Church Staff Rev. Bob Breed Donna Heiser Alice Houser Chris Hallman Kathi Smith Donna Tuttle Minister Director of Music Treasurer Sunday School Supt. Clerk Of Session Church Secretary 704-364-8193 / 704-281-0384 704-394-5042 704-263-5409 704-399-4155 704-393-5664 704-399-3348/570-352-7062 Ushers Randy Miller Kathi Smith Kathy Pack Baker Haynes Children’s Ministry Children’s Church Today, March 22– Kathi Smith & Kathy Pack Next Sunday, March 29 - Katherine & Linda Miller Nursery Today, March 22 – Pam Hall & Kim Smith, Cara Hoey Next Sunday, March 29 –Beth & Terry Lineberger, Andrew Lineberger Volunteer for Sunday School Ages 4-7 Teresa Allran & Karen Hallman Ages 8-12 Janet Jordan Middle Place Teresa Hoey Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church 2015/2016 Elders & Deacons Kevin Allran-704-201-2232 Mary Reid-704-651-4172 Steve Keener-704-392-8812 Beth Lineberger-704-650-0694 Jimmy Odom-704-588-6395 Ray Pack -704-392-5193 Kathi Smith-704-393-5664 Baker Haynes-704-634-5101 6701 Pleasant Grove Road Charlotte, NC 28216 704.399.3348 Shelby Allran-704-392-5468 Denise Bright-704-399-3741 Jeff Boudman-980-207-3926 Marla Whisenant-704-399-7671 Janet Jordan-704-394-4969 Kathy Pack-704-392-5193 Connecting real people with Jesus Christ and each other to joyfully serve God in love. 8 WELCOME PRAYER REQUESTS 10:00 A.M. Service TO PLEASANT GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TODAY IN WORSHIP March 22, 2015 Welcome to you! Welcome to you in the name of Jesus Christ! On behalf of the sisters and brothers of Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church, we welcome you with open arms and loving hearts. Your presence here is not by mistake. We are blessed to share in the worship of Jesus Christ with you and welcome you to share in ministry with your brothers and sisters in Christ here. You are never a “visitor” here at PGPC but a family member. Regardless of where your faith journey takes you, know that you always have a spiritual home here at PGPC. Our Church – Magdalene Keener, Betty Starnes, Norma Messer, Doris Lineberger, Jimmy Moore, David Gaddy, Roy Dietzel, Clyde Starnes, Buz Holder, Alvin Primm, Evelyn Miller, Guy Henderson, Ginny Hagler, Linda & Jimmy Norman, and our Church. Shut-ins- Polly Maynor, Betty Hallman, Edith Caldwell, Doris Lineberger, Betty & Clyde Starnes, Magdalene Keener, and Mary Frances Lakey. Extended Family –Debbie Bernardini, Family of Jerry Rhyne, Kelly Reynolds, Hazel Lutz, Family of Greg Rhyne, Wayne Laughter (critically burned), Donna & Brent Mullen, Betty Ervin, Mandy Yow & family (pre-school teacher whose father passed away suddenly), Family of Jim Lackey (brother-in-law of Linda Miller), Jerrica Helderman, Benny & Emily Prince, Barbara Williams (friend of Kathi Smith), Perry & Frances Hager, Vanhook family, Jeff Reid (Huntersville firefighter), Nancy Byrum (cousin of Pam Hall), Richard Hager, Chuck Swann (friend of Jimmy Odom), Gay (cousin of Steve Keener), Jerry Connell (friend of Christi Tatum), Buddy & Betty Holder (parents of Buz Holder), Earl & Doris Raborn (brother & sister-in-law of Dot Keistler), Louise Sims (aunt of Ray and Kathy Pack), Kelly Huffstickler (lupus), Charlotte Hagler (Ginny’s daughter-in-law), Ian Shaver, and Leaders of our Nation. Our Military Men and Women - Cody Gann (son of lady at Circle G), Alex Rodriquez (nephew of Terresa Grigsby), Michael Douglas, (Katherine Lornson’s grandson), Bobby Morton (Iraq), Stephen Shore (Afghanistan), Cian Willocks, Sgt. Justin P. Harris, and Tyler Melton (friend of the Cobbs) EASTER EGG HUNT We are in need of individually wrapped candy for the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt. When you do your grocery shopping, please pick up a bag of candy and bring it to the church by Tuesday, March 25. There will be a box in the lobby outside the Sanctuary for you to place your items. MAUNDY THURSDAY As we prepare to worship, we ask that all cell phones and beepers be turned off and that food and drinks remain outside the Sanctuary. Parents, we want this time to be a meaningful experience of worship for you and we understand that children are children. If your child needs attention, our nursery is available and is equipped with a closed-circuit TV so you can continue to participate in the worship service while tending to the needs of your child. Thank you! Join us for our Maundy Thursday service which will be held on April 2 at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will gather around tables for a time of food and fellowship which will lead into our time of worship and communion. 2 7 MARCH BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Birthdays 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 24 25 26 WORSHIP Anniversaries Gray Alexander Port Thompson Tyler Cobb Kay Jenkins Cody Grigsby Phyllis Pressley Arnold Jenkins Mark Bright Brad Stilwell Donovan McNeal Lauryn Stilwell Lollie Griffith Shelley Smith Beth Lineberger Tom Lineberger Stephanie Riley Clyde Starnes James Robert Quitman Odom Pam Hall Karen Hallman Baker Haynes Bob Breed 8 March 22, 2015 10:00AM CELEBRATION Avery & Dawn Britton WORSHIP OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST GATHERING IN CHRIST’S NAME Preparation for Prelude Worship Let Your enduring love be granted to me yet again dear Lord. Grant me the passion to prepare my heart and mind to hear and act upon Your word. Guide me to see the fullness of Your grace and love in Christ. This I pray through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. 2015 Budget to Income As of March 15, 2015 Total Budget YTD Budgeted Expenses YTD Income Received Difference $ 227,870.75 $48,203.43 $ 48,300.89 $ (97.46) Shirley Shaw Chiming of the Trinity Welcome and Announcements If you have an announcement, please feel free to come to the microphone in front of the chancel. Passing of the Peace of Christ THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST Call To Worship: Leader: Come, let us worship God! People: We come, longing to see Jesus. Leader: We come, seeking God with our whole hearts, People: With our lips we declare all of God’s commandments! Leader: and our eyes are fixed on all God’s ways. People: Let us come to the place where Jesus may be found, so that we may serve Him faithfully. *Praise song: Percentage 100% 6 “Sanctuary” “Our God” *Please stand if you are able. 3 Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen Prayer of Confession: Have mercy on us, O Lord, according to Your steadfast love. We come, hoping to see Jesus and to be changed by His love. Our sins are always before us. We admit to You that we have not followed You with our whole heart. We have not treasured Your word within us, nor have we served You faithfully. We have wronged our neighbor and broken Your laws. Yet in faithfulness You offer forgiveness. You promise to blot out all of our offenses. Help us to seek the joy of Your salvation, and sustain us with Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Time of Personal Confession Assurance of Pardon *Gloria Patri Special Music “From the Cradle to the Cross” Children’s Sermon Children’s Church (Ages 4 -7) May be picked up in the Noah’s Ark classroom #8. Middle Place (Grades 3-6) Please go to the room at the back of the sanctuary. Participants will return to the sanctuary at the conclusion of the sermon. *Hymn: “Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness” (tune-”Come, Thou Fount”) Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Prayer for Illumination Scripture John 12:20-33 Sermon: “Magnetic” Offertory Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures were read and Your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us today. This we pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Rev. Bob Breed “I Love to Tell the Story” *Offertory Response “More Precious Than Silver” *Prayer of Dedication *Hymn: “Jesus Paid It All” see screen *Benediction Postlude see screen *Please stand if you are able. *Please stand if you are able. 4 5
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