MARCH 2015 1 Savior Divine Lutheran Church 10040 S. 88TH Ave. Palos Hills, IL 60465 Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. FROM THE PASTOR… Living a “Disciplined” Life in Lent The first Sunday in Lent brought us to Jesus being in the wilderness for forty days in order to be tempted by the devil. The Gospel writers Matthew and Luke tell us that Jesus fasted during this period of time. Jesus would declare to the devil that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Food was not the main objective for Jesus at this time. He fasted for his experience in the wilderness for what would prepare him for his public ministry. Are you doing any fasting during this season? You might be cutting back on some food. Have you considered a fast from anything else? Whatever you might cut back on, it becomes meaningful if you find yourself giving more devotion to God. It might be in your devotions or reading through the Passion narrative. I hope that Lent would become a special time for you. May it be a time where you have consciously decided to incorporate a “discipline” that will help you think more of Jesus’ sacrifice for you. Blessings, Pastor Marty Our 75th Anniversary Year 2 Automatic Phone Calling Savior Divine has currently set up an automated phone system to call members in case of cancellation of worship due to inclement weather or if any important information needs to get out readily to the membership. Paschal Meal The Paschal Meal will take place at Savior Divine on Palm Sunday, March 29, at 5 PM. Please sign up in advance if you are attending or call the church office for your reservation. We need to know in advance to buy and prepare enough food. Community Service Projects In February’s Gospel News, Pastor Marty mentioned that one of our goals this year is to make our congregation visible in the community. A Community Outreach committee has been formed to help our congregation achieve that goal. Our vision is to talk to and listen to the community and see if there is some help we can give or need we can fill. We hope to reach out and help the community one project at a time. Our committee is rather unique in that it is made up of every member of our congregation. You certainly don’t have to be involved in every project, but we invite you to keep your eyes and ears open and let us know if there is a need that we can help with. We have access to some funds from Thrivent ($250 per project) for a limited number of projects each year. We can’t promise to take on every project, but we can promise to listen and put the word out to the congregation to see if anyone can help. Linda Good and I will be representing our congregation in our first volunteer project with a trip to the Greater Chicago Food Depository on March 13. If you have an idea for a project or hear of a need that we might be able to work together to fill, please contact me or the church office. We will see what we can do to help. From Cathi Predl Missions March is lent. Please remember to be filling your Lenten folders. If you don’t have one. they are on the table in the entryway. As you put in a quarter each day, say a prayer thanking God for all of your blessings. From Linda Good Lenten Sunday Worship Sermon Series on “Spiritual Disciplines” March 1 Submission March 8 Simplicity March 15 Meditation March 22 Prayer 3 As we enter Holy Week, we enter into the time of our Lord’s Passion. There will be opportunities for joint worship with other congregations during Holy Week. March 29 Palm/Passion Sunday Joint worship with Moraine Valley Community Church at 10:30 a.m. Palms will be distributed to worshipers. An outdoor procession will take place weather permitting. April 2 Maundy Thursday - Moraine Valley Community Church will be having a service at 7:30 p.m.. There will be a soup dinner starting at 6:30 p.m.. We are invited to join them at both the dinner and the service. April 3 Good Friday – Joint worship with Hickory Hills Presbyterian Church at Savior Divine at 7:30 PM that will be Adoration of the Cross. April 5 Easter – Worship at 9:30 a.m. Festival service with Holy Communion and Special Music Health and Healing Prayer The Health and Healing Prayer will be offered on March 15 during regular worship. The prayer is a holistic one for the healing of body, mind, and spirit. Thrivent Representative Present in Coffee Hour Nadia Martinez, our Thrivent Financial representative, will be present in the coffee hour on March 22. She will be available to speak to you if you have any specific questions regarding the financial instruments being offered by Thrivent. 4 Jazz Passion Sunday, March 22, 4:00 p.m. at Saint Luke Church, 1500 W. Belmont in Chicago. Admission is free. For more information, see Paul Wackenhuth or go to The West Suburban Symphony and Chorus will present the songs you know and love by Lerner and Lowe in concert Saturday, March 14, at 7:30 p.m. at Glenbard East High School. Music from “Camelot”, “My Fair Lady”, “Brigadoon”, and “Paint Your Wagon” will be presented by the chorus and professional soloists with a full orchestra. Tickets are $22 for adults at the door with discounts for seniors and students. See Paul Wackenhuth for tickets and/or more information. Bus Grants Come Our Way Again! We are very pleased to have received another bus grant in the amount of $800 from Resurrection Lutheran Church in Chicago. Thanks to Sandy Wackenhuth for putting together the applications for these grants! Our Congregation Council was installed on February 22 during the church service. March 2015 Mon Tue Wed 2 3 4 1 Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 Prayer Food Pantry Group 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. 8 9 10 11 Choir 7 p.m. 12 Council Mtg. Worship Food Pantry Daylight savings begins Planning 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. 1:00 pm 17 Choir 7 p.m. 19 15 16 18 Discipleship Food Pantry Group 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Health & Healing Choir 7 p.m. 22 23 24 5 25 26 Thrivent Food Pantry Representative 3 p.m.– 5 p.m. Choir 7 p.m. 29 30 31 Palm Sunday Combined Worship 10:30 Worship Schedule March/April 2015 DATE ASSISTANT LECTOR REMOTE BREAD USHERS COUNTER ALTAR 3/1 Linda Karen Terry Linda Russ Wright Karen Second Sunday in Lent Good Birk LeGrand Good Matt Birk 3/8 Sandy Matt Ursula Jackie Russ Wright Diane Wackenhuth Birk Bittermann Bellettiere Jeff Psolla Chathas Psolla Sue Cathi Elaine Linda Predl Schmudde Matt Birk Jeff Psolla Terry Adamek Terry LeGrand LeGrand Good Jill Cathi Terry Nancy Matt Birk Terry Cottrell Predl LeGrand Pappas Russ Wright LeGrand Bev Yazumbek 3/29 Bob Paul No Ursula Jeff Psolla Palm Sunday Good Wackenhuth Screen Bittermann Russ Wright LeGrand Psolla 4/3 Linda Ursula No Mat Birk Linda Good Friday Good Bittermann Bread Russ Wright Good Third Sunday in Lent 3/15 Fourth Sunday in Lent 3/22 Fifth Sunday in Lent Birk Terry Linda Good Jeff Jeff
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