIRING HOPE On Wednesday, April 8 at 6:00 p.m., the adults will hear from Any Nedriga, LCSW, Founder and Executive Director of Children Inspiring Hope. Children Inspiring Hope is an international, non-profit organization bridging students crossculturally through arts and education projects based on our shared humanity, peace building, and earth stewardship. In seven years of programming, thousands of children have participated in Canada, Ghana, and the United States. Connecting students through arts has served as a catalyst for other service projects, and ignited within each student the power they have to contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable global community. Amy will share stories of the journey, and the challenges of creating understanding crossculturally. She will also have handmade textiles and recycled glass beads for sale which support local artisans and programming. Please join us on Wednesday, April 8 for a meal beginning at 5:00 p.m., prayer concerns at 5:45 p.m., and Amy’s program at 6:00 p.m. April Responsibilities Audio: Bill Roberts Greeters: Emily Gar rard Ordinances: Wyc Rountree and Ashley Williams Sanctuary: Lem Brawner Dear Church Family, I want to express my thanks to everyone in the church for their kind calls, notes, and prayers for my family in the loss of my father. – Chris Hendricks WEDNESDAY NIGHTS IN APRIL We have several exciting programs coming up in April during the adult study time. On Wednesday, April 15 Theresa Bayman will present a program on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association of Savannah. She will discuss the ten warning signs of Alzheimer’s and how to interact with those living with Alzheimer’s. Theresa will also be available to answer any other questions. On Wednesday, April 22, Jenni Halpin will present a Theology 101 program on Forgiveness. This is part of the ongoing series sponsored by the Spiritual Formation Committee. Later in May, Bill Heard will present a program in the same series on Social Justice. Of course, we continue to have programs for youth and children as well as bell and adult choir rehearsals. Our final Wednesday evening of the semester will be Wednesday, May 20 and we will conclude with a night of intergenerational fun. We look forward to seeing you for all. QUARTERLY CHURCH CONFERENCE Our next Quarterly Church Conference will be Sunday, April 19 at 12:45 p.m., following a congregational luncheon at 12:15 p.m. in Lewis Hall. Please join us as we discuss the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church. TASK FORCES – HISTORY This week we are highlighting the History Task Force. Members of the History Task Force assist the church in making and keeping accurate, comprehensive records of its current life and work, serve as custodians of all church historical documents and artifacts, and help the congregation understand and learn from its history. If you would like to be a member of this task force, please contact chair Fran Arnsdorff or staff liaison John Finley. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH facing Chippewa Square at 223 Bull Street Offices located behind the sanctuary at 102 West McDonough Street Phone 912-234-2671 Fax 912-236-4493 Email Website Office hours Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 First Baptist Church P.O. Box 9551 Savannah, GA 31412-9551 Address service requested CHURCH STAFF John M. Finley - Senior Minister Lauren E. Colwell - Associate Minister for Spiritual Formation and Families Kyle J. Ballantine - Organist and Choir Director Faye Anderson - Secretary Karen Jerald - Secretary Janice Quarterman - Custodian Bill Roberts - Custodian Vol. 81 The Calendar Lauren Colwell, Editor April 8, 2015 No. 14 Schedule of Activities April 12-18, 2015 SUNDAY, April 12 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 12:15 Youth & Children’s Comm. Conference Room MONDAY, April 13 10:00 Staff Meeting Conference Room 5:15 Budget and Finance Conference Room 5:45 Diaconate Lewis Hall TUESDAY, April 14 10:00 Grace and Glory Mission Group WEDNESDAY, April 15 5:00 Family Night Activities 7:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal Room 300 The Worship of God April 12, 2015 Eleven O’clock Sermon: “Thomas, Our Brother” Family Night Activities April 15, 2015 5:00 5:30 Howard Pendley 5:45 First Lesson: Acts 4:32-35 5:45 6:00 Second Lesson: 1 John 1:1-2:2 Gospel Lesson: John 20:19-31 Anthem: “Allerseelen” by Richard Strauss Andrew Durden, trombone 6:15 6:15 6:15 7:00 Family Night Meal Lewis Hall Nursery Opens Room 201 Prayer Concerns Lewis Hall Joyful Voices Choir Room 300 Adult Gathering: Theresa Bayman with The Alzheimer’s Association of Savannah Lewis Hall Children’s Gathering Room 202 Youth Gathering Room 402 Bell Choir Room 305 Adult Choir Room 300
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