NURSERY CARE Our fully staffed nursery welcomes your children age 4 and under. In addition, a “cry room”, located at the back of the sanctuary, is available for parents to feed their babies or sit with them during the worship service. KIDS IN CHRIST Children age 5 through 3rd grade will begin in worship with their families, go up for the Children’s Message, and then be dismissed for a time of learning in Room 201. KIDS IN WORSHIP There are children’s Bibles, Bible story books and updated weekly sermon notes at the back of the sanctuary for your children to use during the sermon. There are also Learning & Sharing bags available. Please return bags, books and Bibles to the back of the sanctuary after worship. HEARING AIDES AVAILABLE Our sanctuary is equipped with assisted hearing devices for those who have a difficult time hearing. They are simple to use and very effective and are available from the sound booth at the back of the sanctuary. BIBLES AVAILABLE Did you forget your Bible? Part of fulfilling our mission statement is to purposefully get into the Word. Please follow along with the scripture reading today. There are Bibles under the seats and on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Pick up a Bible and be ready to follow along. If you don’t have a Bible of your own, there are soft cover Bibles on the table under the credenza at the back of the sanctuary for you to take and use as our gift to you. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, March 22 Christian Education Hour: 9:30am Worship: 10:45am Kids in Christ: 11:15am Momentum Youth Group: 4pm Proclamation Bells: 4pm Monday, March 23 Red Cross Blood Drive: 12:15pm Mixed Small Group: 6:30pm Tuesday, March 24 Men’s Group: 6:30am Prayer Group: 9am Staff Meeting: 10am Couples Small Group: 2pm Wednesday, March 25 Matthew 18:19 Prayer Group: 1pm Women’s Small Group: 1:30pm Mixed Small Group: 7pm PRAYING HANDS Ushers Greeters Liturgist Acolyte Flowers FELLOWSHIP TIME You are invited to fellowship over coffee and goodies each Sunday. This is a great way to build relationships with one another. Want to help? Call the office and get on the rotation! COPIES OF WORSHIP SERVICE ON CD Look for a CD recording of today’s service and past services on the ledge of the sound booth. If there isn’t a copy available, write your name and date of the service on the slip of paper at the booth and a copy will be made and placed in the slot with your name on it. Or listen to the sermon through our website NEWSLETTERS AND MORE Are you ready for your copy of the latest EUMC Newsletter? Just go to our website at and click on “Newsletter”. If you don’t have a computer, there are copies of the monthly newsletter in the hallway. Do you want to know more? Our website also has our weekly bulletins, archives of previous bulletins, newsletters, sermons, current events, and group information. If you want something a little more personalized, our website has a place to login to our “Online Community”. We are also on Facebook. This is a great place to find out what is going on in the life of the church. Please join our group! Friday, March 27 CONNECT: 6pm Sunday, March 29 Christian Education Hour: 9:30am Worship: 10:45am Kids in Christ: 11:15am Momentum Youth Group: 4pm Proclamation Bells: 4pm COMING SOON Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday Service Easter Egg Carnival Easter Sunday Services 7:00am - 9:30am - 11:00am April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 (If you are unable to serve on the scheduled date, please trade with another volunteer.) Today 3 3--22 22--15 Members of our prayer ministry, Praying Hands, are available following Sunday worship service. If you have a joy, concern, celebration, or any other request, and would like someone to pray for you, or to pray with you, please look for these individuals (wearing blue scarves/stoles) near the corners of the sanctuary. Each member of this ministry is a trained Stephen Minister who will treat your concern with complete confidentiality. Women’s Small Group: 9:30am Women’s Small Group: 2pm Illuminations Worship Band: 5:30pm Young Adult Small Group: 6:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal: 7pm WORSHIP & FELLOWSHIP LEADERS SERMON SERIES STUDY Do you have questions about the sermon today? You are invited to attend any of our Small Groups to find out more! Pick up the study from the information counter in the foyer, check the calendar and join a group today. Thursday, March 26 Coffee Bill London, Dennis Downs, Jr., Doug & Penny Dennis Dan & Bonnie Critell, Linda Stiles and Lori Motis Janet Groeger Giselle Groeger Given in loving memory of Bart Jackson and in celebration that Allan Jackson is cancer free for 7 years by Carrie Jackson Tracy & Jonah Phipps Next Sunday 3 3--29 29--15 Ushers Greeters Liturgist Acolyte Coffee Lynn Ketterling, Rick Rodriguez, Ralph & Margery Anderson Bob & Joan Harryman, George Jones & Shirley Law Caryl Humphries Katie Ketterling Janet Groeger and Bell Choir Eagle United Methodist Church 651 N. Eagle Road, Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-0108 website: // email: Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm The ministers of this church are its members. Our leaders in ministry are: John A. Grimsted. .................. Pastor Jeff Nielson ........................... Associate Lay Minister Sara Donaldson .................... Director of Christian Education Luanne Hardy ........................ Director of Music Ministries Susan Cheney ...................... Organist/Accompanist Morgan Freihoefer ................. Minister of Visitation Denise Armstrong .................. Executive Administrator Luanne Hardy ....................... Administrative Assistant Kip Malone ............................. Finance Secretary Denise Armstrong .................. Bookkeeper Stoney Foster ........................ Administrative Board Chairman Matt Donaldson .................... Lay Leader Karen Hamm ........................ Eagle’s Wings Preschool Director Caryl Humphries .................... Learning Nest Director Lenten Sermon Series No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. We continue to share a series of messages that guide us through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. Each service will be designed to help you experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death in a way you have never done before. All of our Small Groups will be participating in this study as well. Get involved this week and whether you are a long-time Christian, new to the faith or simply curious about the story of Christ’s crucifixion, you are invited to join us for this powerful series as we retrace – 24 Hours That Changed the World. E AGLE U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH Our Church Mission Statement: To Grow Disciples for Jesus Christ. Welcome! We are pleased that you are worshipping God with us today. If you would like more information about our church, please write your contact information in the Attendance Registration binder. All are welcome to participate in any of our Eagle United Methodist Church programs and events. Please join us! Prepare your hearts for worship: Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and deed. Amen. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 ~ ORDER FOR WORSHIP ~ Opening Songs “10,000 Reasons”, “Grace Like Rain”, “In Christ Alone” Illuminations Worship Band Prayer Jeff Nielson “In Faith We Triumph” Anthem Proclamation Bells Children’s Message Jeff Nielson (Children age 5 through 3rd grade are dismissed to Kids In Christ) Scripture Lesson THANKSGIVING “What Wondrous Love is This” Offertory Adult Choir PROCLAMATION "Torture & Humiliation" Message Even before He was crucified, Jesus went through so much. What do we learn from what He endured? Pastor John Grimsted Prayer and Anointing with Oil “Come to Jesus” SENDING FORTH Closing Song #424 “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone” Benediction FREE WHEELCHAIR MISSION SUNDAY Thank you for giving so generously to the Free Wheelchair Mission last Sunday. UPDATE! You gave $5,962 to purchase 76 chairs. Each chair costs just $78 and you may still give any amount towards the purchase of wheelchairs. Thank you again for making a difference in the life of a family by lifting their loved one off the ground and supporting missions. BLOOD DRIVE Mark your calendar to donate on Monday, March 23rd from 12:15-5:30pm. Donors, age16 and older, may call Carolyn Stovall at 939-0246 to make an appointment or sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway. SURROUND THE CHURCH IN PRAYER Mark 15:15-23 (pg.49 in NT) “Take Up Thy Cross” Hymn #415 ~ 3/22/15 ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ “For God So Loved the World” Please stand as you are able. ~ IN WORSHIP NEXT WEEK ~ SERMON SERIES: 24 HOURS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD "The Crucifixion" ~ Mark 15:25-35 Jesus’ death upon the cross is at the very heart of our faith. Why is the crucifixion so important? You are invited to the prayer group, Matthew 18:19. This visioning prayer group meets every Wednesday from 1 to 1:30pm in the sanctuary to pray for our church. They pray to be able to see God’s vision for our church, not for individual needs but to lift up our church as a whole. YOUNG ADULT SMALL GROUP All college and career aged men and women looking to grow together in their faith are invited to meet each Thursday evening at 6:30pm in Room 203. We will play games and enjoy dinner followed by a Bible Study based on the book, “24 Hours that Changed the World”. Please RSVP to Jeff Nielson at or in person if you plan on coming so we can provide enough dinner! Mark your calendar for a night of fun and fellowship and a summer of fun activities. Bring your friends! SOMETHING NEW FOR EVERYONE! CONNECT is a new group that meets monthly. Come join us this Friday, March 27th at 6pm for dinner and activities. CONNECT is for EVERYONE! All ages from kids to adults are invited to come and enjoy dinner and fun with this monthly fellowship group. All ages will CONNECT with each other as we grow in our faith and Christian relationships together. This month we will going on a Treasure Hunt. You don’t want to miss the fun! Please see the sign up sheet on the CONNECT board to bring food for the dinner. ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT AND CARNIVAL Our Easter Egg Hunt and Carnival will be held Saturday, April 4th at 10am. Your help is needed to make our Easter Egg Hunt the best ever. Please sign up to donate your time and/or supplies on the sheet in the hallway by the office. We need Easter themed goodies and toy prizes for the store. As always, we will accept cash donations to help us fill in the extras. Contact Shannon London with any questions at 8500164. MEDIA TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED Our Media Team is looking for help to run projection and sound! Do you love to play on the computer and design things? The Projection Tech's job is to prepare the computer and the images that are projected on the screen during worship and other special events. Our sound team will train you on our sound equipment as well. No special skills are needed - we will teach you all you need - though a general comfort with using a computer is helpful. If you are interested in serving Christ through our media ministry, please contact Luanne Hardy in the church office. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD The spotlight for March - hair ribbons, hair clips, hair bands, brushes, combs. There is a marked collection bin in the hallway for you to place each month’s items. Feel free to place other gifts in the bin as well. These should be for ages 2-14 and must fit into a shoebox. We also welcome donations for shipping charges at any time at $7 per box. Please write “Operation Christmas Child - Shipping” in the memo line of your check. EAGLE’S WINGS PRESCHOOL Eagle’s Wings Preschool & Kindergarten registration is now open! We offer classes for 3’s, 4’s, and transitional kindergarten. Our outstanding staff will provide your child with a solid foundation socially, emotionally and academically in a loving environment. Please contact Karen Hamm at 939-1351 for more information or to schedule a visit. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR SUMMER EVENTS Youth Group Mission Trip: June 22nd - 29th Vacation Bible School: July 13th -17th All Church Get-Away Camp at Wallowa Lake: July 23rd - 26th
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