THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF ST. ANDREWS, N.B., CANADA THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY after TRINITY October 12th, 2014 8:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Introit: Psalm 34:1-10 Page 369 Collect for the blessing of the Harvest Page 620 Collect for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Page 244 Lesson: Isaiah 55:1-12 Page 620 Gradual: Psalm 92:1-4 Page 449 Holy Gospel: St. John 6:27-35 Page 621 MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant and Preacher: the Rector Lay Reader: Harry Clift Readers: Peggy Saunders and Audrey Cline Altar Guild: Mary Janet Clift and Jean Zazelenchuk 10:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Processional Hymn 106 The Lord’s Prayer Page 67 Collect for Purity Summary of the Law Page 67-69 Kyrie Eleison Page 70 Collect for the Blessing of the Harvest Page 620 Collect for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Page 244 Lesson: Isaiah 55:1-12 Page 620 Gradual Hymn 152 Holy Gospel: St. John 6:27-35 Page 621 Nicene Creed Page 71 Hymn before the Sermon 200 Sermon: Rev. Paul Oxner Offertory Hymn 153 The Intersession See Below Invitation, Confession and Absolution Page 76 Sursum Corda and Benedictus Page 78 Prayer of Consecration and the Peace Page 83 Prayer of Humble Access and Agnus Dei Page 84 Communion Hymns Set 4 Lord’s Prayer and Prayer of Thanksgiving Page 85 Gloria in Excelsis, See Hymnal The Blessing Page 85 Recessional Hymn 23 Sung Blessing, see Hymnal (back cover) MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant: the Rector Preacher: Rev. Paul Oxner Organist: Peter Mitchell Greeters: Esma Taylor and Jeannie Stinson Readers: Peter Mitchell and Pat Garbutt Intercessions: Barry Murray Altar Guild: Paula and Jack Bertke NEXT SUNDAY, October 19th, 2014 EIGTHTEENTH SUNDAY after TRINITY 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church 10:30 A.M. Choir Practice Sunday School – meet in Church and move to Parish Hall 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church DAILY SERVICES in ALL SAINTS CHURCH 9:00 A.M. Monday to Saturday – Morning Prayer 4:00 P.M. Each Day – Evening Prayer A WARM WELCOME A very warm welcome to all who are worshipping with us in our services of Thanksgiving this Sunday morning, especially to any who are visiting with us. It’s wonderful to have Rev. Paul Oxner, a native son, with us this morning as our guest preacher. Welcome home, Paul. May we all take time to count our many blessings as we lift our voices in prayer, praise and thanksgiving. BEST WISHES Happy Birthday wishes are extended this week to Sophie MacCallum (Lila’s greatgranddaughter) celebrating her birthday on Tuesday, Naomi Prall and Robert Johnson celebrating on Thursday and, Don Oxner, Peter Mitchell, Bryan Spires, David McAdam and Mary Beth Johnson all sharing a birthday on Friday. A very busy day! Likewise, happy wedding anniversary wishes are extended today to Peter and Donna Mitchell, David and Betty Anne Lord, Jaimie and Jason Misner and John and Kelly Williamson, and Bob and Jura Estes on Thursday. May God bless each and every one of you this week as you mark special occasions in your lives. Cheers!! A WARM AND HEARTFELT THANK YOU As the summer season of 2014 comes to a close with the final service at St. John the Baptist Chapel of Ease, a sincere thank you is extended to all who helped make it happen. To Pat and Zena Garbutt, Chapel Warden and his wife; to Helen and Rob Stephenson who were not able to be here as often as they would have liked; to Jack and Paula Bertke who provided exemplary service in the Stephenson’s’ absence, to Peter Mitchell whose spiritual music always inspires us, the lay readers who helped at each service and, last but not least, Canon John, the good shepherd of his flock. Thank you, everyone! CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER!!!! Effective Tuesday, October 14th, you may address our Rector as the Venerable John Matheson. He has been asked by our new Bishop to become the Archdeacon of St. Andrews which he has agreed to do for a term of three years. A date for the formal installation is to be announced at a later time. In the meantime, as part of our Thanksgiving blessings, let us be thankful for the blessing that we have with “Canon” John as our rector. We’ll have to break that habit!!! CRAFT GUILD As the daylight hours diminish and the evenings get cooler, do you find yourself looking for something to do? Maybe it’s time to become part of the Craft Guild where you can work on a project of your own or contribute to an ongoing project of creating blankets for the homeless. They meet each Tuesday evening (with the exception of the 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 6:30 pm, in the back room of the Parish Hall. Check the parish website for pictures of some of the blankets already completed. All materials are available at the back of the church or drop into the Parish Hall. CALLING ALL YOUTH The first youth event of the year will be held on Saturday, October 18, with a barbecue for all young people and their families at the Carson’s house, 45 Oak Court, beginning at 5:00 pm, followed by bowling in St. Stephen for 7:30 pm. RSVP by October 15(Wed.) to allow time to book lanes and arrange food. Please call or text Nancy at 467-5257 or e-mail at MEET THE AUTHOR Rev. Dr. Ross Hebb, Rector of St. Peter’s Church, Fredericton, has edited a book of personal letters written by those serving overseas in the First World War. Letters from Home tells the story of Canadian soldiers ‘from recruitment to return’ in their own words. Everyone is invited to the Parish Hall on Wednesday at 11:00 am to meet the Author, being hosted by the Spindrifters. Ross will read selections from his publication and answer question about his work. COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS As a result of Infinitely More being with us during last winter, a new tradition was established and, as you know, once something is done for a couple of times successfully, it too becomes a tradition. Well, “Koffee Klatch” following the 11 o’clock service is now a tradition and members of the congregation look forward to the opportunity to socialize. Initially the Stephensons assumed the responsibility and more recently, Linda Walsh has been “doing the honours”. However, it should not fall on one person’s shoulders each and every Sunday. It’s not a difficult task. Linda has been asked to provide some basic instructions, and a sign-up sheet for those willing to be the coffee host/hostess for a Sunday service will be available next Sunday when we resume services at All Saints. Your offer to help keep this part of our Sunday tradition would be greatly appreciated. ORDER OF SAINT LUKE FALL MISSION Saturday, October 18, is commemorated as St. Luke the Evangelist day so this would be more than appropriate to thank our own OSL members and members of our congregation who helped to make the Fall Mission last weekend such a resounding success. An attempt to name the individuals would only result in overlooking someone by accident; you know who you are and all your efforts are applauded. The weekend was a resounding success with great participation, spirit and enthusiasm. From beginning to end, all aspects of the program were well received, with a full schedule that started at 6 pm on Friday evening and did not end until the last note sounded and the last prayer was said on Sunday evening as everyone took their leave. Bless each and every one who participated in this Mission! CHARLOTTE COUNTY MUSIC FESTIVAL Many of us with deep roots in the county remember the excitement that was created in our school music classes as we prepared for the spring festival which was usually held in St. Stephen, but a time or two was held in Saint Andrews. Plans are being made to hold a meeting on Thursday, October 23, at 3:15 pm, at Sir James Dunn Academy with satellite connection with Fundy High, St. Stephen High, Deer Island and Campobello to restart the tradition. Those being encouraged to attend are school principals, music teachers, private teachers and interested community members. The agenda will include a short power point presentation that will outline how a music festival works, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. The presentation will be conducted by Barbara Long, Executive Director, N.B. Federation of Music Festivals. A 100-page syllabus came as an attachment to the e-mail message which could be distributed to anyone who has an interest in exploring this further prior to the meeting. VAN HORNE ESTATES 50 PLUS COMMUNITY The developer of the Van Horne Estates has asked that a poster of the proposed project be displayed at the back of the church, giving people the opportunity to view what is being offered for their consideration. AN EXCITING EVENT IS HAPPENING AT NBCC! On October 15th each NBCC campus will be facilitating a launch day for our NBCC Learning Initiative. NBCC has created this service learning initiative in order to enable our students to renew and refine their leadership and service skills and give credentialing to those experiences. NBCC St. Andrews has chosen the Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County food bank to be the recipient of our service learning day initiatives. Local churches were asked to place a box for food donations and we have our box - a nicely decorated box has been placed in All Saints and the Chapel to receive your contributions today or you may bring your gifts to the Parish Hall during office hours – Tues and Wed, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm, this coming week. Our contributions will be picked up from the Parish Hall on Wednesday. Show you care! Feed the Need! FLU CLINIC TIME AGAIN Register now for your 2014 seasonal flu shot. If you are a patient of the Health Centre, do not have a family physician, or do not want to travel out of town, please call the Health Centre (529-9120) now for your date and time. Everyone must register! Flu shots are also available at Cockburn’s Corner Drug Store. STRENGTHENING OUR PARISH, SERVING THE COMMUNITY IN THE PARISH HALL THIS WEEK Monday 10:00-11:00 am Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Monday 1:30-4:00 pm Spindrifters’ Games Monday 7:00-8:00 pm Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pm Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 6:15-8:00 pm Craft Guild Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm Fitness with Gina Scott Wednesday 10:00-11:00 am Tai Chi with Liz Kenyon Wednesday 11:00-Noon Ross Hebb – Book Presentation Wednesday 5:00-6:00 pm Tai Chi with Liz Kenyon Thursday Fitness with Gina Scott 6:30- 7:45 pm Saturday 5:00-9:00 P.M. Spindrifters’ Pot Luck Social THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR October 12th to 18th, 2014 SUNDAY: 2:30 P.M. Thanksgiving Worship Service, Passamaquoddy Lodge, Canon Matheson officiating assisted by Peter Mitchell MONDAY Happy Thanksgiving, One and All! Remember to take time to count your many Blessings. MONDAY 7:00 P.M. Passamaquoddy Branch #8 RCL Meeting Canon Matheson attending as padre. TUESDAY: 6:30 P.M. Craft Guild Meeting, Parish Hall WEDNESDAY: 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church WEDNESDAY 11:00 A.M. Book Presentation by Rev. Dr. Webb THURSDAY: 10:30 A.M. Holy Communion, Passamaquoddy Lodge, Canon Matheson celebrating assisted by Peter Mitchell and John Boone FRIDAY: 6:00 P.M. Pitre-Seeley Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY: 5:00 P.M. Pitre-Seeley Wedding SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. Spindrifters’ Pot Luck, Parish Hall SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. Youth Group and Family BBQ See bulletin for details PARISH PRAYER CARE LIST IN or ENTERING HOSPITAL: Paula Andrew, Glenna Perry, Inez McLaughlin, Cecile Patraquin, Bob Brown, Eric McMorran, Trevor MacMillan, Judy Young, Joe Haley, Marie Murphy. AT HOME: Hannah Rumbolt, Rose Smith, Peggy Jones, Harris and Lois Hord, Margaret Knorr, Gordon and Edna Higgins, Elizabeth Mars, Derrick and Christine Iles, Michelle Lister, Gordon and Merwyn Berry, Justin Khan, Stuart and Naomi Prall, Mary Anne Griffin, Wayne Richardson, Malcolm and Phyllis Gilliland, Daisy Weinstein, Jessica Adams, Mary Adams, Giles Walker, Mary Stoltie, Alice Jones, Warren Justason, Greig Revie, Paula Pryor, Douglas Marsters, Don Parks, Jocelyn Smith, Nona Prout, Timothy Sivret, Scott Bacon, Lois Anning, Mary Bosway, Carolyn Sutherland, Sandra Comeau, Janet Russell, Mary Lou Graybill, Marion Roberts, Chris Faqua, Myrtle Madsen, Ed Trippel, Richard Dixon, Siobhan Laskey, Mary Dowling, Stephen Haley, Holley Myers, Beatrice Parks, Gladys McAfee, Mary McKnight, Ewen Cross, John McCain, Travis Haley, Jimmy Harper, Don Bacon, Jean Hooper, Carson Cooke, Jane King, Barbara Pyle, Naomi Simpson, Loie Smith, Chris Simm, Gail McLaughlin, Father Paul Riley, Glen Leavitt, Bryon McLaughlin, John Boone, John Bailey, Betty Matheson, Carrie Lord, Ed Haley, Johnny Haley. NURSING HOMES and OTHER PLACES OF CARE: Billy Burnett, Muriel Carson, Marjorie Hawkes, Nancy Caldwell, Hubert McFee, Carol Boone, Alfreda Craig, Ruth Spicer, James Libby, Helen McCutcheon, Laura MacVicar, Mildred Justason, Dwight Brady, Kathleen Hawkins, Ruby Anning, Shirley Doughty, Maureen Curran, Clifford McLaughlin, Mary Archer, Dorothy Jones, Gertie Boyne, Suzanne Scott, Doreen Smith, Mildred Weatherby, Margaret McGuire, Jack Pound. THE INTERCESSIONS V: Almighty God, as your Son Jesus Christ has promised, hear the prayers we offer. We pray for the peace of the world, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, in the Sudan and Nigeria, in Israel and Gaza, in Ukraine and Russia, and wherever there is civil or religious strife, oppression or violence. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, your spiritual body, and for the unity of all Christians. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, for Frederick, our Primate, Percy our Metropolitan, David our Bishop, John our Rector, and for all ministers, lay and ordained. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for all the People of God, that they may use the gifts given them through the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God and for the strengthening of his Church. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for Elizabeth our Queen, Stephen her prime minister, Brian, our premier, for John, our MP and John, our MLA, our representatives in government. We pray for the leaders of the nations, and for all in authority. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for seasonable weather, for those who travel, and for all who work at hazardous occupations and vocations of great responsibility. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray that we may share with justice the resources of the earth, and live in trust and goodwill toward one another. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for our families, our neighours and friends, with special remembrance of those marking special events in their lives: Sophie, Naomi, Robert, Don, Peter, Bryan, David and Mary Beth, celebrating birthdays this week. Also Peter and Donna, Betty Anne and David, Jaimie and Jason, John and Kelly, and Bob and Jura celebrating wedding anniversaries this week. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for the aged and infirmed, for widows and orphans, for the sick and suffering, for all on our Parish Prayer List, especially those who are in, or entering, hospital: Paula Andrew, Glenna Perry, Inez McLaughlin, Cecile Patraquin, Bob Brown, Eric McMorran, Trevor MacMillan, Judy Young, Joe Haley and Marie Murphy. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for ourselves and for one another that we may live in Godly peace and harmony, loving one another as you have given commandment. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We praise you, Lord God, for Saint John the Baptist, our patron, and all the saints. We pray that you might strengthen in us the glorious hope of the resurrection to eternal life, where you reign with saints and angels, world without end. Priest: Hear us, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord. R. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. READING the SCRIPTURES with the CHURCH Psalms SUN A.M. P.M. 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson 119 Pts. 15 and16 Ezekial 33:1-11 Luke 10:1-24 102 Philippians 1:12-end Ruth 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MON A.M. 69 Ezekiel 9 Colossians 3:12-4:1 P.M. 71 Ezekiel 11:1-13 John 17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE A.M. 73 Ezekiel 12:1-16 Colossians 4:2-end P.M. 74 Ezekiel 12:17-end John 18:1-27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WED A.M. 78 Pt. 1 Ezekiel 13:1-16 Philemon P.M. 78 Pt. 2 Ezekiel 14 John 18:28-end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THU A.M. P.M. 82, 83:1-8 Ezekial 17 1 Thessalonians 1 84, 85 Ezekial 20:1-26 John 19:1-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRI A.M. P.M. 89 Pt. 1 Ezekial 20:27-44 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 41, 43 Isaiah 55 Luke 1:1-4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAT A.M. P.M. 119 Pts. 12 and 13 Isaiah 61:1-6 2 Timothy 1:10-end 45 Colossians 4:7-end Ecclesiasticus 38:1-14 FOR ALL the SAINTS: THIS WEEK’S CHURCH KALENDAR MONDAY: Edward the Confessor, King, Westminster, 1066. Thanksgiving Day. THURSDAY: Hugh Latimer & Nicholas Ridley, Bishops & Martyrs, 1555. FRIDAY: Ethelreda, or Audrey, Queen, Abbess of Ely, 679. SATURDAY: St. Luke the Evangelist.
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