Euthanasia Forums Euthanasia is an issue that seems to be gaining attention of late. Here are two chances to hear statements of a traditional Christian position, one from a Christian, and one from an atheist: The Effect of Formalised Euthanasia Policies on Palliation (20 May, 12.15pm at Elim Church, Tennyson St), by Henk Reitsema of the European Euthanasia Prevention Coalition The Myths Behind the Case for Legal Assisted Suicide (26 May, 12.15pm at Elim Church, Tennyson St), by Kevin Yuill, University of Sunderland. See for more info. Marriage Enrichment Courses Abi Vink has been liaising with All Saints, Hataitai, who are hosting the Alpha Marriage Enrichment course soon. It runs for seven Wednesdays beginning Wednesdays, 20th May 7:30pm in the All Saints Centre. All Marriages, regardless of age, can benefit from thoughtful assessment, fresh ideas and renewed commitment. The course is thematic and there is no group sharing (all reflections are done quietly between the couple only). A premarriage course will be held at the same time is a different part of the church for anyone who may be interested in that. Confirmed cost is $190 per couple for the course, including supper. Don’t let the cost put you off—subsidies are available from Tim if you need them. See him or Abi for more information. RSVP for both courses is to There are places still available, so be in to win. You’d be silly to miss it! This Week in our Parish Tuesday 5pm Evening Prayer at St George’s Wednesday 9.30am Mainly Music 10am Communion at St Aidan’s Thursday 10am Miramar Peninsula Parish Building a community of disciples of Jesus Welcome! Kia Ora! 17 May 2015 7th Sunday of Easter/Ascension Acts 1.15-17, 21-26 1 John 5.9-13 John17.6-19 Jesus prays for us Communion at St George’s Friday 9am 10am Morning Prayer at St Aidan’s Friday Café Sunday 8am 10am 7pm Communion at St Aidan’s Communion at St Aidan’s Stillpoint at St George’s Duty Roster Today St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Errol, Caroline St Aidan’s 10am: Tim, Janet, Joanne, Heather, Andrew, Ruth, Murray, Jeff, Dianne, Franci, Richard, Beverly, Abi, Sunday School, Mike Readings for next week - 24 May 2015 Last week, I described Jesus’ words in John 14-17 as a bit like a “last will and testament” before the cross. In today’s gospel, they feel a bit like a speech at a police graduation ceremony. In prayer form, Jesus reports back to his heavenly Father on how the disciples have fared in their training course. The good news is, he says, they’ve passed. They now know that Jesus and everything about him came from the Father (v. 7). They are ready to stay in the world (v. 11), and to represent Jesus in a world that can be hostile to him (v. 14). But they will need a lot of prayer if they are to keep their joy in that task, which is why Jesus is praying (v. 13). Acts 2.1-21 Rom 8.22-12-17 John 15.26-27, 16.14b-15 I doubt the disciples felt ready. They were about to run away and betray Jesus. But still he trusted them. It’s the same with us. Jesus’ prayer is for us, too. We are sanctified for his service, Be encouraged with that truth today! Duty Roster for next week - 24 May Miramar Peninsula Parish Contacts St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Seth, Robyn C St Aidan’s 10am: Tim, John, Jeff, Beverley, Leigh, Fusako, Mel, Mark, Franci, Murray, Karen, Luke, Diane, Sunday School, Bobbi Priest-in-Charge: Deacon: Bishop’s Warden: People’s Warden: Parish Office: Tim McKenzie Bobbi Wilson Mike Ormsby Meri Grace Helen Collins 388 8640 027 669 3383 475 7321 388 2502 380 7174 Our Bible verse for today (“the Sentence”) Jesus prayed ‘Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be as one, as we are one.’ John17.11 Prayer for today (“the Collect”) Almighty God, Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ Ever lives to make intercession for us; Have pity on our weakness’ And in your mercy give us those good things which we are not worthy to ask, Except through his merits, Who lives and reigns with you And the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen. In our parish, we pray for Bill, George, Pamela, Jacqui B, Stephanie, Helen, Melisa, James and Connor, and for the Thomsons in Tonga. We pray for (i) the work of the Youth Hub, which we are part of, and the paid leaders, Rosanna and Jesse; (ii) Shop 89—its operation during this interim period, and its growth and development, (iii) our Friday Café, and the different community people with whom it brings us into connection. May we be ambassadors of Christ’s grace and hope with all we meet. Today the Anglican Missions Board asks us to pray for the Australian Anglican Board of Missions among the Indigenous people of Australia and pray for continued reconciliation and justice. We pray for the Leaders of the Anglican Church of Australia and especially their Indigenous Programmes. NZCMS ask us to pray for Phil and Becky Sussex and their family as they return NZ sharing their experiences of teaching and working in Cambodia with churches in Auckland. In our Wellington Diocese this weekend, we pray for the Anglican Chinese Mission, The New Wine Plugged in Participants and the Stars Programme Participants. Worthy of Note News from Shop 89 After last week’s great result, we are pleased to announce that the Shop had another record week, surpassing even last week’s turnover! Well done and thanks to all donors and to all volunteers for your hours of hard work both in front of and behind the scenes. Hard work is continuing to bed down some new sorting and stock turnover systems. The shop is about much more than money, so we’re also continuing to work on ensuring that our welcome is genuine, and offers a window onto God’s grace in our midst. Retirees’ Coffee Move “Closer to Home” St Aidan’s Retirees’ Coffee Club— Time for another Get Together! Tuesday 2 June, 10 am-11:30 am approx The Iona Centre, St Aidan’s Mr Ken Daniels LLB and Advocate from Age Concern, Wellington, will be giving a motivational presentation focussed on our needs. Age Concern is a brilliant organisation, and this occasion will be a wonderful opportunity for you all to enjoy a morning tea and fellowship with All Saints Golden Years group who have also been invited to join us. Further details nearer the date. Youth Hub Visits It was great to have representatives of the Eastern Suburbs Anglican Youth Hub visit our worship over the past two weeks. About 60 young people attend the Hub over two week nights. Jesse leads the Senior Group on Friday nights at All Saints. He and about 10 teenagers came to Explore Together to profile their work and sell sausages to raise money for Nepal. Rosanna leads the Junior Group on Thursday nights, and it was lovely to meet her and Reuben last week. If you would like to go on a list praying for the Hub’s work, please see Tim or Ruth. Notices Welcome to worship this morning. Stillpoint– Tonight, 7pm at St George’s. Come along for an hour of quiet reflection and stillness in the candlelit church. Good News Mr. Speaker—we are pleased to confirm the sale of the Seatoun vicarage! The house has been bought by a local family, with an eye to earthquake strengthening and restoration. They are very well disposed to the church, and promise to be excellent neighbours. In addition, they are committed to a long settlement period, which is a real answer to prayer. Deo Gratias! Well done to Janet W and her team for their sterling work with the real estate agent. At Miramar, the offending tree stumps have been removed. Piling work was supposed to begin on Thursday, but it was held up by a spot of inclement weather... Enrich your marriage! See the back panel for an initiative Abi is taking with All Saints around marriage enrichment. Parish Website — the parish website has a new look, thanks to Seth! Visit it, admire, and pass on any updates to him or the office: Pentecost Decorations—Are you interested in helping to decorate the church for Pentecost (Sunday 24 May)? Please let Tim know you are available. Doing our bit— the new roster is up the noticeboard. New Parish Directory—Please check your details on the list at the back of the church. To be added to the directory please put your details on the blank form. Prayer & Transformation Weekend—don’t forget the prayer ministry weekend at Miramar Baptist next weekend, with Kevin Hight. Kevin is a gifted prayer minister and healer. On the Saturday, there are sessions beginning at 2.30pm, 4pm, and 7pm. There will be a koha for Kevin and his team.
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