THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF ST. ANDREWS, N.B., CANADA THE SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY May 17TH, 2015 8:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Introit: Psalm 47:1-7 Page 389 Collect for Ascension Day Page 201 Collect for the Sunday after Ascension Day Page 203 Lesson: Acts 1:1-11 Page 201 Gradual Psalm 68:17-20 Page 389 Holy Gospel: St. Mark 16:14-20 Page 411-412 MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant and Preacher: the Rector Readers: Peggy Saunders and Audrey Cline Altar Guild: Carol Ann Bartlett and Cindy Bartlett 11:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Processional Hymn 174 The Lord’s Prayer Page 67 Summary of the Law Page 67-69 Collect for Ascension Day Page 201 Collect for the Sunday after Ascension Day Page 203 Children’s Message Children’s Hymn 709 Lesson: Acts 1:1-11 Page 201 Gradual Hymn 389 (v 1-2) Holy Gospel: Gradual Hymn 389 (v 3-4) Nicene Creed Page 71 Sermon: the Rector Offertory Hymn 178 The Intersession See Bulletin Invitation, Confession and Absolution Page 76 Sursum Corda and Benedictus Page 78 Prayer of Consecration and the Peace Page 83 Prayer of Humble Access and Agnus Dei Page 84 Communion Hymns Set 3 and 235 Lord’s Prayer and Prayer of Thanksgiving Page 85 Gloria in Excelsis, Page 85 The Blessing Page 85 Recessional Hymn 367 Please join us for coffee and conversation following the service. MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant and Preacher: the Rector Crucifer: Jane Irwin Readers: Barry Murray and David Lord Intercessions: Carol Saunders Organist: Peter Mitchell Greeters: John Williamson and Jack Bertke Sunday school: Shelley Chase and Ellen Matheson assisted by Adam Scalabrin Coffee Hostess: Piper Scalabrin NEXT SUNDAY: May 24th, 2015 DAY of PENTECOST or WHITSUNDAY 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church 11:00 A.M. Sunday School, Parish Hall 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints church DAILY SERVICES in ALL SAINTS CHURCH 9:00 A.M. Monday to Saturday – Morning Prayer 4:00 P.M. Each Day – Evening Prayer The Intercessions V. In joy and hope let us pray to the Father: That our risen Saviour may fill us and all believers with the joy of his glorious and life-giving Resurrection. Lord, in your mercy, R. Hear our prayer. V. That isolated and persecuted churches may find fresh strength in the good news of Easter. We remember the Christian churches in the Middle East, in India, and in those parts of Africa where there is religious conflict. We also pray for the churches in the mission fields of the Canadian church, in our cities and the far north. Lord, in your mercy, R. Hear our prayer. V. That God may grant us humility to be subject to one another in Christian love. We pray for the Church throughout the world, especially in the Anglican Communion, for Justin, Frederick and Percy, archbishops, for David our bishop and John our rector and archdeacon, and for all ministers, lay and ordained. Lord, in your mercy, R. Hear our prayer. V. That God may provide for those who lack food, work or shelter, for refugees and those displaced because of war, civil and religious strife, famine and natural disaster, remembering particularly the people of Nepal who have experience a second major earthquake. Lord, in your mercy, R. Hear our prayer. V. That He may reveal the light of His presence to the sick, the weak and the dying, to comfort and strengthen them. We remember those for whom we have been asked to pray, especially those in hospital: Lynne Vye, Bunny Hodgson, Wendell Guitar, Shirley Purdy, Marvin Weatherby, David Baxter, Cindy Nickerson, Roberta Jellison, Lee Sackett, Gloria Richardson & Johnny Haley. In our prayers we remember the family & friends of the late Don Parks. Lord, in your mercy, R. Hear our prayer. V: We pray with special remembrance of family, friends and neighbours who are marking special events in their lives: We remember those celebrating birthdays this week – Tynan, Reilly, Marianne, Troy, Julie, Lily, Bob, Dianne & Brodie - and those celebrating anniversaries –John & Debbie. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V. That, according to God’s promises, all who have died in the faith of the Resurrection may be raised on the last day. Lord, in your mercy. V. Hear our prayer. R. That He may send the fire of the Holy Spirit upon His people, so that we may bear faithful witness to his Resurrection. Lord, in your mercy, V. Hear our prayer. R. Heavenly Father, you have delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of your Son: grant that, as His death has recalled us to life, so His continual presence in us may raise us to eternal joy; through Christ our Lord. AMEN BEST WISHES Happy Birthday wishes are extended this week to Tynan Dunfield celebrating his birthday today, to Reilly Clift on Monday, to Marianne Clift, Troy Clift, Lily Johnson , Julie Johnson and Bob Cheatley on Wednesday, Dianne McLellan on Friday and Brodie McGee on Saturday. Also Happy Anniversary wishes are extended to John and Debbie Craig on Thursday. May God bless all of you abundantly in the year ahead! A WARM WELCOME A warm welcome is extended this morning to a new addition to our Christian family. This afternoon Tristan Nicholas Henderson is going to be baptized here at All Saints Church by Archdeacon Matheson. Tristan is the infant son of Bradley and Christina Henderson, baby brother to Hunter Henderson, grandson of Tim and Linda Henderson and Angela Kieley and Donnie MacLennan. Tristan’s godparents will be Ashley Pischiutta and Richard Arsenault. Welcome, Tristan!! We are all very happy to have you, your brother and your mom and dad back with us in Saint Andrews! REUNION BY THE SEA If you, anyone in your family, neighbours or friends, attended any of the schools in Saint Andrews – Prince Arthur, Vincent Massey, or Sir James Dunn – you are invited to register for the fun and festivities that are being planned for the New Brunswick Day weekend. Check the website at to see the Calendar of Events and to register. If you have any questions, please contact Jeannie (529-8662). SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS That title fits into the same category as Septuagesima, Sexagesima and Quinquagesima! It is time to begin planning celebratory events for the Sesquicentennial – 150th anniversary – of All Saints Church. If you would be interested in being part of the planning committee or you have suggestions to pass along of things you have seen or been part of in other church families that you would like to share, please speak to the Rector or drop into the Parish Office. FOOD BANK WISH LIST Canned spaghetti sauce, tomatoes, stews, baked beans, veggies, tuna, salmon, ham, and fruit. Elbow macaroni and Mr. Noodles, soups of all kinds, juices, cold cereal, milk (can or powder), sugar, coffee, soda crackers, and bathroom tissue are all items that would be appreciated at any time. STUDENT SUMMER JOB AVAILABLE Confirmation has just been received from Service Canada that we have been granted approval to hire one tour guide for this summer. To be eligible for this position, students must: Be between 15 and 30 years of age; Must have been a full-time student in the previous academic year and intends to return as a full time student in the next fall; Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred; Be legally entitled to work in Canada. Anyone interested in being a tour guide at All Saints Church should apply in writing by dropping off your resume at the Parish Office, 75 King Street, Tuesday thru Friday, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm or by e-mail at ACW ANNUAL DINNER A cordial invitation is issued to all the women of the congregation of All Saints Church to attend the annual ACW spring/summer dinner to be held on Tuesday, June 9th at Europa Restaurant. To register call Tessa at 529-3360 or Lila at 529-3531 by June 5th. Social time will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner following at 6:30 pm. Cost is $30.00 /pp tax included. Plan to attend for a wonderful evening of food and fellowship! A special guest for the occasion will be Bishop David Edwards who will be on his pilgrimage of the Deanery of St. Andrews. Payment in advance would be appreciated. MORE ACW NEWS Four members of our ACW - Muriel Carrothers, Mary Janet Clift, Jean Zazalenchuk and Tessa Castell - were part of the 143 ladies attending the annual ACW Diocesan meeting on May 5 at the Christ Church (Parish) Church in Fredericton. Bishop David Edwards greeted the members and gave a stirring sermon. He reminded ACW members that even though they have a history of faithful support for overseas mission, that now we have to think about missions in our own parishes. Other highlights of the gathering were speakers Rob Pitman of Threshold Ministries in Saint John and youth and intergenerational ministries director Colin Macdonald. It was a very full day but filled with fellowship and renewal of old friendships. The group only attended one day of the two day meeting due to other activities, but felt it to be a worthwhile event. One other bit of excitement was finding a moose in the middle of the road on the way to Fredericton. It kindly moved over to the side and we carried on, amazed at the size of these enormous beasts, and thankful it wasn’t a problem. SUMMER NEWSLETTER Preparations are underway for the summer newsletter which will be distributed by June 6. If you have anything to be included, please have it into the Parish Office by Tuesday, June 3. Your help with this is appreciated. Thank You! SPECIAL THANK YOU’S Some special “Thank You’s” are in order. With spring finally here there is a different sort of activity that takes place that we’d like to bring your attention to. As you came into church this morning, you may have noticed what appears to be two brand=new park benches fronting on King Street. These are not new but have been lovingly restored by our sexton, David Bell. Thank you, David, they look awesome!! If you were to drive – or better yet, walk – further up King Street to the Loyalist Cemetery, you would note that it has received its spring cleaning. It has been raked, all the twigs and branches that were the result of those many nor’easters that we experienced this winter have been removed. This task has been completed thanks to the many volunteer hours of Edgar Johnston. Thank you, Edgar!!! Also note that work has begun on restoring the portion of “Rory’s Fence” that fell victim to a wayward vehicle one cold winter’s night in January, driver unknown. MAYBE YOU COULD HELP….. One of our parishioners is trying to find a record player which has the capability of playing 33 1/3 rpm records. Many of you won’t even know what those are! They are also looking for talking books or CDs of good music. Call the Parish Office (529-8662) if you can help with this request. THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR SUNDAY: 11:00-Noon Sunday school, Parish Hall. SUNDAY: 2:00 P.M. Worship Service, Passamaquoddy Lodge SUNDAY: 2:00 P.M. Holy Baptism of Tristan Nicholas Henderson, All Saints church SUNDAY: 8:00 P.M. Sonnenberg-Psaras Wedding Rehearsal, Grand Manan MONDAY: MONDAY: Happy Victoria Day! Enjoy the Holiday! 2:00 P.M. Sonnenberg- Psaras Wedding, Grand Manan, Archdeacon Matheson officiating TUESDAY: 10:00 A.M. Parish Hall Committee Meeting, Parish Hall. TUESDAY: 7:00 P.M. Vestry Meeting, Parish Hall. WEDNESDAY: 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church. SATURDAY: 6:30 P.M. Food Bank Benefit Concert, preceded by Spring Pot Luck Supper at 5:00 pm, St. Andrews Baptist Church. All are welcome! PARISH PRAYER CARE LIST IN or ENTERING HOSPITAL: Lynne Vye, Bunny Hodgson, Wendell Guitar, Shirley Purdy, Marvin Weatherby, David Baxter, Cindy Nickerson, Roberta Jellison, Lee Sackett, Gloria Richardson & Johnny Haley. AT HOME: Hannah Rumbolt, Peggy Jones, Harris and Lois Hord, Margaret Knorr, Gordon and Edna Higgins, Elizabeth Mars, Derrick and Christine Iles, Michelle Lister, Gordon and Merwyn Berry, Justin Khan, Stuart and Naomi Prall, Mary Anne Griffin, Malcolm and Phyllis Gilliland, Daisy Weinstein, Jessica Adams, Mary Adams, Giles Walker, Mary Stoltie, Alice Jones, Greig Revie, Paula Pryor, Douglas Marsters, Jocelyn Smith, Timothy Sivret, Scott Bacon, Lois Anning, Mary Bosway, Sandra Comeau, Janet Russell, Mary Lou Graybill, Marion Roberts, Chris Faqua, Myrtle Madsen, Ed Trippel, Richard Dixon, Siobhan Laskey, Mary Dowling, Holley Myers, Mary McKnight, Don Bacon, Jane King, Loie Smith, Joe Haley, John Gibson, Phyllis Strang, Patrick Gibson, Eddie Haley, Jennifer Stackhouse, Rosie Smith, Joyce Cross, Barbara Babcock, Carol Stuart, Perry Stewart, Ruth Markee, Bonnie Epstein, Gladys McAfee, Tina Beaumaster, Michael Perry, Audrey Gettings, Ewen Cross, Dorothy Boone, Hylton McFarlane, Michael Henderson, Carl Wood, Don White, Betty Anne & Buddy Peters, Johnny Haley, Cynthia Sivret, Jane King, Deanna Richardson, Bud Brown, Lisa McLaughlin, Joe McLaughlin, Cardie and Carol Anne Cook and Jill Charlton. NURSING HOMES and OTHER PLACES OF CARE: Billy Burnett, Muriel Carson, Marjorie Hawkes, Nancy Caldwell, Hubert McFee, Carol Boone, James Libby, Helen McCutcheon, Laura MacVicar, Mildred Justason, Dwight Brady, Kathleen Hawkins, Ruby Anning, Shirley Doughty, Maureen Curran, Mary Archer, Dorothy Jones, Suzanne Scott, Doreen Smith, Mildred Weatherby, Margaret McGuire, Jack Pound, Bishop Harold Nutter, Herbert Saunders, Clifford McLaughlin, Verna Jeffries, Nona Prout, Willard Storr, Margaret Laskey, Aileen White, Don & Thelma McFarlane, Ralph Welch, Suzanne Scott, Jo Calder, Betty Hooper and Karen Merrill. WITH CANADIAN TROOPS IN NEPAL: Lt. Cmdr. Kelly Williamson Strengthening our Parish… Serving the Community In the Parish Hall this week Sunday 11:00-Noon Sunday school Monday 10:00-11:00 P.M. Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Monday 1:30-4:00 P.M. Spindrifters’ Social Activities Monday 7:00-8:00 P.M. Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 10:00-noon Hall Committee Meeting Tuesday 4:30-5:30 P.M. Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 7:00-9:00 P.M. Vestry Meeting Wednesday 7:00-8:00 P.M. Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Thursday 10:00-11:00 A.M. Tai Chi with Liz Kenyon Thursday 6:30-7:30 P.M. Fitness Class with Gina Scott READING the SCRIPTURES with the CHURCH Psalms 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson SUN A.M. 20, 21 Isaiah 65:17-end Luke 24:36-end P.M. 98, 99 Jeremiah 31:1-13 Ephesians 5:1-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MON A.M. 90 Judges 6:1-35 Hebrews 5:11-6end P.M. 91 Judges 6:36-7:23 Hebrews 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE A.M. P.M. 95*, 96 Judges 7:24-8:28 Hebrews 8 97 Judges 8:32-9:24 Hebrews 9: 1-14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WED A.M. 102 Judges 9:26-end Hebrews 9:15-end P.M. 103 Judges 10:17-11:28 Hebrews 10:1-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THU A.M. 105 Pt. 1 Judges 11:29-12:7 Hebrews 10:19-end P.M. 105 Pt. 2 Judges 13 Hebrews 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRI A.M. 107 Pt. 1 Judges 14 Hebrews 12:1-13 P.M. 107 Pt. 2 Judges 15:1-16:3 Hebrews 12:14-end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAT A.M. 110, 111 Judges 16:4-end Hebrews 13 P.M. 112, 113 Deuteronomy 16:9-12 Acts 18:24-19:7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ALL THE SAINTS: THIS WEEK’S CHURCH KALENDAR Tuesday: Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988 Wednesday: The Council of Nicaea, 325
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