Welcome to the family of

Offertories for last Sunday
Whom to contact
Amount needed each week for
parish ministry in 2014: $6,760
4421 2018
4421 6884
www.allsaintsnowra.org.au (fax) 4421 7122
Secretary: Katelyn Bailey Mon-Fri 9-12noon
Parish offertories:
Mission giving: $768
For giving offertories
electronically, the details are:
Parish: BSB 062-585,
Account 10117813,
All Saints Anglican Church Nowra
ASCC: BSB 032-691,
Account 246574,
All Saints Community Care Inc –
remember to include your name
in order to receive a taxdeductible receipt.
Missions: BSB 062-585,
Account 10117821,
All Saints Anglican Church Nowra
- please indicate (or email the
Treasurer) if your donation is
intended for a specific mission.
Graham Tillott, Treasurer
Acting Rector
Bp David Mulready
Welcome to the family of
4421 2018
0428 030 774
Associate Minister
Rev Jai McMordie
0425 279 721
jmcmordie@allsaintsnowra.org.au 4421 2018
Student Minister
Ministry for Youth & Children
Josh Murphy
0401 163 620
4421 2018
The Church of the Good Shepherd, Nerriga
The Union Church, Greenwell Point
as we meet together to meet with God
12th October 2014
Today’s Sermon Titles & Bible Readings:
8am: Proverbs 3:1-18 p987
Ministry to Seniors
Rev David Woodbridge
0429 442 302
4423 0274
10am & 5.00pm:
Minister for Open House Fellowship
Rev Ray Beckman
Church Wardens
Bruce Wright
Ron Hockey
Kay Cutmore
4446 0661
0428 428 940
4422 8459
Graham Tillott
0410 185 071
Verger & Maintenance Co-ordinator
Allan Weatherby
0434 108 017
All Saints Community Care
Lyn Miles
Bus (mobile 0405 108 994)
10am service
Wednesday: for Open House
4423 1099
4423 1998
0405 108 994
0405 108 994
(leave message on Bus mobile)
What we do...
Point to the Lord
Jesus, with Bibles
open, in the
power of the Holy
The results we
look for...
Loving fellowships
of committed
worshipping God
together, seeking
to reconcile
people to Christ,
to mature them in
Him, to involve
them in service to
one another and
the world.
Psalm 83 p411 AAPB Ephesians 2:11-22 p1819
John 3:1-21 p1649
Ephesians 2:11-22 p1819
John 3:1-21 p1649
As Christians, we have been rescued for the purpose of
being friends with God and to work hard to bring
others into friendship with Him.
Over the next three weeks we’re going to think during
our sermons about Mission:
God as the originator of world mission
Jesus Christ as the message of world mission
Mission muscle: how we fit into world mission
Our loving God reached out to us. For God so loved the
world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life.
(John 3:16)
God’s Mission has consequences for us. What do you
think they might be?
By the way, it’s great to be back with you, having been
away for three weeks.
David Mulready
This week at a glance: 13th to 19th October 2014
The Collect Lord, we pray that your grace may always uphold and
encourage us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Diocesan Prayer Almighty God, we call upon you for such an outpouring of
your Holy Spirit upon us, that we as your people may be assured of your love
through your word, seek to please the Saviour in all things, manifest the godly
life and be filled with prayerful and sacrificial compassion for the lost in the
entire world. In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen
Pray for our Synod Reps Please be in prayer for our 2 new Synod
representatives, Glenda Devlin & Trevor Cutmore, as they prepare to attend
the 1st Ordinary Session of the 50th Synod on our behalf this year. Bp David
Mulready will also attend.
The 1st ordinary session of the 50th Synod is to be held from tomorrow,
Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th, Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st
October with afternoon and evening sittings on each of these 5 days.
Please Pray for...
those we know who are ill or facing long term illness:
Roy Allman, Madira Arnold, Ray & Sue Beckman, Melvin Dagg (Elaine’s Uncle),
Peggy Dowling, Joanna Gash, John Glennan, Shane Iredale & mum Beryl, Sally
Jones, Frank Kercher, Rob Maher, Alys McNaughton, Adrian Oliver, Matthew
Pickering, Yani Stawski, Beryl Stewart, Barbara Willis (Sue’s mum), David
Woodbridge, Pauline Wright, Anthony Turner
Continuing progress for: Barbara Walton
Those who are housebound/Nursing Home residents: Warren Barrett, Alan
& Yvonne Harvey, Jack McNaughton, Phyllis O’Keeffe, Reg Pope, Nancy Sharples,
Violet Stockman
Pray for SECET & SRE Teachers:
Grant Abbott (Bomaderry), Keith Fellows (Vincentia), Andrew Perry & Mike
Hoffman (Nowra), Michelle Beazley & Marty Richardson (Shoalhaven)
SECET Board Representative: Elaine Langshaw
Teacher Support Group: Elaine Langshaw, Beth Dodd
SRE Teachers at Nowra, Greenwell Pt, Nowra Hill, Bay &
Basin Public Schools: Catherine Apperley, Barbara Davey, Wendy
Kettlewell, Shane Iredale, Josh Murphy, Elaine Langshaw, Leanne Beer,
Catherine Bolton, Robert & Sheila Emery, Jai McMordie, Melanie Drury,
Gloria Arnold
All Saints’ Movie Club – phone Catriona 4446 0222 for details
Tuesday Ladies Bible Study Leader’s meeting in the Cottage
Ladies Craft Group in Hall (Crafting Forever Friendships)
Parish Ladies Bible Study in Hall & Church
SECET Board & Teacher’s Meeting in Hall
Praying for the Parish & Beyond in the Cottage
Nowra Public School Scripture
Open House Fellowship (& Meal) in Hall
EPIC (Every Parent in Christ) in Hall – Crèche provided
Greenwell Point Public School Scripture
Senior Ladies Bible Study in Hall
Parish Council Meeting in St John’s Room
Retired Men’s Bible Study in Hall
English for Life Classes in Hall
Kid’s Club (yrs 4-6) in Hall
Combined Anglican Youth Convention at All Saints
Holy Communion, followed by Morning Tea in the Hall
Morning Service, followed by Morning Tea in the Hall
Nursing Home Ministry Team Meeting in the Cottage
Evening Service & Baptism (starts with a cuppa and chat in the
Hall, Children’s Dinner at 5pm, Service commences at 5.30pm in
the Church)
The requested item for All Saints Community Care is:
“Tinned Corn”
We have two excellent books for this month’s ‘book of the month’!
Both are on prayer: Talking about prayer, by Richard Bewes. $10
A call to Spiritual Reformation, by Don Carson. $15
See David Mulready while stocks last!
Sermon Notes
Series Title: “Mission, God and me”
“God the originator of world mission”
Bible passage: John 3:1-21
Preachers: 8am & 10am David Mulready; 5pm Jai McMordie
Service at Nerriga Today
You are invited to join our brothers and sisters at
Nerriga today at 2pm for a service of Evening Prayer.
Afternoon tea will be served after the service
All Saints Movie Club – tomorrow (2
Monday each month)
If you enjoy seeing movies come along to the All Saints Movie Club
this Monday.
For details of what the club is seeing and at what time phone or
email Catriona Thompson on 4446 0222, catriona.thompson@gmail.com
Safe Ministry thTraining
Saturday the 25 October
I will be conducting Safe Ministry training Part A and B for Parishioners of All
Saints. If you are someone that assists with children’s ministries at All Saints,
whether that be in a teaching or supervision role, you should make an effort
to be there. I understand this is a Saturday and a large commitment so thank
you for taking the time to ensure All Saints is a safe environment for our
Josh Murphy
‘Used’ stamps
Next Sunday:
Topic: Jesus Christ: the message of world mission
Passage: Acts 13:13-52
Don’t throw your ‘used’ stamps in the bin – bring
them in and place them in the ‘STAMP BOX’ which
is located on the back of the Sidespersons pew.
The ‘used’ stamps will be collected and sent to BCA
for sorting before being sold to stamp dealers or at
auction. Monies raised this way helps with the
servicing costs of Ministers vehicles in the Outback.
SECET News (Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education Teachers Inc)
Operation Christmas Child
“A Taste of Christmas”
Saturday 15th November
The last day to submit your shoebox is Sunday 19th October.
Please place them at the back of the church. The response so far
has been tremendous! John Watts.
At Sue Weissel’s home at Terara
Scripture Reading in Church
Second hand Book Stall
Books will be collected from the Office on Monday 2 November.
The Baptist Church will be holding a 2nd hand book stall
at “A Taste of Christmas” (among lots of other stalls on
the day) to help with raising funds for SECET.
Donations of 2nd hand books on gardening, craft,
biographies etc…. (must be in good condition) for the
stall can be left at the back of church (in a suitable
container marked “SECET”) or bought directly to the Church Office between
9am-12midday. Thank you.
A reminder to those who received the earlier note. Part 'A' session will be
held in Church today from 11.30 - 12.30pm. and be repeated from 3 - 4pm.
Part 'B' will be at the same times next Sunday.
All Saints Stall
ASCC car boot sale, Saturday 29th November!
Saturday 15th November
To show our support of SECET we are organising a table at the up-coming
Taste of Christmas SECET fundraiser.
We are seeking donations from you such as handmade craft items to sell, or
people to help man the stall on the day.
If you can help in any way, please contact Jan Tillott on 0407 727 950
BCA News
24 boxes have been submitted so far. Your boxes await collection at
the back of the church. We would like the remainder by Sunday 19th
October. John Watts.
All Saints' Community Care is planning a car boot sale again this year in the
church car park.
Now is a good time to start looking around for those bits and pieces cluttering
up your garage or spare room, and setting them aside to go out at the car
boot sale.
More details will be available closer to the date.
Tip vouchers please
Cockington Green bus trip!
There is a large pile of green matter in the corner of the car park to be taken to
the tip.
Wednesday 12th November
$35 pp and includes bus ticket, entry and morning tea.
To reserve your seat put your details on the list at the back of the church or see
Katelyn at the Office during the week.
Enquiries: David Woodbridge 0429 442 302
Also needed are trailers or trucks to take it to the tip. This will help make more
car spaces available!
Please let Katelyn know if you are available to help or put a tip voucher in an
envelope marked “tip vouchers” and leave at the office or in the letter box at the
back of the church. Many thanks! The Wardens