April 2015 - First United Methodist Church

APRIL 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, WI
FUMC Mission Statement
“Making Disciples of Christ”
Free Rummage, Bits of
Broadway, youth activities,
Photo directory, and more!
From Pastor Paul
P. 3
Youth News & VBS
P. 8
New Photo Directory info
P. 10
First United Methodist Church
738 West Monroe Avenue
Hartford, 53027
Paul Johnsen
Director of Children’s Ministries
Kari Staus
Membership Care Coordinator
Rachel Garza
Office Managers
Robin Pfotenhauer & Becki Swenson
Little Lambs Preschool
Deb Justman
District Superintendent
Rev. Deborah Thompson
Our Missionary
Paul Webster & Betty Mwengo
Holy Week Schedule
Thursday April 2nd
7 pm Maundy Thursday Worship
Good Friday April 3
1 pm Worship at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
Easter Sunday
7 am worship followed by breakfast
8:30 Easter Celebration
10:45 Easter Celebration
2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt
First United Methodist Church
Friday, April 3rd 5:30 PM
0 – 12 years
Please tell your friends! Everyone welcome!
FUMC News and Notes
The Bottom Line…
First United Methodist will be having a free
rummage event on the 10th and 11th of
April. If you have donations, please bring them no earlier
than after 11 AM on Tuesday April 7th.
February Receiving's:
February Payments: $26,924.24
Rummage will be open Friday the 10th from 5-8 and Saturday the 11th from 8-noon.
February payments were a little higher than
usual due to snow removal and insurance
Our Freed Up Financial Living class is finished and it
Would you be willing to sort items during the week?
Could you spare an hour for ‘tear down’? Please call the
church office or Elizabeth Sterman if you are able 6733290 (church) or 262-305-0424.
was a thought provoking class. I, personally, have a
different attitude about money stemming from the
idea that my money is not really mine. Everything
comes from God and that includes my financial resources. God has entrusted me with being a steward
or manager of that money, but it really is His and
that changes the way I spend. If someone gives me
$20 to get milk and bread for them at the grocery
store, I get just that and bring them back the
change. If I have my own $20 to spend at the store, I
will probably spend it all and not necessarily on
Our community Garden now has 9 plots
(one row) almost ready and we hope to do at least one or
two more rows during April. They are going fast so if you
know of someone who would like a plot or could benefit
from having a plot to feed their family, please let them
know about this amazing opportunity.
If you would like to help with this ministry, please join us
on Saturdays in April beginning at 9 AM until ? and be a
part of creating new garden plots. We need helpers of all
shapes and sizes to build, rake, carry stones etc. Call
Robin Pfotenhauer (673.6864) or the church office or
just show up! Have a Scout or 4-H group that would like to
help? Contact us!!!
things I really need (like that candy bar I get as I am
impatiently waiting in line!). Having the basic understanding of Whose money we are really managing
can lead to some very positive changes in our spending behavior.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the
world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1
Ann Conroy, Treasurer
P. 2
FUMC will be hosting a woman’s retreat to empower
Women to be who God called them to be at the Pine
Lake UM Camp in Westfield, WI on April 17-19th.
Sign-up sheets available in the office and in Fellowship Hall. *$40 for the weekend (Friday beginning
at 7pm – Sunday 11am), which includes lodging and
meals! Register soon!
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
April 2015
From the desk of Pastor Paul…..
Worship Notes for April
will return to that church.
April 5 "Easter Sunday"
Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 A.M. followed by breakfast!
He makes a second point that church people are not
friendly. What? Really? Most churches consider themselves very friendly. Ezell argues that church members
are friendly to the people they know, but not to guests.
On Sunday mornings, who do we look for--our
friends or our guests?
8:00 and 10:45 A.M.
Mark 16: 1-8
The three women discover the empty tomb.
Paul Johnsen, preaching
April 12 "The Second Sunday of Easter"
John 20: 19-31.
Doubting Thomas comes to faith.
Paul Johnsen, preaching
April 19 "The Third Sunday of Easter"
Luke 24: 36b-48
Jesus's promise of the Holy Spirit
Paul Johnsen, preaching
April 26 The Fourth Sunday of Easter"
John 10:11-18
Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd."
Paul Johnsen, preaching
A message from Pastor Paul:
Several weeks ago when I took a Sunday off, Sarah
and I attended a United Methodist Church in a suburb
of Chicago. When we arrived at church for the eleven
o'clock service, we immediately walked into the sanctuary and made our way up to the front, sitting in the
third pew. The entire service was great. The music was
wonderful. The pastor had a solid message. We felt
very comfortable in that setting. When the service was
over we found our car and drove back to Wisconsin.
Our church guests are very consumer minded these
days. If they do not find what they are looking for at
this church, they will look elsewhere.
From the very beginnings, the church has been in the
hospitality business. Unless we do a fantastic job of
welcoming people, we will not survive. And, we only
have one opportunity to make a good first impression.
Often times on Sundays, we see people who may not
look familiar. But we are reluctant to greet them. We
think to ourselves that maybe they just usually go to
the other service. If you are not sure about whether
someone is visiting or not, here are several possible
conversation starters.
Church member: "Good morning, I am looking forward
to our choir special music this morning."
Church guest: "Are they good?"
Church member: "Oh, yes. You must be visiting."
Church member: "Good morning, I am looking forward
to Pastor Paul's sermon."
Church guest: "Is he your pastor?"
Church member: "Yes he is. Is this your first time
And if all else fails, make an open-ended comment
However, on our drive, it occurred to us that not a sin- about the weather.
gle person initiated a conversation with us. Sarah and I Church member: "What a beautiful Sunday morning."
Church quest: "It was so nice, we just wanted to try out
both tried starting conversations but no one reached
this church today."
out to us.
Church member: "This must be your first time with us."
This experience reminded me of just how difficult it is
I hope these suggestions are helpful. Welcoming those
to welcome and offer hospitality to our guests.
who come and worship with us requires the best hospitality we can offer. This Sunday come to church preRick Ezell in his article, Five Must Know Facts about
First-Time Guests, writes about the challenges of wel- pared to reach out to our guests.
coming all who come to our worship. He argues that
Pastor Paul
most visitors make up their minds regarding a new
church within the first ten minutes of their visit. Quite
often, even before the service begins, they know if they
April 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
P. 3
UMW News APRIL 2015
April Book Review: The Golden Cage: Three
A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Observance:
Brothers, Three Choices, One Destiny (UMW Reading
Category - Education for Mission). History is best deA Legacy to Keep - Worship, Prayer, Study, Sacrificial scribed through life stories told in simple ways by apGiving: In 1887 the Women's Board of Mission of
pealing to what human beings hold in common: the
the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was low on
love of life and country. The Golden Cage is the story
funds to support their missionaries in the fields. A
of three Iranian brothers, as told by their sister, who
call went out to all women to participate in a Week of each subscribes to a different ideology that tears Iran
Prayer consisting of worship, prayer, study and speand their lives apart.
cial offering to support the missionaries in the field.
This effort garnered $7,000, keeping their efforts
alive. Throughout the years, the Week of Prayer con- Upcoming Events
tinued with alterations, insertions, etc., but always
true to its original intent. In 1893 the celebration, by Tuesday, April 7: Call to Prayer and Self Denial from
then called A Call to Prayer and Self Denial, was held 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m., with general meeting and proin February to commemorate John Wesley's arrival in gram to follow.
America. For years after that the observance was
held during the Thanksgiving celebration, but caused Wednesday, April 8: Hope Circle meeting at 8:00
some consternation when celebrating Thanksgiving
a.m. at church. Hostess - Tina Collett; program by
embraced the idea of over indulgence.
Denise Mantz
By 1930 women in the U.S. embraced the present day structure of A Call to Prayer and Self Denial:
"Slow down - let our souls catch up." Each year we
are called to pause and focus on our mission journey:
Are we welcoming? Are we engaged in transforming
ministries - creating an oasis of justice for all humankind? Are we practicing self-denial - giving our all
from the abundance that God has provided for us?
Are we in prayer - seeking His guidance and direction
as we seek a closer walk with God? Are we true to
the mandate: disciples of Jesus Christ? The end of
this examination period culminates with a "Quiet Day"
service: A Call to Prayer and Self Denial Observance
where we come together to witness before each other and to God our steadfastness to remain faithful.
This Observance includes worship, prayer, study of
mission project and a sacrificial offering.
Thursday, April 9: Hannah Circle meeting at 1:00
p.m. at church. Hostess - Fay Paine; program by
Cheryl Malko
Saturday, April 11: Mission Action Day at Kaukauna
Peace UMC in Kaukauna WI. Chris Lashock, Client
Services Coordinator for Homeless Connections will
speak on the face of homelessness, who are the
homeless, and homeless families with children.
Tuesday, April 21: Mary Circle meeting at 2:00 p.m.
at home of Hostess Doris Kienast. Program by RoGene McKeithen
Saturday, April 25: Exploit No More "Run for
Home" 5K run at Elmbrook Church
Our Hartford UMW Observance is scheduled
for Tuesday, April 7. From 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., in
half-hour increments, our members will "slow down
and let our souls catch up" by holding a vigil in the
chapel praying, worshiping, studying, reflecting. Our
general meeting follows with a program on this year's
observance, "A Gesture of Gratitude."
P. 4
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
April 2015
Tim and Carla
Dale and Deb Tietz
Brian and Becki
Laverne Fiscus
Beulah Carlson
Vicki Ward
Norman Akin
Carla Kramoris
Chris Lilek
Carol Staus
Robin Pfotenhauer
Cheryl Malko
Ann Conroy
Beulah Carlson
Stephanie Lane
Lindsey Wesner
Lindsey Wesner
Greg & Karen Bidwell
Fred Weiss
Dorothy Park
Jane Riedel
Doug Gordon
Andrea Vander Pas
Trevor Lang
Scott Wuest
RoGene McKeithen
Joyce Lackas
Joyce Kautz
Stephanie Lane
Dawn Schauer
Deanna Lang
Tracey Loosen
Paige Langenecker
George Roemer
Paul Wilson
Ken Daw
Lindsey Wesner
Andrea Vander Pas
Kyle Loosen
Clay Oosterhuis
Arnie Wickland
Lindsey Wesner
Mike and Diana
Harrison Gottfried
Scott Warren
Bob Cleland
Fred Hack
Ministry Schedule for APRIL 2015
9:30 Fellowship
9:40 Sunday School
10 Men’s Choir
10:45 Worship
5:30 CHAOS & Riptide
26 8:30 Worship
6:30 Hospitality
Ministry Team
6:30 Prayer Shawl
Ministry Team
8:30 Worship
9:30 Fellowship
9:40 Sunday School
10 Men’s Choir
10:45 Worship
5:30 CHAOS & Riptide
8:30 Worship
9:30 Fellowship
9:40 Sunday School
10 Men’s Choir
10:45 Worship
5 Family Promise
No Sunday School/Youth Groups
7:00 Sunrise Service
7:30 Easter Breakfast
8:30 Worship
9:30 Fellowship
10:45 Worship
First United Methodist Church
738 W. Monroe Avenue
Hartford, WI 53027
7-Leadership Comm.
2 Mary Circle at Doris
Kienast’s home
2-UM Foundation Mtg
Free Rummage Drop off
After 11 am
7 UMW General Meeting
7 7 am-7pm prayer
6:30 Bells
7:30 Sr. Choir
6:30 Bells
7:30 Sr. Choir
6:30 Bells
7:30 Sr. Choir
6:30 Bells
7:30 Sr. Choir
Free Rummage Drop off
8 am Hope Circle
6:30 Bells
7:30 Sr. Choir
7– Community Garden
Ministry Team
10-noon Clothes Closet
Free Rummage Drop off
1 Hannah Circle
7 Maundy Thursday
Worship w/communion
10-noon Clothes Closet
Trivia night at FUMC
FUMC’s Women's
Retreat @ Pine Lake
Free Rummage Drop off
5:00pm Rummage
1:00 Good Friday
Worship Service @ St.
APRIL 2015
11– Hartford Community
Lunch @ St Aiden's
9 Garden work day
FUMC’s Women's
Retreat @ Pine Lake
18 9 Garden work day
Mission Trip Brat Fry
at Piggly Wiggly
8-am Free Rummage
9 Garden work day
Summerfield Ministry
11 Mission Action Day
9 Community Garden
work day (weather
Sun. June 28 – Wed. July 1
5:10pm – 8pm
Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Age: _________________ Birth date: ______________ Grade fall 2015: _____________
Other Siblings at VBS: _______________________________________________________
Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: Home: ________________________ Cell: __________________________
Allergy/Health Conditions: ______________________________________________________________
Any children your child needs to be paired with? ____________________________________________
Any child we should avoid pairing with?____________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:
Name: ___________________________ Relationship: ________________ Phone:__________________
Dismissal Information
Name(s) of person(s) who may be picking up your child(ren):
Parent’s signature: ________________________________ ______Date:_________________________
How did you learn about this VBS? _______________________________________________________
Would you like to learn more about the Methodist Church?
Registration Fees: Due to a generous donation, VBS is free to everyone this year! Please register
though, so we can plan and have supplies for all who attend. Thank you!
Music CD —$7 each
Office Use:
Cash or Check #________ Amount: ____________ received CD________________
April 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
P. 7
V BS News
2015 Everest VBS Wish List:
Kitchen Needs
Kool Aid :
4 orange mix canisters
4 berry blue mix canisters
4 tropical punch mix canisters
4 Lemonade mix canisters
Paper plates – 550 plates (sturdy)
Drinking cups 5 oz. – 400 cups
Napkins – 200
Spaghetti noodles - 10 (one pound) boxes
Hunts Traditional Spaghetti Sauce – 10 large cans
Garlic salt - 1 small jar
Cut green beans – 1 large industrial size can
Granulated sugar – 1 bag
Ranch dressing – 2 bottles
BBQ Sauce – 1 large bottle
Mild Salsa – 1 large jar
Hershey semi-sweet chocolate chips –3 bags
Mild taco seasoning packets – 10 packets
Old El Paso Stand & Stuff Taco Shells – 7 boxes
Soft Shell flour tortillas – (taco size) – 7 packages
Vegetable spray – 2 cans
Vegetable oil – 1 bottle
Black Olive slices – 2 cans
Pizza sauce – 5 large jars
Pepperoni slices – 2 bags
Red peel apart licorice – 2 bags
Pretzel twists – 1 large bag
Graham cracker crumbs – 2 boxes
Animal Crackers – 1 large bag
Gold Fish Crackers – 1 large box
Teddy Graham honey crackers – 1 box
Plain M&M’s – 2 large bags
Redi Whip – 2 canisters
Mini marshmallows – 3 bags
Pineapple Tidbits – 6 (20oz. ea.) cans
Mandarin Oranges – 6 (11oz. ea.) cans
Maraschino Cherries – 3 jars
Chocolate Instant Pudding – 10 small boxes
Vanilla Wafers – 2 boxes
P. 8
We will not be requesting items from individual families.
Please prayerfully consider donating an item or two for
VBS this year. There will be a few more items requested
in the May newsletter. Walmart gift cards will also be appreciated, if unsure about what to donate. When making
your purchases, please check the label to make sure it
doesn’t contain tree nuts or wasn’t processed in a plant
with nuts. Please bring your items to the church office. If
you have any questions, please contact Mary Jo
Langenecker 414-322-0656 or Kari Staus – 262/3703909.
Youth Sunday was held on Feb. 22nd with many youth participating. The Pie Auction and Chili Luncheon were extremely successful. Thank you to the youth leaders for
guiding our young adults in organizing a wonderful worship service, all the youth and parents for making delicious pies and everyone who was involved in this special
On March 1st 37 CHAOS & Riptide met at Dave’s Lanes
for an evening of bowling, pizza and fellowship. We received a thank you card from Dave’s Lanes complementing our well behaved group! Thank you for representing
FUMC so well!
A small group of CHAOS & Riptide members traveled to
Stocky’s Fast Track in West Bend on March 22nd for an
afternoon of stock car racing. This was the last combined
out of church event of the youth group year.
April 5 NO CHAOS – Happy Easter!
April 12 NO CHAOS – Spring break
April 19 Regular CHAOS 5:30-7:30 (Amie & Jeannette)
April 26 MOVIE NIGHT! 5:30 – 8 (Hoxworths)
April 5 NO CHAOS – Happy Easter!
April 12 NO CHAOS – Spring break
April 19 Regular RIPTIDE 5:30-7:30 (David & Dina)
April 26 MOVIE NIGHT! 5:30 – 8 (Guy & Becky)
In rotation, the 1-5th graders will be entering the last rotation of the year – “The Boys Lunch”— after Easter. For
four weeks, they will shown how Jesus’ miracles are part
of the mystery of faith and if we care for people, God will
multiply what we do. They will be taught through storytelling, computers, science and games. Please remember
there will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL on Easter Sunday, April
5th! High School Sunday school will not meet on April 12th
in addition to the 5th.
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
April 2015
Little Lambs Preschool
Please contact Deb Justman,
by phone 673-3290 or by email
for more information or your personal tour of
the Little Lambs classroom!
Letter Tracing is Hard Work!
What’s Happening this Month at Little
Lambs Preschool…
Little Lambs Easter Break is April 3 - 10
April 13-16
Birds of a Feather
April 20-23
God’s Green Earth
April 27-30
Animal Habitats
Skittles Sort during our Rainbow Week
Summer Play Days Registration Coming Soon!
Our Summer Play Days program will begin Wednesday, June 17th and continue through August 19th.
The program is open to children ages 3 through 5
years of age. Registration information will be available on the Little Lambs bulletin board this month.
Just a reminder if you feel you have the gift to greet or be
the liturgist, please sign up on the sheets posted on the
bulletin board by the office.
We are also still seeking members for a small ministry
team, to seek out visitors and welcome them into our
church home. We have received three volunteers thus
far and would like at least six. If your passion
is "Making disciples of Christ", this is a perfect ground
level beginning. Let's make our visitors feel like they are
in their "new" home, God's home, a place to feel welcome, nurtured and loved.
Please come and check it out!
April 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
Victoria Triick, chair
P. 9
(Breakfast at Triick’s)
Thanks to all who have been attending our Young Adults Group
Heroes of Hope, Fighting for a Cure, One
Relay at a Time is the theme for the Hartford/Slinger Relay for Life, June 19-20 at
the Hartford Union High School football
field. There is lots to do at Relay for
those on a team and those who just want
to support the fight against cancer:
Games, music, food, silent auction , cancer education, bounce house, camaraderie, friends, luminaria ceremony, face
painting, and, of course, walking.
So plan to help celebrate more birthdays
by visiting Relay between 6 p.m. June 19
and 11 a.m. on June 20. You'll have fun
and support a great cause.
Plus, please support your Relay for Life
Team, Spirit Driven, at their May 2 Brat
Fry at the Hartford Piggiy Wiggiy, 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. You can sponsor a member or
two in their walk by contacting one of our
members named below or finding their
personal websites through
Karen Bidwell Pam Brown
Tabitha Bryzek
Becky Cleland
Renee Draper
Corina Jordan
Lynnette Jordan Joyce Kautz
Corinn Pillsbury Andrea Vander Pas
Bill & Lori Vander Pas
In addition, you can remember a
loved one lost to cancer, support those
still fighting, and honor those who have
won the battle by purchasing a luminaria
during Coffee Hours in April and May for a
donation of $5 each. All proceeds go to
the American Cancer Society.
P. 10
Last Sunday, we had a group of six
attend and we had a wonderful
discussion on Prayer. We made
the decision to meet bi-monthly,
due to everyone's busy schedules.
Our next meeting will be on May
17th -topic T.B.D.
A Summer Picnic is planned for
July 11th at 7:00 pm. Location to
be announced as the date gets
closer. There could be some water
in our future.
If you haven't tried us out, please
prayerfully consider attending. If
brunch doesn't work for you,
please join us for our Summer Picnic which is in the evening.
Remember, faith and love bring us
together and community keeps us
strong. We hope to see you in May
and July!
Jay and Victoria Triick and Ann
The Bits of Broadway Committee announces it’s 2015
theme for September 18-20th!
There has been so much wonderful music that has come out
since the last time we featured
some of Disney’s favorites, that
we just couldn’t resist doing it
If you would like to sing along
and you will be in 9th grade or
above in the fall of 2015, you
are eligible to participate!
Please let someone on the committee know if you would like to
sing so we can begin ordering
music and finish planning.
Members: Judy Blodgett, Ed
Johnson, Ruth Knoll, Ken and
Maxine French & Robin Pfotenhauer.
If you don’t plan to sing, start
thinking about other ways you
can get involved in this wonderful church event i.e. baking,
serving, prepping, cleaning up,
stage crew, lights, sound and so
much more!!! There is something for everyone.
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
April 2015
04/01 Trevor Zabrowski
04/01 Hannah Weiss
04/02 Cindy Cox
Pam Roggenbauer
04/02 Kathy Proebsting
Jeanne Telderer
Robby Morris
Josh Hogan
Carringtyn Stachowicz
04/06 Scott Peters
04/07 Patti Bertling
Lauren Linehan
04/08 James Pillsbury
Caroline Daw
Brian Zahn
Evan Yustus
04/09 Emily Lepien
04/10 Lucille Akin
Tim Purman
Jeremy Andereck
Jarid Baumgartner
Nate Thiery
04/12 Lynn Peters
Twyla Gartzke
Jay Triick
Kirsten Pfotenhauer
Debbie Wawrzyn
Andrew Proebsting
Skylar Garza
Brian Swenson
Bryan Utz
Scott Schultz
Tom Paine
Karen Squires
Steven Daw
Jeffery Klabechek
Lynnette Jordan
Sam Squires
Tom Stephenson
Tyler Richards
Gail Rohde
Duncan Pillsbury
Cherie Zahn
Mitchell Sauer
Joyce Martin
Andrea Schultz
Ann Conroy
Anna Collett
Amy Collett
04/27 Luke Kaminiski
04/27 Levi Linehan
04/28 Joyce Lackas
Guy Tuxhorn
Tracy Loosen
04/29 Eric Anderson
04/30 Barbara Purtell
Lee Jones
Michael Borst
Gail & Richard Rohde
Michael & Jeanne McDermott
Michael & Kristin Mueller
Edward & Nedra JohnSon
Joe & Sharon Bryzek
Brian & Crystal Odenwald
Gerry & Carol Staus
Tony & Tina Collett
Jerry & Cindy Cox
Tom & Beverly Schatz
Our Church Photography Dates:
Tuesday - Saturday, May 12th – 16th
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Photo Hours: 2:00PM - 9:00
Friday Photo Hours Noon—7:00 PM
Saturday Photo Hours: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
We are celebrating our
40th Anniversary in this
Building, and we want to make this a
complete representation of our church family—
PLEASE be a part of it!
P. 11
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
April 2015
738 West Monroe
Hartford, WI 53027
First United Methodist Church – Hartford, Wisconsin
First United Methodist Church • Hartford, Wisconsin
He is risen indeed!