Announcements November 9, 2014 The Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost Matthew 25:1-13 All Saints’ Episcopal Church 525 Lake Concord Road NE Concord, NC 28025 Welcome to All Saints’ Thank you for worshiping with us today! If this is your first visit or you are looking for a church home, a Greeter is available in the Welcome Center before and after worship service to provide information. OUR MISSION To be a church of Disciples Making Disciples for Jesus. OUR VISION To be a church that Loves Like God Loves. ALL SAINTS’ CORE VALUES Being an active, inclusive community of faith; Worshipping God in the Episcopal tradition; Nurturing individuals to grow in Christ; Seeking and serving Jesus in unexpected places. T O D AY AT A L L S A I N T S ’ Prayer Team: Bette Hudson, Deborah Monroe, George Monroe After 9:00 am Communion behind screen ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 10:00 AM Book of Romans – Parish Hall I Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer ’s Disease (10:15) Mary Ann Drummond—Parish Hall II CHURCH SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN 10:00 AM “Under Twos” (Nursery I) 2 & 3 Year Olds (Nursery II) Three’s, TK, Pre-K & Kindergarten (Room 106A) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Grades 1, 2 & 3 (Room 106B) Catechesis: The True Vine Grades 4 & 5 (Room 103) Connect CHURCH SCHOOL FOR YOUTH 10:00 AM Middle School (Multi Purpose Room) Weaving God’s Promises High School (Youth Room) Making it Real & Relevant EYC MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL 5:30-7:30 PM 2 Parish Announcements ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION Instructor: Mary Ann Drummond November 12: 7:00-8:30 “Meeting the Needs of the Alzheimer’s Patient” Mary Ann’s books will be available. *PLEASE NOTE: this series will pre-empt “Creative Devotion” until November 16th. Instructor: Frank TorreyI November 12: 7:00 –8:00 “Experiencing Jesus Please update your status to IN CHURCH and turn off your cell phones when entering the Sanctuary. MONTH OF NOVEMBER Preaching series based on Rowan Williams, "Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer". NOVEMBER 9TH: Eucharist COLLEGE STUDENT MINISTRY We will be collecting supplies in November to make exam kits for our college students. Please bring non-perishable snacks, stress balls etc. and place in the laundry basket in the Welcome Center. Also, please let Amy Rose Cecil know your student's college address. CONTACT: 704-305-0410 WOMEN’S ADVENT QUIET MORNING Saturday, November 6, 2014, 8:30 am— 12:30 pm. The theme is Wait for the Lord. The Guest speaker is the Reverend Sara Palmer, Assistant Rector at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, High Point, NC. All Women of the church, and their friends are invited to attend our Advent Quiet Morning. Please come for a time of fellowship, music, prayer and reflection before the frenzy of the season has a chance preparing our hearts for the coming of our Savior! Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 8:30 am. There is no charge for this event. A nursery will be provided. A closing Eucharist will be celebrated by our Rector, The Rev. Nancy L. J. Cox, and our guest speaker, The Rev. Sara Palmer. A sign up is located in the Welcome Center. Contact Virginia Ridenhour in the church office for more information at 704-782-2024. This Quiet Morning is sponsored by the All Saints’ Mary-Martha Chapter of the Daughters of the King. 3 VO LU N T E E RS N E E D E D WORK DAY PLANNED FOR NOVEMBER 11/15 at 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Your help is needed to rake, plant bulbs, spread mulch, trim shrubbery and trees, and conduct minor building improvements. YOUTH, IF YOU NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS, THIS COUNTS. CONTACT: Len Witke at 980-521-7361 or PEW MINISTRY needs people who will replenish All Saint’s pew materials. A team of four is desirable, allowing rotation week to week. Please contact All Saints’ Parish Administrator at 704-782-2024 or via email to PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Those who crochet or knit the prayer shawls are hoping to bring comfort and love to people with specials needs. It is truly a feeling of wrapping Gods loving arms around the recipient. Someone on the team can teach you the skills needed to make one, if you would like to learn how to knit a prayer shawl. The ministry meets the second Tuesday of each month in the Welcome Center at 10:00 AM. Call Gwen King for more information. 704-786-6673. 4 SHARING THE NEWS OF OUR COMMUNITY. Have a grape for the vine? Contact church office at 704-782-2024 or email Congratulations to Carolyn and Jeffrey Phillips on the birth of Crosby Leo and Maxwell Peter on October 28th. Congratulations to Ben Robinson, son of Mark and Karen Robinson, who is newly engaged to Maxine Patroni. Congratulations to Lane Erickson, daughter of John and Jo Erickson on her engagement to Nick Bryant of Denver, Colorado. Many thanks to John Cline and Mike McCarthy who installed trees (redbud) as a memorial to Jo Ann Jones from Mike Jones. Thank you to Mark Robinson who loaned his truck so the furniture could be picked up and to Alf Badgett who assembled the table. All the furniture is now in place in the Bell Tower Garden! Condolences to the family of Larry Drye who passed on to God’s greater glory, November 6th. Thank you to Janet Hollopeter for volunteering her time and talent on the Christian Education Team! Community Events & Information CCM – CURRENT FOOD PANTRY NEEDS- Canned Corn, Canned Green Beans, Other Canned Vegetables, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tomato Soup, Macaroni & Cheese, Vienna Sausage and Potted Meat, Oatmeal and Grits, Plastic Grocery Bags. (Place items in bin located in Welcome Center) HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE OF CABARRUS COUNTY – 4 ½ x 4 ½ Kleenex, Aloe Baby (unscented) Wipes, Pocket Size Tissues, Spanish CDs, Bird Seed. Contact Debbie Shields at 704-935-9434. (Place items in bin located in Welcome Center) WELCOMING PRAYER WORKSHOP, Saturday, November 15, 2014, 9 AM - 4 PM, St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 3016 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, Cost $30 (Includes Lunch) This workshop introduces participants to the actual method of the Welcoming Prayer and provides an opportunity to practice. The day includes discussions of the human condition and the false-self system as the conceptual background of the Welcoming Prayer. HOSPICE LIGHT UP A LIFE ANGEL TREE – it’s not too early to mark your calendar to volunteer at the Hospice Angel Tree December 10, 10 am-8:00 pm. For more information, contact Donna Wilson at 704-857-0788 or email Night Shelter Ministry—Helping those in need in our community by preparing and/or serving dinner or helping with check-in and welcoming the guests for a few hours at the Salvation Army Night Shelter, the Center of Hope. Many All Saints volunteers do this with their families and friends or in their Small Groups. For information contact: Jim Williams at 704-534-5362 or Our next opportunity to serve is the week of November 30th thru December 6th, 2014. 5 PRAYERS OF THE PARISH Prayer is the foundation of the ministry of this parish. As part of our weekly corporate prayers, we pray for our bishops, clergy and staff, those in acute need, and offer a cycle of prayers for individual provinces of the Anglican Communion, parishes of the Diocese of North Carolina and members of All Saints’ Prayer requests & praise reports can be added or removed by going to the All Saints’ website and clicking on Prayer Requests, or call the church office at 704-782-2024. You may choose to have your request sent to the Prayer Chain (a small group of faithful intercessors who pray daily for the requests) and/or to be included in the announcement bulletin. Please note that names will remain on the list for three weeks; unless otherwise requested. We pray for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop, Michael and Anne our Bishops, our clergy, staff and vestry. Diocese Cycle: Christ Church of Walnut Cove, All Saints’ of Warrenton, and Emmanuel of Warrenton. Intercessions: Darryl & Regina, Diana, Glenn, Guy, Helen, Jane, Jennifer, Jim, Judy, Jullian, Katherine, Ken, Larry, Laura, Linda, the Martin Family, Merle, Tanya, William and their families. In nursing homes or homebound: Alene Williams, Ben Burton, James E. Swann, Jr., Lee Goodman, Marcus Rutledge, Sarah MacRae and Uldrick Branford. Living with ongoing special needs: Amy, Annabelle, Bob & Brenda, Dalton, Dayna & Jason, Devyn, Yasmin & Maddox, Erika, George, Jennie, Ron & Joseph, Kendall, Lydia, Marjorie, Marshall, Mary, Michael, Mike, Paul, Rhonda, Stephanie, Sue, Tom. Serving in the military: Bo Simpson, Becca Simpson, Christopher Parker, Dylan Falcone, Dustin Turner, Jack Simpson, Cadet James Trollan, Jennifer Ahart Barkley, Justin Fisher, Justin Smith, Martin Hall, Jr., Michael Malone, Nicholas Golden, Owen Bullard, Peter Barkley, Zac Childers. Those taking the 2014 Bible Challenge: Bob & Pat Black, Elizabeth Solomon, Henry & Margaret Riley, Joe Hunter, Joe & Debbie Stegman, Ken Parker, Kim Harman, Kristin Hornung, Mary Reese, Pat Johnson. Our Stephen Ministers: Barbara Lewis, Barbara Parker, Charles Simmons, Dorothy Teeter, Doug Spreen, Gina Simmons, Lynda Waller, Mary Lou Fowler, Mickey Hayes, Valerie Devine, Wayne Fowler. Our College Students: Samantha Badgett, Brendan Byrne, Lauren Byrne, Parrish Caney, Anna Catherine Carroll, Caroline Coggins, Julia Connelly, Jim Cox, Tom Cox, Darren Everhardt, Savannah Everhardt, Kelly Hynek, Megan Hynek, Gabrielle Hollopeter, Suzanne Jasmine, Vance Morris, Molly Moser, Patrick Moser, Will Moyes, LiDan Noreen, Zara Noreen, Mac Mullins, Alexandra Ramdin, Jacquelyn Ramdin, Alison Russell, Kayla Russell, Jack Simpson, Nathan Shorter, Jameson Williams. 6 P a r t i c i p a n t s i n To d a y ’s L i t u r g y 8:00 AM Chalice Bearer: Fred Weber Lector: Fred Weber Usher: Clement Ramdin Celebrant: Reverend Reginald Payne-Wiens 9:00 AM Chalice Bearers: Debby Smith, De Torrey Ushers: Russ Hoyser, Ragan Kearns, Ken Parker Greeters: Woodson Hair, Paulette Burris Celebrant: Reverend Reginald Payne-Wiens Prayer Team: Bette Hudson, Deborah Monroe, George Monroe 11:10 AM Chalice Bearers: Matt Smith, Jo Erickson Lector: Don Smith Acolytes: Stephen Carroll, Josh Holdren, Julia Holdren, Tommy Jones, Rebecca Jones Ushers: Bob Black, John Cline, Tom Dillard, Fred Trull Greeters: Mathew Shorter, Amy Shorter, Joe Stegman, Debbie Stegman Celebrant: Reverend Reginald Payne-Wiens Altar Guild: Team 2 Jeanne McCarthy-Capt. , Julie Dwiggins, Ann King, Pam Novasad, Beth Simpson Choir 9:00 am – The Resurrection Choir 11:10 am – The Choir of All Saints’ Lesson Readings for November 16th – The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost Judges 4:1-7, Psalm 123, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. Matthew 25:14-30 are available online at The Lectionary Page, A LTA R F LOWERS The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for and in memory of our Veterans. Given by: The Veterans of All Saints 7 S AV E T H E D AT E ANNUAL EYC SPAGHETTI SUPPER Wednesday, Nov. 12th 5:45pm -7:15pm All Saints’ Parish Hall Consider becoming a Stephen Minister! For more information, contact Wayne Fowler (704-467-1387), Barbara Lewis (704-796-7100), Charles Simmons (704798-8402), or Dorothy Teeter (704-7854746). Look for Stephen Ministers wearing blue badges at church and ask them, too. New classes begin in January. All the Spaghetti, Salad & Bread you can eat! Please SUPPORT YOUTH in MISSION! FOYER/DINNER GROUPS will be starting in November for the winter. The signup sheet is on the board in the living room. Dinner groups are made up of 8 people (couples and singles). Your group will get together once a month for 4 months. You may choose the day and time you gather and whether you prefer to eat out or take turns hosting dinner in your homes. If you have any questions, you may contact Barbara Parker 704-784-1447. SUBMISSION DATES WOMEN’S ADVENT QUIET MORNING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Theme: WAIT FOR THE LORD Guest Speaker: The Rev. Sara Palmer Assistant Rector St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, High Point, NC A sign up sheet is located in the Welcome Center Contact: Virginia Ridenhour in the church office for more information at 704-782-2024. 8 Announcements Due by Monday, 12:00 pm, Weekly Scroll 15th of each month Vestry Liaison & Area Ben Smith, Sr. Warden/Leadership Development Bob Simpson Jr. Warden/Service Emily Badgett Mission Expansion Chuck Collier Stewardship & Planned Giving Roxanne Friday Adult Christian Formation Woodson Hair Finance Russ Hoyser Policy & Procedures Mike McDonough Technology Barbara Parker Parish Life Jerrod Smith Children & Youth Christian Dev Jackie Whitfield Early Childhood Dev/Strategic Planning Len Witke Stewardship of Physical Plant Reporting to the Vestry Richard Billings Treasurer Kim Gordick Vestry Clerk Clergy The Reverend Nancy L. J. Cox, Rector The Reverend Reginald Payne-Wiens, Asst. Rector Staff Amy Rose Cecil Director of Children & Youth Ministry Virginia Ridenhour Parish Business Manager Brian Sapp, MM Director of Music Evette Guine-Paige Parish Administrator All Saints’ Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am 5:00 pm Telephone 704-782-2024 Fax 704-782-2019 9 All Saints’ Calendar November 10 – November 16 Education for Ministry (EFM) 11/10 Monday, 6:00 pm F3 11/10 Tuesday, 5:30 am Staff Meeting 11/11 Tuesday, 1:00 pm Finance Committee 11/11 Tuesday, 7:00 pm Eucharist 11/12 Wednesday, 12:00 pm Children Making Music 11/12 Wednesday, 5:00 pm Education for Ministry (EFM) 11/12 Wednesday, 5:30 pm ANNUAL EYC SPAGHETTI SUPPER 11/12 Wednesday, 5:45 pm Bells of All Saints 11/12 Wednesday, 6:00 pm Experiencing Jesus 11/12 Wednesday, 6:45 pm Choir of All Saints 11/12 Wednesday, 7:00 pm Experiencing Jesus 11/12 Wednesday, 7:00 pm Meeting the Needs of the Alzheimer’s Patient 11/12 Wednesday, 7:00 pm F3 11/13 Thursday, 5:30 am Order of St. Lukes 11/13 Thursday, 7:00 pm Property and Maintenance Committee 11/13 Thursday, 6:00 pm F3 11/15 Saturday, 7:00 am Resurrection Choir 11/15 Saturday, 3:00 pm EYC Middle & High School 11/16 Sunday, 5:30 pm ALL SAINTS’ WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY 8:00 am Quiet Communion 9:00 am Casual Communion 11:10 am Traditional WEDNESDAY 12:00 pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10 A Note on Today’s Readings Proper 27: Sunday closest to November 9—Year A Welcome to All Saints’. Now, as we enter the last weeks of the Church year, the liturgy is focused on the “last things,” and especially the return of Christ as Judge. The Gospel reading is the familiar parable of the wise and foolish maidens. The emphasis here is always to live in readiness for the Lord’s return. We are drawing near the end of our reading through the ancient story of God’s people. The Israelites have now settled in the Promised Land. Joshua has called them together to renew the Covenant they made with God at Mount Sinai. This renewal recalls to them all the mighty acts God has done on their behalf from the time of Abraham to their own time. The second reading continues the first letter to the Thessalonians. Some in that church, expecting the Lord to return in their lifetimes, have begun to doubt because some of the members have died. Paul assures these early Christians that those who die before the Lord’s return will nonetheless be saved. In our Eucharistic gathering, we are in a kind of rehearsal for life in the Day of Judgment. We find in our prayer the model for the commitment to ministry and social justice, which gives heart and soul to our worship; and in communion, we meet the Lord as judge and as Savior. From The Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the Church Year. Copyright © 2007 by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incorporated, New York. 11
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