FREE COPY Community Newspaper The Echo Community Newspaper delivers between Hazelbrook to Lithgow each month Issue 71 March 2015 Seniors Week in the Mountains available. Full program 14 Refer to page As a tribute to our local seniors, and to acknowledge the remarkable contribu ons that they make to our Blue Mountains community, a program of events for the month of March has been put together for your enjoyment (Refer to pages 14 and 15). Seniors Week is an opportunity to promote a be er understanding within the community about seniors and the value they add to our lives. It is also an opportunity to encourage older people to lead ac ve lifestyles and par cipate at all levels in our community. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of contribu ng Blue Mountains community organisa ons and businesses in developing this extensive program of events. I hope that Seniors Week is enjoyed by all seniors across the Blue Mountains. Councillor Mark Greenhill Mayor of the City of Blue Mountains WIN SEATS TO ATTEND HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA’S HISTORIC BLUE MOUNTAINS PUBLIC TALK! The Echo is giving away 5 Double Passes to our readers. Full details on page 8. The Echo - Page 1 The 10th Annual Collectors’ Plant Fair 11 & 12 April 2015, Hawkesbury Race Club, Clarendon NSW For many plant lovers the Collectors’ Plant Fair is the highlight of their gardening year with a vast variety of quality plants and knowledgeable guest speakers. There will be over 50 specialist stallholders from both local and interstate nurseries and a huge range of plants available: trees and shrubs, na ve plants, perennials, roses, herbs, medicinal and edible plants, bulbs, orchids, ferns, bamboos, grasses, water plants, bonsai. As a consequence, there are plants to suit all climates, and all garden situa ons. In addi on to plants, there are many garden-related products – books, tools, metal art and sculpture. This years fair will include three inspira onal speakers, Phillip Johnson will speak about his Best in Show win at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show in the UK, Sally Johannsohn will tell how the 30-strong team at Chan cleer has earned the accolade for “the most roman c imagina ve and exci ng public garden in America” and Interna onal garden designer and writer, Michael McCoy will speak about the game-changer gardens around the world that have most framed, even revolu onised, the way he gardens in Australia. Opening mes for the Fair are 8am to 4pm Saturday 11 April and 9am to 4pm Sunday 12 April 2015. Entry per person including parking is $12 Saturday and $10 Sunday ( Under 18’s - Free admission) or you can save with pre purchased ckets which can be found here: www.collectorsplan, P: 02 4567 2026, E: collectorsplan The Echo Community Newspaper Servicing from Hazelbrook to Lithgow each month Printed locally at Bennetts Printing Katoomba see advert on page 4 for Bennetts Printing Submissions: Adver sing, ar cle submissions, non profit organisa ons and general public interest stories are always welcome. Submissions are printed at editors discre on. We would love to hear from you... To secure your place in the next Echo Newspaper you will find our rates and sizes on our web page The Echo Community Newspaper, bringing the community together Contact Details e: P: 0400 259 702 April Deadline: Wednesday 25th March 2015. Distribution starts between the 1st and 5th of April, 2015 Page 2 - The Echo Once upon a time in... MT BOYCE – AN OBSERVATION Mount Boyce, at approximately 1,093 metres, is the highest point, in the Blue Mountains, of the Great Western Highway. It is located two kilometres north of Blackheath. It is best known for two features, the loca on of a heavy vehicle checking sta on on the Great Western Highway and a Bureau of Meteorology automa c weather sta on on Mount Boyce itself . However, the Mt Boyce Lookout Reserve reveals even more interes ng features. There is a wide space for parking, a track leading down to the fenced railway embankment, a covered shelter for picnicking and magnificent views into the Megalong. The large obelisk dominates the scene. It is dedicated to the Ven. Archdeacon F. B. Boyce. F.R.C.S., F.R.H.S., BORN 1844 – DIED 1931, a er whom Mount Boyce was named at the request of the Trust by His Excellency Sir Walter Davidson, K.C.M.G on 26th April, 1923. The Obelisk was unveiled by His Excellency Air ViceMarshal Sir Philip Game, C.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O. on 21ST October, 1931. Archdeacon Boyce was an eminent Churchman, a great ci zen and a man of wide vision. There is a smaller, mushroom-shaped monument closer to the railway fence. It is a direc on finder, erected to the memory of the Hon. Mr. Jus ce Stewart Boyce, born 1872, died 1940, a son of Archdeacon Boyce. However, a par cularly interes ng feature of Mt Boyce is effecvely hidden amongst the trees. The remnant of a scar tree, protected by an iron cage and covered with a steel roof, stands there proclaiming its past. Aboriginal people used the bark from scar trees for shields and coolamons. Using a stone axe, the shape of the object was outlined in bark and the bark was pulled off the tree. Care was taken to ensure that the tree was not killed by ringbarking. When the highway at Soldiers Pinch was widened, the tree was discovered. A er consulta on with the relevant Aboriginal organisa ons, the RTA cut the tree down, removed it approximately one kilometre east to this posi on where it is displayed in the protec ve shelter. Mt Boyce is an interes ng spot. The next mee ng of the Blue Mountains Historical Society will be held at 99 Blaxland Rd, Wentworth Falls, on April 11th at 10.30 a.m., when Paul Innes and John Low will discuss Soldiers of the Mountains. (Informa on gleaned from monumental and RTA signage) Monuments at Mt Boyce We offer • Basic to luxurious lingerie from leading brands in sizes 6 to 32 in A-K cups PROFESSIONALLY FITTED • Hosiery • Corsetry • GIFT VOUCHERS & WRAPPING • Friendly service and a warm environment 112 Katoomba St, Katoomba Ph: 4782 2113 The Echo - Page 3 SLOW DOWN IN MY STREET AND STAY SAFE An Eclectic Collection of... A49?,20x1@=94?@=0x1,>34:9 .:770.?,-70>x7:.,7,=?B:=6 ?:D>x50B0770=Dx=0.D.7,-70> 7ZNLW.ZY^TRYXPY_>SZ[ 4/134 Station St, Blackheath OPEN WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY 10:00am-4:00pm Tel: 02 4787 7709 N ow in its 5th year this li le gem just keeps ge ng bigger. An eclec c mix of local wares brimming over one and a half floors. Give yourself me to miander through the store while humming to tunes themselves of a good vintage sound!!! B/T offers an exci ng and interes ng collec on of local goods.. ranging from vintage collectables and an ques to furniture, furnishings, tools, toys, jewellery local and foreign art, cra supplies, wool and a fabulous collec on of funky fashion for all shapes and sizes also catering in menswear . B/T offers a wonderful shopping experience for all, well worth a visit. Located at UNIT 4/134 sta on st Blackheath....down the drive. Ample parking in front of warehouse OPEN 10am4pm Wednesday to Sunday - Phone: 47877709. Drivers in the Blue Mountains are being asked to, ‘Slow Down in My Street’ to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclist and motorists. ‘Slow Down in My Street’ is a local road safety project jointly funded by Blue Mountains City Council, and the Roads and Marime Service (RMS), with support from NSW Police. Mayor, Cr Mark Greenhill, said, “The aim of the ‘Slow Down in My Street’ campaign is simple, to make our local streets safer for everyone. Households along the targeted streets in the Blue Mountains will be provided with a ‘Slow Down in My Street’ s cker to place on their wheelie bin. Council is asking residents to apply the s cker to the right side of their rubbish or recycling bin as a visual reminder for motorists to please slowdown in our local streets. The NSW Police Local Area Command will be targe ng local streets during this phase of the campaign. Fines and demerit points will be issued to any motorist caught speeding. Everyone in our community has the responsibility to help make our streets safe for pedestrians, cyclists, children and other drivers. Drivers are asked to reduce their speed and drive to the condi ons. For further informa on visit the RMS website at au or contact the BMCC Road Safety Coordinator, on 4780 5000. Fast Reliable Printing • Business StaƟonery • LeƩer Press PrinƟng • Flyers • Wedding InvitaƟons • NewsleƩers • Posters Call us for a free quote 02 4782 2514 Page 4 - The Echo • Raŋe Tickets • Docket Books • Much more Lithgow Lions Club Markets a date to remember A date to remember Sunday 26th April 2015 They are back the Lithgow Lions Club Community Markets. The biggest Markets in Lithgow held the 4th Sunday of the Month at the Lithgow Showground from 9am to 1pm with over 65 stalls and growing the all weather April Markets will be a day out for the whole family. With an outside car boot sale with all things trash and treasure, just one of the many things on offer. Browse inside the large Civic Ballroom and you will find everything from mouth watering hand made chocolates , baked goodies, fresh fruit and veggies, local free range meat, oils, jams, honey, wine’s, clothing, arts & cra s, jewellery, crea ve candles, wooden items, plants and so much more. Finish off your shopping with a light lunch and fresh ground espresso coffee from the cafe and enjoy lunch from the Lions Club & Volunteer Rescue Squad BBQ’s. Make a date in your calendar and visit the Lithgow Lions Club Community Markets the 4th Sunday of the month at the Lithgow Showground They are a community market and all profits go back into the community. The mo o is “Run by the Community for the Community” The Lithgow Lions Club Markets are looking to attain addi onal food stall holders, if you have an interest contact 043 401 6279, email or check out facebook . The Echo - Page 5 Caterina Ligato Author of ‘Caterina Cares’ The Australian Ghost Whisperer Australia’s Foremost Psychic Healer Healings – Readings - House Clearings 0404 258 949 Now available in the Blue Mountains by appointment only. ‘Caterina Cares’ Monthly Column Ques on: Dear Caterina, I have a nephew currently in alcohol rehab, who has lost his job; takes &sees no responsibility for his 3 boys [8; 11;17] family and demonstrates he couldn’t/ doesn’t care [can’t iden fy] about the future. The boys are confused & upset & without proper guidance at this very important me of life, who is to say what might lie ahead. How do you think we could contribute Thanks in advance God Bless Concerned Aunt Answer: Dear Help, This is a very sad situa on, and feel he has been this way for many years. I regret to say that at this point in me he really has no inten on to heal his wounds. My heart goes out for the three young boys. there lives have been filled with anguish and pain. I strongly feel it would be be er for the boys to cut contact with their father un l they are emo onally able to accept and deal with their fathers illness. If all the family members could come together and spend me and give as much love possible it will help them to heal. They need to know that there are people who love them and they need to know that they can pick up a phone any me to talk to any of you. This will truly help them to know that they are loved and cherished. For Catarina to answer your quesƟon please email to Page 6 - The Echo The Echo - Page 7 WIN SEATS TO ATTEND HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA’S HISTORIC BLUE MOUNTAINS PUBLIC TALK! The Echo is delighted to announce a wonderful opportunity for Blue Mountains residents. In conjunction with Dalai Lama in Australia we have five double passes to give away to attend the Dalai Lama’s historic Public Talk at Katoomba Public School on Friday 6th June, 2015. The Dalai Lama will speak on the subject “The Wisdom of Forgiveness” from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. HOW TO ENTER: To go in the draw to win a double pass to a end the Dalai Lama’s Public Talk, simply fill in, cut out and mail this coupon to: Dalai Lama Compe on c/o The Echo Community Newspaper 7 Ficus Street, Katoomba NSW 2780. Or email your full name and phone number with the subject line ‘Dalai Lama Compe on’ to compe Results will be drawn by The Echo in conjunc on with Katoomba Public School, and the winners will be advised by phone or email. Good Luck everyone. Please also be aware that even seven months ahead of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Australian Visit, there has been amazing interest in the Public Talk at Katoomba with people even purchasing Ɵckets as surprise Christmas giŌs! Please book soon if you do wish to be at this historic event. Registra ons Now Open for 2015 Big Red Ride Sydney Registra ons are now open for Muscular Dystrophy NSW’s third annual Big Red Ride Sydney event, set to take place on Sunday 8 November, 2015. Par cipants, led by cycling legend Brad McGee, will once again enjoy a celebra on of Sydney icons in a ride of endurance they will never forget. The epic 150km ride commences at the white sands of Bondi Beach. The elite group of cycling enthusiasts will then ride over the spectacular Sydney Harbour Bridge before heading west to the historic town of Richmond. The final leg of the journey will provide the ul mate riding experience, with a 1,000 metre climb to the finish line at Katoomba and the stunning landscape of the Blue Mountains. 2015 is set to be the BIGGEST AND BEST Big Red Ride Sydney yet with a BRAND NEW OPTION to finish the ride at RIchmond for people who want to be a part of the event but can’t quite make the full distance. All interested cyclists need to do is register for the 2015 Big Red Ride Sydney event via the website and tell us whether you would like to ride from Bondi to Richmond or all the way to Katoomba to be crowned King of the Mountain! 100% of funds raised will go to Muscular Dystrophy NSW’s Kids For Life program. So far $300,000 has been raised to provide cri cal life changing support to terminally ill children. With only 150 spots available interested cyclists are encouraged to register now at h p:// More info is available via Name: Address: Phone: Email: Terms & Condi ons: One entry per person You can live anywhere in NSW to enter, Good Luck! Tickets for the above competition will be draw on the 4th of May at Katoomba Public School. Drawn at 10.30am by Miss Paine, Principle (releaving) and Robyn Blinman editor of the Echo Community Newspaper. We wish everybody the best of luck. For more information on His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Blue Mountains Public Talk and/or to book your tickets, please visit our website www.dalailamainaustralia. org or call our office on 02 9575 4888 Page 8 - The Echo ‘QUARTET CONCERT’ Works by Joseph Haydn Ludwig van Beethoven Franz Schubert Sunday, Mar 22nd, 3pm ‘ORCHESTRA CONCERT’ Douglas Lilburn Frederick Septimus Kelly Sosef Suk Sunday, Mar 29th, 3pm Pat Heffernan Hall Katoomba Public School Merriwa St, Katoomba Tickets at the door Admission $15, Concessions $12 Children free Phone 0412 786 381 for more details TOGETHER IN SONG - SYDNEY STREET CHOIR & THE HEATHENS -SPRINGWOOD CONCERT Since its formation in 2001 the SYDNEY STREET CHOIR has sung in the Opera House, St Mary’s Cathedral, Belvoir St Theatre, at Uluru and many other venues and with many great artists – Normie Rowe, Vanessa Amorosi, Paul Grabowski – NOW they are coming to the Blue Mountains to sing with The Heathens, Blackheath’s Community Choir and The Village Orchestra. The Street Choir was formed to connect with, inspire and empower those who are living or working in homeless or disadvantaged communities. Many of its members have experienced difficult times in their lives and for them the magic of creating music together and with others provides a life-changing and saving experience. The Choir employs a Musical Director James Paul and is organised by a Board of Directors who give of their time and skills voluntarily. Volunteer expert helpers assist Choir Members with many needs – finding housing, medical and legal help, financial guidance and relationship strengthening. The Choir is FAMILY for many of its members. The Choir is totally self-supporting and relies on funds raised through concerts to keep functioning. A Street Choir Concert is filled with joy, laughter and happiness. The Heathens were formed with the assistance of BANC (Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre) in 2009 under the Leadership of Christine Wheeler, a professional musician and resident of Blackheath. Its members come from many Upper Mountains villages and like the Street Choir, for many of our members Choir is FAMILY. The Heathens are fast carving out for themselves a respected place in the Mountains music community. They found it easy to say “Yes” to the idea of supporting the Street Choir in a joint concert. The concert will also feature ‘The Village Orchestra’ - Mara Kiek, Llew Kiek and Gary Daley - local artists who will play a mixture of original and traditional pieces. This can be your chance to support a charity that is making a real difference in the lives of people experiencing severe disadvantage in our community. You can hear these two great Choirs at Springwood Presbyterian Church on Saturday 11th April at 2pm. For more information Contact: Julie Brackenreg 0401 516 482. PET OF THE MONTH “Casper is an independent chap looking for a new home. He loves pats, and also enjoys spending me with other friendly felines. He can be shy at mes, so is not suited to a home with young children. To find out more about Casper, contact the shelter on 47822674.” Thank you Katoomba RSPCA 121-125 Mort Street, Katoomba The Echo - Page 9 State Elec on Debate Sunday 15th March Blue Mountains Toastmasters have the three candidates from the major par es for the State Elec on available for all to hear – Liberal, Labor and the Greens - at a free State elec on debate at Wentworth Falls School of Arts on Sunday, March 15. The event with the si ng Liberal MP Rosa Sage, Labor candidate Trish Doyle, and Greens candidate Alandra Tasire is from 2.30pm to 4.30m and is open to the public. There is sea ng for 100 people at the debate which is being organised by Blue Mountains Toastmasters. It will be moderated by Club president Peter Walker, a former Sydney Morning Herald State government journalist. Candidates will have the opportunity to outline their proposals for the electorate as well as provide informa on about their policies on specific subjects. Equal me will be given to each candidate. There will also be ques ons from the floor. If you require any further informa on, contact Peter Walker on 4757 3328 or Sue Huehn on Liberal MP Rosa Sage and Greens candidate Alandra Tasire, and Labor candidate Trish Doyle E-Co-Housing Open Day Learn more about co-housing, and the proposed neighbourhood development at 11 Glendarrah St Hazelbrook on Sunday 22 March from 2-4pm. We are a group of ethical enviro folk seeking to grow a community which is inclusive, sustainable, affordable and socially aware. Beginning Recently Lithgow and District Garden Club celebrated their 15 th anniversary at Eskbank House in Lithgow. The Club is affiliated with Garden Clubs of Australia and a member of the Blue Mountains Zone. The Vale Ladies served a deligh ul lunch in the gardens under the trees with background music by Brian Wilkinson. A book compiled by President Kerry Klemens was launched by Mayor Maree Statham. It featured stories past and present as well as recipies, ps and lots of laughs as well some sadness. Hon. Paul Toole member for Bathurst was instrumental in gaining a grant for publishing the book. Members were persuaded by Social Secretary Pat Thomson with of- with a ernoon tea there will be fun ac vi es for all ages. Please BYO chair and a coffee mug which says something about you. A short walk from the sta on otherwise parking on the grass verge on the street is appreciated. For more informa on and to RSVP contact Jasmine Payget on or 0406045044. fering of a “chocolate frog” if they gave a story. Around 80 members par cipated. Rosie Galloway from Lithgow High School also helped with the produc on. A beau ful cake made and decorated by member Ethel Blackadder. Photo: Resident Kerry Klemens, Rosie Galloway, Paul Toole, Mayor Maree Statham , Life member Lillian Gummow, Life member Al Ritchie Club Hazelbrook ‘The Friendliest Club’ Bonnie View Avenue, Hazelbrook Tel: 4758 6240 CLUB BISTRO Thursday, Friday & Sunday nights MONDAY ZUMBA CLASSES 11.30am-12.15pm CRAFT AFTERNOON 12.30pm–3.30pm Open from 5.30 – 8.00 pm TAI CHI - QIGONG SHIBASHI - Pastas, Warm Salads, Steaks, Seafood Vegetarian, Stir Fries, Chicken, Burgers Desserts and Kids Meals LINE DANCING THURSDAY MEAT RAFFLES & MEMBERS BADGE DRAWS FROM 6.30 PM SUNDAY MEAT & VEGIE RAFFLES & MEMBERS BADGE DRAWFROM 6.30 PM Take a Virtual Tour Page 10 - The Echo Fiona 1.30pm-2.30pm Liz Gardiner 6.30pm-8.30pm TUESDAY CROQUET 9.30am-3pm WEDNESDAY WOMENS BOWLERS 9am-12noon FRIDAY MENS BOWLERS 12.30pm-4.30 LINE DANCING Liz Gardiner - 1pm-3pm TRIVIA FROM 7.00PM Free entry – Prizes to be won Monster Easter Raffle $5.00 a ticket or Book of 10 Tickets for $30.00 Drawn Thursday 2nd April $1,000 worth of Prizes also Easter Colouring Competition Ages 0 years to 4 Years 5 years to 8 Years 9 years to 12 Years 1st 2nd 3rdPrizes for all age groups Winners announced on 4th April ROZA SAGE URGES RESIDENTS TO HAVE THEIR SAY ON RATES RISE Member for Blue Mountains Roza Sage has urged ratepayers to have their say on significant rate rises proposed by Blue Mountains City Council. The council has applied to an independent regulator for a Special Rate Varia on that will see average household rates go up by 40.4 per cent over the next four years. The Independent Pricing and Reg ulatory Tribunal is invi ng public comment on the applica on un l 16 March. “This is by anyone’s measure a significant increase to household costs, par cularly for those on fixed incomes,” said Mrs Sage. “It is understandably the subject rise to write to IPART before 16 of strong feeling in the commu- March 2015.” nity. Submissions can be made by com“This is an important issue for all ple ng a form online or le ers ratepayers across the local govern- can be uploaded on to the IPART ment area and I want to ensure website. everyone has fair opportunity to IPART will accept and consider have their views heard. all submissions from interested “I am urging everyone who feels groups or individual ratepayers. strongly about this proposed rate Submissions can be made at: h p:// ons_and_Minimum_Rates/ Applica ons_Determina ons/Submission_ Form?versionid=5efe36c3-0c6e-4515-8284-a44400b3ec7f Hydro hosts historic dance event The world-famous Hydro Majes c Hotel at Medlow Bath hosted another historic milestone when 360 costumed dancers high kicked their way into history to smash their own Guinness World Record at the launch of the annual Roaring 20s Fes val and all that Jazz on Saturday, February 7. In the flamboyant yet elegant style of legendary former Hydro owner Mark Foy, the Blue Mountains Charleston Challenge and the following Majes c Long Lunch a racted hundreds of chicly-draped visitors. Hydro Majes c co-owner Huong Nguyen said: ``We at the Escarpment Group were very proud of the refurbishment of the buildings and were confident they were true to the Mark Foy style. ``Congratula ons to all the dancers who helped keep the Blue Mountains on the interna onal stage.’’ The day began with the Blue Mountains Charleston Challenge on the lawns when 360 dancers aged from 3 to 92 and dressed in 1920s-style costume broke the Guinness World Record for the greatest number of costumed people to dance the Charleston. The event set the record with 276 in 2013, 319 in 2014 and aimed for 350 in 2015. Guests included Australian food and wine iden ty and Majes c Long Lunch ambassador Lyndey Milan OAM, Roaring 20s Fes val ambassador Claudia Chan Shaw, fes val patron Charlo e Smith and a host of food and wine writers. Go to www.hydromajes c. for more informaon about events, dining and accommoda on at the Hydro Majes c Hotel. The Echo - Page 11 Fit & Healthy in the Mountains Lymphatic Drainage Lymphoedema Therapy Megan Lloyd, Certified Lymphoedema Therapist (Foldi Clinic, Germany) 69 Megalong St. Katoomba By appointment: 0425 307 296 | NATURAL MOVEMENT ‘A culture of Body/Mind Health and Fitness’ Welcome to NATURAL MOVEMENT! Natural Movement Pilates Studio, NM Dance, NM Pilates, & NM Body/Mind Fitness.. A full Health & Fitness Package! In 2015 Natural Movement has been promo ng ‘A Culture of Body/ Mind Health & Fitness’ in the Blue Mountains & Sydney, offering Dance & Pilates, Body/Mind Services, since 2000 and with its Natural Movement Pilates Studio since 2004 in the Upper Blue Mountains, catering for the Individual and various groups. Natural Movement – is currently expanding its services across the Blue Mountains, from Upper to the Penrith District area and is currently taking bookings for Katoomba, Hazelbrook, Springwood, Blaxland & Penrith. NM Dance- Founder, Manager, Ar s c Director & Instructor Julie Ouliarin first established NM in 1998 in Melbourne, has brought an extensive background of experience, knowledge & exper se to the Blue Mountains, ensuring professional standards. . From its Injury Rehabilita on Programs, to Dance & Sports Specific Pilates, she has been helping the community achieve their fitness and health goals, as well as expression through Dance. Julie Ouliarin is also a professional Dancer/Performer/Choreographer/Teacher, who has held permanent posi ons in the main venues of Sydney, Melbourne & Madrid, with training and experience in Spain under the highest caliber of Flamenco. Book in to experience the essence of Flamenco with Professional Flamenco performer Julie Ouliarin and all elements of Modern Jazz with the former Australian Solo Champion, including original repertoire (other styles on request..). Julie Ouliarin combines her exper se in the area of Pilates & Natural Body Therapies, as well as a life me of Dance and movement, with her qualifica ons in teach ing of educa on & studio Instruc on & Management, to guarantee profes sional standards, with the highest level of supervision. She is one of Aus tralia’s most expe !" rienced & studio !#$% %%& # '(!)* trained Instructors (!#$+,% %-%%&... of Pilates, Dance & /(!'(% Movement of our (,%,,.. !0 1%!%(! me. Star ng out !/123! ''(1 with renowned In-," s tu ons in Melbourne (Australian Ballet School’s, Pilates Studio) & onto Sydney, Madrid & &1% !* )* !*!%455!#6 other ci es, she has 7,3 88"%.. !'( 9* con nued to expand 1('( her services, from a &:!) ''*#!,& life me dedicated +#$!+ ! &,%%1(.. to Movement & the !/ Body. &''(1%, -," Page 12- The Echo Fit & Healthy in the Mountains blackheath physiotherapy & pilates Explore the benefits of a longer practice, including standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and pranayama. Beginners through to general level students. Visitors and current students welcome. Bookings via 0419 986 896 Level 1 Foundation Physio Pilates Thursdays 1.30pm Level 2 General Mat Pilates Wednesdays 4.30pm 0410 699 698 t h i n k b r e a t h e m o v e The Echo - Page 13 March 2015 2015 Seniors Week in the Upper Mountains Seniors in the upper mountains can enjoy a range of activities throughout the mountains during the month of March 2015. Some of the events planned for seniors in the upper mountains include: Friday 6 March from 11am- 1 pm History Tour of Katoomba & Wentworth Falls Cemeteries Sunday 8 March from 10am-3pm Seniors Week Special Valley Heights Locomo ve Depot Heritage Museum Wednesday 11 March from 10:30am Classic Movie Ma nee Marx Bros “A Day at the Races” at the Paragon Café Cost FREE, Contact Blue Mountains City Council 4780 5546, Bookings are essen al. Cost FREE, Contact, or 4751 4174 Bookings are essen al. Cost Gold coin Dona on, Contact 4782 1117, Bookings are essen al Saturday 7 March from 10:30am – 12:30pm: Trip to Flower Power Dural for Lunch Star ng Monday 9 March 2015 from 10am (Monday & Wednesday) Walking Groups for Women, Cost Saturday 14 March, Seniors Discounts at Blue Mountains Visitor Informa on Centres, Glenbrook Visitor Informa on Meet at Lawson Library, Cost $20 for transport must be prepaid before hand Contact Great Community Transport 4759 240 (Please note If you haven’t used community transport before you will need to be pre-assessed. Transport needs to be booked and paid for in advance by phoning Great Community transport on the number above. ) FREE, Blue Mountains Women’s Health and Resource Centre, Contact (02)4782 5133 or email: Centre (GWH Glenbrook) & Katoomba Visitor Informa on Centre (Echo Point Rd, Katoomba)Cost FREE, Contact 1300 653 408 Monday 9 March 2015 1:30pm— 4pm, Women’s Cra & Sewing Circle ! ! 5 1 0 2 t a e Feeling Gr Cost FREE, Contact (02)4782 5133 or email: To find out more information on these activities and others planned for March you can contact Prue Hardgrove on 4780 5000 to obtain the full Seniors Week program. Or alternatively you can pick up a program at the various Library branches, Neighbourhood Centres, Councils Customer Service Counters and via the Council website www.bmcc. The program will be made available the first week of March. Page 14 - The Echo Star ng Saturday 14 March, Seniors Group FREE Fitness Class & Swim Contact 4780 5750 Blue Mountains City Library to RSVP Monday 23 March 2015 10am-12pm Seniors Week Recogni on Awards Seniors throughout the week of 14th to 22nd March have FREE entry for a swim at any of the following centres; Glenbrook Swim Centre, Lawson Swim Centre & Blackheath Pool. At The Katoomba Sports and Aqua c Centre and Springwood Aqua c and Fitness Centre you are en tled to a FREE Seniors Group Fitness Class or a swim. (Classes included; Aqua Aerobics, Zoomer Energy, Strengthening for Life or Heart moves.) Take this opportunity to par cipate in a fitness program of your choice or swim for free during this week of the 14th to 22nd March 2015. Cost FREE, Contact: 02)4780 5156 or (02)4723 5111. Wednesday 18 March 2015 11:30am Zumba Gold for Seniors Blue Mountains Community and Cultural Hub, (Macquarie Rd, Springwood) Cost FREE, Contact 4780 5546 Blue Mountains City Council ® Blackheath Community Centre (Gardiner Crescent Blackheath ) Cost FREE, Contact Angela Mills at Fit and Fabulous 0411 700 188. “Glimpses of Glenbrook Players “ performance & “Seen + Heard” Zine Launch Blue Mountains Theatre & Community Hub on Macquarie, Rd Springwood 10am (for 10:30 start) to 12pm, Blue Mountains City Library, Contact: (02)4723 5040 (bookings essen al) Monday 16 March from 12:30am Pilates for Seniors Thursday 19 March 10am -12pm, An Old Fashioned Community Morning Tea, Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Cen- St Albans Church Hall, 137a Megalong St Leura, Cost FREE, Contact Angela Mills at Fit and Fabulous on 0411 700 188 tre (9 New Street, Lawson), Cost FREE Contact 4759 2592 Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre Tuesday 17 March 2015 10:00am12noon, Tech Taste sessions (for the technology curious) Thursday 19 March 10am -12pm, Tech Taste Seniors (for the technology curious) Katoomba Library Blue Mountains Springwood Library 104 Macquarie Road, Springwood, Cost FREE, Contact 4723 5040, Blue Mountains City Library Tuesday 17 March 2015 12-2pm, Trip to Avoca Beach for Lunch Cost $30 for transport must be (Prepaid a fortnight before), Contact 4759 2403 Great Community Transport on (Please note If you haven’t used community transport before you will need to be pre-assessed. Transport needs to be booked and paid for in advance by phoning Great Community transport on the number above). Tuesday 17 March 2015 10:00am Bollywood in Blackheath Phillips Hall, Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre (Gardiner Crescent Blackheath) Cost FREE, Contact 4787 7770 Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre (BANC) to RSVP Cultural Centre, Cost FREE, Contact Katoomba Library 4780 5750 Wednesday 25 March 2015 11am Classic Movie Ma nee The Lady from Shanghai 1947 Thriller Paragon Café, Katoomba St, Katoomba Cost FREE, Contact 4782 1117 Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre Café (places are limited, booking is essen al) Thursday 26 March 2015 12pm-3pm (Doors Open 11:45am) Elvis Is Back at the Carrington, Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, Cost: $10.00 (includes light refreshments bookings essen al) Tickets available from Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre, Contact: 4782 1117 Saturday 28 March 2015 2pm – 4pm (Meet at 1:45am) Na onal Park Fun for Grandparents and Grandkids & Honi Ryan, GWH Woodford Cost Museum Entry &Performance Adults/ - $10. Contact 4758 8743 or NPWS Blue Mountains Heritage Centre (end of Gove s Leap Rd, Blackheath) Cost FREE, Contact NPWS Discovery Program 4784 7301 Saturday 21 March 2015 9am—12pm, Charles Darwin Weeding Walk , Falls Sunday 29 March 2015 2:30pm Radio Plays, The Mountain Heritage, Cnr Road, Wentworth Falls, Cost FREE, Bush Care Blue Mountains Contact Peter Chrismas 4780 5623 or The group informa on can be found here: h p:// au/groups/jamison-creek/ Sunday 22 March 2015 9am –12pm Fairy Dell Plan ng Day Springwood Springwood Ave ,Springwood, Cost FREE Bush Care Blue Mountains, Contact Joanne Fenner 4780 5623 or h p:// on-commi ee/ LIVE MUSIC / lunch special $7 per person. Contact Katoomba RSL (Nick Darias) 4782 2624 Email: marke for further informa on Sunday 22 March 2015 9am –12pm Seniors Weeks Special “One for One” Offer 17b Tusculum Road, Valley Heights The Seminar Room, Blue Mountains Cultural Centre ( Parke St) Cost FREE, Centre, 30 Parke Street, Katoomba Cost FREE, BMCC and the BMCC Aboriginal Advisory Council (02)4782 5560 Saturday 21 March 10am – 4pm Woodford Academy Open day & Palimpest # 2 Performances by Ben Denham Tuesday 17 March 2015 12pm—2pm Katoomba RSL Club Seniors Week Special. Katoomba RSL Club Restaurant (86 Lurline St Katoomba) Cost FREE Wednesday 18 March 2015 10.30 -12noon, Author talk: The Painted Sky – Alice Campion Tuesday 24 March 2015 12pm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Elders Lunch Blue Mountains Cultural Cost Free entry on presenta on of Seniors card (If accompanied by adult or child paying normal admission fee*) Contact Keith Ward (02)4751 4638 (Leave message) or email: kwa40124@bigpond. Apex Street & Lovel Sts, Katoomba Cost $15.00 (includes plays and a ernoon tea) Contact 4782 2155 Blue Mountains Radio Players Tuesday 31 March 2015 11:30am— 1pm, Trip on the Parrama a River Cat to Circular Key Cost $22 for transport (must be prepaid a fortnight before) Contact Great Community transport (02)4759 2403 (Please note: If you haven’t used community transport before you will need to be pre-assessed. Transport needs to be booked and paid for in advance by phoning Great Community transport on the number above. ) ! ! e f i L e v i L The Echo - Page 15 Wild and Free Photography Exhibition, Blackheath “Wild and Free”, the second Macro Lems public exhibi on will be held from Monday 2 to Sunday 29 March (inclusive) in the Na onal Parks Heritage Centre Gallery, end of Gove s Leap Road, Blackheath. The official closing will be on Sunday 29 March from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. The inaugural 2014 Macro Lems exhibion “Reveal” was a huge success, with fantas c feedback from the Na onal Parks and the general public on the quality and content of the photographs displayed, with many now adorning walls near and far. Macro Lems is a group of about 50 women who love to get together and take photos. “Wild and Free” is the second group exhibi on. Wild beach scenes, birds flying free, the intricate details of wild flowers, will be on dis- h Marc 1 2 Sat 30 pm at 7. play for viewers to enjoy, along with many other subjects that fit the “Wild and Free” criteria. Macro Lems has a walk once a month and a themed monthly photo challenge. The challenges are always very popular as not everyone can make the walks, so it provides a great pla orm for members to share photos and learn from one another. Macro Lems comprises all photography skill levels, from the complete novice to experienced, award winning photographers. The more experienced members are very generous in sharing their knowledge. The common denominators are the love of nature and photography in all its wild and free forms. All photographs are framed and for sale. Josophan’s Fine Chocolates of Leura, proudly presents ‘Cello & Chocolate’ 2015 with “Caves Cellist ” Georg Mertens & Friends starting with the new combination of cello & guitar from Beethoven to Brazil with Georg Mertens on cello & Giuseppe Zangari on guitar Your chance to make a difference to the look of our town and village centres Funding is currently available to assist building owners and tenants to undertake a variety of restoration works to upgrade the presentation of building facades in Lithgow, Portland and Wallerawang The Main St Facade Restoration Program is an initiative of Lithgow City Council that partners with building owners and tenants to provide matching funding of up to a maximum of $2,500 including GST per property for approved works that deliver improvements to the condition and visual appeal of building facades. “We have a unique range of heritage and contemporary buildings and by assisting building owners and tenants to make me them look as attractive as possible we can make our town and village centres more appealing for both residents and tourists,” said Lithgow City Council Mayor Maree Statham. Over the past several years Council has partnered with a number of building owners and tenants to improve the look of a range of buildings both small and large along Main St Lithgow. Most recently Ms Glenda Anthes owner and operator of Intimate Dreams at 91 Main St Lithgow took advantage of the Council program to reinstate awning columns and complete other facade improvement works. Typical works that can be funded under the program include: • Maintenance, repair and repainting of the building façade. • Re-instatement of original colour schemes, traditional windows, awnings and decoration. • Non commercial façade or under awning lighting To find out more information about the Main St Façade Restoration Program and to see if you can become a project partner, follow the link to Councils Economic Development webpage or contact Councils Economic Development Officer Matt Brewster on phone (02) 63 54 9999. Page 16 - The Echo KNC The Echo - Page 17 COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD MONDAYS Hazelbrook Scouts Cubs - Monday from 6.30pm Hazelbrook Scout Hall 70 Railway Pde, Hazelbrook Mid Mountains Walkers Heart Foundation Walking Group Meet 9:15am for 9:30am start Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson Ph 4759 2592. Varuna’s Volunteer Garden Team Monday mornings from 9am inc morning tea. If you know about plants & want to join the us, Ph. 4782 5674 or Blue Mountains Croquet Club Golf Croquet and Gateball 9.00am Clanwilliam Street, Blackheath Ph: 4787 6885 or 4787 6614 Blackheath Walkers Heart Foundation Walk 8.30am Jubilee Park Blackheath P: 0400391508 or 4787 7684 CWA Leura Morning Branch. Meets weekly, Monday at 9.30am. Please contact Pat McKeown on 4782 2882 for more information TUESDAYS 1st Blackheath Scouts “Cubs Meeting (7.5yrs - 11yrs) 6pm - 7.30pm at the Scout Hall on Park St in Blackheath P: Russell 4788 1113 The Rotary Club of Upper Blue Mountains Sunrise The Mountain Heritage Coach House, President: Joan Hart 4787 6982 Katoomba Tuesday 7am for 7:15 WEDNESDAYS Probus Ladies of Upper Mtns 3rd Wednesday monthly at 10am Leura Golf Club The Heathens Community Choir Wednesdays 2-4pm Blackheath Area N’Hood centre P: Chris on: 4787 5725 Blackheath Phoenix Choir 7.15pm - 9.30pm - Tuesdays Uniting Church Hall, Govetts Leap Rd, Blackheath Ph: 4787 5818 Upper Blue Mtns View Club 4th Wed monthly .11am WW Falls Country Club Bookings: Pauline 4757 1859. Katoomba Men’s Shed 6 Orient Street Katoomba, 9am-2pm Computer Clubs, Woodworking, Metalworking Phone 4782 7433 Woodford Presbyterian Playgroup From 10am - 12noon, Presby Church 88-89 GWH Woodford. P: 4751 7715 Ladies Probus Club of the Central Blue Mtns 2nd Tuesday monthly at 10am Wentworth Falls Country Club P:4757 4695 Central Blue Mtns View Club 3rd Weds Monthly - 11am Lawson Bowling Club P: Merle 4759 1153 Craft group, CWA Blackheath Branch Early Childhood Centre, Gardeners Cres meets every Tuesday from 9am till 12pm Phone Meryl on 0403 847 261 Blue Mountains Croquet Club, Golf Croquet 9.00am Clanwilliam Street, Blackheath (next to the Oval) Ph: 4787 6885 or 4787 6614 Carer Peer Support Group Wednesday 12 Feb 2pm - 3.30pm Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson P: 4759 2592 Mountain Opera Chorus Every Tuesday from 7:30pm – 9.50pm Lawson Community Centre - Ph; 4782 5765 Varuna The National Writers House Eleanor Dark Foundation Ltd Mon, Tues & Thurs 141 Cascade St (PO Box 907) Katoomba NSW 2780 Phone: 4782 5674 - Vera Costello email: Website: Syber Seniors Computer help 2pm - 3.30pm You must bring own fully-charged device and be 65 years + ... P: 4759 2592 Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson Katoomba Men’s Shed 6 Orient Street Katoomba Woodwork, Metalwork 9am-2pm Phone 4782 7433 Leura Home Garden Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 9.45am in St Albans Church Hall, Megalong Street, Leura. Enquiries to 4784 1901 Blue Mountains Toastmasters 2nd and 4th Monday of the month Carrington Hotel starting at 7.30pm. Phone: Peter Walker 4757 3328 Scottish Country Dancing.Catholic Church Hall,Blackheath. Beginners welcome,7-8pm.Supper following. Enq.Pat-47875230. Vocal Edge Chorus 7 pm - 9 pm, Blackheath Enquiries: Sharon - 0418 118 110 Amanda - 0405 323 099 The next mee ng of the Blue Mountains Historical Society will be held at 99 Blaxland Rd, Wentworth Falls. On April 11th at 10.30 a.m. When Paul Innes and John Low will discuss Soldiers of the Mountains Page 18 - The Echo Anyone LIVING WITH HAEMOCHROMATOSIS is invited to come along and join in with Blackheath’s Haemochromotosis discussion group. Note change of venue: Future meetings will be held in the clubhouse of Blackheath Golf Club, Intended to be held third Friday of the month. Discussions begin at 11am in small private meeting room. Refreshments available. See coming events on Next meeting: March 20 (Friday) in the clubhouse of Blackheath Golf Club, Discussions begin at 11am in small private meeting room (meet at clubhouse reception desk). Refreshments available. RSVP not necessary, no entry fee. Enquiries: email or phone 02 4787 7937. THURSDAYS Katoomba Men’s Shed 6 Orient Street Katoomba, 9am-2pm Leatherwork, Woodwork, Metalwork Phone 4782 7433 Hazelbrook Scouts Joeys from 5pm Scouts from 7pm Hazelbrook Scout Hall, 70 Railway Pde Hazelbrook Blackheath & District Horticultural Society Inc 1st Thursday of each month - 10.00 am - 12.00 Mini Flower Show, Guest Speaker and morning tea The Lodge, Campbell Rhododendron Gardens, Bacchante Street, Blackheath Call 0421 313 435 Email: Caring for Carers in the Blue Mountains 10.30am - 12 noon Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson P: 4759 2592 1st Blackheath Scouts 7.15-9.15pm for 11-15 year olds B/H Scout Hall 0432327323 Mahjong Mid Mountains N.C 1-3pm, Contact Margret, 47586564 MONTHLY Australian Red Cross 1st Tuesday of the month - 10am Uniting Church Hall Hazelbrook P: 4759 2256 Upper Mountains Knitting Group 1st Saturday monthly 1.30pm - 4.00pm North Katoomba Public School, Barton Street P: 4782 1246 Wentworth Falls Tennis Club Mon, Tues, Weds & Thursdays Various times. members & guests welcome. For details P: 4782 7919 Blue Mountains Historical Soc. 1st Saturday monthly 10am Meeting & Speaker. 99 Blaxland Rd WW Falls. Blue Mountains Bridge Club ”Mon/Tues/Wed 6.45pm Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat 12.30pm The Spires, Leura Ph: 4758 6922 FRIDAYS Scrabble Club Every Friday from 1pm Meeting Room, Mid Mtns Neighbourhood Centre, P: 4759 2647 Katoomba Men’s Shed 6 Orient Street Katoomba, 9am-2pm Computer Clubs, Woodworking, Metalworking Phone 4782 7433 Parenting Young Support group Meet in the Family Day Care Room cnr San Jose & Loftus St. Lawson call Sophie P: 0415 324 694 Blue Mountains Croquet Club Golf Croquet and Gateball 9.00am Clanwilliam Street, Blackheath Ph: 4787 6885 or 4787 6614 Probus Club of Upper Blue Mountains Inc. (Men’s). meets first Friday of month at Leura Golf Club, 9 30 for 9 45 am start. Enquiries 4784 3151 Probus Club of Leura/Katoomba inc. Leura Golf Club,Leura, 2nd Friday of the month at 10am. P: 4782 1172 Visitors Welcome. Mid Mountains Walkers Heart Foundation walk. Meet 9:15am (9:30am start) Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson Phone: 4759 2592. M tainss Parkinson’s Support Group Bl Mountain Blue 3rd Thursday each month 10.30 am till 12, at The Seminar Room, Lewin Lodge, 4 Lewin St, SPRINGWOOD, Contact MARIE ON 4757 1778. All welcome Mid Mtns Community Garden Member meetings First Wednesday monthly - 7pm Mid Mtns Neighbourhood Centre The Katoomba/Leura/Wentworth Falls Hospital Auxiliary meet at 1.30 pm on the last Monday in the month in the Education Unit at Katoomba Hospital. Upper Blue Mountains VIEW Club meets on the 4th Wednesday 10-30 for 11 at the Wentworth Falls Country Club Enquiries: Pauline 4757 1859 “The Blue Mountains Embroiders Guild 1st Thursday Month 10am. Leura Fairways, Fitzroy Street, Leura. Phone 47571494” Along the Highway View Club of Australia is marking its 55th Anniversary in 2015 with the Upper Mountains View Club extending an invita on to all local women keen to meet new people and forge new interests. View supports the Learning for Life Program of the Smith Family and takes a keen interest in the students they sponsor. Commi ee Members for 2015 – President Liz Cunningham; VP Pauline Pa erson; Secretary Beryl Black; Assistant Secretary Trish Peat; Treasurer Beverly Osborn; Assistant Treasurer Shirley Tremble; Delegate Merle Hansard; Program Officer Sue Beahan; Program Officer 2 Robyn Smith; Publicity Officer Tricia Hogan. View Club meet son the 4th Wednesday of each Month at the Wentworth Falls Country Club 10.30 for 11am, for lunch and a guest speaker. For more informa on please contact Liz 4784 2239 or Pauline 4757 1859. SATURDAY Mid-mountains Community Garden in the Echo community calendar. to meeting on Saturdays from 9:30 am. Contacts: Janet 0407 926386, David 0418 250159. Upper Blue Mountains Knitting Group 1st Saturday Monthly 1.30pm - 4pm North Katoomba Public School. P: 0400461581. “SEW and CHAT Leura Uniting Church, cnr Grose and Megalong Streets, Leura 10.00am to 2.00pm 2nd Saturday. Further information phone “Bev 4757 2580” The Woodford Academy c. 1834, a National Trust property is the Blue Mountains oldest building. The museum is open to the public on the 3rd Saturday of each Month 10am-4pm. 90-95 Great Western Highway, Woodford. T. 02 4758 8743 or Email woodfordacademy@ Small entry fee charged at door to cover operational costs. Cash only please – no eftpos available Blue Mountains Croquet Club,Clanwilliam Street, Blackheath - Golf Croquet: 9 am - 12 noon Association Croquet: Alternate Saturdays 1 pm - 3pm Please phone 4787 6552 to check dates PAFFS-Parents And Families Finding Strength Child loss support group 4th Saturday of month: 3pm -5pm Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson Contact Becky 0438464824 “BM Renewable Energy Co-op. Interested in community owned renewable energy in your home or business? Come to our meetings 2nd Saturday at 11am at “Small meeting room, Mid Mountains Community Center, 9 New Street, Lawson”. or call Erland 0408 255 583.” The Blue Mountains Woodturners 1st. Saturday monthly 10 am Meeting and demonstrator Carver Ave, Mount Riverview. Visitors welcome. Australian Breastfeeding Association Upper Blue Mtns Group - 1st Wednesday of the month Katoomba Cultural Centre Phone 0407 887 637 The Court House - Hotel Folk Club. We meet first Sunday of each month from 4pm till late. Everyone welcome & bring an instrument with you if you have one. Contact number is 63551667. Redcross, Blackheath Branch 2nd Wednesday at 2pm Bacchante Street, Blackheath P: 4787 1972 or 47876461 - All Welcome Lithgow & District Garden Club meet the 1st Mon. Hoskins Church Hall Bridge St. Lithgow. 2pm during winter & 7pm during summer. Interesting guest speakers, we go on rambles, overnight trips to interesting places. Come along and meet new gardening friends email or contact president Kerry Klemens 63 551797 Katoomba Garden Club Monthly Meetings & outings For enquiries phone Margaret: 4782 2883 The Echo - Page 19 New Stage Released - Now N w Selling elling from f om $359,000 Page 20 - The Echo
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