The Messenger May 2015 843-785-4478 A monthly newsletter of First Baptist Church, Hilton Head Island, SC 100 South Forest Beach Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Women’s Connection Spring Meeting All women of the church are invited for a fun evening of fellowship! Tuesday, May 5, 6:30 PM Reebok Crossfit Coastal Carolina, First Baptist Church and the Island Recreation Center are excited to present “Courage” Joshua 1:9 In the Family Life Center Please bring a salad or “square shaped” dessert to share. Sandwiches and beverages will be provided. Call Paulette Gardner at 843-785-4478 by Friday, May 1, so that we can be prepared for you to attend. Saturday, May 16 - 8:00 AM Details on page 5. Wednesday Evening, May 6 Children’s Choir Musical Presentation Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser Serving from 5:00 - 6:15 PM In the Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room Details are on page 6. “GOD’S NOT DEAD” Wednesday, May 20 - 6:00 PM In the Family Life Center Details on page 3. Burgers and BapƟsms Awana Awards Presentation and Closing Ceremony Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM In the Family Life Center Details on page 3. Wednesday, May 27 Summer Cookout If you would like to CelebraƟon be baptized in the ocean 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM Wednesday, In the Family May 27th, call Life Center Lynda Hopkins, Ocean BapƟsm at 843-785-4478. 6:30 PM Make your cookout In front of the reservations Marriott’s Grande by May 24. Ocean Resort Church-wide Mission Project to benefit the Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country. Details on page 7. High School Graduates Recognition Sunday, May 31 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary Visiting with the Pastor S Thank You for Help At Easter pring is almost in the rear view mirror and we are now looking to graduation and summer! I want to thank our Deacon Fellowship for the work they did for our Easter weekend. They worked tirelessly and every detail they helped with went smoothly. Our only glitch was the fast moving tide during our Sunrise Service that made us move the people and sound equipment three times. Thanks to Lynda Hopkins and her team for their preparation and serving of lunch for our Good Friday service. Thank you to Wally and Jean Smith, along with their team, that provided breakfast after the Sunrise Service for so many people. Those that attended appreciated the fellowship, the food and the friendly atmosphere. Thanks to all those that helped take down all the breakfast tables and then set up the chairs in the Family Life Center for the second worship service; it, too, went smoothly. The attendance for all the services and meals during the Easter season was exceptionally high this year and we are thankful for the people who attended, for those who served, and for those who ministered. We had several people indicate their choice to follow Jesus Christ that weekend also! Thank you, church family, for all you did to exhibit Christ and your devotion to Him and His church. In the Month of May As we move into May, we will celebrate our high school graduates, have a Baby Dedication, hear about our mission endeavors through Mission Moments, and observe the ordinance of baptism on the beach. May will be a month of highlighting the ministries that teach our children. The children who attend Awana will be sharing with us some of what they W 2 have learned on Wednesday, May 6th, at 6:30 PM, in the Family Life Center, and they will be rewarded for their efforts. Our Children’s Choir will also be sharing with us on Wednesday, May 20th, at 6:00 PM, in the Family Life Center. Please come help us celebrate their learning and their excitement for sharing it with our church family. I hope you will look at the Messenger for all the events this month and support as many as you can. Sermons in Ephesians Continue We will continue our study of Ephesians each Sunday, and are currently looking at the duty of the believer within the body of Christ. Christ has many blessings for His children and yet so many act bewildered, abandoned or disconnected. When we begin to experience Christ and the blessings He has for each of us, our perspective on life is completely rearranged. We begin to experience life the way in which our Lord intended it to be, trusting in Him and Him alone. “He who follows righteousness and mercy, finds life, righteousness and honor (Proverbs 21:21)”. May it be said of us that we follow the righteousness of our Lord based upon His Truth! Share Jesus Take the opportunities afforded you each week to share Christ with those that you touch in life. Some will hear, some will reject but some will accept, and hopefully, at least some will begin to seek and learn! Time is of the essence, that we share Christ, and show Christ each day of our lives until our Lord comes again, or we go to meet Him in His Heaven. John Keller e must not be content to have the Spirit without the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our lives must travel along these two, as the locomotive travels along parallel rails. It is only by our devout contact with the Bible that we shall be able to detect the Holy Spirit’s voice. It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes into our homes when its beams of light enter the open windows. —F. B. Meyer From the Children’s Ministry Time to Register for Vacation Bible School June 15 - 19, 2015 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon In the Family Life Center Registration forms are available in the foyer areas of our worship center or you can get the form from our website at under the Ministries/ Children’s Ministries Tab. Return it to the church offices as soon as possible as space is limited. Vacation Bible School Leaders and Helpers Meeting Sunday, May 17th, 12:30 PM Room #8, Children’s Building Join us at Journey Off the Map™ for a week of exploring uncharted territory where kids will discover that Jesus is the Ultimate Guide. Grab your hiking boots! Fill your water bottles! Practice your climbing skills! It’s time for Journey Off the Map™ VBS! We’re recruiting explorers for the week of June 15 - 19, 2015, to join us as we journey to uncharted territory where the unexpected waits around every bend. Children who are age 4 (by January 1, 2015) through those who have completed 5th Grade (by June, 2015) are invited to be a part of this special adventure. Kids will begin their journey each day at The Overlook. From The Overlook, kids will explore Bible truths in the Tangled Branch Tree House, discover they can listen for God’s direction as they visit places like Shady Grove Crafts, Rushing Waters Music and Motion, Rappelling Ravine for Recreation, and enjoy Snacks at Survival Springs. While on the Journey Off the Map™, kids will discover Jesus is the Ultimate Guide on a journey uncharted by them, but known by Him. As explorers they will begin to understand whenever they are faced with the unexpected, they can know to listen for God’s direction. The journey will take place in age appropriate classes Monday through Friday, June 15 19, 2015, from 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon, beginning in the Family Life Center and continuing through various buildings on campus. Be sure to invite friends and family to join us for this adventure! “GOD’S NOt DEAD” Children’s Choir Musical Presentation Awana Awards Presentation and Closing Ceremony Cubbies, Sparks and T&T students will be presenting some of what have learned and will be rewarded for their efforts. Join us to support our children and their families for their commitment to learning God’s Word. Wednesday, May 6, at 6:30 PM in the Family Life Center. Wednesday, May 20 - 6:30 PM In the Family Life Center Through an accessible and timely story that answers tough questions like, “If God is real, why do bad things happen to people?” This musical program is anchored by faith-reinforcing songs. Please join us to support the “future of our church” at the Children’s Choir presentation of “God’s Not Dead.” 3 From the Youth Ministry Be the love. Bring the hope. Be the change. Summer Ministry Needs at FBCHHI. Can You Help? Dear church family, The best way to strengthen family ministry is to be involved, bring other families onto our beautiful campus, and share the work that the Lord is doing through our church and church body. The ministry opportunities below provide many ways for you to be involved this summer. We are so blessed to have the support from our Pastor and church staff regarding these great opportunities. This is going to be an incredible Spring/Summer! Please let me know if you have any questions. Call me to volunteer at 843-785-4478 (church office) or 843 415-3898 (cell). God bless, Chuck “Courage” – Kid’s Adventure Race Saturday, May 16 This is an obstacle course race, sponsored by Reebok Crossfit Coastal Carolina, First Baptist Church and the Island Recreation Center, held on the church property in the back of the Family Life Center. Chuck Workman and the Youth Students and Parents have been hard at work clearing it out for this special event. You can find more information about this special event on the next page, and you can go to vc.php?ID=584. Volunteers from our church are needed for this event. A listing of what is needed follows. o o o o o 4 Check in and packet distribution on Friday evening, May 15th Welcome team on Race Day Trail monitoring and assistance Music Food table assistance Camp Ignite Monday and Wednesdays At First Baptist Church This camp will be hosted from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm twice weekly at FBC Hilton Head from June 22 thru August 3. In partnership with Jamison Consultants, https://, and Reebok Crossfit, students (ages 6-16) will participate in physical and age-appropriate workouts, enrichment activities, lunch and Bible study. If interested in volunteering for any of the below, please let me know (community service hours are available to any students who volunteer): o o o Age appropriate “enrichment” activity for 45 minutes in the morning Lunch help (cooking and serving) Bible Study/Bible Stories First Baptist Church to Host Summer Camps o June 8th-12th Dotson Memorial Baptist Church ( Forty to forty-five students, with adult leaders, will be staying at our church as a “partnership” camp. Their youth choir will be serving on island within our community throughout the day and staying overnight on our campus. Their adult leaders will cook and provide the meals, but if you are interested in being available to help prep meals while they are out serving our community, that would be great! In regard to the “partnership”, our youth group has been invited to stay for a week on their campus, in their athletic/ multi-purpose complex, when we plan our next trip. They are located 30 minutes from Pigeon Forge and, prayerfully, this will provide opportunities for continued trips to serve in their community and/or take a Fall/Winter Trip. Courage - Kids Adventure Race Information May 16, 2015 – 8:00 a.m. (Waves start) o June 22nd – 27th First Baptist Church Hilton Head Island will host “Camp FIT”: Faith in Training Buffat Heights Baptist Church, from Knoxville, Tennessee, will bring their youth group to our campus for a 5-day camp that will be led by our FBCHHI Team. The camp theme is “F.I.T. - Faith In Training.” The camp will lead students through physical and spiritual team-building exercises throughout the week. Students will grow in their trust of each other, and their faith and trust in Jesus. Our vision is for each student and adult leader to leave nothing behind and take home their new and growing love for our Lord Jesus Christ. Chuck Workman will serve as the Camp Pastor and Matt Houston, (lead singer of “The Advice,”) will be our week long Worship Leader. o Volunteer Needs for “Camp FIT”: Faith in Training o o o o o o o o Meal Prep, Serve, and Clean-up Kitchen Help Small group leaders Media Assistance Recreation leader(s) Kayaking assistant Photographer Ambassador of Miscellaneous “Stuff ” First Baptist Church Campus 100 South Forest Beach Dr., HHI, SC 29928 Reebok Crossfit Coastal Carolina, First Baptist Church and the Island Recreation Center are excited to present “Courage,” a Kid’s Adventure Race. Join us on Saturday, May 16, at First Baptist Church Hilton Head, where the race will take you through the beautiful acreage of First Baptist Church, navigating and competing through obstacles and forest trails. The event is fun for all ages and will include heats for ages 5-8, 9-12 and 14-17. “Courage” is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face “challenges” with bravery. This will be an incredible time and full of fun to enjoy fellowship and realize the talents that one has been blessed to have. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Let your courage be seen and sign up today. Race Details Age Groups: 5-8 Years Old – 1⁄2 mile with 6-8 obstacles/challenges 9-12 Years Old – 1 mile with 9-12 obstacles/challenges 13-17 Years Old – 1 mile with 9-12 obstacles/challenges Registration Fee: $20.00 per race entry (includes adventure race shirt) REGISTRATION DEADLINE – MAY 14th Race Day Info: Please make sure your children wear long socks to ensure safety and clothes that can get dirty and stay dirty. Packet pickup will be held on Friday, May 15th, from 4:00 PM-6:30 PM, at First Baptist Church (Youth Building). Awards: All participants will receive a race shirt along with a water bottle. Top three finishers from each age group will be awarded race medals. Registration Forms Are To Be Turned In At Rec Center on the North End of the Island, off of Gumtree Road. 5 Youth Summer Camp and Spaghetti Fund Raiser Miscellaneous Wednesday Evening, May 6 Happy Mother’s Day Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser Serving from 5:00 - 6:15 PM in the Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room Please join us and support our Youth Department on Wednesday, May 6th, as they will be preparing Wednesday night dinner for us. The menu is Spaghetti with a delicious meat sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread and then your choice of homemade desserts. Payment for your Wednesday night meal will be by donation that night. All proceeds will go to support our youth as they go to Student Life Summer Camp in Atlanta, Georgia, in July, where they will be doing mission work in Atlanta’s inner city. The youth department thanks you in advance for your generous support. Please make your reservations no later than Monday, May 4th. We will look forward to a great report of how our youth will show the love of Jesus after their summer trip. Sunday, May 10 “If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.” —Author unknown Financial Statement Total Budget Gifts and Expenditures are listed as Year-To-Date totals. Year-to-Date Budget Receipts Goal thru 3/31/2015 $211,943 Year-to-Date Receipts thru 3/31/2015 $202,708 Year-to-Date Expenses 3/31/2015 $186,746 6 Budget Receipts Goal for April Month-to-Date Receipts thru 4/27/2015 Month-to-Date Expenses 4/27/2015 $65,213 $74,087 $62,692 Missions Offering thru 4/27/2015 $45,273 From the Missions Committee May Missions Project in Honor of Mother’s Day The Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country has a vision to enable women in the Beaufort & Jasper County communities to freely and responsibly choose to carry unplanned pregnancies to term. In addition, they expect to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies among teens in those and surrounding communities by ensuring the message of abstinence is relayed. We will be well recognized as a resource to help women and families improve their lives through spiritual, emotional, educational, and /or material assistance. In order to help the Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country fulfill their vision, our Missions Committee has chosen to support them through their Baby Bottle Collection Campaign. The Missions Committee will be distributing baby bottles beginning April 26th to be filled with cash or checks as donations to the Pregnancy Center and Clinic. Baby Bottles and envelopes for your donations will be available at the front desk in the Family Life Center. Make Your Donation In Honor of Someone Special New this year is the opportunity to recognize someone special with your donation. The Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country will mail a card to the honoree of your choice in time for Mother’s Day if your donation is returned to the church on by Sunday, May 3rd. Include the name and address of the honoree with your donation. Donations can also be made in memory of someone special. Final Collection Day Is Mother’s Day The final day for the Baby Bottle Collection (if you are not interested in having a card sent for Mother’s Day) will be the following Sunday, May 10th. That will be the day that Dr. Vera Bailey from the Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country will address the congregation during the May Mission Moment. Thank you for Filling the Well to Overflowing All food items that were collected will be given to the Deep Well’s Food Pantry. Deep Well is extremely grateful to our church family for your generous giving to their cause. Thank you for your faithful giving to the Annual Missions Offering. We exceeded our goal of $35,000. The final total collected from November 2014 thru April 2015 was $45,273. It will be divided with 50% given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, 25% given to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions, and 25% retained by the church to be used for local missions as designated by our Missions Committee. 7 Saturday, May 2 Sunday, May 3 Tuesday, May 5 Wednesday, May 6 Sunday, May 10 Tuesday, May 12 Wednesday, May 13 Saturday, May 16 Sunday, May 17 Tuesday, May 19 Wednesday, May 20 Sunday, May 24 Monday, May 25 Wednesday, May 27 Sunday, May 31 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon - EPIKS, sponsored by the Savannah River Baptist Association, Grays Hill Baptist Church Regular Sunday Schedule Final Day for Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low - Donations if you want a Mother’s Day card sent to someone special from the Pregnancy Center and Clinic 10:00 AM - Handbell Rehearsal, Music Suite 12:00 Noon - Administrative Council Meeting, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room 6:30 PM - Womens’ Fellowship and Connection Spring Meeting, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room Regular Wednesday Night Schedule 5:00 PM - Deacons’ Meeting, Room #7, Family Life Center 5:00 - 6:15 PM - Youth Spaghetti Fund Raiser for Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30 PM - Awana Awards and Closing Ceremony, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room Happy Mother’s Day Regular Sunday Schedule Final Day for Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Low Country’s Baby Bottle Collection Mission Project 10:15 AM - Handbell Choir to play for the residents of Life Care Center, Lamotte Drive 2:00 PM - Connection Leadership Meeting, Room #2, Family Life Center 3:30 PM - Personnel Committee Meeting, Church Library 4:00 PM - Missions Committee Meeting, Room #2, Family Life Center Regular Wednesday Night Schedule (No Awana, Final Women’s Bible Study Class until September) 5:30 - 7:00 PM - Extended Children’s Choir Rehearsal (No Awana) 8:00 AM - “Courage,” a Kid’s Adventure Race, on the church property behind the Family Life Center, sponsored by Reebok Crossfit Coastal Carolina, First Baptist Church and the Island Recreation Center 4:30 PM - Sanctuary and Handbell Choir’s Spring Social at the Wheeler/Fick home Regular Sunday Schedule 12:30 - 3:00 PM - Children’s Choir Spring Musical Rehearsal with lunch in the Family Life Center 12:30 PM - Vacation Bible School Meeting, Room #8, Children’s Building 5:00 PM - Core at the home of the Bedenbaughs 4:00 PM - Building and Grounds Committee Meeting, Room #2, Family Life Center Messenger Deadline 5:00 PM - Stewardship Committee Meeting, Room #2, Family Life Center 6:00 PM - Children’s Choir Musical Presentation, “God Is Not Dead”, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room with Ice Cream Social 7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study, High Tide and Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal will meet following the children’s musical presentation Regular Sunday Schedule Memorial Day Holiday, Church offices will be closed for the holiday 5:00 PM - Membership and Outreach Committee Meeting, Room #8, Family Life Center 5:00 PM - Summer Wednesday Night Schedule Kickoff with Burgers and Baptisms, Cookout at 5:00 PM 6:15 PM - Baptism in the Atlantic Ocean in front of the Marriott’s Grande Ocean Resort 8:00 AM - Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room Regular Sunday Schedule 9:00 AM - High School Graduates Recognition 5:00 PM - CORE at the home of the Bedenbaughs Regular Sunday Schedule Wednesday Night Schedule 8:00 AM - Church-wide Prayer Group, Church Library 9:00 AM - Classic Worship Service, Sanctuary 10:00 AM - Coffee Fellowship, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room 10:15 AM - Sunday School for Every Age, Children and Youth Buildings, Family Life Center 11:15 AM - Modern Worship Service, Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room 5:00 - 6:15 PM - Wednesday Night Dinner Served, Multi-purpose Room, Family Life Center 6:00 – 8:00 PM - Childcare, Preschool Wing, Children’s Building 5:30 – 6:15 PM – Children’s Choir Rehearsal – Room # 7 – Children’s Building 6:15 – 7:45 PM – High Tide “Drop-In,” Youth Building 6:30 – 7:30 PM – Adult Bible Study, Room #4, Family Life Center, Led by Dr. Dan Wheeler 6:30 – 7:30 PM – Women’s Bible Study, Room #8, Children’s Building, Led by Angela Wade 6:30 – 7:45 PM – Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Music Suite Awana, Children’s Choir Rehearsals, Women’s Bible Study and Men’s Bible Study will conclude before Summer Break May 20th. Wednesday night activities for children and the Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies will resume in the Fall of 2015. High Tide Youth, Adult Bible Study and Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal will continue through the summer months. First Baptist Church Hilton Head Staff Dr. John Keller - Pastor - Rev. Richard Wade - Minister of Music and Education - Rev. Chuck Workman - Minister of Family Ministries- Mary Hayes - Business and Financial Director - Lynda Hopkins - Ministry Assistant - Erika Smith - Children’s Sunday School Director - Paulette Gardner - Church Receptionist - Richard Lewis and Tom Beretta - Custodial/Maintenance Steve Hays - Pianist Muriel Lyle - Organist
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