THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF AUBURN July 5, 2015 th 6 Sunday After Pentecost WE LISTEN TO THE WORD PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION: WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP ACT OF PRAISE: PRE SERVICE MUSIC: ‘Battle Hymn’ ‘Let There Be Peace on Earth’ Arr. Kuhn Miller & Jackson WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: QUIET PRELUDE: EPISTLE LESSON: SERMON: ‘Ashokan Farewell’ J. Ungar HYMN: MOMENT OF SILENCE: (please take a moment to ask for God’s presence) *CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: Let us come into God’s presence with love and humility. People: Lord, we bow before you. Leader: Let us worship our God in true freedom and joy. People: Lord, we know only you can make us free. ALL: Lord, God, we praise you as we celebrate with you this day. *HYMN OF PRAISE: ‘America the Beautiful’ UMH Page 696 *PRAYER OF INVOCATION: Almighty God, you rule all the peoples of the earth. Inspire the minds of all women and men to whom you have committed the responsibility of government and leadership in the nations of the world. Give to them the vision of truth and justice, that by their counsel all nations and peoples may work together. Give to the people of our country zeal for justice and strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. Forgive our shortcomings as a nation; purify our hearts to see and love the truth. We pray all these things through Jesus Christ. Amen. *GLORIA PATRI UMH Page 71 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. SPECIAL MUSIC: ‘Give Them All to Jesus’ George Mathews Psalm 72 (w/response 1) Galatians 5:13-26 UMH Page 795 NT Page 179 ‘True Freedom’ ‘America’ UMH Page 697 WE RESPOND IN FAITH THE SERVICE OF GIVING: PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS THE OFFERTORY ‘Open My Eyes’ T. Birchwood *DOXOLOGY: UMH Page 95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION: Lord, we freely bring these gifts, a reflection of our heart for you. Use these gifts to help others attain true freedom. Amen. THE SERVICE OF PRAYER PRAYER THEME: Today we pray for our nation and all of our elected officials to hear God’s voice. SHARING OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER/LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen Please feel free to light a special prayer candle for your individual concerns and joys. THE SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION *CLOSING HYMN: ‘This is My Song’ (See Insert) UMH Page 437 *A Reconciling Congregation WE DEPART TO SERVE BENEDICTION: *POSTLUDE: THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF AUBURN (Please be seated) ‘Freedom March and Fanfare’ P. Davis ******************************************************************************* *CONGREGATION STANDS - if you are physically able UMH = The United Methodist Hymnal (red) TFWS = The Faith We Sing (black) Large print hymnals and bulletins along with assisted-listening devices are available at the Visitor’s Booth, or an usher would be glad to provide you with either or both. Contact Information for Pastor Jackie: Pastor Jackie has Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to noon for office hours unless a district meeting is scheduled on one of those particular days. Please note that the email address for Pastor Jackie here at the Church will be: Home Phone No.: 753-1275 and Cell: 2422770. Pastor Jackie’s Sabbath is on Monday. MEDITATION How has God given you freedom in your life? Are there others around you who do not have freedom? What does the Lord require of you in that situation? Liturgy taken from Abingdon Worship Annual 2015 The United Methodist Church of Auburn is an intergenerational Christian Community whose mission is to embody Christ’s love through a commitment to serve God by fulfilling the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our congregation and of our local and global communities. Rev. Jacquelyn Brannen, Pastor Worship Service Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Staff Directory email: Web Site: Pastor: Rev. Jacquelyn Brannen Parsonage: 753-1275 Cell: 242-2770 email: Secretary: Joan Spitzform Church Office: 782-3972 Organist: Norma Rice-Gould Summer Organist: Judith Kuhn Choir Director: Kary Coffin WELCOME TO ALL Welcome to our church! We are so glad you decided to worship with us this day. We are a Reconciling United Methodist Church that is passionate about serving God. We love inspiring worship services and are committed to diversity. We believe that all persons are of sacred worth. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we covenant to follow his example of unconditional love, compassion and justice in our mission and ministry. Therefore, we welcome and nurture the full participation of people of every age, heritage, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, economic status, faith background, family structure, gender identity, marital status, race, social standing and varying capability. We strive to fully embody the mission of the United Methodist Church to open hearts, minds and doors to everybody. We invite you to worship with us knowing that you are loved exactly as you are. This Week’s Liturgist: Next Week’s Liturgist: Israel Deku Desiree Cossey THIS WEEK IN OUR CHURCH SUNDAY, July 5th – Peter’s Vacation 9:15 a.m. Prayer Circle 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Nurture Committee 11:35 a.m. The God We Know Study 6:30 p.m. Private Men’s Group MONDAY, July 6th – Peter’s Vacation 5:30 p.m. Solutions Group 6:00 p.m. Bell Choir 7:00 p.m. Serenity Group 7:30 p.m. AA/Alanon 6:30 p.m. Movie Night TUESDAY, July 7th – Peter’s Vacation NO ACTIVITIES SCHEDULED WEDNESDAY, July 8th – Peter’s Vacation 7:15 a.m. Rotary Breakfast 6:00 p.m. Serenity Group 6:30 p.m. Private Men’s Group THURSDAY, July 9th –Peter’s Vacation NO ACTIVITIES SCHEDULED FRIDAY, July 10th NO ACTIVITIES SCHEDULED SATURDAY, July 11th NO ACTIVITIES SCHEDULED SUNDAY, July 12th 8:30 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Prayer Circle 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Finance Committee 11:30 a.m. God We Know Study 6:30 p.m. Private Men’s Group HIGH STREET FOOD PANTRY: Please remember the Food Pantry this summer! The need for donations is great during the summer months. Items needed on a weekly basis are: Peanut Butter, Canned Vegetables, Soup of any kind, Canned Pasta, Canned Fruit, Dry Cereal, Baking Items, Crackers all kinds, Toilet Paper. If you have questions about the pantry or wish to volunteer, please speak with Leroy Brown or Eric Howes. Thank you for your continued support of this mission and helping local people meet their most basic needs. NEW MEMBER CLASSES: If you have been thinking of becoming a member of the church, please see Pastor Jackie. A newcomer class is being organized. FAITH JOURNEY COLLECTION BOX: Faith Journey is supporting the Center for Wisdom’s Women in Lewiston by having a collection box for FULL SIZED hygiene products for the women that they serve. You will find it on the table in the Narthex. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. A FRIENDLY REMINDER: Church expenses continue through the summer. Thank you so much for keeping your pledges up to date! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – ‘G FORCE’ God’s Love in Action will be from July 20th thru July 24th. Open for Kindergarten through Grade 4. Service Squad for Grades 5-12. This is a fun filled week of activities such as: singing, making crafts, outdoor activities, snack time, mission projects, hands on science, Bible lessons, fun assembly time and meeting Checkers the Cheetah Puppet! You can pick up a registration form at the church office from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. JOIN US AS WE KICKOFF VBS! On Sunday, July 19th from Noon – 2:00 p.m. we will hold our Kick-Off for Vacation Bible School. Come and hear the music, see the decorations, enjoy light refreshments and sign-up to attend VBS beginning on July 20th. Bring your friends and neighbors! The more we have the merrier it will be. Please see Gladys Chapman if you have questions or would like to volunteer to help out that day! CAN YOU HELP US? It has come to our attention that on occasion a group will arrive for their activity in the afternoon or evenings to find the front door unlocked and lights left on in the building. If you have this experience, would you please let the office know the day and time so that we can remind all groups that use the building on that particular day to be mindful of the procedure for securing the building. As a reminder to all members, all windows should be closed and locked, all lights turned off (this includes bathrooms) and the doors locked if you are the last person out of the building. Thank you! PC Request: We are in the market for a no longer used PC Computer that could be donated to the church to aid in the church reconfiguring our firewall protection. If you have a computer to donate, please email the church office at Thank you! ATTENTION YOUTH! The band ‘Newsboys’ that inspired the movie “God Not Dead’ will be coming to Portland on October 31st at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested, you can check out this website: or call 207-232-1776 for tickets. Please see Marissa Deku if you have any questions. CHURCH OFFICE NEWS! Joan will be on vacation from July 13th thru the 17th. Sharon McGilvery will be covering the office. Thank you. PICKERS JAM SESSION: The Park Avenue Pickers have scheduled an open ‘Jam Session’ for all interested musicians on Tuesday, July 14th. Bring any type of music you want to play – Bluegrass, Gospel, Blues, etc. This is open to all levels of acoustic musicians from beginners to advanced. We will meet at 6:15 p.m. Bring your instruments, your voices, your family, your friends and whatever lyrics or music you want to play. For additional information please call George Mathews at 783-5269. WATER, WATER, EVERWHERE! During your travels this summer, please consider bringing back a small sample of the water from your trip. THANK YOU! Thank you Judith Kuhn for providing summer music for us, and thank you to George Mathews for providing special music today and to Penny Price for playing the harp during our communion service this morning! WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS MOVIE NIGHT here at AUMC! Please join us as we enjoy a time of fellowship together. July 8th Chocolat; July 15th Amsted; July 22nd The Enchanted Cottage; and July 29th Babbette’s Feast. We will begin at 6:30 p.m. and Popcorn and Soda will be provided.
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