R.C. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest: - Father Jim Dunne. Address: - Sacred Heart Presbytery, Great North Road, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5EB Telephone: (0191) 236 3182 Deacon: John Hawthorne: 243 2379 E-mail: bulletin@sacredheartng.org.uk Web site: www.sacredheartng.org.uk Primary School: (0191) 285 2437; www.stoswalds.newcastle.sch.uk Hall Bookings: Joan Donnelly: 236 5588. North Gosforth. Bulletin 18th January 2015 This Weekend: 2nd Sunday of the Year Saturday 6:30 pm Norah & Vic Aspery Sunday 10:00 am Parishioners 6:30 pm Sick: Susan Doyle (Co Donegal) Next Weekend: 3rd Sunday of the Year Saturday 6.30 pm Parishioners Sunday 10:00 am Monica Lovell (Fenham) Sunday 6.30 pm John Farrar Feasts & Mass Intentions during the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Weekday Weekday St Agnes St Vincent (Deacon + Martyr)) Weekday St Francis de Sales 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Eucharistic Service “ “ (NB!! NO service at 8am today.) “ “ “ “ REQUIEM: Veronica Ormston Holy Souls Spiritual Programme (These events take place in the day chapel.) Monday-Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 11:00 - 2:00 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 12 noon - 1:00 pm 5:45 - 6:25 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - for specific times, see rota in porch. Bible Discussion Group, 2nd Tues each month. Next meeting - Feb 10th Prayer Group: Prayer & Praise ’True Life in God’ Prayer group, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confession READERS ROTAS EUCH MIN 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Andrea & Angela 10am SERVERS’ TEAM C: Jessica, Rosie, Henry & Maisie THIS WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm D Lynn A McKeown C Brewis 1 CHURCH CLEANING M Young / A Garnish 10:00 am G Box G Pritchard A Boardman 5 COUNT S Cunningham / M McKenna 6:30 pm R Green P Downey C McGrady 7 GREETERS M Jackson / M Miller TEA ROTA N Taylor COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: O.Donnelly-Wood READERS ROTAS 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Melanie & Rebecca EUCH MIN 10am SERVERS’ TEAM A: Gabrielle,Francesca,Millie,Philippa NEXT WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm A Rose M Taylor A Plant 1 CHURCH CLEANING 10:00 am C Weddell A Walker Boyle Family 6 COUNT D Lynn / J Atherton 6:30 pm P McCallion W Miller C Newton 7 GREETERS M Weston / M Young TEA ROTA C Edge / P Sharpe COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: J Shepherd Recently Deceased Veronica Ormston (75), Gosforth, ex Hazlerigg; Requiem here this Friday 10am Peggy Miller, (82) Brunton Park; Requiem here, Mon. Jan 26th, 10am. Michael Dunwoodie (70),Whitebridge Park. Requiem here, 1pm, Mon Feb 2nd. Anniversaries Charlotte Robertson William Farrell Bill Tennant Alan Stewart Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace. Amen. Please pray for those who are ill, and their carers: Doreen Duffy Julie Bowland Joyce Bolam Ray Carroll G Borgonuovo Tony Murtagh Brian Nolan Laura Tokell Irene Farnel Kathleen Larsen Susan Hope Steve Antcliff Julie Yoeart Pina Bell Pat White Eileen Pratt Margaret Custis Michelle Wilkinson Richard Frank Earl Baby Dominic Norman Anderson Tom Brewis Fr Richard Harriott Florence Darby John Lant Don Thomas Joseph Higgins John Harkness Congratulations! This weekend, there are no baptisms/marriages here. Last Weekend’s Collection = £ 421.86. Many thanks for your continuing support. This bulletin is also on the parish website. If you do NOT wish someone’s name to appear on the internet, please tell us as soon as possible. ‘FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE’ Fr Jim writes: At the end of last year, the Bishop asked the whole diocese to pray for the significant journey we are about to start. He said: ‘I sincerely hope that every parish will see the need to pray for our future work. Everything we do must be underpinned by prayer. If we put prayer at the centre of it all, I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit will guide us.’ Prayer-cards are available at back of church for you to use. 2015 1st COMMUNION PROGRAMME Fr Jim writes: As we agreed last September, nothing has been arranged for January, due to the risk of bad weather, colds+flu, etc. The next Saturday Morning session in the hall is Feb. 7th, 10.35-11.35am. This will be followed by the special liturgy at the 10am Mass on Sunday, February. 8th: usual system: assemble at back of church, 9.55am. 1st Confessions: Thur, March 5, 7pm. 1st Communions: Sat, June 13, 10am. Could the catechists please meet at the WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? presbytery, 7pm, Wed. Jan 28th, to plan Fr Jim O’Keefe and Mr Tony Sacco, who for Feb. 7th? Refreshments as usual!! __________________________ lead the project, will ask each parish to share in a profile of what goes on in its FOOD, etc FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS area - both positive & negative. This is to be a no-holds-barred analysis of the We have been asked to remind you to try whole diocese, so that serious plans can to continue offering tinned food, etc, in be made for the future. With about 45 the large plastic bins in the sacristy. There per cent of the existing priests already are quite a few people in the Tyneside over 65, and some parishes needing area who get little (or no) help from any permanent subsidy to keep going, the authority for food & clothes. In addition, if survey must be practical & honest. you could offer some gent’s shoes (used, There are bound to be amalgamations at but in good condition, and wrapped in the end of it.(The questions: where? and plastic bags) that would be much Many thanks for your help with whom?) There MUST be more co-op- appreciated.__________________________ eration between laity & clergy, since (to SVP CHANGES OF PERSONNEL quote politicians) we are all in it together. Bishop Seamus asks us to see The Saint Vincent de Paul Society (‘SVP’) this process as both a challenge and an does great work in the community - for opportunity. I hope & pray that we in the more lonely & poor people in society. this area can play a useful part - both as It also acts as a “family” for its many a parish where we do work together, and members - they help each other spiritually as a source of ideas for other areas. Ged and socially in their work. Parishioner Downey, from our parish pastoral Dave Bowman has just stepped down from council, has kindly volunteered to be our his dual role as president of the local district (north & east Newcastle) and also link with Fr Jim O’Keefe & Tony Sacco. __________________________ of our local parish conference (or branch). The new president of the district is Bill PARENT & TODDLER Lawson and of that of the parish is GROUP Monica Jackson writes: Christine Newton. We congratulate Bill On behalf of the group, I’d like to say a and Christine on their new roles; we thank big THANK YOU to Pauline Convery and Dave for many years of hard work at the levels. Fr Jim. Joan Turnbull, who have just retired parish and district __________________________ from the group. They have shown many years of true devotion to the parents & PRAYER SPONSORS WANTED children of the area. Would you like to pray for one of our __________________________ young people who will be making their POSH PANTOMIME first Holy Communion later this year? You “Snow White and the Four Dwarfs” In these days of austerity, even Snow can pray in whatever way you find comWhite can’t have her full complement of fortable and you will receive the Christian name of the child for whom you will be seven dwarfs - cut-backs in magic-land! Wanting something to look forward to in the prayer sponsor. the winter days (...or get some suffering If you are interested, please sign up on the form at the back of the church. under the belt before Lent starts???) __________________________ “WHITE FLOWER” COLLECTION. All performances are at the end of this This weekend, we’ll have the annual month. Thursday 29th & Friday 30th at 7pm, collection for ‘SPUC’: Society for the Unborn Children. then Saturday 31st at 2pm and 7.30pm. Protection of__________________________ Tickets only £5 per adult and £3 for children. Fun for all ages! Tickets available at the end of Mass and from Gareth and Amanda 0191-285-4748. __________________________ MISSIO - RED BOXES A reminder - boxes will be emptied at all Masses next weekend. __________________________ NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Next Sunday = 3rd of the Year (B):Jonah 3:1-5+10; 1st Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20. __________________________ RECYCLING - WITH AMANDA PRITCHARD Please cut the stamps off your Christmas mail (with a small frame) and give them to Amanda; she deposits them at Trinity Cafe to help funds at St Oswald’s hospice. And if Santa’s given you lots of presents in gift bags, either re-use those bags, or give them to her; she’ll pass them on to the RVI for patients with drains after surgery. __________________________ NEW ROTAS: COUNTERS/WELCOMERS These are available at the back of church. Sheila Cunningham (counters), Monica Jackson (welcomers) & the parish are grateful to you for your continuing help in these important tasks. __________________________ THE NORTHERN CATHOLIC CALENDAR.. ..is now on sale, price still just £2.50. It’s our diocesan year-book, with full info on parishes, clergy, Mass-times, etc. Etc. Just 3 copies left.... __________________________ POPE FRANCIS SPEAKS TO US I dream of a “missionary option”, that is , a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation. The renewal of structures demanded by pastoral conversion can only be understood in this light: as part of an effort to make them more missionorientated, to make ordinary pastoral activity on every level more inclusive and open, to inspire in pastoral workers a constant desire to go forth and in this way to elicit a positive response from all those whom Jesus summons to friendship with himself. As John Paul II once said to the Bishops of Oceania: “All Renewal in the Church must have mission as it’s goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of ecclesial introversion”. __________________________ FAIR-TRADE STALL THIS WEEKEND John & Barbara Dowling will be running the stall at the back of church after Masses this weekend. They’ll have the usual goodies fore sale. __________________________ FR JIM’S NOTES CHURCH SOUND. If you wear a hearing aid, use the “T” setting for our loop system. TAILPIECE: Blame the USA for these ‘green’ jokes. (1) How many climate sceptics does it take to change a light bulb? None, since they all thinks it’s too early to act. (2) How do climate sceptics get round the increasingly higher temperatures? They switch from Fahrenheit to Centigrade. (3) How do oil companies deal with oil spills in the sea? They hire slick lawyers. (4) What do you call those who really like wind turbines? Big fans. (5) (This might annoy quite a few readers...) A blonde went into a golf-supplies shop and asked for some green golf balls. The assistant had never heard of them, but nonetheless, searched the shop.....and found none. He ‘phoned the suppliers, but they had never heard of them, either. He said to the blonde: “Why do you want to play with green balls?” She replied: “So that they can be seen easily the against the sand in the bunkers...” Ouch, ladies, that hurt!!!
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