The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2013 St. Thomas More welcomes the new Archbishop of Portland Bishop Alexander Sample Parish News Parish News (cont.) School News This Just in from Rome… Lenten Bible Study Spelling Bee On January, 29th, The Holy Father appointed Bishop Alexander King Sample as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. Bishop Sample, previously Bishop of Marquette, Michigan, was born in Kalispell, Montana in 1960, was ordained to the priesthood in 1990, and received Episcopal ordination in 2006. In the National Bishops’ Conference he currently serves on the Subcommittees on Native American Catholics and on the Catechism. He succeeds Archbishop John George Vlazny. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 13th, which is only a week away. St. Thomas More is offering a small-group faith-sharing opportunity. We begin a Lenten Bible Study the week of February 10th for six weeks. There are 6 small groups for you to choose from. Signups for the groups are in the church vestibule after Mass this weekend, February 2-3. Please consider joining us this year. Contact: Rosemary DeKlotz 503-292-1313 or Kim Zea 503-222-2205 x-14 for more details. Two representatives from grades 1-8 were chosen to compete against each other in the school-wide spelling bee on Thursday, January 31st at 8:30 am in the gym. The winner will represent STM in the Regional Spelling Bee on March 2nd at the Hollywood Theatre in NE Portland. Participants were as follows: 1st-Thatcher Davis, William Sgroi, Nicholas Rask 2nd-Ben Cupani, Catie Dice, Grace Wittman 3rd-Nolan Brach, Joshua Litchfield 4th-Damon Grim, Grace Foley 5th-Isabella Persichetti, Allison Vermilya 6th-Adikus Schmahl-Waggoner, Natalia Garcia 7th-Sam Bell, Isabel Garcia 8th-Lydia McVeigh, Mia Baricevic Journey Deep Into the Faith Last Chance to RSVP The deadline is Sunday, Feb. 3rd to RSVP for the STM Altar Society Installation Luncheon at the Town Club on Wednesday, Feb. 6th at 11:45. The new head of the Altar Society, Julia Kegg from Broadmoor Guild, will be installed. All ladies of our Church are invited to attend. The cost is $25 and covers a beverage (wine or juice), lunch, coffee/tea and dessert. To make a reservation, please bring checks or cash to Virginia Calcagno at the parish office. Service Project for STM Children Attention all children of the Parish! You are invited to join in our outreach service project on Tue. Feb. 5th and Tue. Feb. 12th from 3:154:15 pm in the parish loft. We are sewing pillow cases for the Candlelighters. We will be making rosaries from Tue. Feb. 19th through Tue. Mar. 19th. If you are interested in helping, please call Amy Dice. Fr. Robert Barron created this ground breaking program as a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe and why, so all adults can come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith. Not a video lecture, Church history or scripture study, this engaging and interesting formational program uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. What’s Happening… (cont.) We invite you to join us Mon. Feb. 4th from 7:00-8:00pm in the Parish Hall for Episode #2 of this series led by Patrick Meegan, father of parishioner Margaret Rogers. The series will be offered March 5 and 12 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Jesuit High School Chapel, 9000 SW Beaverton Hwy, Portland. Cost is $35. Advance registration is encouraged. Please call 503-223-4190 or email What’s Happening Let’s Go Crabbing The Grotto’s 9th Annual Crabfest is Saturday, Feb. 23rd at 5 p.m. at The Grotto Conference Center. Cost is $50 per person. Price includes the all-you-can-eat buffet, dessert and your first two alcoholic beverages (beer/wine). To register call 503-254-7371 or email An Invitation to “Ignation” Prayer St. Ignatius invited people to prayer that included scriptural meditation, Imagination in prayer, and the Examen of Consciousness. During this four-week series you will learn prayer practices that are best for you… Come learn new ways to pray. Come to experience Ignatian Prayer, Come to deepen your prayer life. Each evening will include a presentation on prayer, quiet time to practice the prayer form presented and an opportunity for faith sharing for those who wish. This series is offered by Jesuit High School and SEEL Portland (Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life). RE NEWS See you on Monday, February 4th at 6:45pm in the Parish Hall for RE Classes. All are welcome! The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2013 Servers, Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers February 9 - 10 Saturday, 5 PM Servers Nicholas Niedermeyer, Bergen Bakken, Allison Vermilya Lector Gene Butori E. M. Mary Carr, Patti Pulliam, Michael & Kathleen Niedermeyer, Julia Kegg Liturgical Calendar Sunday February 3 Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:3113:13 or 13:4-13; Luke 4:21-30 8:00 AM Mass: Pat Adlhoch † 10:00 AM Mass: Virginia Carson † Monday February 4 Hebrews 11:32-40; Mark 5:1-20 6:30 AM Communion Service Tuesday February 5 Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr Hebrews 12:1-4; Mark 5:21-43 6:30 AM Mass: Poor Souls in Purgatory Wednesday February 6 Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15; Mark 6:1-6 6:30 AM: Mass Fr. Galluzzo Presider Followed by St Vincent de Paul Society Mtg 8:15 AM Mass: Michele Gray and Family Facilitated by the 4th Grade Thursday February 7 Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24; Mark 6:7-13 6:30 AM Mass: Zack Gorsuch † Friday February 8 Hebrews 13:1-8; Mark 6:14-29 6:30 AM Mass: Leo Steffen † Saturday February 9 Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; Mark 6:30-34 Vigil of the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11; Luke 5:1-11 5:00 PM Mass: Virginia Carson † If you have an intention for the prayer circle, please call Ann Chapman at 503-228-1970. All intentions are confidential within the prayer circle. The Prayer Circle needs new members. Please consider joining us for special intentions. Studies show prayer works wonders in healing. Please call Ann for information. Weekly Financial Report Average weekly collection needed $12,128 Last week’s collection January 26 - 27 $6,414 Church Budget YTD $375,953 Collection YTD $351,369 We have changed our offertory reporting structure. We will now provide our “Budgeted Expenses YTD” so parishioners can see the costs associated with running the church, and how that correlates with what we collect each week in offertory. DEATH Please pray for the repose of the soul of parishioner Ellen Daly, who passed away on January 9th. A Mass was celebrated at St. John the Apostle Church in Oregon City. Sunday, 8 AM Servers Ace Calcagno, Lucy Loftis, Abigail Saldivar Lector John Becic E. M. Blair, Jeanne, & Zach Loftis, Deacon Brian Diehm, Pat Joyce Sunday, 10 AM Servers Grace Foley, Alexa Lagesen, Callan Harrington Lector Russ Mickiewicz E. M. Amy Dice, Wayne Franklin, Glenn Johnston, Denise Patridge, Deacon Brian Diehm Coffee and Donuts Hosting Schedule 2/3 8AM Bridlemile Guild 10AM Dice Family 2/10 8AM No Coffee & Donuts 10AM No Coffee & Donuts BAPTISM Congratulations to Victoria Porter, daughter of Joshua Porter and Yolanda Martinez-Porter, who was baptized at STM on January 26th. The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel text is a continuation of last Sunday’s Good News where Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah during a synagogue service in Nazareth. We literally pick up where we left off with his words: “Today this Scripture is fulfilled…” (4:21). Like Jeremiah, Elijah, and Elisha before him, Jesus meets with opposition in his prophetic ministry. The people of Jesus’ home town, who think they know him but really don’t, are so enraged by his words that they try to kill him. Why does it seem like no prophet is accepted in his native place? Is it indeed easier to accept God’s truth from a stranger than from a familiar face? God calls all of us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, the joy and the hope of which out shines the imperfections of those who proclaim it. The proclamation of the Gospel, through our imperfect lives, words, and deeds, is a testimony to God’s grace working in our lives. From 2013 Sourcebook, The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy LTP
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