19 April 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter

Welcome to All Saints West Dulwich
Vicar & Area Dean: Revd David Stephenson (020 8670 0826 / vicar@all-saints.org.uk)
Curate: Revd Gill O’Neill (07958 592425 / curate@all-saints.org.uk)
Assistant Priest: Revd Cathy Wiles (07837 407491 / asstpriest@all-saints.org.uk)
Parish Administrator: Wendy Stephens (020 8676 4550 / parishsecretary@all-saints.org.uk)
www.all-saints.org.uk Registered Charity: 1137041
19 April 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter:
Welcome We welcome Matthew Wiles, his
parents, Jez and Helen, and other family and
friends as he is baptised this morning.
Risen Christ,
you filled your disciples with boldness
and fresh hope:
strengthen us to proclaim your risen life
and fill us with your peace,
to the glory of God the Father,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This morning’s readings
Acts 3.12-19
Luke 24.36-48
This Week’s Services & Groups
Morning Prayer
Mon – Fri 9.30am
Evening Prayer
Mon - Thu 5pm
Tue 7.30pm
Thu 12.15pm
Bible Study
Tue 10am
Community Coffee Morning
Thu 10.30am
Christian meditation
Thu 7pm
smAll Saints
26 April 2015
4th Sunday of Easter:
8.00am Holy Communion
This morning’s hymns
351, 84, 103, 295, 352 (omit v.4)
10.00am Eucharist
Acts 4.5-12
John 10.11-18
The strife is o’er—Ley
6.30pm Evensong
Exodus 16.4-15
Revelation 2.12-17
David is taking the service at St Peter’s
Streatham this morning.
6.30pm Evensong
Deuteronomy 7.7-13
Revelation 2.1-11
Anthem: O Lord, increase our faith—
Fri 10.15am
Acts 3.12-19
Luke 24.36-48
When Peter saw it, he addressed the people,
‘You Israelites, why do you wonder at this, or
why do you stare at us, as though by our own
power or piety we had made him walk? The
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors has
glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed
over and rejected in the presence of Pilate,
though he had decided to release him. But
you rejected the Holy and Righteous One and
asked to have a murderer given to you, and
you killed the Author of life, whom God
raised from the dead. To this we are
witnesses. And by faith in his name, his name
itself has made this man strong, whom you
see and know; and the faith that is through
Jesus has given him this perfect health in the
presence of all of you.
While they were talking about this, Jesus
himself stood among them and said to them,
‘Peace be with you.’ They were startled and
terrified, and thought that they were seeing
a ghost. He said to them, ‘Why are you
frightened, and why do doubts arise in your
hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see
that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a
ghost does not have flesh and bones as you
see that I have.’ And when he had said this,
he showed them his hands and his feet. While
in their joy they were disbelieving and still
wondering, he said to them, ‘Have you
anything here to eat?’ They gave him a piece
of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their
‘And now, friends, I know that you acted in
ignorance, as did also your rulers. In this way
God fulfilled what he had foretold through all
the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer.
Repent therefore, and turn to God so that
your sins may be wiped out.
Then he said to them, ‘These are my words
that I spoke to you while I was still with you—
that everything written about me in the law
of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must
be fulfilled.’ Then he opened their minds to
understand the scriptures, and he said to
them, ‘Thus it is written, that the Messiah is
to suffer and to rise from the dead on the
third day, and that repentance and
forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his
name to all nations, beginning from
Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
Parish Mission Action Planning Day—Sunday 26 April Beginning with our 10am service we are
inviting members of All Saints to stay on for a range of discussions and activities to enable us
to consult as widely as possible as we put together our All Saints Mission Action Plan—this is
your chance to contribute to the shaping of our vision and planning for the next period of our
life. There will also be Mission Action Planning activities for children. The day will include a
bring & share lunch and will end by 3pm at the latest. Sign up sheet for lunch in the welcome
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is on Wednesday 29th April, beginning at 7.30pm. To be
eligible to be nominated to stand and to vote in elections for churchwardens, Deanery Synod
reps and PCC members you must be on the All Saints Electoral Roll—copy available to check
and application forms available. The Annual report will be published ahead of the meeting.
General Election Hustings There are two opportunities coming up for people to meet the
parliamentary candidates for Dulwich and West Norwood. Monday 20 April (8-9.30pm) - St
Stephen's Church, College Road and Thursday 23 April (7-9pm) – East Dulwich Community
Centre, 46-50 Darrell Road, SE22 9NL.
Easter Lilies The final cost was £4 per lily. If you bought a lily/lilies, please could you let
Hilary have an additional 50p per lily as soon as possible—there is an honesty jar on the table
in the Welcome Hall. Thank you, Hilary Putt (8761 4265, hilaryputt@aol.com)
Community Coffee Morning Coffee mornings will resume after the Easter break on Thursday
15 April. The new Summer Flier is available to pick up from the table in the Welcome Hall.
On Thursday 23 April Luke Zander, the Chair of Governors of Turney School and retired GP will
be giving a talk on Turney school and special needs education. Please do come along if you
can. All welcome.
Outing to Ham House on Wednesday 1 July 2015 Anyone interested in joining the Coffee
Morning outing to Ham House, please get in touch with Ann Holly as soon as possible. 020
Women’s Bring and Share Breakfast Saturday 25th April at 9.30am in the cafe area. Always a
lively occasion with a relatively healthy breakfast. All welcome. Please do come and join us.
To all regular members of the congregation a message on Stewardship Just a reminder that
we are all encouraged to mark our financial commitment to All Saints by joining the Planned
Giving Scheme, ie giving by Standing Order or by using personalised white envelopes. Please
talk to or email our Stewardship Officer, Hilary Putt. 020 8761 4265, hilaryputt@aol.com
David on Sabbatical David has been offered the opportunity of a three month Sabbatical this
coming summer and will be away from All Saints from June until the beginning of September—
more details of his exciting plans to follow!
Flower arranging a new draft rota for flower arrangers is in the Welcome Area. If you would
like to give and arrange flowers for the church just once a year, please sign up. We ask only
for one arrangement, and no expertise! Help can be given for the first time. Thank you,
Hilary Putt 020 8761 4265, hilaryputt@aol.com.
Christian Aid Week (10th -16th May) Volunteers needed. More details to follow but if you
can help, please speak to Jenny West on 0208 670 1341.
A date for the diary Please put Sunday 28th 2015 June in your diary for a special lunchtime
celebration. More details to follow.
Embrace the Middle East Annual Lecture Tuesday 12 May at 6.30pm One of the charities
All Saints has supported in the past, this year the lecture is to be given by the Rt Rev & Rt Hon
Dr Rowan Williams on 'Warrior archaeologists: making and remaking history in the Middle East'
at St James's Church, Piccadilly,W1J 9LL. Admission free but booking essential:
www.embraceme.org/events / info@embraceme.org / 01494 897950.
Prayer Matters 19th April 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter
Please keep in your prayers this week:
All Saints - MAP – Mission Action Planning – shaping our vision and future together. That we
can use this opportunity for discussion, interaction and partaking of a shared meal to plan the
next period of All Saints’ life.
West Dulwich – Our local General Election Candidates and for all those standing as
parliamentary candidates in what will be a tight fought election. That we can have the
opportunity to take on board all that the Parties offer and make a reasoned and well informed
decision by the time it comes to vote.
The World— for peace throughout the world. For Christians throughout the world, especially
in areas where people are persecuted for their beliefs, remembering especially the captive
Nigerian schoolgirls.
Education—for all those studying for exams whether it be GCSEs, A Levels or university and for
all the teachers and lecturers involved in education.
All Saints Charity of the week – L’Arche (Lambeth and International)
Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, in March won the 2015 Templeton Prize. What began
quietly in northern France in 1964, when Vanier invited two intellectually disabled men to
come and live with him as friends, has now grown into 147 L’Arche residential communities
operating in 35 countries, and more than 1,500 Faith and Light support groups in 82 countries
that similarly urge solidarity among people with and without disabilities.
Banns: for Olivia Edmondson & Andrew Dinning, Nicola Adshead & Jonathan Pickstone and Ele
Osborn & Nigel Greenhill whose Banns are being read this week.
Baptism: for Matthew Wiles and Joseph Enock both baptised this Sunday. May they forever
have God’s love to guide them.
Those who are sick or in need: Helena Berthon, Ruth Bennet, Beth, Ben, Ada Daters,
Hyacinth Brown, Cynthia Tuke, Wisdom Karikari, George Farmer, Zee Zee Gwaite, Jenny
Bundark, Amanda Piper, Jan Ross, John Family, Andre Hartmann, Harry Barratt, John
Billingham; and those who support and care for them.
Those who have lately died: Any known to us.
Those whose year’s mind falls this week: Grace Dolores Mary Wilson, Margo Stallybrass and
George Gilbert Pritt (priest).
Commemorated this week – Mark the Evangelist – 25th April
John Mark was a Jew and, according to Paul's letter to the Colossians, was cousin to Barnabas.
He accompanied Barnabas and Paul on their first missionary journey. Afterwards, he went to
Cyprus with Barnabas and to Rome with first Paul and then Peter. Mark's gospel is generally
regarded as the earliest and was most likely written whilst he was in Rome. It was probably
based as much on Peter's preaching of the good news as on Mark's own memory. Mark's gospel
has a sharpness and an immediacy about it and he does not spare the apostles in noting their
weaknesses and lack of understanding that Jesus the Christ would suffer for the world's
redemption. Sharing in the glory of the resurrection means sharing in the giving of self, both in
body and spirit, even to death; sharing the gospel was, for all, in essence both excessively
generous and ultimately sacrificial.
Thought for the week:
The mind of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out
evil. The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. The light of
the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the body.
Proverbs 15. 28-33
If there is something or someone we should call to mind in our prayers, please phone Pat
Fisher on 8289 8348 or the Church Office (8676 4550).