February 1, 2015 Can we Mon Pray for Robyn as all the Kidz programmes begin this week. Thank God for the many opportunities these groups bring to share the love of Jesus with families in our community. Tue Give thanks for the fellowship we share as a church family and pray for the parish Dinner tonight that people may be encouraged in their service of one another. Wed Pray for all the leadership of our church as they prepare reports for the annual meeting and take up their ministries for the coming year, that they may be guided in their service of the Lord. Thu The first Market Morning of the year happens today pray for all those involved that they may be able to make the most of the contacts with the community that happen. help YOU in any of the following ways? find out more about Jesus doing ‘Christianity explained’ having a pastoral visit making St Hilda’s my church youth and children’s ministries joining a bible study group developing my ministry Special comments, requests, prayer needs or thanksgiving; Fri Pray for all the home group ministries as they start up int he next week or so, pray that those considering joining a group may find one that suits their situation. You are welcome at St Hilda’s today. Please feel free to fill in the comments slip attached to this bulletin, tear it off and place it in the offering bag or the church mail box at the church front door. We’d love to hear prayer points, news, or if you are new we’d love to get in touch and get to know you better. Church Info: Minister; Ray Robinson 4782 1608 Assocate Minister: Mike Wells 0415 159 865 Family Worker: Robyn Glindemann Please send my prayer needs to the prayer chain. 0438 401 088 Our Link Missionaries Date ______________ 8am 10am 5.30pm Name: Address: Phone: Email: Parish Assistant: Michelle Seers 0421 313 898 Hope for the future. I will never forget the tough times I would give my Scripture teachers in High School. I certainly didn't make their life easy, but much to my amazement they persevered. It was their commitment and dedication that so impressed me that I began to look further into the things they were telling me about. I thank God for the way he worked through them and how it has brought me to "the hope now laid up for me in heaven.” (Col 1’5) Today we pray for those who minister amongst our young people both within the church and into the community in places like SRE ministry. We've been blessed with keen, capable people, and we look forward to God doing a great work through them. Please pray for them. As young people learn and formulate principles and priorities for life, it's crucial that they have the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus. We need to continue to pray, not just today, but throughout the year for those on the cutting edge of this ministry. Website:www.sthildas.net Kingsley & Veronica Box kvbox@cms.org.au Email: office@sthildas.net Leon & Lee Hribar: lhribar@cms.org.au Facebook:sthildaskatoomba Kelvin & Roslyn Nicolle: Andrew & Sarah Lubbock: kelvin-roslyn_nicolle@sil.org aslubbock@cms.org.au Peter & Joy Palmer: p.palmer@bushchurchaid.com.au Shine & Jessica Thomas: shineandjessica@gmail.com Home Groups: Vince Williamson 0408 289 784 Parish Secretary: Gordon Albert 4757 4847 We can all take great comfort in the reality that as we step out and speak God's message in whatever situation He places us in, He promises; 'My word shall not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve *the purpose for which I sent it.' Isaiah 55'11 Ray Robinson Home groups If you have any queries please ask the leaders. Home Groups Daily 9.30-10.30am Home open for prayer. 2 Warialda St. 4782 1279 Mon Tue: 10.30 am Katoomba. Kristen Burke, 6.00 pm Leura, Sue Stones 7.30 pm W. Falls. Richard Smith 7.30 pm Katoomba. David Pettett Wed: 10.30am Katoomba. Anne Robinson 7.30 pm Katoomba. Trevor Rath Thu: 9.30am the church. Myra Russell 7.00 pm Katoomba. Vince Williamson Fri: 10.00am men@shop Join us at Bing’s BAMBOO BOX Sunday Service Feb 1 8am:Holy Communion 10am: Breakfast Church Bible Readings: 1 John 2:12-29 Mark 10:13-31 5.30pm Evening Service Sunday Service Feb 8 8am:Holy Communion 10am: Holy Communion Bible Readings: Isaiah 53 Mark 10:32-52 5.30pm Evening Service Finance Matters Weekly Offertory Budget: $3144 Offertory (January 25) $ 2923 Missionary Giving (January 25) $30 Building fund donations for Dec: $50 DETAILS FOR DIRECT CREDIT OFFERTORY Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts Account Name: St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba BSB Number: 704-998 Account Number: 100 009 830 Reference: offertory BANK DETAILS FOR DIRECT CREDIT TO THE BUILDING FUND Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts Account Name: St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba BSB Number: 704-998 Account Number: 100 009 967 Reference: DONATION Prayer is available for you: If you'd like someone to pray with you after the service today.... The latest sermon and weekly bulletin are also available on our website along with lots of information about our church and its ministries. www.sthildas.net Notes Mike Wells can be contacted on 0415 159 865 or email at michael@sthildas.net Text of the month. Without faith it is impossble to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him Hebrews 11:6 PARISH DINNER The parish dinner will be held on Tuesday, 3rd Feb 2015, 6pm, at St Hilda’s Church. CARERS FOR CHILDREN with special needs What better way to reach out with God’s love to the community than by supporting a local family. It will be a bring and share affair. Westlink Respite Services is in need of volunteers (over 17yrs) who would like to befriend a child or teenager who has a disability. Care can take place in your home, the child's home or as a companion on outings in the community. This is a great opportunity for the child to make new friends & also give their family a short break. Care can be for a few hours a week or a whole day once a month. Carers receive a small recompense. Training and ongoing support are provided. To find out more details, please phone Anglicare on (02) 8805 0916, or (02) 88050917 or email: westlink@anglicare.org.au We'd love to hear from you Kidz Ministries Our afterschool Kidz ministries will be starting back in February. Please pray for all the children that come to these ministries and thank God for the opportunity to read the Bible with them each week. KidzPlay for young children (birth to school age) and their parents/carers Fri 6th Feb 9.30-11.30am KZJ for children in school years K-2 years 1&2 start back Thurs 5th Feb 5pm (Kindy kids start 5th March) KidZone for children in school years 3-6 Fri 6th Feb 3.30pm-5pm Chips'n'Chat for children in school years 5 & 6 Fri 6th Feb 5.30pm-6.30pm BCA BCA boxes will be opened in March HELPERS NEEDED TO SET UP FOR THE PARISH DINNER Helpers are needed to set up for the Parish Dinner from 4.30pm on tues the 3rd Feb. If you are willing to help out, please speak with Pat McKeown. Understanding and engaging karma-based religion CMS WORKSHOP: St Hilda's Katoomba, 1pm, February 15 Eastern religions have fascinated many for a long period of time. Buddhism in particular has gained many followers in the Western world. What is the attraction in a religion like Buddhism? How do you interact and engage with your neighbor who is fascinated by the peace loving nature of Buddhism and other religions? How will you explain Christianity to someone from a Buddhist background? Friday night Dinner for youth. This year we would like to provide a simple and cheap dinner each week at Friday night youth. If you could volunteer to cook a simple meal one week for 15 or so young people, contact Michael Wells on 0415 159 865 Chamber Philharmonia Cologne PRAYER FOCUS – GOD’S PEOPLE IN SLOVENIA - February 16, 8pm at St Hilda’s church The Box and Hribar families. Tickets available at: Megalong books, Leura. 4784 1302 Tickets at the door (cash only) from 7pm. Pray for the splintered evangelical churches – for Biblical unity – ‘faith expressing itself through love’ (Gal 5: 6) Can you help with supper for the Philharmonic Performance? The performance will be held on Monday Feb 16th and we need your help with supper. If you are able to help out with supper, you are welcome to stay and listen to the group for free. Come along at 7pm to deliver your contributions. Contact Michelle Seers 0421 313 898 or michelle@sthildas.net SERVICE LEADERS SHARING – Sunday 1st March All service leaders are encouraged to allocate 2 hours in their diaries - from 3:00pm on Sunday 1st March 2015. Ray will chair this time, which will be an opportunity for sharing ideas, joys, encouragements, frustrations in the awesome ministry of leading God’s people in our Sunday public gatherings at St Hilda’s. An agenda will be distributed in due course, to allow you to give some pre-thought to these things. On the day there’ll be adequate coffee to keep your thought processes sharp! What's happening in Kidzchurch? This term there will be 3 class groups:Preschool/Kinder - taught by Kerrie McMath Years 1 & 2 - taught by Brenda Williamson Primary - taught by Anne Robinson Lessons will be from Luke, and then the Easter Story. Our memory verse will be "i am the light of the world! Follow me, and you won't be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life" John 8:12 If children bring money it will go into the BCA money box. Questions? talk to Anne, Brenda or Kerrie or email anne@sthildas.net Don't forget to update your contact details and sign your registration form for this year Font for dyslexia http://www.dyslexiefont.com/ The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (Size 9) The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (Times New Roman size 12) And for the Biblically faithful, innovative presentation of Biblical truth, translated into the cultural world of young Christians and unbelievers – in the churches, in Kingsley’s youth group, and in the university work under Leon. Accommodation The Katoomba Youth convention (KYCK) that happens in April this year is looking for hosts for some of the teenagers that will be attending the conference. The KYCK dates are 10-12,17-19, 24-26 April and you would not need to provide meals just accommodation, It would be a chance for you to encourage young people in their faith and be encouraged yourself. If you are interested in finding out more about this, please call KCC on 1300 737 140. St Marys group asking for accomodation. I was wondering if you know any accommodation or house I could rent in April in Katoomba or surrounding area. I'm keen to take a few young people from church@5:30 (6-10) to KYCK. Ideally we'd like to go on either of the following weekends KYCK #1: 10-12 APRIL or KYCK #2: 17-19 APRIL. See Philip Bassett for further details. Email philip@gr88er.com Market Morning The monthly market morning will be held start again on February 5, in the church hall. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and buy something special. Some Dates for your diary; 1st Feb 10am Youth Leader Commissioning. 4th Feb 6pm Parish Dinner 15th March 10am Joint Service followed by Church Annual Meeting. Feb 16 8pm Cologne Philharmonic Orchestra March 1 3pm Service Leaders Sharing 29th March Palm Sunday. Academy Singers Event.
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