DAY ONE 9 November 2014 SAINT PETER’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, TAKAPUNA WEEKLY NEWSLETTER TODAY AT CHURCH – REMEMBERANCE SUNDAY 8am: Holy Communion (BCP) Presiding Priest & Preacher: The Reverend Jonathan Gale 10am: Family Eucharist (ANZPB) Presiding Priest & Preacher: The Reverend Jonathan Gale Sentence: John 15: 13 – Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Collect: O God our Father. Bring us so to understand the sacrifice of love your Son made on the cross that our hearts are inexorably moved to follow you through thick and thin even to the point of giving up our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Week @ Prayer: We pray this week for the health of all of God’s people in the parish so that nothing prevents us from walking the ministry pathway God has prepared for us to walk in. Readings Today: 16 November: Heb 11: 13-16, 32-39 Judg 4: 1-7 1 Thess 4:13-18 1 Thess 5:1-11 John 14:1-8 Matt 25:14-30 MORNING OFFICE/PRAYER The references for Morning Prayer this week are as follows: Tuesday 11 Nov: Psalm 21, Daniel 5: 1 - 12, Revelation 6 (p.69 – 71) Wednesday 12 Nov: Psalm 23, Daniel 5: 13 - end, Revelation 7: 1 4, 9 – end (p.74 – 76) Thursday 13 Nov: Psalm 26, Daniel 6, Revelation 8 (p.80 – 82) Friday 14 Nov: Psalm 32, Daniel 7: 1 - 14, Revelation 9: 1 – 12 (p.84 - 87) -1- PARISH NEWS Music Notes: Todays music has been specifically chosen to reflect the theme of Remembrance Sunday. The Choir are singing an anthem between the readings titled 'With a Voice of Singing'. The Choir are preparing for both the Advent Choral Service and the Christmas Community Carol Service. If you would like to join with us for these services, practices commence next Wednesday, 7.30pm-9.00pm. Singers with Alto, Tenor and Bass voices are particularly welcome. Vicarage Blessing event: House blessing at the vicarage today from 11.30 after morning tea. Shared lunch. Everyone is invited, so please come if you can. 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli Landings With the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings being observed next April, we would like to trace descendants/relatives of the 5 Soldiers whose Deaths at Gallipoli are Commemorated on the Plaque in the Northern entranceway to the Church. Dodson, Frater and Northcroft - names given to local streets- and Brown and Grimwade. If anyone can furnish detail on these men's families, please advise Tony Trent at 415 4080, or ATWC Xmas Gifts: This time of year we usually collect new Christmas gifts for the families under the care of the Association of Anglican Women. Ages are from newborn upwards. Please do not wrap as they are sorted into age groups. There will be a box at the back of the church from this Sunday. They need to be delivered the first week in December. Contact Nan Woods Ph: 410 5865. Wooden Crosses for sale: We have some handheld wooden crosses for sale which are made from the wooden pews from St Michael’s. They are $10 each. If you would like to purchase one please see Fiona in the office. Wool for knitting baby clothes: We have lots of wool that is lovely for making baby clothes, in particular cardigans and jumpers, which we will donate to the ATWC (The Anglican Trust for Women and Children). Is there anyone who has the time and is able to make some clothes with the wool we have? If so, please contact either Carol Wright (489 9535) or Penny Roberts (489 4544). Shore Singers Concert – 16 November This choir, one of the oldest established mixed choirs on the North Shore, are presenting their 39th Annual Concert "Just a Moment" at St Peter’s on Sunday 16 November at 2pm. You are promised an afternoon of lively music, with afternoon tea included, for $20 per -2- ticket! In addition to the choir, soloists Joel Amosa and Leah Munroe will delight the audience with singing and instrumental talent. Proceeds go to Arthritis NZ. Tickets in advance from Brenda Heywood on 09 418 1915. Holy Trinity Cathedral event: On Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 1 pm, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell will be having a service of celebration of 200 years of women's ministry. Everyone is welcome. It will be a three Tikanga event, and we hope to see many people participating in this celebration. CALENDAR FOR WEEK BEGINNING 2 NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday 9 November 12pm Trade Table 12.30pm House Blessing at Vicarage 8.45am Morning Prayer 10.00am Craft & Knitting Group - Robertson Lounge 12 noon Midday Prayer 8.45am Morning Prayer 10.00am Communion Service 10.00 & 11.15 Mainly Music - Robertson Lounge Thursday 13 November 8.45am Morning Prayer Friday 14 November 8.45am Morning Prayer 10.30am Mah Jong – Hall Tuesday 11 November Wednesday 12 November You are invited to join the Vicar at morning prayers daily Tuesday to Friday 8.45-9.15am - on any day you are free -3- PARISH CONTACTS VICAR: The Rev Jonathan Gale 021 254 3791 PARISH OFFICE: Fiona Fortescue Mon – Fri 9.15 – 12.00pm 09 489 6242 PEOPLE’S WARDEN: Lynne McDonald 021 770 781 VICAR’S WARDEN: Penny Roberts 021 489 454 PRAYER CHAIN: Mike & Peggy Dawson DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND ORGANIST: Michael Cox 09 489 8796 027 669 3275 MAINLY MUSIC: Nicola Rouse 021 877 499 KIDZCHURCH: Elizabeth Kendall 021 174 8523 OP SHOP: Raines Avenue, Forrest Hill Mon – Fri: 10am – 4pm Saturday: 10am – 1pm WEBSITE: Welcome to St Peter’s, especially if you are a visitor. For more information about this Parish, complete the form below and hand to the Vicar or a welcomer/sidesperson. Names (including children): Address & Phone numbers: Email address: Please send me the Parish newsletter by email I would like an introductory visit/call from the Vicar Please send me information about how I/we may make regular financial contributions to the mission and ministry of this faith community -4-
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