February 15, 2015 Can we Mon Give thanks for the opportunity to reach out into the community with the music outreach ministry and the Cologne orchestra performing tonight. Pray that good connections with the community will continue to develop Tue Pray for Parish Council and Ministry team members as they begin to discuss ministry strategies for the year and pray for the upcoming Annual meeting on 15th March that God might raise up the right people for the leadership roles we need. help YOU in any of the following ways? find out more about Jesus doing ‘Christianity explained’ having a pastoral visit making St Hilda’s my church youth and children’s ministries joining a bible study group developing my ministry Special comments, requests, prayer needs or thanksgiving; Wed Thu Fri Please send my prayer needs to the prayer chain. Join Robyn in giving thanks for the positive start to the year in all Kidz groups. Thank God that Bible-time is central and well received in all Kidz groups, from toddlers through to teenagers. Ray is away for Friday, Saturday with the Anglicare council this weekend, planning for the year. Please pray for the ministry of Anglicare. Sat Thank God for the officers and staff prayer meeting at Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre on Wednesdays. May God give them strength and compassion as they witness to him in difficult work. KidzArtz planning happens tomorrow. Please pray for Anne and all the team as they begin to make preparations. Our Link Missionaries Date ______________ 8am 10am 5.30pm Name: Address: Phone: Email: You are welcome at St Hilda’s today. Please feel free to fill in the comments slip attached to this bulletin, tear it off and place it in the offering bag or the church mail box at the church front door. We’d love to hear prayer points, news, or if you are new we’d love to get in touch and get to know you better. Church Info: Minister; Ray Robinson 4782 1608 Assocate Minister: Mike Wells 0415 159 865 Family Worker: Robyn Glindemann 0438 401 088 Parish Assistant: Michelle Seers 0421 313 898 Website:www.sthildas.net Kingsley & Veronica Box kvbox@cms.org.au Email: office@sthildas.net Leon & Lee Hribar: lhribar@cms.org.au Facebook:sthildaskatoomba Kelvin & Roslyn Nicolle: Andrew & Sarah Lubbock: kelvin-roslyn_nicolle@sil.org aslubbock@cms.org.au Peter & Joy Palmer: p.palmer@bushchurchaid.com.au Shine & Jessica Thomas: shineandjessica@gmail.com Home Groups: Vince Williamson 0408 289 784 Parish Secretary: Gordon Albert 4757 4847 There’s a stunning arrogance in the Christian faith when it claims to be true and all other faiths are following false trails. The only thing more arrogant than that claim, is that of those who say all religions are right. It’s just that people don’t ‘see all of the elephant.’ The argument goes: people see a trunk, or a leg, or a tail and say ‘God is like this.’ but they’re blind to the fact that it’s an elephant they are looking at and everyone’s going to go to heaven in the end. The reason that claim is so arrogant is that it claims to see all the elephant and to be right where everyone else is wrong or at least misguided. There’s actually nothing wrong with claims about absolute truth sounding arrogant, that’s the nature of things. To say all things fall downwards is a very exclusive and absolute claim and while there might be some who get offended at people being so certain and definitive about such things, there is plenty of evidence to justify such absolutism. The problem with the ‘elephant’ theory is that the facts don’t justify the thesis. People don’t just argue about if the elephant is thin or fat, but they hold contradictory positions on the very existence of the elephant. continued inside back cover.... Home groups If you have any queries please ask the leaders. Home Groups Daily 9.30-10.30am Home open for prayer. 2 Warialda St. 4782 1279 Mon Tue: 10.30 am Katoomba. Kristen Burke, 6.00 pm Leura, Sue Stones 7.30 pm W. Falls. Richard Smith 7.30 pm Katoomba. David Pettett Wed: 10.30am Katoomba. Anne Robinson 7.30 pm Katoomba. Trevor Rath Thu: 9.30am the church. Myra Russell 7.00 pm Katoomba. Vince Williamson Fri: 10.00am men@shop Join us at Bing’s BAMBOO BOX Finance Matters Weekly Offertory Budget: $3712 Offertory (February 8) $ 3434 Missionary Giving February 8) $35 Building fund donations for Jan: $1760 DETAILS FOR DIRECT CREDIT OFFERTORY Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts Account Name: St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba BSB Number: 704-998 Account Number: 100 009 830 Reference: offertory BANK DETAILS FOR DIRECT CREDIT TO THE BUILDING FUND Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts Account Name: St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba BSB Number: 704-998 Account Number: 100 009 967 Reference: DONATION from the cover.... You might expect God to make arrogant claims and have every right to. The God of the bible says; ‘I am God and there is no other’. Some might prefer a more humble deity, one among many. The one thing the claims of the biblical God does, is make it easy to make a decision between him and others; Either he is God and all others are false, or he is a lie and the truth lies elsewhere. The claims of Christianity make it impossible to accept the ‘elephant’ theory. I would suggest the evidence of Christianity, like the evidence for ‘things that fall down’, gives us plenty of reasons to make the call that the God revealed in the bible and in history, is indeed the one true God, who not only makes such arrogant claims, but also demonstrates a stunning love and sacrifice for all those who recognise him for who he is. There will be those who get upset at such absolutism, they prefer a god or their own taste, one that fits their view of the world, one that they’d like to worship. The one problem with such a position, a problem that they don’t ever talk about, the elephant in the room as it were, is that God is actually who he is, not what they want him to be. Ray Robinson Sunday Service Feb 15 8am:Holy Communion 10am: Morning Service Bible Readings: Psalm 106:1-12 Isaiah 6:1-13 5.30pm Evening Service Sunday Service Feb 22 8am:Holy Communion 10am: Morning Service Bible Readings: Psalm 118 Mark 11:1-11 5.30pm Holy Communion Prayer is available for you: If you'd like someone to pray with you after the service today.... The latest sermon and weekly bulletin are also available on our website along with lots of information about our church and its ministries. www.sthildas.net Notes Text of the month. Without faith it is impossble to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 WORKING WITH CHILDREN (Phase 2) All those in Phase 2 gaining police clearance and those intending to assist in Kidzartz in July - please present your WWC clearance number to me by mid march for verification. Thanks. Shirley Seers. KidZArtz Planning Meeting Anyone interested in being involved in KidzArtz this year ( 29th June- 3rd July ) or interested to find out more is invited to our first meeting on Sunday February 22nd after the 10am Service. We need to get organised early this year so come with your ideas. If you can't make the meeting and want to be involved or have ideas to share please email Anne beforehand. anne@sthildas.net Mike Wells can be contacted on 0415 159 865 or email at michael@sthildas.net Annual Meeting of Parishioners March 15 What is an AMP? The Annual Meeting of Parishioners will be held on 15th March after a combined service. The meeting is an opportunity for the church to review what's happened in the last twelve months, hearing reports from various groups within the church including the financial report for the last year. It is also an opportunity to appoint the church office bearers for the coming year. Particularly the wardens, parish councillors, safe ministry representative, and every three years our Synod representative. During the meeting anybody in the church has the chance to make recommendations to the incoming parish council regarding matters that concern them or that they would like considered by the leadership. NOMINATION FORMS FOR AMP Nomination forms are now available at the back of the church on clipboards. Please fill in and place inside the purspex in-house mail box at the entrance of the church, or place in the offertory bags. Worth listening to on sthildas.net * A talk by Greg Lake on a Christian response to asylum seekers. Look for it under Sermons 2014, 7th December. * A talk by Bob and Eddie on giving thanks to God. Look for it under Monthly Puppet Show. * Each Sundays sermon is usually available a few days after the Sunday. CAN YOU HELP? A guy we've been trying to help as a church has ended up in Bathurst gaol for a time and needs somewhere to store his belongings or the dept of housing will throw them out. He doesn't have a great deal of stuff (single bed, table and chairs, some clothing etc.) would you have a dry space somewhere to store things for a while? We will also need a couple of people to move the stuff out of his bedsit once housing has given us the go ahead to pick it up. We'll need a trailer and a couple of blokes for half a day in the next couple of weeks. Chat with Ray if you think you can help. Understanding and engaging karma-based religion CMS WORKSHOP: St Hilda's Katoomba, 1pm, February 15 Eastern religions have fascinated many for a long period of time. Buddhism in particular has gained many followers in the Western world. What is the attraction in a religion like Buddhism? How do you interact and engage with your neighbor who is fascinated by the peace loving nature of Buddhism and other religions? How will you explain Christianity to someone from a Buddhist background? Chamber Philharmonia Cologne February 16, 8pm at St Hilda’s church Tickets available at: Megalong books, Leura. 4784 1302 Tickets at the door (cash only) from 7pm. Can you help with supper for the Philharmonic Performance? PRAYER FOCUS ... out of darkness, into His marvellous light ... Pray for deliverance from the darkness of Buddhism, secularism, superstition, theological liberalism and false teaching. Pray for Slovenia (Boxs & Hribars), Russia (Nicolles), Italy (Lubbocks), Thailand (Thomas’), Australia (Palmers): for confidence in Christ and His Word; for the light of Christ to dawn in hearts and minds. The performance will be held on Monday Feb 16th and we need your help with supper. If you are able to help out with supper, you are welcome to stay and listen to the group for free. Come along at 7pm to deliver your contributions. Contact Michelle Seers 0421 313 898 or michelle@sthildas.net Service Leaders Sharing – Sunday 1st March All service leaders are encouraged to allocate 2 hours in their diaries - from 3:00pm on Sunday 1st March 2015. Ray will chair this time, which will be an opportunity for sharing ideas, joys, encouragements, frustrations in the awesome ministry of leading God’s people in our Sunday public gatherings at St Hilda’s. An agenda will be distributed in due course, to allow you to give some pre-thought to these things. On the day there’ll be adequate coffee to keep your thought processes sharp! Parish Leadership meeting dates; Parish Councillors and Ministry team members, please note for your calendar: The first Parish council meeting for the year will be Thursday, 12th March at the church. Ministry team meetings will happen in February and April and the next Council meeting will be 21st May. St Marys group asking for accommodation. I was wondering if you know any accommodation or house I could rent in April in Katoomba or surrounding area. I'm keen to take a few young people from church@5:30 (6-10) to KYCK. Ideally we'd like to go on either of the following weekends KYCK #1: 10-12 APRIL or KYCK #2: 17-19 APRIL. See Philip Bassett for further details. Email philip@gr88er.com Praise God for He carries us. Isaiah 46 says: "I have made you and I will carry you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you." "Some pour out gold from their bags and weigh out silver on the scales, they hire a goldsmith to make it into a god, and they bow down and worship it. They lift it to their shoulders and carry it; They set it up in its place and there it stands. From that spot it cannot move. though one cries out to it, it does not answer; it cannot save him from his troubles." Such truth! God carries us... praise God. Marriage Resources. Following the talk a couple of weeks ago on Jesus' perspective on marriage you may be interested in making use of the following resources. If God has blessed us with a marriage partner then it makes sense to make the most of the relationship he has given us and strive to grow into that 'oneness' God has planned for those who are married. It does take work but we are blessed with many resources to help us. Wendy Konemann is a local marriage counsellor who has helped many couples in the area her phone number is 0416 241 638 Anglicare have a counsellor on site in the Anglicare offices behind St Hilda's on Wednesdays, Kaaren does general counselling as well as marriage counselling and can be contacted on 1300 651 728 Australian Institute of Family Counselling - have counsellors in Sydney and are a very good model of Christian counselling http://www.aifc.com.au/ Family Life Australia - have two events, "A Day Together" and "Love that Lasts" (a weekend). For couples to make use of to grow their relationships and more information can be found at; http://www.familylifeaustralia.com/conferences/day-together.html Books and study guides are also available from Ray and the church library that you can use to work through over time with your partner. Some Dates for your diary; Luncheon and Seminar; 'Christian Perspectives on Buddhism' Sunday 15th February Mission Support Group meeting 4pm Sunday 15th February Feb 16 8pm Cologne Philharmonic Orchestra KidzArtz Planning meeting 11.45am 22nd February in the hall. March 1 3pm Service Leaders Sharing 15th March 10am Joint Service followed by Church Annual Meeting. 29th March Palm Sunday. Academy Singers Event. 3rd April Good Friday 5th April Easter Sunday 19th April 10am ANZAC 100th Anniversary Service 2nd May Picnic and Service at Hartley celebrating the first church service west of the mountains 200 years ago. 10th May Mother's Day Service 10am
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