October 12th, 2014 18th Sunday of Pentecost St. James Leitrim 4540 Bank Street at Leitrim Road Tel (613)739-9796 Sunday Services and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (Diocese of Ottawa Website: Ottawa.anglican.ca) St. James Web site http://www.saintjamesleitrim.com e-mail: stjames@saintjamesleitrim.com Welcome to Saint James Anglican Church Leitrim Pentecost 18 Holy Eucharist October 12th, 2014 Book of Alternative Services Only first two and last verses of hymns will be sung Opening Hymn #262 “Come, Ye Thankful People Come” Gathering of the Community The Collect First reading Exodus 32: 1-14 Claude Psalm Psalm 106 : 1-6, 19-23 Second reading Philippians 4 : 1-9 Ron Gradual Hymn #258 “We Plough the Fields and Scatter” Gospel Reading Mathew 22: 1-14 Sermon Naomi Kabugi The Nicene Creed p. 185 p. 385 p. 78 OT p. 850 p. 198 NT p. 24 NT p. 188 The Prayers of the People Phyllis p. 330 Confession and Absolution P. 191 The Peace p. 192 Offertory Hymn #259 “For the Fruit of all Creation” At Saint James, the offering plates are not regularly passed through the congregation. Those wishing to make a donation may do so by leaving it in the offering plate at the rear of the church. Prayer Over the Gifts p. 386 Eucharistic prayer # 2 Sylvia p. 196 The Lord’s Prayer p. 211 The Breaking of the Bread p. 212 The Communion p. 213 Communion Hymn #72 “Bread of Heaven, on thee We Feed” Musical Interlude INSERT Prayer After Communion p. 386 Blessing Announcements Closing Hymn #xxx “Title” Dismissal p. 215 May the hope of God surround us, the love of God enfold us the power of God protect us on our way. May the presence of our God watch over us and may God's spirit dwell within us every day. Prayers of the People Today in the World-Wide Anglican Communion we pray for The Church of the Province of West Africa with The Most Reverend Dr. Daniel Sarfo, Primate and Metropolitan of CPWA and Archbishop of the Internal province of Ghana and Bishop of Kumasi. In our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for the five point parish of Christ Church, Poltimore; St George’s, Gatineau; St John’s in the Wilderness, Glen Almond; St Stephen’s, Buckingham and St Thomas, Silver Creek. In our companion diocese, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, we pray today for St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem and for the Educational Ministry of the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School in Ramallah. We also pray for those in our Diocese living under Religious Vows. We pray for those in our community who are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity remembering especially Patrick Staulus, Bev Clark, Nancy Ritchie, William Wade, Beverley MacAllister, Penny Norton, Paul Leafe, Marla Collins, Grace Earle, Thomas Collins, Irene, Mary and Chris Collin, Pauline Allan, Larry McCarthy, Carol Ann Willis, Karen and Tina Dawe, Doreen Jones, Marlene Beemer and Family, Gary, Leo and Mariyln Tyo, Terry and Enid Thompson, Sabrina Houle, Reverend Reid Thompson, Gerard Fauteux, Tina Bowman, Diane Tessier and all those who love them. In our parish prayer cycle we pray for Sandra, TAD, Amanda and Casey Higginson. Next Sunday, October 19th, 2014 Exodus 33: 12-23 Mike Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Talia Mathew 22: 15-22 St. James Calendar of Events – Oct / Nov 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 12 H.E. Thanksgiving 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bridlewood Service 10AM 20 Parish Council 7PM 21 Harvest Potluck 6PM 22 23 Craft Club Daring to 6:45 PM Dream 7-9 PM 24 25 Daring to Dream 9AM 27 28 31 Nov. 1 3 4 7 8 Spaghetti Supper 19 H.E. Lunch Club Christmas Child Boxes Available 26 H.E. 2 H.E. All Souls Service Coffee Hour and White Gifts 29 30 Craft Club 6:45 PM 5 6 Craft Club 6:45 PM Church Officers 2014 - 2015 Priest-in-Charge Organist People’s Warden Rector’s Warden Treasurer Bulletin Inquiries Naomi Kabugi naomi.kabugi@yahoo.com Irene Thomas Glenn Clark gbclark@magma.ca Vic Wootton vic.wootton@rogers.com Mike Thomas Sr. Sandra Donatucci sandra@tad.ca 613-986-1160 613-737-7648 613-521-5935 (h) 613-731-7110 x317 (w) 613-822-0310 (h) 613-737-7648 613-739-8574 Servers and Intercessors Schedule Day Pentecost 18 Pentecost 19 Pentecost 20 Pentecost 21 Pentecost 22 Date October 12 October 19 October 26 November 2 November 9 Intercessor Phyllis Vera Irene Alice Casey Server Sylvia Vic Terry Amanda Sandra Please ask someone to fill in for you, if you are unable to read, pray or serve on your assigned day. Thank you! Announcements and Upcoming Events Lunch Club Next Sunday Once a month the members of our parish meet following the service at a local restaurant. Location to be announced after the service. Bridlewood Service - Monday October 13th Naomi will be holding a Holy Eucharist service at 10 am at Bridlewood. Any parishioners who would like to attend are welcome. Harvest Supper – Wednesday, October 15th at 6 p.m. All parishioners and their family and friends are invited to join us for our annual harvest supper. This is a potluck event so please bring your favourite harvest meal or entrée and join us for some great food and fellowship. A sing along will follow. Parish Council – Monday, October 20th All parishioners are invited to attend the first parish council meeting to discuss upcoming items including the spaghetti supper and more. Craft Club Resumes October 22nd at 6:45 pm Consider learning some new crafting skills in the new year. All are welcome to join and bring a friend too. Please let Brenda Ramsden know a few days in advance if you plan to attend so she can arrange for adequate supplies for everyone. Daring to Dream CHANGE: Thursday October 23rd (7 - 9 PM) and Saturday October 25th (9 AM - 3 PM) All members of the parish are invited to participate, first to reflect on our past and then dream about our future. The Thursday evening session will be a discussion over dessert and coffee. The Reverend Bill Byers will be our facilitator for the Saturday session. Annual Spaghetti Supper - Saturday Nov. 8th Come one. Come all. Bring your friends to this festive Italian evening. Dinner will include not only spaghetti but also garlic bread, Caesar salad and gelato con biscotti! Looking to be baptized in 2014? If your family is wishing to have a child (or adult) baptized the next available dates are: Sunday, November 2nd, Sunday, November 23rd or Sunday, December 28th All Souls Sunday Nov. 2nd If you would like your love ones remembered and mentioned in prayer during the service on November 2nd, please print their name(s) on the posted sheet at the back of the church. --------------- Christmas Lighting of St James --------------To continue our mission to promote St. James as an attractive and inviting church to the community, we are raising funds to build upon last year’s lighting sensation. So come join us for a “Day of Wellbeing” on Saturday, Oct. 18th 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Learn about foot care, nutritional eating, bra fitting, de-cluttering and much more through presentations from experts. Each $15 per ticket includes refreshments, treats, paper bag lunch while mingling and learning many new skills to improve your wellbeing. Operation Christmas Child St. James will be participating once again this year in Operation Christmas Child. The idea is simple, just take a shoe box at the back and fill it with goodies (toys, games, small items of clothing, etc) and return it to the church by Sunday November 16. You can pick a girl or boy in three different age groups. Remember to indicate on the box the age group and the gender of the child. The small gifts need not be expensive. For some of us whose children have long since grown up, it is a chance to re-live those Christmas gift purchases for small children. It can be a lot of fun. Organizers ask that $7.00 cheque made out to Samaritan’s Purse accompany each shoe box to help pay for the shipping and handling. For many of these children this will be the highlight of their year. Join with us and help give these children some real Christmas cheer. Boxes should be in the church by next Sunday. Please let Vic know by signing the sheet at the back how many boxes you are taking so we can keep track. Shoebox can include: School Supplies - Items such as pencils, pens, pencil crayons, note pads, and picture books Toys & Other Gifts - Items such as stuffed animals, small musical instruments, hair clips, toy jewelry, t-shirts, socks, and candy (loose, individually wrapped hard candy in a sealable bag) Hygiene Items - Please place soap in a sealable bag Personal Note - Include a personal note and/or a photo in your shoebox (not inside the donation envelope) Please DO NOT INCLUDE: Toothpaste (due to customs regulations) Food and any chewy, crumbly, or soft candy: Including gum (due to customs regulations) Used items (due to customs regulations) Playing cards (other card games such as UNO are allowed) Liquids or items that could leak, melt, freeze, or break - Shampoo, creams, lip balm, bath gels, mirrors, or glass, etc. (these can damage other items in the shoe box). Items that can scare or harm a child - War-related toys, knives, and toy guns, etc. Thank You Lord (to the tune of "Edeweiss") Girls Boys Together Thank you Lord, on this day For our many good blessings Thank you Lord, on this day For our many great friendships. Glory to God, may you hear our prayer Guide us on forever Thank you Lord, on this day For our blessings and friendships. Lord we ask, as we go Into all of life's pathways, That each day we may know You are calling us onward. Glory to God may you hear our prayer, Lead us on forever So each day we may know You are leading us onward. Grant us Lord, on this day Deeper insights and challenge That each day, we may grow In faith, and knowledge, and wisdom. Glory to God may you hear our prayer, Guide us on forever, Thank you Lord on this day For our blessings and friendships.
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