NOVEMBER 2014 THRESHOLDS ST. GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH From History to Mystery In Communion with the Saints PASTORAL TEAM Reverend Darrin J. G. Gurr Pastor Deacon Colin Peterson Pastoral Intern Monique Gauthier Pastoral Life Coordinator & Director of Living Waters Columbarium CONTENTS 3 FROM THE PASTOR by Rev. Fr. Darrin J. G. Gurr 4 THE SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS THE FEAST OF ALL SOULS by Rev. Fr. Darrin J. G. Gurr 6 FAITH AT HOME by Rachel Suarez-Banmann 8 WELCOMING OUR NEW FAMILIES by Monique Gauthier THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER CALLED INTO THE MISSION OF JESUS Rachel Suarez-Banmann Faith Formation Coordinator 10 THE MINISTRY OF PERPETUAL PRAYER CREATING A PRAYER CHAIN FOR THE NEEDS OF THE WORLD Lori Emond Liturgical Life Coordinator by Gilles Lorteau, Carol Lorteau & Kristi Stubbings 11 CHEZ NOUS by Deacon Robert Gate - a reflection on his experience at Chez Nous BEING CHRIST TO THE MARGINALIZED IN OUR CITY Amber Wsiaki Youth Ministry Coordinator John Eisma Musical Accompanist Ernest Lacuna Administrative Coordinator Heather Powney Business Manager From the Editor Our Christian Catholic Tradition dedicates the month of November to the memory of all the saints and all the souls that have ever lived in the course of human history. A vital flow of life continues to exist between ourselves and our loved ones even beyond death, as love, presence and communication transcend death. We continue to nurture our relationships with the deceased, confident that they, now fully redeemed, enter into that relationship changed and transformed. What a wonderful time to address any ‘unfinished business’ we have had with them, and rejoice in a new level of loving interaction through which the perspective is wider and the distance between us is less! In doing so, we begin to let go of the earthly bond we had with our loved one, and our relationship evolves from one of history to one of mystery, in which the imperishable nature of our loved one’s soul continues to burn brightly in the presence of God. Monique Gauthier Pastoral Life Coordinator Larry Rehaluk Data Management & Processing VOLUME XIII, NOVEMBER 2014 ST. GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH © 2014 Cover Image: The Feast of All Souls liturgy at St. Gianna’s Church, November 2010. St. Gianna Beretta Molla Roman Catholic Church FROM THE PASTOR November is such a sobering month, for as we witness the death of summer we know the passing of all things mortal. The leaves are all gone, the flowers have all died, the grass is no longer green and the skies of summer have turned grey. In this month we remember those who have given their life in the cause of freedom and peace, as well as those from among our family and friends who are no longer with us. There is no doubt that all this 'death reality' can leave one feeling deeply saddened, afraid and alone. However, our month of remembering and confronting death is wrapped in the glory of the Saints and our communion with them. As we reflect on the mystery of death, we do so not alone, but in communion with those who have gone before us and now reign with Jesus and all the Saints in heaven. It is their presence before us that enables us to confront the reality of death not with despair and hopelessness, but rather with a deeper meaning and understanding, so that with Christian conviction we can declare, 'death where is your victory, death where is your sting?' (1 Corinthians 15:55) Their glory in heaven is a reminder of our glory to come and that death for the Christian believer, as difficult as it may be to deal with and pass through, is far from being the final word or the period at the end of sentence. May this month of remembering be for you not only a time to draw close to your beloved dead, but a time to draw even closer to Jesus who is life from the dead and our passage from this life to the fullness of life in heaven. Thank you for being a Part of Something truly Great! In Christ, Rev. Fr. Darrin J. G. Gurr Scan the QR code to listen to our hymn for November “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” FEATURE ARTICLE The Solemnity of All Saints The month of November is a special time of celebrating the communion we share with the saints in glory. These men and women, boys and girls that we call saints, are truly our brothers and sisters who have come from our own human experience, knowing and understanding the realities of daily living. They are held up for us now by the church as inspirations and examples for our own journey to life in God and communion with them in Heaven. This month dedicated to the saints in glory, gives each of us opportunity to make friends with these heroic persons and welcome their friendship into our lives. Many of us might bear a particular saint’s name, or have a particular attraction to a saint that we have either heard of or Painting by Guido di Pietro, this art represents one-fifth of the Predella of the Fiesole Altarpiece. read about. In this month, we are invited to take time to learn more about this saint and to cultivate through prayer a special spiritual relationship with him or her. In this month of the saints, may you find a new friendship with the saints, or rekindle a friendship from your youth, and may all of your prayers resound with the great words from the invocation of the Litany of the Saints, 'All you holy men and women, pray for us!' by Fr. Darrin J. G. Gurr Pastor St. Gianna Beretta Molla October 22, 1922 - April 28, 1962 An attractive woman. Physician. Mother of four. Enthusiastic downhill skier. Experienced mountain climber. Opera aficionada. Passionate for her husband. SIngle-minded toward her children. Uncompromising for her patients. In 1962, she made a quiet, heroic choice. In 2004, the Church proclaimed her a Saint. During this month dedicated to the saints, learn more about our patroness by scanning the QR code below or visit our parish website. Scan the QR code with your smart phone or tablet 4 November 2014 FEATURE ARTICLE The Feast of All Souls In addition to being a month dedicated to the saints in glory, November is also a special time of remembering and praying for our beloved dead. In this month, as we enter into the dead of winter, we are visually reminded of our mortality and that all of life will die. At the same time we look to the saints in glory and know that for God's faithful people, 'life is changed and not ended, when the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death, we gain an everlasting place in heaven.' (Preface 1 - Mass of the Dead) It is in this spirit of profound faith and knowledge, that we pray for our beloved dead as they pass from this earthly life to the glory of heaven. As the passage from birth to death is a journey, our Christian Catholic faith tells us that in the same way, the journey through death into the fullness of heaven is also a journey - a journey in which we are purified and made ready for our eternal home with God. In this month of remembering, we claim our communion with those who have died and All Souls Liturgy - St. Gianna Beretta Molla Church remember our responsibility as fellow pilgrims to pray for them as they continue to pass from darkness into the fullness of life and light. We remember that no one goes to heaven alone, but that we go together, and together we help one another each and every step along the way. In this month of November, take time to remember your beloved dead. Pray for them, have a Mass offered for them, visit their place of burial, or participate in the All Souls Celebration on November 2nd. Feel the closeness of their eternal presence and in that great and everlasting communion, pray for them and discover their prayer for us. by Fr. Darrin J. G. Gurr Pastor Scan the QR Code to Request a Mass for your Beloved Dead “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” faith@home The Month of November On November 1, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. On All Saints Day, we remember and pray for all the Holy men and women living with God in Heaven. On November 2, we celebrate the Feast of All Souls. On this day, we remember and pray for the souls that have died and are making their journey towards God in Heaven. Here are ways you can celebrate these two special feasts: - say your prayers daily throughout the month of November. - do good deeds. - go to mMass on All Saints and All Souls day and every Sunday this month. - offer up a mass for someone who has died . - serve a special “All Saints” goodie. Usually it is made of sweet dough, with eggs, milk and raisins. It is made into different shapes and sizes. - visit a cemetery/columbarium where a loved one is buried/entombed. Say prayers and lay flowers and a candle at their headstone. - have a special time of remembrance for a loved one. Tell stories of him/her. - set up an altar for your favourite saint. - create a remembrance candle in honour of a loved one. 6 November 2014 faith@home All Souls Prayer In the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Loving God, a candle burns in my heart and warms my soul. It never flickers. It never wanes. It is in memory of those that have left us here on earth. Through your mercy, O God, may the souls of the faithful dead, rest in peace. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. My Litany of Saints A Litany of Saints for _________________________________________ (child’s name) Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. Saint ________________________, pray for us. All you Holy men and women, pray for us. “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” COMMUNITY BUILDING Welcoming Our New Families - called into the mission of Jesus It is with great joy that we welcome new families into our parish membership each week. Everyone tells a slightly different story of what it is that has brought them to St. Gianna’s Church - a work-related opportunity, a new home, a new relationship, the pursuit of education, a desire to have a new beginning in a different parish... No matter the ‘physical’ reason or necessity that has brought us all here, the common thread is that the gathering of our community is no accident. God has brought each and every one of us to this particular place at this particular time for a reason. We have all been displaced from our familiar attitudes, surroundings and habits for a greater purpose, and our task is to listen and discover - no longer as individuals - but as a Christian community, the vocation to which we are all called. Our membership at St. Gianna’s requires a full, conscious and active participation in the discipleship of Jesus. As stewards of God’s many gifts, we are entrusted with particular talents that we are to share for the greater good of our community and the world beyond it. When 8 November 2014 Top row: Raymond & Ria Van Cauwenberge, Edna Villanueva and Marilou Epres Bottom row: Cairo family, Mario Costantini, and Hannah family asked what talents we bring to the table, many of us tend to feel that we have none, or that our talents are not transferrable to our faith community. Perhaps it is because we too easily accept ‘safe’ initiatives - those we feel confident we can accomplish successfully. However ‘safe’ and ‘predictable’ do not define God’s ways, and our true success is not measured through the completion of our own plans and projects. Instead we are called to explore new areas, try different endeavours and participate in new ways, and rather than use our talents to distinguish ourselves from others, we are called to use them as a vehicle to unite ourselves with the members of our community. Together, we will share each other’s joys, carry each other’s burdens and testify to God’s presence in the world. Our response will enable us to develop the full potential that God has intended for us. To our newest members: Welcome! We are so grateful that you have been called to be part of our community, and we look forward to the special gifts you COMMUNITY BUILDING will bring and be, as together we unfold our mission and know the great joy of what it means to be a part of something great! by Monique Gauthier Pastoral Life Coordinator Mark Your Calendar! Parish Ministry Information Session Thursday, November 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the narthex of St. Gianna’s Church Stewardship of Talent Discovering and nurturing talents through our parish ministries. Please join us for an evening of fellowship and learning focused on our parish ministries. As our parish grows, each and every member is invited to be actively engaged in the life of our parish. Young or old, seasoned or new parishioner, experienced in ministry or exploring for the first time, there is a place for you in parish ministry! Top row: Breanna Waterman, Florence Muyunda and Tinotenda Marova Centre row: Tolentino & Adatan family, Thomey family Bottom row: Ashlea Moss, Anthony Quarnaccio & Kathleen Hubscher, and Maria Bacolod Make no mistake... Your participation in parish ministry will be a gift to our c o m mu n i t y, bu t m o s t importantly, it will be the greatest gift you can give yourself ! Our New Families as of October 1, 2014 Tinotenda Marova, Ryan and Kathy Browning, Florence Muyunda, Christopher Zegalski and Tammy Isfeld, Madalene Gray, Ramon and Clarisa Cairo, Enrico and Grace Buan, Maria Luz Bacolod, Sandra Gibson, Ashlea Moss, Rowena Rambayon, Roland and Pamela Fernando, Estevan and Katherine Estevez, Mary Eileen Doig, Deborah Doig, Joan Bjarnason, Mervin Agustin and Chantilly Guerrero-Agustin, Curtis and Anita Wold. “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Ministry of Perpetual Prayer - creating a prayer chain for the needs of the world The Ministry of Perpetual Prayer is growing! Two information sessions have been held, and our adorers are selecting their weekly commitment times for Adoration. The start date for this ministry is currently under review, as details surrounding building access are being explored. In the interim, we will continue to facilitate information sessions and further develop the ministry membership. If you have not yet participated in one of these sessions, we invite you to join us on Thursday, November 6 at 7:30pm at St. Gianna’s Church. Left to right: Gilles & Carol Lorteau, Kristi Stubbings In an effort to encourage the use of the Adoration Chapel of the Divine Mercy and help us grow in our prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, parishioners are invited to drop by on weekdays between 9:30 a.m and 4:00 p.m. for personal prayer time. The church doors are locked, so you will need to use the south doors that face Scurfield Boulevard, where you will find a doorbell and intercom system to be let into the church. Once inside, you will have access to the unlocked Adoration Chapel. It is our hope that “drop-in” participants might feel called to join the Perpetual Prayer Ministry moving forward. As a point of clarification, the fact that people can “drop in” to the adoration chapel during office hours should not be confused with the start of Perpetual Prayer Ministry. Adorers registered as part of the Perpetual Prayer Ministry are those who have committed a regular hour per week for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and who will be using part of their hour of prayer time for the intentions of others as a part of a 24 hours-a-day prayer chain. by Gilles Lorteau, Carol Lorteau & Kristi Stubbings Perpetual Prayer Ministry Coordinators Left: St. Gianna’s Tabernacle sculptured to represent the burning bush of the Old Testament. 10 November 2014 TRANSFORMING THE WORLD Chez Nous - being Christ to the marginalized in our city Our Place – Chez Nous is a drop-in centre supporting the poorest of the poor in Winnipeg. Located near Main Street and Higgins Avenue, the centre welcomes patrons who range from the truly homeless to those who are sometimes homeless, bouncing between friends or relatives and back to the street, to those who live in deplorable hotel rooms or rental units. Our patrons present a material poverty that stems from a greater poverty in the very depth of their hearts and spirit. It is known to them simply as ‘pain’, and there are many reasons for it. For some, the brokenness stems from childhood abuse, ongoing rejection by family, or forced separation from their children. For others, the poverty is the result of a tragic event or the daily struggle with mental health issues. In order to cope with these challenges, some people turn to the use of drugs, solvents and a variety of other ‘numbing‘ agents, which adds further complexity to the circumstances and often contributes to a cycle of violence, crime, prostitution, poverty and homelessness that Our Place / Chez Nous - 676 Main Street, Winnipeg becomes almost impossible to break. the ignorant and the ungrateful. As Mother Teresa said, “Only in heaven .. will we see how much Yet in each of these individuals lives a beautiful person - a person we owe to the poor... for helping with hopes and dreams, a child of us to love God better… because of them.” God, and through each one we encounter God. Yes, God comes At Our Place / Chez Nous, we to us disguised as the hungry, the are privileged to walk with the lonely, the addicted alcoholic, the poor along the way - their way drug abuser, the sniffer, the not leading them, but journeying prostitute, and at times even as alongside them, loving each one “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” TRANSFORMING THE WORLD as God surely does, as they are, where they are, and in whatever as God surely does, as they are, where they are, and in whatever they are doing. They don’t have to be better, they don’t have to change. God can’t love them more, so how are we to love them less? Our mission is simple: To be present and to provide a warm, comfortable, inviting, and safe place of respite from the harsh realities of life on the street. From the moment we open our doors, a list of names forms for a shower. Anywhere from 8 – 12 people a day will sign up for a shower. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate, along with a treat of donated baking or prepared sandwiches, is available first thing in the morning. We are not licensed to prepare and serve meals, but for some who haven’t eaten for a day or two, something additional may be provided. We also give what we call an “emergency” bag of food to individuals who ask, if we have any. We are open every day, and constantly providing clothing, underwear, socks and other items whenever they are needed. One of our volunteers also cuts hair and has quite a few regular 12 November 2014 St. Gianna’s Knights of Columbus and Chez Nous - reaching out to the homeless This Advent St. Gianna’s Knights of Columbus, in partnership with Chez Nous, invite our parishioners to support the homeless in our city by donating winter clothing - dark coloured neck warmers, mitts and toques. The volunteers at chez Nous will then ensure that these items are distributed to our brothers and sisters facing the frigid Winnipeg winter on the streets. On November 23, we will be handing out gift tags. We ask that a personal message be written on the tag, and that it be fastened to your donated items. Donations can be placed in the baskets in our worship space between November 23rd and December 7th. Please do not wrap your gift, but do bind the items together with a ribbon. While the most requested items are neck warmers, mitts, and toques, all winter wear - gently used or new - will be accepted. Jim Rogala St. Gianna’s Knights of Columbus clients. Officially we don’t do washing of clothes, but there are many for whom we provide this service, especially for those whom we know carry everything they own in a backpack or garbage bag. simply to be with someone. In the end, I believe they all come because they know that at Chez Nous they will be welcomed and loved as they are. They will be cared for because someone cares about them. They will learn that People come to Chez Nous for all they are lovable because these things I’ve just mentioned, someone is loving them. but mostly to socialize or listen The Gospels are filled with to the radio or CD. Some come examples of Jesus reaching out, just to rest in a safe environment. touching, healing, being with the Some play cards or other games poor, the sinners, the on one of our computers. Some marginalized, the outcasts and read, and I believe some come those in need and bringing to life TRANSFORMING THE WORLD those who were dead. Today God’s way of reaching out and touching brokenness is through our hands… your hands. Did you know that 39 years is the average lifespan of a person living on the streets? Scan this QR code to view a short video about Chez Nous and the circumstances of the most marginalized in our community. “We do not serve the poor because they are like Jesus. We serve the poor because they are Jesus.” - Mother Teresa by Deacon Robert Gates - St. Charles Parish A reflection on his experience at ChezNous Scan the QR code with your smart phone or tablet Keep Christ in Christmas Colouring Contest - hosted by St. Gianna’s Knights of Columbus It is that time of year for our colouring contest again. We would love to have your help to Keep Christ in Christmas. The rules can be found at the Knights’ table after the weekend liturgies during the entire month. We will be hosting an evening for the children of our Parish to come and create their artwork on December 10th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the church. The Knights will be providing pizza and drinks for the evening. This year, we also invite all adults to submit their artistic creations. All entries, including the adults’, will be eligible. The top 3 in each age category will receive a prize. Those placing 1st in each children’s age category will have their art sent to the State level to compete against all winners in the province. All entries will be displayed at the church at the end of December and must be submitted to the Knights by December 14 after our 10:00 a.m. liturgy to be eligible for the contest. Winners will be announced in January 2015. Thank you for helping our parish home Keep Christ in Christmas! by Darin Banmann St. Gianna’s Knights of Columbus, Council #14199 “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The Gift of Our Treasure Chairs for the World... - our contributions for October 2014 Offertory P.A.R. $ 33,019.79 Offertory - Loose $ 2,545.37 Noah’s Buddies $ As of October 24, 2014: 476 Hymnals out of 500. 476 Liturgical chairs for our worship space. 23.70 ! Total Sunday Offertory $ 35,588.86 Building Fund Contributions $ 25,396.22 Total - OCTOBER $ Scan the QR code to make your donation online 60,985.08 Mass for Peace on Remembrance Day - Tuesday, November 11th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Gianna’s Church Join us as we celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist and remember our fallen sisters and brothers, veterans and victims of war. Our liturgy begins 10:30 a.m. at St. Gianna’s Church, 15 Columbia Drive In our Next Edition of Thresholds... A New Liturgical Year - an Encounter With Gianna The Season of Advent - prepare the way for the Lord Thresholds - the youth and children’s edition! 14 November 2014 THRESHOLDS Thresholds of Life Within our parish community There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up,a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: ENTOMBMENT: Chiaka Gianna Nnabuchi Roman W. Buchok October 12, 2014 June 12, 1924 - October 21, 2014 “To transform the world by choosing unconditional love and sacrifice” COMPASSION & CARE Living Waters Columbarium - reclaiming the dignity of death Pope John Paul II referred to St. Gianna Beretta Molla as a “heroic witness of the intangible dignity of every human existence, from the moment of conception up to natural decline.” It is through this charism of respecting the dignity of life in all its stages that Living Waters Columbarium is an integral part of our parish ministry and mission. It is one of the vehicles through which we continue to build community and develop our ministry of compassion and care. It supports our understanding and appreciation of death as another great threshold to be celebrated within the beauty of our baptismal journey. How fortunate we are to care for our brothers and sisters from ‘womb to tomb’ in the example of our patroness, St. Gianna Beretta Molla! Living Waters Columbarium is truly a place of hope, healing and life. Special Offer During the Month of November Throughout the month of November, receive a free urn from our Design collection (a $500.00 value) when you purchase a niche in the Faith and Hope niche categories. To find out more about this offer, please contact Monique at 204-488-3977 or email NICHE PRICE Faith $5,150.00 Hope $5,750.00 16 November 2014 Living Waters Columbarium was inaugurated on September 28, 2014. The columbarium is currently open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday evenings before and after the 7:00 p.m. mass, and one hour before our Sunday liturgies. NOVEMBER 2014 DATE LITURGICAL CALENDAR LITURGY TIME LOCATION MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 1 Solemnity of All Saints 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All Parishioners Feast of All Souls Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Sat. 4:30 p.m. AND Sun. 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All of Our Beloved Dead Monday, November 3 Ferial NO MASS Tuesday, November 4 Memorial - St. Charles Borromeo 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Annie Rehaluk + Wednesday, November 5 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Katie Lohan + Thursday, November 6 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Ana Moraga Riffo + Friday, November 7 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Patricia Kibble + Sunday, November 9 Feast - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Sat. 4:30 p.m. AND Sun. 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All Parishioners Monday, November 10 Memorial - St. Leo the Great NO MASS Tuesday, November 11 Mass for Peace - Remembrance Day 10:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Peace in Our World Memorial - St. Martin of Tours 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Pacita Marquez + Wednesday, November 12 Memorial - St. Josaphat 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Rene Lampertz + Thursday, November 13 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Remedios Fernando + Friday, November 14 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Sharon Klassen Sunday, November 19 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. 4:30 p.m. AND Sun. 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All Parishioners Monday, November 17 Memorial - St. Elizabeth of Hungary NO MASS Tuesday, November 18 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Ilag, Valdez Matudan & Ganaban families Wednesday, November 19 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Remedios Fernando + Thursday, November 20 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Eudoxia & Rienzie Fernando + Friday, November 21 Memorial - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Pauline Pelczar + Sunday, November 23 Solemnity - Christ the King Sat. 4:30 p.m. AND Sun. 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All Parishioners Monday, November 24 Memorial - St. Andrew Dũng-Lac NO MASS Tuesday, November 25 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church George Ferris + Wednesday, November 26 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Elsie Dunster + Thursday, November 27 Ferial 7:00 p.m. St. Gianna’s Church Oscar Galvez + Friday, November 28 Ferial 7:30 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church Paulita Javate + Sunday, November 30 First Sunday of Advent Sat. 4:30 p.m. AND Sun. 10:00 a.m. St. Gianna’s Church For All Parishioners Sunday, November 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a *** Mass Intention dates are subject to change. Please visit for the most current weekly schedule. Lease this advertisement size for $240.00 ($20.00 per issue, 12 issues per year) width 4.0” x height 2.5” To Lease advertising space, please contact our Parish Centre: or 204-488-3977 Kyle R. Hanson B.A., B.Comm (Hons.) ! Financial Consultant Office 204.489.4640 x 233 | Mobile 204.330.7122 ESTATE, INVESTMENT, TAX & RETIREMENT PLANNING, RISK MANAGEMENT, DEBT SOLUTIONS ! For every Real Estate referral that results in a sale of the property, I will donate $500 to St. Gianna’s Building Fund. $35 OFF for FIRST-‐TIME Clients Lease this advertisement size for $240.00 ($20.00 per issue, 12 issues per year) width 4.0” x height 2.5” To Lease advertising space, please contact our Parish Centre: or 204-488-3977 Stewardship Prayer O Lord, giver of life and source of freedom, I know that all I have received is from Your hand. Gracious and Loving Father, You call us to be stewards of your abundance, the caretakers of all You have entrusted to us. Help us to always use Your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. Send the Holy Spirit to work through us, bring Your message to those we serve. May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ in our lives. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen. ST. GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ESTABLISHED 2005 15 COLUMBIA DRIVE, WINNIPEG MANITOBA, CANADA R3Y 0R5 PHONE: 204-488-3977 FAX: 204-488-3998 EMAIL: STGIANNA@MYMTS.NET WEBSITE: WWW.STGIANNA.CA
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